Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 340: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Chapter 340: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Purple Pearl Island,

This is one of the islands closest to Poseidon Island. Although it is near the shipping route, most merchant ships choose to avoid it because it is an island where pirates live.

There is only one pirate group settled here, called the Purple Pearl Pirate Group, with thousands of official members and even hundreds of soul masters.

The leader of the Purple Pearl Pirates is named Purple Pearl. She is a female Soul Emperor whose soul power level is close to that of a Soul Saint.

Her car was a fast ship that could accommodate hundreds of people, named the Purple Pearl. It was undoubtedly famous in this sea area, and all merchant ships were frightened to encounter the Purple Pearl.

Because there are only two consequences, either the entire merchant ship is robbed, or a large transit fee is paid. Under normal circumstances, no merchant ship has the escort team to resist the Purple Pearl Pirates.

Logically speaking, such a large pirate group would undoubtedly be very eye-catching near Poseidon Island, but the Purple Pearl Pirates were not surrounded or expelled by the soul masters of Poseidon Island.

There are two fundamental reasons. On the one hand, a large part of the aborigines on Purple Pearl Island are from the aborigines of Poseidon Island.

The assessment on Poseidon Island is not only for outsiders, the indigenous people also have to take the assessment at the age of 18. Those who pass will stay, and those who fail will leave Poseidon Island.

In addition, ordinary people without innate soul power are destined to fail the examination and will be sent to nearby islands such as Purple Pearl Island early.

On the other hand, it is because although the Purple Pearl Pirates are not good people, they are also devout believers in Poseidon.

Because the belief is correct, other "minutiae" can be "forgiven."

Just like what Buddhism says, "Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately." The key point is to convert to Buddhism, not to put down the butcher's knife.

As for the victims, most of them were merchant ships. The merchants had the most frivolous beliefs. Therefore, Poseidon Island did not care about the damage to their interests.

Therefore, Purple Pearl and the Purple Pearl Pirates lived quite happily on the sea. As long as they did not provoke those special ships with the flag of Poseidon Island, they could be considered unscrupulous in the nearby waters.

Correspondingly, the living standards of the residents of Purple Pearl Island are relatively wealthy.

But today, the Purple Pearl Pirates camp, which was originally full of noise and laughter, was unusually quiet. There was a tense silence in the air, and a few unlucky guys who had just bandaged their wounds were sitting on the chairs and humming. snort.

"Okay, your broken leg needs to rest in bed for a week. It's best to try to go to the ground after a month." A young man put a splint on the pirate in front of him and touched the sweat on his forehead.

The young man has short black hair, delicate eyebrows, broad shoulders, and is wearing a gray shorts. He looks very upright, and has no soul power fluctuations on his body. He is an ordinary person with no innate soul power.

His hands were slender and strong, and the treatment just now was flexible but precise.

The most important thing is that after treating many wounded, his face was full of exhaustion, but he still remained calm, and his mind was as clear as a calm spring.

This state of mind is very rare even among soul masters, let alone ordinary people.

But it is precisely this extraordinary state of mind that allows this young man named Ji Xiang to become the only doctor on Purple Pearl Island. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a famous doctor based on his level of skills alone.

"By the way, did you just go to sea? Why are you so injured?" After healing the last pirate, Ji Xiang took a long breath and asked casually while packing up his tools.

When talking about the reason, all the injured pirates showed fear on their faces, "Four people broke in last night, and one of them just waved his hand, and we were heavily injured by the other party's soul power."

"Captain Purple Pearl has no ability to resist at all. The opponent is at least a high-level soul master at the soul saint level, or even higher."

An old pirate looked at Jixiang in front of him and gritted his teeth and reminded, "Jixiang, if you are willing, you can try your luck. They are now at the residence of Captain Purple Pearl."

"Uncle Jack, what do you mean?" Ji Xiang looked at the old pirate Jack and had no doubt that he was there. He had been healed by him many times and they had a deep friendship. It made sense to let him go.

"The other party is a high-level soul master. We, the Purple Pearl Pirates, may not be able to see a high-level soul master several times in our lives, and it seems that most of them are from the mainland. Maybe you can try to ask about the method of becoming a soul master. .”

The old pirate and Jixiang have known each other for many years, and they are very clear about each other's heart problems. Jixiang's talent is extremely good, and he has mastered martial arts fine needles so well that he can even perform medical surgeries involving internal organs.

But without innate soul power, not being able to become a soul master is undoubtedly the biggest obstacle to the growth of Jixiang's medical skills.

