Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 338 Divine Power: Burning Mountains and Cooking Seas

Chapter 338 Divine Power: Burning Mountains and Cooking Seas

"You can't come back, leave quickly!" Tang San grabbed the captain's hand and roared with wide eyes, "Go to Poseidon Island as quickly as possible!"

Unexpectedly, Tang San felt a deep chill in his heart, and an unprecedented sense of crisis made him feel cold from the soles of his feet to the top of his head in an instant.

As the saying goes, a tiger's butt cannot be touched, but what Tang San provoked was a terrifying existence that was millions of times more terrifying than the tiger.

Originally, if he had taken the initiative to avoid the Shura Blood Sword and relied on the protection of luck, he would not have attracted the other party's attention, but he was willing to take the initiative to be contaminated by the cause and effect.

The instinct of being on the verge of death made him go red-eyed and almost crazy. Only the direction of Poseidon Island could make him feel at ease.

"Everyone, listen up. There are three shifts, day and night, setting off at full speed towards Poseidon Island. Anyone who dares to be lazy will be killed. I, Tang San, will be the first to chop him up and throw him away. Get off the boat and feed the fish!”

Tang San held the Shura Blood Sword in his hand and raised it high. The bloody radiance directly shattered the cloth wrapped on it. Tang San's God of Death domain filled the entire ship, and its intensity increased to a higher level.

Under his feet, the five soul rings, four purple and one black, made all the sailors on the ship stunned!

In the distance, Ma Hongjun was even more stunned when he heard Tang San call out his name.

Originally, he didn't recognize the other party's changed appearance at all, but the two words Tang San made him directly dig up the corresponding memory.

Recalling the familiar words and deeds of the other party, Ma Hongjun was almost certain that this was the Tang San he knew.

Tang San, who abandoned him along with his teacher Yu Xiaogang and others, was even Tang San who felt sorry for him, Ma Hongjun, and even concealed his identity and punched and kicked him.

Thinking of this, Ma Hongjun's mouse eyes were almost filled with vicious hatred, and then he quickly lowered his head to bury the hatred in his heart.

He is already a useless person without soul power, and coupled with Tang San's pettiness, if the other party discovers his hatred, he may be killed directly and his life will be hard to save!

So in order to save his life, Ma Hongjun gritted his teeth and chose to pretend not to know anything. As for hatred, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

He, Ma Hongjun, was not a gentleman, but he could endure it for a year and a half. . .

In a dimension that ordinary living beings cannot observe, Tang San's originally strong foreign luck suddenly dropped by nearly a fifth after this warning!

You must know that Tang San's total amount of foreign luck is extremely terrifying, comparable to the Son of the World under the illegal operation of God Shura.

Luck continued to burn quickly after falling, and a strong wind suddenly blew in the sea area where the Hanhai was located, pointing directly at Poseidon Island!

Even the group of evil killer whales that were swimming in a certain place made an inexplicable circle under the leadership of their leader, the evil killer whale king, and swam towards the sea between Poseidon Island and the devil whale sea area.


In the Demonic Whale Sea, I felt that my Demonic Whale Domain was being suppressed. The blood-red eyes of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King were full of astonishment.

This feeling is a bit like being suppressed by Poseidon's power, but Poseidon's domain is innate restraint on his ownership of the sea, while the opponent's domain attributes are not comparable to those of the ocean.

What can cause such a suppressive effect is more due to the gap in the level of the domain itself. In fact, if he were not in the ocean, he felt that his Demonic Whale Domain was likely to collapse directly.

"God is so kind to human beings!" The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King roared. His nearly million years of law understanding was actually not as good as that of a young human being, and he was completely defeated by the opponent in terms of domain.

"However, although you are already infinitely close to the god level in terms of domain, and I am not as good as you, my body is almost the same as the god level after being tempered for thousands of times. How can you compare with me!"

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly dived into the bottom of the sea, and then used its buoyancy to rise up. With a loud roar, the blue-purple seawater bloomed like a blooming flower.

In the center of the flower, the hundreds-meter-long Deep Sea Demonic Whale King soared into the sky, and its huge whale tail, which could destroy a city, lashed out at the nearest Bibi Dong.

The blue cortex, which is hundreds of times tougher than old cowhide, is also covered with a thick layer of purple energy crystals, like a battle armor.

If your understanding of the law cannot be compared with the domain, then you can use your demigod body and the abundant energy accumulated in your body to crush them and defeat all laws with one force!

"What a stupid bastard." Bibi Dong, who was standing above the Death Spider Emperor, sneered, but she felt the substantial waves of air coming towards her under the huge force of the opponent, and there was no slightest hint of contempt on her face.

