Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 339 The Sorrow of the Evil Killer Whale

Chapter 339 The Sorrow of the Evil Killer Whale

The sea is blue, and a pure white shark fin cuts across the sea surface like a sharp blade.

Under the clear water, there was a white figure dozens of meters long. The merchant ships and sea soul beasts that saw each other along the way moved out of the way.

That vague figure was undoubtedly the Great White Shark, one of the dominant soul beasts in the sea. It was so bloodthirsty that no one wanted to feed the shark.

Moreover, the Demon Soul Great White Shark is protected by Poseidon Island. Even if it is really eaten, ordinary soul masters cannot ask the Poseidon Island's Poseidon Soul Master to come forward.

What's more, this one is the leader of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan. A hundred thousand year old soul beast, even the Guardian of the Holy Pillar with the strength of a Titled Douluo, is not qualified to lecture the other party.

The figure of several dozen meters not only shows the strength of this Demonic Great White Shark, but also illustrates her appetite.

As for the strong and slender tail fin, healthy and smooth skin, and perfect white teeth of this Demonic Great White Shark, generally speaking, only shark-like soul beasts can appreciate these beauties.

Yes, this Demonic Great White Shark is a female, and has her own name, Xiaobai. She can even temporarily transform into a human form, which is a very rare skill among hundred thousand year old soul beasts.

However, this form not only reduces its own strength, but is also a bit awkward for the soul beast. Apart from using it when talking to acquaintances on Poseidon Island, Xiaobai still likes to swim in the sea in its original form.

The Demon Soul Great White Shark has always only lived in the waters near Poseidon Island. It is very rare for Xiaobai to take the initiative to go to other sea areas. There is naturally a reason behind it.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale, the Demonic Killer Whale and the Demonic Great White Shark are also known as the three dominant soul beasts in the offshore waters.

Among them, the number of deep-sea demon whales is small, and they have a lazy temperament. They stay motionless on the seabed all year round. When they are hungry, they open their mouths to cause whirlpools to eat fish. As long as they avoid the sea area where they live, they will not be in any danger.

However, there are more Demonic Killer Whales and Demonic Great White Sharks, and there are hundreds of adult individuals in the group, and they are mortal enemies of each other.

Even the overall quality of the Demonic Great White Shark is significantly weaker than that of the Demonic Orca, putting it at a clear disadvantage. However, the Demonic Orca maintains a balance by not daring to approach Poseidon Island.

Not long ago, the Demonic Orca Group made some changes under the leadership of the Demonic Orca King. Unlike the Demonic Great White Shark Group, the opponent had no fixed location.

They also have a violent, cruel and murderous nature. Whether they are soul beasts or soul masters, as long as they encounter anyone who is weaker than them, they will be torn into pieces and turned into food, so they are called "evil demons". "The name.

This is the root of the conflict between the Demonic Great White Shark and the Evil Killer Whale. First, the Demonic Great White Shark couldn't stand the Evil Killer Whale's practice of killing and tearing its prey into pieces regardless of whether it was hungry or not.

Then the Demon Soul Great White Shark, which went to mind its own business, was killed by the Demon Soul Killer Whale, which had red eyes and was more powerful.

As for the Demonic Great White Shark, because of its bloodline, its intelligence is far superior to that of ordinary spirit beasts, and they have gathered into a group. How can the other Demonic Great White Shark be indifferent when they hear that their second uncle has been killed?

So the entire group went to the Evil Killer Whale Group to ask for an explanation. Unfortunately, due to the gap in overall strength, the explanation was not forthcoming, and the group suffered heavy losses.

If the Demonic Great White Shark's reproductive capacity was not much greater than that of the Demonic Killer Whale group, and the other party did not dare to approach Poseidon Island, it would have been very likely that the entire group would have been killed and dispersed.

Like Xiaobai, her biological brother died in the mouth of the evil killer whale king. She will probably remember this hatred clearly in her life.

Therefore, it was impossible for the Demonic Great White Sharks to remain indifferent to the strange movements of the Evil Killer Whales. It was just that the work of detecting the opponent's intelligence was too dangerous, so Xiaobai chose to follow them personally.

As a 100,000-year-old soul beast, she is the strongest and fastest, and she just turns around and runs away when in danger.

After all, the Evil Killer Whale is stronger and stronger than the Great White Shark, but it lacks flexibility. Even the Evil Killer Whale King, who is also a hundred thousand year old soul beast, cannot keep up with Xiao Bai in terms of speed.

