Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 334 Beat up profiteers

Chapter 334 Beat up profiteers

"Of course I know the information about Poseidon Island, but those are secrets that cannot be spread outside."

After listening to the question of the third young master in front of him, Ma Hongjun turned his clever mouse eyes and said half-hiddenly: "These secrets may involve the legendary Lord Poseidon."

"Poseidon?" Tang San narrowed his eyes. Could it be that Poseidon Island really has gods? No, it should be the inheritance place of gods similar to the City of Slaughter.

Although there is a legacy left by the gods, the gods themselves should not be here.

However, since the Shura God Exam arranged for him to go to Poseidon Island, it means that the relationship between Shura God and Poseidon should not be bad, and maybe he can get help from there.

After thinking about it, Tang San asked Ma Hongjun again, and the other person started pointing here and there, no longer revealing any useful information, and even rubbing his fingers from time to time.

Tang San, who was relatively familiar with Ma Hongjun's character, immediately understood that the other party wanted money, and with such hesitant behavior, if he wanted him to tell everything, he would probably be slaughtered like a fat sheep!

Tang San, who understood, sneered in his heart, and without changing his face, he tossed a golden soul coin and handed it to Ma Hongjun, "Tell me, the information about Poseidon Island."

Ma Hongjun, who grabbed the golden soul coin, could not hide the deep desire in his eyes. After stuffing the coin into his arms, he licked his lips and spoke slowly.

"Poseidon Island is a paradise for sea soul masters. The strongest one among them is Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon. It is said that he is on par with the strongest people in Wuhun Palace."

"There are seven sacred pillars below. Each of the sacred pillars is a powerful one at the level of a titled Douluo. They are Sea Dragon, Sea Spear, Sea Vanity, Sea Horse, Sea Ghost, Starfish, and Sea Girl."

"Each Holy Pillar has an army of 500 sea soul masters and a corresponding city."

So strong? Tang San's eyes lit up. With seven titled Douluo, plus a 3500-strong soul master army, if Poseidon Island helps, he may not be able to stage a return of the king drama.

The combined forces of Haotian Sect, Poseidon Island, and the two great empires can definitely defeat the evil Spirit Hall.

And he, Tang San, is the core promoter of this plan. With his pure Haotian Sect bloodline, as long as he gets the support of Poseidon Island, he can implement most of the plan.

After realizing clearly, Tang San couldn't help but feel that the future was bright, and the bright future of destroying the Spirit Hall and becoming the Shura God was waving to him.

"What else?" Tang San, who had just been aroused, raised his head and looked at Ma Hongjun who closed his mouth again and rubbed his fingers while thinking about it, a feeling of déjà vu emerged in his heart.

Back then, when he first arrived in Soto City, that damn profiteer Flanders seemed to have played with him like this.

Compared to Flanders, who is cunning, discerning and has enough strength to support him, Ma Hongjun's methods are undoubtedly much rougher.

However, the greed in his heart had been aroused and he had already made up his mind. If the other party wanted him to tell all the information he knew about Poseidon Island, he would need at least 50 gold soul coins.

What I said at the beginning was just a sweetener for the third young master opposite.

Ma Hongjun didn't have the ability to judge people's choices. He was just too short of money, and the one time he fished for him had consumed all the love from Flanders.

Even after arranging Ma Hongjun's job on the Hanhai, the stingy Flanders didn't give him any money. Ma Hongjun, who had just come out of the cell and was penniless, could only work honestly on the Hanhai.

You have to wait for the round trip to end before you can get the temporary wages of 1 gold soul coin, and in Ma Hongjun's opinion, 1 gold coin is enough for what you can do.

You must know that he was originally in Soto City, and the 10 gold coins a month he received from Wuhun Palace was not enough! Not to mention that the prices on Poseidon Island are much higher than those in Soto City.

This gold soul coin is enough for what he can do. He can only eat a few good meals and go to the lowest-end bathing house. How can he endure this kind of life.

So Ma Hongjun made up his mind to make a fortune on the fat sheep in front of him. With the eyesight he inherited from Flanders, he could basically determine:

The other party is very interested in Poseidon Island, and it doesn't look like he has no money. It shouldn't be difficult for him to get dozens of gold soul coins from the other party.

If it were anyone else, Tang San would naturally be willing to spend dozens of gold soul coins to learn more about Poseidon Island's information.

But opposite was Ma Hongjun. As soon as he saw Ma Hongjun's appearance as a profiteer waiting for a price, Tang San thought of his teacher Flanders, and then thought of that large piece of top-quality plate crystal!

His dragon beard needle! ! !

Seeing that there was no one around him, Tang San clenched his fist and punched him unceremoniously.


Before Ma Hongjun could scream, Tang San's other hand hit Ma Hongjun's chin directly from below, and then used the opportunity to cover Ma Hongjun's mouth.

Then Tang San pinned Ma Hongjun to the corner, aimed his fists at special parts of his body, and hammered him with his fists one after another.

Avoiding the face and fatal wounds, Tang San hit all the places that were extremely painful but with moderate damage. The blows made Ma Hongjun's eyes turn white and he almost lost his breath from the pain.

