Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 333 Meeting Ma Hongjun by chance

Chapter 333 Meeting Ma Hongjun by chance

"A better room, do you have the money?"

Seeing Tang San who was not taking any initiative at all, the chubby steward gave Tang San a roll of his eyes unceremoniously. He would not waste words with Tang San if it was no good.

Not to mention that the good rooms have long been gone. The captain vacated his captain's room to the two soul masters, and he went to occupy the first mate's room. By analogy, the best room has been selected by his own crew. .

Regarding the rude manager, Tang San also blushed, and almost didn't write the other person directly on the list of ways to die.

But he had to go to Poseidon Island. As a last resort, Tang San could only suppress the anger in his heart and hand over a golden soul coin.

When he saw Qian, a smile suddenly appeared on the steward's face, and Tang San became interested in saying a few more words.

"Of course there are good rooms, but the price is very expensive. You have to be mentally prepared."

"What kind of things are there?" Tang San, who had spent money, naturally wanted to explain clearly the meaning of the matter.

"With a maximum of 8000 gold soul coins, a 30-square-meter private suite, private bathroom, three meals with special seafood, and a dedicated waiter, you can experience sea fishing, net fishing and seafood party activities."

The steward was talking about his own room. If the price was enough, he wouldn't mind going to a small room by himself.

"what about others?"

"The rest are fluctuating between 600 gold soul coins and 8000 gold soul coins." Impatience reappeared on the steward's face.

"How much are you willing to pay?" A gold soul coin can only buy his smiling face for a short period of time.

Seeing the appearance of the profiteer in charge in front of him, Tang San's face turned cold. He swallowed his money and still didn't speak politely. This greedy guy already had a way to kill him.

"For 1500 gold soul coins, how much can you get if you only ask for three meals and a room?"

"1500 gold soul coins." The steward looked at Tang San carefully. This was not a small amount of money. You must know that he had overpaid for the profit he wanted to make.

If this deal turns out to be a benefit, he will get at least 200 gold soul coins, "a 15-square-meter single room, three meals with green vegetables, fruits and hot soup."

Seeing that Tang San was still hesitating, the steward added, "Our ship will go out to sea tomorrow. If you want to sit on it, you must pay the deposit before the sun goes down today."

"As for the treatment of the other two companies, which are not much better than those of the Hanhai, you can ask yourself."

"Can I see the room?" Tang San hesitated and asked again.

"Of course." The steward also saw that Tang San seemed to have a real intention, raised his hand and greeted in the distance, "Ma Hongjun, come here!"

"Ma Hongjun?" Tang San couldn't help but be startled when he heard the name, and then he saw a familiar fat man with red hair running over.

"Steward, what's the matter?" Ma Hongjun, who ran over in a hurry, bowed his eyebrows and complimented the steward, without recognizing Tang San, whose face had changed greatly.

In comparison, Ma Hongjun has changed a lot. He is much thinner than before, and his complexion is obviously sallow. It seems that his life has not been easy in the past few years.

"Take this guest to see the rooms, the 15-square-meter room at the stern, and the five-square-meter small single room below the deck."

After saying the request, the steward seemed to have thought of something and said sternly to Ma Hongjun, "Remember, please stay away from the distinguished guests in the captain's cabin, and don't look around, otherwise you will suffer a lot!"

This guy is a crew member recruited by the Han Hai on Poseidon Island. It is said that he has a very bad reputation on the island. Not only does he look at women with a vulgar appearance, but he even steals women's underwear.

If it weren't for the help of several high-level soul masters behind him, he would have been thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

Even so, he couldn't survive on Poseidon Island and could only work on a merchant ship full of men.

Ma Hongjun, who had been severely warned many times, was completely deflated, but the impulse in his heart could not be suppressed no matter what. He had heard from other crew members that the female VIP was as beautiful as the Sea Witch.

It is said that after three months of sailing, a sow competes with Diao Chan. Ma Hongjun has been feeling depressed since he boarded the ship. When he arrived in Hanhai City, he had no money to spend.

It's just that the steward knew Ma Hongjun's virtues and deliberately didn't let him go yesterday to avoid embarrassment. After that, he specifically told Ma Hongjun several times to stay away from the captain's cabin.

Although the 15-square-meter single room was a little small, it was still clean. Having made up his mind, Tang San turned his attention to Ma Hongjun.

It can be seen from the other party's appearance that he has not found a way to restore his dantian on Poseidon Island.

No, Tang San shook his head secretly when he thought about the magic of divine inheritance. Perhaps it wasn't necessarily that Poseidon Island didn't have a way to restore Ma Hongjun's soul power, but that he was not qualified to obtain it.

Because the relationship with Yu Xiaogang and Flanders was not good when they parted ways, Tang San had no intention of getting acquainted with Ma Hongjun.

However, Tang San's attitude was very easy-going, because he wanted to get advance information about the arrival of outsiders on Poseidon Island from Ma Hongjun.

But the journey was long, so there was no need to rush for this day. After confirming the room, Tang San paid the deposit to the steward and made an appointment to board the ship before 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.


There is a small white beach more than ten miles away from the pier. It is surrounded by rocks and is off the main road, so few people come here. The naturally clear blue sea exudes a fresh breath unique to the ocean, and the gentle sea breeze ripples along with the waves.