However, Bibi Dong was also right in her assessment. The opponent's body was too big, and although the speed was not slow due to the force, it was inflexible to go straight.

The most important thing is that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King took the initiative to jump out of the sea, although his strong body energy blocked the damage and weakening effects of the Ten Yang Burning Heaven Realm.

But without the magic whale domain to help restrain the enemy, Bibi Dong had too many choices to make.

Even, with Guang's special support, she can easily perform some very difficult operations.

for example,

Silvery light suddenly lit up from the bodies of Bibi Dong and the Death Spider Emperor. The next moment, the Death Spider Emperor and Bibi Dong used a space jump to accurately land on the back cavity of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King where it was most difficult to exert force.

The 8 spider legs are covered with a palpitating gray color and are directly plunged down, making life and death seem like a dream!


The eight spider legs, which were more than ten meters long, were as simple as inserting hot sharp knives into lard, and the physical defense that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was proud of was directly broken.


Feeling the severe pain in his back, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King opened his eyes wide and roared loudly, then plummeted from the sky and plunged headlong into the sea.

Behind his body of several hundred meters, a large spider tens of meters tall was firmly fixed. Its eight spider legs were deeply rooted in the flesh and blood, as if they were growing on the back of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Naturally, the pain alone could not make this ocean overlord so frightened. The key was that he felt that the energy, flesh and blood and even vitality in his body were flowing away quickly like opening a floodgate to release water.

Before the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King fell into the sea, Bibi Dong repeated his trick of jumping through space and returned to the air. Her face was rosy. In just this short time, she felt that all the energy she had spent on condensing the Death Spider King had been replenished.

Moreover, the filtered life force deep inside her body surged out like a blowout and spread throughout her body, pushing her physical fitness to improve rapidly.

You must know that the life force that Bibi Dong harvested has been filtered and refined at least three times. Compared with the amount lost by the opponent, it is not even one-tenth.

At first glance, the size of the Death Spider King, which is tens of meters long, compared to the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, which is hundreds of meters tall, seems to be quite different, but if we put it another way.

Suppose there is a small 8-centimeter-long spider piercing the back of a human being with eight legs and sucking blood fiercely. Who would not be frightened? !

In other words, the several-hundred-meter-long body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has been tempered over and over again. From tens of thousands of meters to hundreds of meters, it can be said that the essence is concentrated.

For a moment, the flesh and blood on his back looked shriveled and rotten only where the Death Spider King was rooted, so he could barely keep calm.

Of course, in terms of strength alone, Bibi Dong would not be able to crush the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King like this. It was because his body was too big and too stupid that he suffered a huge loss.    If the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King had not been entrusted and directly transformed into a human form combat, with the advantage of the ocean, it would be difficult for Bibi Dong and Guang to gain an advantage together.

However, even so, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King had no intention of continuing to fight, because he was horrified to find that the dead spider behind him had no intention of being broken and eliminated even if he used the Demonic Whale Domain to attack crazily.

That’s not to say there was no damage, but all the damage was recovered immediately.

Because the Death Spider Emperor is not a flesh-and-blood entity, but a creation of Bibi Dong's condensed energy, there is no critical point. As long as the energy is sufficient, the recovery speed is ridiculous.

At this moment, the Death Spider King is rooted in the back of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, absorbing a large amount of energy every moment. After this cycle, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King feels as if he is beating himself.

Seeing that the other party was about to dive into the sea and escape, Guang sent a message to Bibi Dong, and his eyes were completely filled with shining gold, like burning fire.

With his quick hands, his whole skin turned into a translucent energy state. Finally, he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a pool of blood.

The blood burned brightly, like a beating golden flame, falling into the middle of Guang Zhijue's hands, and a simple golden texture suddenly took shape.

The texture is not a two-dimensional plane, but an extremely complex three-dimensional body. At first glance, it looks like a miniature sun, but if you look closely, you will see that this sun is composed of countless polyhedrons, and each polyhedron has an invisible image. keep changing.

"Supernatural power, burn mountains and boil seas!"

The next moment, the whole world suddenly darkened, and the sun in the sky turned into a dim black like a total solar eclipse. However, the ten-round sun transformed by light's magical power seemed to absorb the brilliance of the sun and emitted a shining light at the next moment. Golden flame wave.

Then, the ten-round sun fell towards the blue-purple Demonic Whale Sea below. Before it landed on the sea, the high temperature brought by the flame wave evaporated the surface water and turned it into boiling white water vapor.