"This direction? It's the Demonic Whale Sea Area." Following the unique bloody smell left by the Demonic Killer Whale group, Xiaobai followed all the way, his big blue-gray eyes filled with speculation as he followed the direction.

Could it be that this time the Evil Killer Whale King has gone crazy again? Want to have a fight with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King?

You must know that the only big loss suffered by the Evil Killer Whale group in the past thousands of years was when they went to the Devil Whale Sea. The entire group shrunk by more than half, and even the Evil Killer Whale King almost didn't come back.

Even after escaping back, the Evil Killer Whale King died of serious injuries not long after, and was replaced by this generation's Evil Killer Whale King.

Thinking of this, Xiaobai was excited and a little scared. She was excited that if the Demonic Orca group was severely injured by the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King again, then she would be able to avenge her brother.

The fear comes from the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who is also one of the three major overlords of the offshore sea. Ordinary soul masters may not know the details. How can she not know?

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King firmly occupies the first place by virtue of his individual strength. Hundreds of adult individuals of the Demonic Orca group cannot defeat each other, not to mention the strength gap between her and the Demonic Great White Shark.

Is it dangerous to follow the past? Thinking of the strict instructions from many elders in the tribe in his memory, Xiaobai was very hesitant and at the same time a little curious.

So what does the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King look like? How powerful is it? She had only heard about it since she was a child but had never seen it with her own eyes.

Moreover, why is the sea water getting warmer and warmer? Xiaobai twists his body and feels very comfortable. Sharks don't like low temperatures. They live in the hottest sea surface all year round and are particularly sensitive to changes in temperature.

But the next moment, Xiaobai, who was also sensitive to blood, smelled a fresh smell of blood, and then she could also feel the soul power turbulence and faint roar coming from very far away.


In an unknown sea area, the originally clear water was filled with sweet blood, and huge gray-black evil killer whales were scurrying away like headless flies.

Although this place is full of blood, and although they are crazy by nature, under the oppression of the shadow of death, their deeper survival instinct miraculously overcomes their bloodthirsty nature.

But at this moment, the azure blue water has long been shrouded in a layer of deep purple meaning, and the speed of the evil killer whale, which was originally not very agile, has been greatly reduced at this moment.

The most terrible thing is that under the cover of the purple sea water, the inconspicuous purple beads quickly condensed, and then directly bombarded the abdomen of the evil killer whale, which had the lowest defense.

The more powerful evil killer whales could scream and speed away, while the weaker evil killer whales were directly shrouded in lightning and exploded into two pieces.

Those purple light beads clearly have dual attributes of water and thunder. The attack power of the thunder attribute is the best in the world, even better than the fire attribute.

Moreover, in the sea, thunder and lightning are not only not restrained by the sea water like flames, but are instead conducted through it, perfectly exerting their power.

In the middle of the sea, the evil killer whale king, whose size and physical strength were far superior to other tribesmen, was roaring loudly at the behemoth hundreds of meters in front of him.

It's just that his frightened and angry voice also contained unconcealed fear. The big whale in front of him was also known to the Evil Killer Whale King, the releaser of the purple realm.

How did the Deep Sea Demon Whale King in the Demon Whale Sea escape from the Demon Whale Sea? ! ! ! And why are there two humans with powerful auras rising up from his back and flying into the sky to watch the show?

After hearing the words of the Evil Demonic Orca King, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King showed annoyance in his eyes and had no intention of stopping. While fully increasing the power of the Demonic Whale Domain to kill the Demonic Orca from a distance, he raised his big tail and smashed it headlong into the Demonic Orca King.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is in a bad mood not because of the Demonic Orcas, but because of the contract he just signed. He was deceived by cunning humans!

But because the contract has been made, he has no way to change it, and the other party is too powerful to vent to.

As a result, he happened to encounter a group of evil killer whales. With Bibi Dong's orders, he finally had a place to vent his anger.

Moreover, the Demonic Killer Whales are very powerful, so killing them all and swallowing them would be of great benefit to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

But there was no need for the Evil Killer Whale King to think about it. Bibi Dong had already taken a fancy to the opponent's hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bones.

Although her own soul ring and soul bones have been filled up over the years, as long as there is a way to seal the soul ring, it would not be bad to take it back and leave it to Xie Yue to make the ninth soul ring.

As for Guang himself, he is also very interested in the evil killer whale group. He plans to purify a batch of bloodline and capture a few pure bloodline evil killer whales alive and bring them back to make artificial martial arts spirits.

The original bear, wolf, and tiger masters were only applicable to land. In the future, sea soul masters will be needed to conquer the ocean.

The Evil Killer Whale is obviously double S in terms of physique and strength, and its lack of speed is not a big problem for the sea soul master.