On the pure white beach, under a pure white parasol, a slim purple-haired figure lay flat on the beach, with her red lips letting out a pleasant moan.

It was a beautiful girl who looked to be about 20 years old. Her beautiful face was full of contentment, and her opened purple eyes vaguely showed a ray of maturity and nobility that went deep into her bones.

She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit that was roughly the same color as her long hair, covering her proud assets and only revealing her smooth belly with faintly visible muscle texture.

A pair of straight long legs overlap each other, and the delicate skin stained with water drops meets the white sand, making it look even fairer.

It's a pity that her pair of jade feet were buried in the hot and delicate white sand, and only the flexible and separated toes were exposed. The purple manicure reflected the crystal luster under the sunlight.

Behind her, another young man with black hair was skillfully setting up a large tent that looked like a house.

This is not a task that one person can easily solve, but seeing how the young man effortlessly inserted the bowl-thick alloy pillar into the beach for more than half a meter at a time, he could complete it quickly.

"Light, I'm hungry, when are you going to cook?" The girl got up with a satisfied look on her face, turned to look at the tent that had been set up with satisfaction, and then looked at the black-haired young man with a smile on her face.

"It's only what time it is." Guang looked at the sky, speechless, at the sun that was a quarter gone. "I remember that you ate at more than a dozen roadside stalls in Hanhai City in the morning."

"I'm hungry."

"Bread, braised pork, juice." Guang threw the three items over with a touch of his ring, and then took out a board.

"I don't want to eat this. Of course I have to eat seafood at the beach." Bibi Dong took the food thrown by Guang, with a smirk in his eyes, and at the same time looked at the board in Guang's hand that was taller than him with some curiosity.

"If you want to have a seafood dinner, you have to have the ingredients. If you have the ability to go to the sea to catch them, it would be good to have seafood barbecue for lunch."

Just looking at Bibi Dong who had completely given up her disguise made him feel a little headache, so he shouldn't believe Bibi Dong's lies and they would go on a trip together. Bringing Nana or Xie Yue Bibi Dong with him would have restrained him a lot.

It was indeed very laborious to seal Tang Chen. Even if it was successful, it would still require a peerless Douluo and 108 soul masters of at least the Soul Saint level to guard the node.

Just after Bibi Dong stayed for one year, Qian Daoliu took over, and then she dragged him out with him.

The reason why she chose Xihai was that besides the fact that she had rarely had contact with the ocean, there was also the hidden danger on Poseidon Island.

But judging from Bibi Dong's appearance, she obviously wanted to take a vacation more than doing business.

"I'm going surfing. If you can get some seafood, I'll make seafood barbecue when I get back." Guang dragged the gold and white board and looked at Bibi Dong, who didn't hide his true nature, and couldn't resist it.

In the past few days, he had understood that he probably couldn't beat Bibi Dong in terms of shamelessness, so it was better to run away.

"Surfing? How to play with this board?" Bibi Dong followed with interest. She didn't really want to eat, nor did she just want to eat seafood.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if she flew directly to Hanhai City to eat out?

She simply enjoyed the pleasure of lying flat and working. Although it sounded a bit bad, she could feel the extraordinarily refreshing joy in her heart.

"Want to play together?" Guang touched the ring and took out a black and white board with a killer whale painted on it.

Playing with two people is naturally more enjoyable than playing alone, and finding things for Bibi Dong to do can curb her bad taste, right?

"...To put it simply, it's like playing on the sea on a board. You can use air control to assist, but only by using your body can you truly experience the fun of riding the waves."

Seeing Bibi Dong's somewhat confused look, Guang, thinking that he was also a dabbler, simply stopped talking and directly handed the board to Bibi Dong and chose to do it in the water.

Anyway, they can assist with air control. Not only do they not need to worry about safety issues, but it is also easy to get started. If the waves are too small and not exciting, they can even create artificial waves.

Bibi Dong didn't refuse Guang's proposal to get started directly. Walking on the waves in the sea was fun to listen to. She had never experienced it before.

My previous sea experience was only once when I took a boat to Poseidon Island to watch the battle. If you think about it, it wasn't much fun.

Before even setting foot on the sea, this sea journey felt more exciting than her previous experiences.

The main reason is that Guang has no intention of being limited by cognition at all. He will take her to look for food and shopping in Hanhai City. The day before leaving, he did not stay in a hotel, but found an excellent beach to camp on.

Now he is taking her surfing, and even throws a harpoon to her so that she can catch fish and prepare barbecue ingredients. How could she do such a thing as the Empress of the Spirit Empire?

Being a queen should not be about being elegant, exemplary, and majestic at all times. She should be perfect at all times and not do anything inconsistent with her status.

For example, if Emperor Xueye of the Tiandou Empire slaughtered a dog on the street, and then set up a fire directly on the roadside to make dog meat hot pot and eat it, his mouth would be full of oil. When other people saw it, would they think that Emperor Xueye had something to do with it? Damage the dignity of the royal family.

And compared with the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, what is the difference between Bibi Dong, the former pope of the Wuhun Palace and the first queen of the current Wuhun Empire, and the emperor of the Tiandou Empire?

This is the perception of most people in Douluo Continent, and it is also the invisible restriction that binds most people.

But if she breaks or even ignores these conventional cognitive limitations, Bibi Dong can feel a sense of comfort that she has never experienced before.

(End of this chapter)

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