Not to mention that if Ji Xiang could become a soul master, he would have the opportunity to participate in the Poseidon Island assessment.

Ji Xiang was born on Poseidon Island, but he was sent to live on Purple Pearl Island by his parents because he had no innate soul power. If he could become a soul master and pass the Poseidon Island assessment, he would have the opportunity to return to Poseidon Island to reunite with his parents.

In any case, Jixiang became a soul master and his medical skills improved again, which was not something that Purple Pearl Island could accommodate.

This is undoubtedly a great bad thing for the Purple Pearl Pirates who lick blood every day, because there is only one auspicious miracle doctor in the entire Purple Pearl Island.

Other pirates couldn't think of this level, but the old pirate undoubtedly knew it very well. Even so, he still reminded Ji Xiang for two reasons.

On the one hand, it's because he owes Ji Xiang too many favors, and on the other hand, it's because he is too old and retired after this injury.

"High-level soul master!?" Ji Xiang is a smart man. He thought about the old pirate's words carefully and realized what he said. He was also moved for a moment.

As a base camp for pirates, Purple Pearl Island often robs merchant ships, and there is no shortage of news. Jixiang has also heard about it in the past two years. There seems to be a new method on the mainland to allow ordinary people to become soul masters.

"Well, those of us were injured because we made rude remarks at the beginning. This night, there were no new injured people on the side of Captain Purple Pearl, which proves that the other side is quite kind. If we are more careful, the danger is not great."

The old pirate reminded Jixiang again, then pointed his finger in the direction and said nothing.

Seeing this, Ji Xiang, who had already packed his things, gave up the idea of ​​going back to rest and walked towards the hinterland of the Purple Pearl Pirates.

Relying on the popularity he had gained from treating pirates over the years, not only was he not blocked along the way, but he also got more information from the pirates.

The visitors were two men and two women, among them the most beautiful purple-haired girl and another black-haired young man with the highest status, followed by a one-eyed man who was 3 meters tall and too strong to be human, and finally a girl dressed in silver-gray clothing.

The other party broke into the Purple Pearl Pirates last night, and it didn't take long to rush in, capture the Purple Pearl boss alive, and then occupy the Purple Pearl boss's small single-family villa.

The other party had rested all night and was probably having breakfast now. The purple pearl boss had been waiting there.

The boss of Purple Pearl is serving people? Both the pirate who spoke and Ji Xiang who heard it had strange expressions and were holding back smiles. The thirty-year-old Purple Pearl has been able to practice to level 68. Her talent as a soul master is extremely good, and she has a beautiful face and a mature and plump figure. She can be said to be the most beautiful woman in the entire Purple Pearl Island.

But as a pirate leader, the other party's temperament can be said to be extremely aggressive, and he is more masculine than ordinary men.

But when it comes to serving people, Ji Xiang makes him laugh just thinking about it. . .

In the small courtyard, Bibi Dong and Guang were sitting at the front seats eating the freshly delivered seafood dinner, with Ming Kun and Xiao Bai standing behind them.

The two of them had only temporarily transformed into human forms, but their essences were still soul beasts, so human food was not necessary for them. Just such a tableful of food was not as good as eating a mouthful of evil killer whale meat for their own bodies.

In front of the two of them, the tall Purple Pearl was cursing in her heart while standing in front of the table with a smile on her face.

She was really unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet these evil stars in front of her, whose strength was so high that she couldn't understand them at all.

Looking at the other person's face, which was younger and more beautiful than hers, Zi Zhenzhu guessed in her heart that it couldn't be a titled Douluo with an ageless appearance, right?

She knew the appearance of the titled Douluo on Poseidon Island, and they would not visit her pirate den.

Coupled with the other party's accent and conversation, it was obvious that he was a high-level soul master from the mainland. A high-level soul master from the mainland came to the vicinity of Poseidon Island.

Purple Pearl's pupils narrowed as she thought of something, and her already haggard face turned even paler.

However, the other party was just as she expected. Bibi Dong asked her to tell her all the detailed information about Poseidon Island.

"...The top combat power of Poseidon Island is mainly the high priest Bo Saixi and the guardians of the seven sacred pillars. It is said that they represent the authority of Lord Poseidon and can borrow the power of Lord Poseidon."

"As for how to land on the island? There is a group of demonic great white sharks guarding the island near Poseidon. There is also a 100,000-year-old demonic great white shark among them. You must follow the rules to land on the island."

"Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan?" After hearing this, Bibi Dong and the other three all turned their attention to Xiao Bai.