On the tenth day of the sunset, the huge kinetic energy first stirred up huge waves, and then the entire Sea of ​​Demonic Whales began to boil under the heat released by the sun.

What frightened the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King the most was that although the surface heat of the ten great suns had been swallowed up by the sea, the ten golden light beads at the core came to him and surrounded him.

The translucent golden bead was only a dozen meters in diameter. It looked very fragile and beautiful, but it made the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King sweat on his forehead.

Because inside the golden bead, a ray of true sun fire is beating actively, carrying a destructive aura that seems to be able to burn all things.

If the external heat of the ten suns can only turn the Demon Whale Sea area into hot spring water, then these ten rays of real sun fire can completely turn the entire Demon Whale Sea area into water vapor in a short time, allowing the seabed to bathe in sunlight.

And the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who is in the middle of the outbreak, is definitely the most unlucky one.

"Think about it, if you dare to run again, I will detonate the Death Spider Emperor behind you at the same time. You will not die but you will be seriously injured, and we will hunt you until you die."

Bibi Dong said softly to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

"What do you want to do?" the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King responded angrily and depressedly. It was obvious that the other party's purpose was not to kill him, otherwise they would have taken action long ago.

Although his soul ring and soul bone may sound like the most precious thing in the world at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, how many are qualified to absorb it?

The soul bone is okay, but the key is the soul ring. Which level 90 quasi-titled person can absorb his soul ring?

"Submit to us and help us conquer the sea." Bibi Dong spoke condescendingly, overlooking the big whale below.

The other party is more spiritual than expected. Compared with the rigid soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, it may be possible to conquer them.

This was also Guang's idea. Instead of going through the trouble of killing the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and spending a lot of time and energy refining war weapons and training relevant personnel, it would be better to just accept him as his subordinate.

Not only is it simple and effortless, but it’s also not rigid.

This deep-sea demon whale king acts as a thug, and no matter how powerful the fleet is, they are all scum in front of him.

"Submit? Impossible!" The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's blood-red eyes widened when he heard the request. Poseidon couldn't make him surrender back then. What good things were the two people in front of him thinking?

How could he, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, be a soul beast that has been the overlord of the ocean for 99 years, living in depression for so long!

"As a reward, we can help you become a god!" Guang fell from the sky and said in front of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. Since he was recruiting, he was naturally prepared.

"Become a god? Neither of you can become a god and you still want to fool me?" The Deep Sea Demon Whale King curled his lips in disdain. How could he not know how difficult it is to become a god?

Although it was said that he was only one step away from becoming a god, he knew very well that this step away was a huge difference, and it could even be said that the hope was slim.

"What do you think this is?" Guang touched the ring, took out a black box, opened it, and closed it after a breath.

"Is this the Heart of the Poseidon!?" The blood-red one eye of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was enlarged in a physical sense for the first time. His other eye was blinded by the Poseidon Trident. How could he use the Heart of the Poseidon above? do not know.

Even if it was just a fleeting moment, the familiar aura was enough to make him sure that it was the heart of that bastard Poseidon.

What shocked him even more was that the Poseidon's Heart was actually broken. It didn't matter that the man in front of him dared to attack Poseidon's inherited artifact. The key was that he was really capable!

"I will be able to completely decompose the Poseidon's Heart in three years. At that time, I can hand over its core ocean source to you for refining. At that time, your body can make up the last link to truly advance to the god level."

Guang opened his mouth and stated that in addition to the breakthrough of divine status and the method of enlightenment to break through the limits of the world, there are naturally other methods. What he told the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was the simplest and most effective method of physical sanctification.

It just takes a lot of time to grind like the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, and the strength after the breakthrough is relatively average. After all, the only real breakthrough is the body.

The advantage is that there are very few high-end resources required, and the little ocean source in Poseidon's Heart can satisfy it.

And compared to gods who become gods, the power of mythical beasts comes from themselves, and they are not subject to many rules and regulations like gods.

"And if you behave well, we can help you transform into a true divine beast."

I am talking about mythical beasts rather than beast gods. Beast gods refer to beasts that inherit the divine status and become gods, while mythical beasts are similar to natural gods.

Austin Griffin, the God of Scourge, is among the top mythical beasts.

Strictly speaking, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who broke through to become a god in his physical body, is also a divine beast, but he is at the bottom of the pack.

The meaning of light is that after the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King becomes a god, he will continue his path of Kun transformation, perfect the balance of the three attributes of water, wind and thunder, complete the transformation of energy and spirit, and truly be promoted to a divine beast.

(End of this chapter)

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