Because even serious sea soul masters rarely soak in the water directly, and most people are on boats, so speed does not depend on people, but on the boat.

A good sailor who meets the requirements is one who has strong physique and strength.

Are the evil killer whales very strong?

Of course they are very strong. Among the three offshore overlords, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is too lazy to go out in the Demonic Whale Sea. The Demonic Great White Shark Group only operates near Poseidon Island. Only the Evil Demonic Killer Whale Group is killing people everywhere and has a great reputation.

But when encountering these three evil stars in front of me, the way of death was clearly arranged, and under the constraints of multiple fields, I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.

Even the evil killer whale king, who was full of despair and wanted to self-destruct, was instantly killed by Bibi Dong's sickle that suddenly appeared behind him.

. . .

In the distance, Xiao Bai looked at the evil tiger who was cut in half by the scythe of the gray god of death and swallowed his saliva. Even if the opponent was known for his strong physique and was cut in half left and right, he would definitely die.

The evil killer whale group was wiped out. Of course she was happy that the evil tiger, the culprit who killed her brother, was also eliminated.

However, the premise was that she could escape unscathed. When she felt two eyes in the distance locked on her, Xiaobai suddenly felt a chill on her back. With a swish of her long and slender tail, the whole fish turned 180° and ran away.


"I'm so lucky to have caught such a fast little shark."

With a smile on her face, Guang gently kicked the shark at her feet. Xiaobai, who was crying with two black and red eyes, could only return to the bloody sea that scared her.

Bibi Dong was very satisfied when she caught a leg that looked very good. The figure of several tens of meters was not narrow at all, and its pure white body was in line with her aesthetics.

Compared to the deep-sea demon whale King Mingkun, who is a few hundred meters away and is too eye-catching, this big white shark is very comfortable to look at, and the speed of its escape that she just observed is the fastest marine creature she has ever seen since going to sea. .

Ming Kun, who transformed into a three-meter-long man, was in a good mood when he saw that he no longer had to use his legs. It was obvious that with this unlucky shark in front of him, he was finally no longer at the bottom of the pyramid.

. . .

"How far is this place from Poseidon Island?" After sorting out the harvest, Guang lowered his head and asked Xiaobai below. The other party was a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast that had developed its intelligence, so it was very convenient to ask for various information.

"Three days at the earliest." Xiaobai replied gloomily.

Although the other party killed the Demonic Killer Whales to avenge the Demonic Great White Sharks, she was also forced to sign a "sell-out contract."

And compared to the powerful Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, she didn't get any benefits for herself. She was simply unlucky.

The only advantage is that the restriction on her body is much weaker than that of Ming Kun. It is no different than before, except that there are dense golden secret lines at the corners of her eyes, which at first glance look like golden eye shadow.

Near Ming Kun's bloody one eye is a larger and more complex black tattoo. After he transformed into a human, this tattoo even occupied less than half of his face, looking like a twisted dragon shape.

Both of these restrictions act on the spirit and soul, and they were specially chosen by Guang for soul beasts.

Compared to soul masters, soul beasts' soul power quantity and physical strength are far superior to humans. Only the spiritual aspect and deeper spiritual understanding have obvious disadvantages.

This disadvantage is difficult to make up for even if the soul beast breaks through the hundred thousand year level. One of the important purposes of the so-called hundred thousand year soul beast transformation is to make up for this shortcoming.

Therefore, these two kinds of restrictions are not obvious at ordinary times, but once they break out, they will directly harm the fragile spirit and spirituality deep in the soul beast's soul.

To put it bluntly, it is to turn the originally unintelligent soul-opening beast into a chaotic state of unawakened soul. Even if the other party can re-awaken the soul, it will not be its original self.

The reason why Ming Kun's restriction is even stronger is because Guang promised that his body would become a saint in three years, which would also lead to his spiritual and energy evolution to the demigod level.

In contrast, this 100,000-year-old little shark naturally didn't mean to embarrass him much, and of course there was no preferential treatment.

Guang's meaning was very clear, either she would become a soul ring and a soul bone, and Nana's ninth soul ring had not yet been found, or she would work under him.

"Three days?" Guang and Bibi Dong looked at each other and touched their chins, "Then don't rush, pick an unknown route and go to the waters near Poseidon Island first."

Firstly, the two of them came to Poseidon Island not for tourism. Secondly, the departure of the Hanhai also made Guang and Bibi Dong realize that something was wrong. With their background and strength of the great nobles of the Tiandou Empire, the other party would not be able to survive even three days. Can't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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