Tang San aimed his fist at Ma Hongjun's face and punched him. As the strong wind spread across the face, Ma Hongjun closed his eyes in fear.

"Are you being dishonest?" His fist stopped on the tip of Ma Hongjun's nose. Tang San suddenly withdrew his strength and looked at Ma Hongjun, who was pale and sweating profusely, and said in a cold voice.

Ma Hongjun, who did not feel the expected pain, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the slowly retracted fist in front of him, and subconsciously took a long breath, feeling his heart pounding non-stop.

The other party was obviously a more powerful soul master than before he was deposed. Ma Hongjun's face turned gloomy. He had finally become the ordinary person he despised.

After being deposed, he lived an extremely painful life, mentally unable to accept the reality that he had become a phoenix.

It's not that he can't live independently as an ordinary person, but how can he, who was once a soul master, accept the rest of his life as an ordinary person.

For ordinary people, soul masters always have a sense of nobility that they take for granted, and Ma Hongjun is a typical example of this.

When he was a soul master, he lived extremely comfortably in Soto City and could solve the problem of evil fire by having the most beautiful village girl in the village as his girlfriend.

He never considered marrying the other party, and did not even allow the other party to break up, because in his opinion, the other party was just a tool for him to solve the evil fire problem.

You can also go to Soto City to eat, drink, whore and gamble with an allowance of ten gold soul coins for free every month. If you encounter anyone you don't like, you can also use your strength as a great soul master to deal with them forcefully.

He enjoyed all the conveniences brought to him by the soul master and did not care at all about the feelings of other ordinary people.

But now, the deposed Ma Hongjun seems to have had his roles reversed. He has become an ordinary person, and the opponent is a soul master.

The behavior of this third young master is actually very consistent with Ma Hongjun's behavior before he was deposed. For an ordinary person, giving you a gold soul coin is an advantage, but he dares to take the opportunity to blackmail you and seek death, right?

After realizing all this, Ma Hongjun looked desperate. In fact, his mentality has not changed in the past three years. Because of the protection of Flanders, Zhao Wuji and others, he subconsciously still dealt with the problem with the mentality of a former soul master.

That's why he dared to extort dozens of gold soul coins from a soul master and felt that there was no problem at all.

And it was precisely after realizing this that Ma Hongjun collapsed to the ground in despair, the despair in his heart even surpassing the physical pain.

"Huh?" What's going on? Tang San looked at Ma Hongjun who was lying limply on the ground and frowned. Did he accidentally hit some vital part and knock him out?

He had already made up his mind to sail to Poseidon Island on the Han Hai. He wanted to teach Ma Hongjun a lesson, firstly to vent his anger, and secondly, to make him tell the truth about all the information he knew.

To be cautious, he didn't want to make things worse, so he paid special attention to the other party's position that was not visible on the surface.

"Hey, I'll give you 9 more gold soul coins, tell me all the information you know about Poseidon Island, and I'll let you go. Of course, if you dare to be dishonest, be careful I'll settle the score with you in the future!"

Tang San looked at Ma Hongjun in the corner and threatened, even using a hint of murderous intent.

Ma Hongjun, who felt like falling in the snow, shivered subconsciously and suddenly woke up. When the other party said that the reward was a total of ten gold soul coins, he was subconsciously surprised.

Before Tang San even gave him the money, he told him all the information he knew as if he were pouring beans.

The most important one is that foreign soul masters who want to join Poseidon Island must pass the Poseidon test. Those who pass can join Poseidon Island, and those who fail can only leave.

The foreign soul masters who pass through will not be able to leave Poseidon Island for the rest of their lives after joining Poseidon Island, otherwise they will be considered as blaspheming Poseidon and will be hunted down by Poseidon Island.

In addition, Poseidon's test is also graded in number and color, from easy to difficult, which are white, yellow, purple and black.

After passing tests of different difficulties, there will eventually be obvious differences in status on Poseidon Island. The seven guardians of the sacred pillar have passed the black level test.

It sounded similar to the divine test, and Tang San felt a sense of déjà vu when listening to Ma Hongjun's description. His Nine Shura Test was very similar to the Poseidon Test.

It's just more difficult and more tests, but the rewards are also very different.

If they were graded according to the color of the soul rings, Tang San secretly thought to himself that the red above the black should represent a hundred thousand year old soul beast, but a hundred thousand year old soul beast is not enough to represent the gods.

Therefore, his Nine Tests of Shura should be higher than the red test. As for the red test, doesn't there be a high priest on Poseidon Island? It corresponds to that.

Tang San, who knew the specific information about Poseidon Island, was not worried about the test, because his test had already begun.

Even if Poseidon Island gives him a second test, it will probably be more difficult than the Shura Ninth Test.

As for the difficulty of leaving Poseidon Island, Tang San didn't think it was a problem. Maybe it was also a part of Shura's Nine Tests.

Tang San, who had a clear plan, was very satisfied and threw the remaining 9 gold soul coins to Ma Hongjun. Even if the other party was defeated and there were two soul saints, Flanders and Zhao Wuji, he didn't intend to make the matter a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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