The stunned Xiao Bai first glared at Zi Zhenzhu fiercely, and then said bitterly to Bibi Dong and Guang, "I will bring you two to the island safely."

Seeing this, Purple Pearl was a little confused. Of course she didn't know that this beautiful girl with long silver-gray hair could be equated with the rumored and notorious Great White Shark, a hundred thousand year old demon soul.

Regarding Xiaobai's dishonesty, Bibi Dong didn't say much. The "kind" Ming Kun of Xiaobai's specific identity had already given her a detailed explanation.

The Demon Soul Great White Shark clan even served as a mount for Poseidon because of its top-notch speed. Ming Kun was blinded in one eye because of the Demon Soul Great White Shark's help.

Bibi Dong's purpose of forcibly subduing Xiaobai was also because of the opponent's foot power. She simply wanted a qualified tool shark, and she also trusted Guang's methods.

As for why she and Guang went to Poseidon Island? In the final analysis, it is just to take precautions before it happens.

It is true that Poseidon Island has no enmity with them in a strict sense, but there are some territorial frictions with Wuhun Palace.

This kind of friction was an incident in Qian Xunji's era, and would not continue in the era when Bibi Dong was in power.

However, Bibi Dong and Guang were worried about Bo Saixi and even the Poseidon behind her.

Poseidon had nothing to do with them, and Bo Saixi and they didn't know each other.

However, according to Qian Daoliu, Bo Saixi and Tang Chen had a personal relationship, but Qian Daoliu was more considerate and believed that this personal relationship would never be higher than the belief in gods, otherwise Bo Saixi would not be able to be the high priest. .

But more importantly, Guang pointed out that the gods' ascension places are most likely in the same world, which is the world of gods that is obscurely recorded in the classics.

This also means that all ascended gods know each other and can communicate easily.

God Shura had a big grudge against them, and he even went so far as to destroy the city of slaughter and create a big problem for Tang Chen. Anyone with a discerning eye could see God Shura's venomous malice toward the Spirit Empire.

Not to mention that according to Guang's speculation, there is not only enmity between Shura God and them, but more importantly, a deeper conflict of interests.

God Shura is planning Douluo Continent in this plane, and the two of them and Wuhun Palace have undoubtedly become each other's biggest stumbling block.

Although there are no cards left in the name of Shura God, he is not the only god in Douluo Continent. If the Angel God represented by Wuhun Palace can still be trusted, then the Poseidon represented by Poseidon Island is undoubtedly the biggest hidden danger on the surface.

Not to mention whether Poseidon and Shura God have any friendship, even if they don't have much friendship, Shura God can undoubtedly easily exchange interests with each other in the God Realm.

Once Poseidon himself has received enough benefits, it doesn't seem strange to arrange for believers on Poseidon Island to fight for him.

Therefore, the possibility of Poseidon Island going crazy and landing on the mainland to attack the Wuhun Empire is not small at all, and it is even more harmful than the Haotian Sect led by Tang Chen.

And the Wuhun Empire, which has not yet recovered from Tang Chen's attack on Wuhun City and the storm of evil soul masters, does not have much spare power to solve such a big trouble.

In addition, according to Bibi Dong and Guang's values, since they already know that Poseidon Island may pose a threat to them, rather than wait until trouble comes to their faces, it is better to strike first!

Shura God has enmity with them + Shura God has friendship with Poseidon = Poseidon has enmity with them = there is a potential threat.

Regardless of whether Poseidon Island will end up getting mixed up in the murky waters of Douluo Continent, Bibi Dong and Guang will never go wrong by attacking Poseidon Island first.

First of all, the first advantage is that the battle between the top combat forces was very destructive. The fight between the two of them and Ming Kun almost evaporated the Demon Whale Sea Area.

Before Tang Chen was sealed, he also caused great losses and destruction to Wuhun City.

In the same way, instead of waiting for Bo Saixi to hit him in the face and causing another huge loss to Wuhun City, it would be better to put the battlefield directly on Poseidon Island.

If it hurts, it also hurts Bo Saixi. They can let go and have no scruples. Anyway, it is Poseidon Island that will be lost.

The second benefit is to determine whether Poseidon is hostile. It is best if there is no hostility. The two parties can even cooperate, but they must sign a contract restriction.

Needless to say, if there is hostility, destroying Poseidon Island's combat power in advance is a one-stop attack, which can avoid huge losses caused by Poseidon Island being scattered in the future.

The most important point is that even if the Poseidon descends, Guang still has the means to take Bibi Dong to escape. This is also the fundamental reason why the two of them did not take anyone else with them.

(End of this chapter)

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