Chapter 342 Take action

Poseidon Island seaside,

A wooden boat passed through the waves and hit the beach. A purple-haired figure wearing a mask jumped up before the wooden boat hit, and then landed gracefully.

Wooden boats are the most common single-person boats, with neither sails nor oars. Normally, only coastal fishermen will drive such boats within a hundred meters of the coast.

The man in front of him sailed across the ocean in a small boat alone, which was as outrageous as the legend of crossing the river with a reed on land, not to mention that there were demonic great white sharks guarding the area near Poseidon Island.

For outsiders, those big guys with a length of more than ten meters can tear the boat and people into pieces with their huge mouths.

However, Bibi Dong did not make any noise along the way, because at the bow of the wooden boat, a snow-white shark tooth was tied to a thin rope.

The shark teeth emit strange fluctuations that can only be felt by the Demonic Great White Shark, and any Demonic Great White Shark that senses this will choose to avoid it.

Because the shark itself has a strong self-healing ability, it is not a troublesome thing for Xiaobai to knock off some teeth as a token.

To be precise, the high-level officials who can freely enter and exit Poseidon Island have a shark tooth as a token to freely enter and exit Poseidon Island.

. . .


Seeing the eight people rushing out of the jungle, Bibi Dong was not surprised at all. To be precise, she had already noticed their presence and even took the initiative to approach them.

One in purple and seven in yellow, which means that the eight people in front of them are all official members of Poseidon Island who have passed the examination. Different clothes mean that the examination passed has different difficulty and status.

On Poseidon Island, status can be easily distinguished based on the person's clothes.

The high priest with the highest status wears red clothes, the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars and other high-level soul masters wear black clothes, and those below are purple clothes, yellow clothes and white clothes respectively.

The teams patrolling along the coast are all affiliated with the city lord's army, and the minimum requirement is to wear yellow clothes.

This also means that the immediate boss of the patrol in front of you is the guardian of the holy pillar in the area. Finding the guardian of the holy pillar through the patrol is undoubtedly the simplest and most effective way.

"I'm here to take part in the test on Poseidon Island, please lead the way." Bibi Dong's voice was calm, and she looked at the eight people in front of her with some thoughts in her eyes.

She could feel that the entire Poseidon Island was obviously different from the outside world. Everyone and everything here were connected as a whole by the same invisible force, which was similar to the realm but the connection was not as deep.

If Bibi Dong wanted to kill the eight people in front of her, it wouldn't take much effort because of the invisible force, but the news of her action would definitely be spread out immediately.

This also meant that if she and Guang chose to attack Poseidon Island, they would most likely be attacked by Bo Saixi and the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars as soon as they landed.

Because this invisible power covering the entire Poseidon Island allows Bo Saixi and other soul masters to communicate immediately without delay or obstacles.

"Land Soul Master?" The eight people in the patrol looked at each other for a few times and then turned their attention to the middle-aged man in purple who was obviously the captain.

"Humph, come with me." Seeing that the other party didn't look nervous at all, the middle-aged man had obvious displeasure on his face, turned around and walked away very quickly, with unconcealed unkindness in his voice.

"Captain, don't you need to remind the other party?" A team member in yellow clothes followed and asked in a low voice.

The test for land soul masters is much more difficult than that for sea soul masters, and they cannot quit midway. More importantly, even if they pass, they will not be able to leave Poseidon Island for life. If they leave, they will be hunted down by Poseidon Island.

Therefore, the patrol team has always had an unwritten rule. For foreign soul masters participating in the test, the patrol team will usually explain the pros and cons to the opponent.

If the opponent chooses to retreat, the patrol team will also give him the opportunity to leave Poseidon Island via the same route.

"Shut up, those land soul masters are restless elements and have no devout faith in Lord Poseidon at all. They will only cause trouble to Poseidon Island."

The middle-aged man turned his head, and his face darkened when he saw that the other party was strolling leisurely in the courtyard and could easily keep up with his footsteps. "Foreign land soul masters, please remember that you must abide by the rules of Poseidon Island on Poseidon Island. "

"If you dare to violate the rules, the Guardian will punish you even more!"

Seeing that the other party did not respond at all, and the masked face looked around at the scenery without paying any attention to what he meant, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and turned red with anger.

However, he did not continue to provoke, and the other party did not even show any obvious strength in martial arts. If he took the initiative to cause trouble and cause a conflict, it would not end well.

On Poseidon Island, Poseidon’s sight is everywhere, and no one can cover up the truth with lies.

But this does not mean that the middle-aged man will swallow this breath so easily. On the contrary, he has already thought of a perfect way to make the other party unlucky.

This area belongs to Sea Dragon City, and the guardian of the holy pillar is Sea Dragon Douluo, who is known as the most powerful person under the high priest.

Generally speaking, if outsiders want to contact the Holy Pillar and obtain the qualifications for the test, they must pass through the sea within the sea under the interference of the guardian of the Holy Pillar.

Sea Dragon Douluo is not only the most powerful among the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, he also has the coldest temper, and his attitude towards foreign soul masters is also quite average.

For example, in this patrol team, not only the middle-aged man in purple, but also many other members are naturally hostile to Bibi Dong. This is the result of Hailong City's actions.

This means that the difficulty of the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar is much higher than that of other holy pillars.

What the middle-aged man wants to do is to add fuel to the fire and let the land-based soul master in front of him die without a burial place and directly feed the fish in the sea.

Passing through the forest, the scene in front of us is much wider. Encircled by the forest, there is a circular pool with a diameter of about 500 meters.

The water pool is like a sea with rolling waves. There is a stone platform in the middle. There is a stone pillar standing on the stone platform. The stone pillar is full of complex patterns. There is a statue of a god carved directly above it, and there is a figure sitting cross-legged below.

This is called a sea within a sea.

"Here we are." The middle-aged man pointed to the sea in front of him and looked at Bibi Dong with a cold expression, "This is the sea within the sea, the Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar."

"The Sea Dragon Holy Pillar is one of the seven Holy Pillars on Poseidon Island. Poseidon has given the Seven Holy Pillars divine power, and they can spread God's will through the Seven Holy Pillars. Any Holy Pillar can test foreign soul masters. You will be here Here are the questions for Lord Poseidon’s test.”

After speaking to Bibi Dong, the middle-aged man bowed respectfully at a 90° angle to the figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the sea, and at the same time used his soul power to transmit the message.

"Lord Hailong, a foreign land soul master is here to take the test. Please allow it."

But in addition to these explicit words, the middle-aged man also specially wrapped a voice with his soul power and then passed it to Sea Dragon Douluo's ears.

"Lord Hailong, this person has eyes high above her head and has no respect for Lord Poseidon at all. I suspect she is from the Spirit Hall."

Decades ago, Wuhundian attacked Poseidon Island, and both sides suffered considerable losses. It was also because of this incident that Sea Dragon Douluo became extremely hostile to outsiders. Any outsider who wants to participate in the test must contact the Holy Pillar with soul power. Passing the test in the sea is an unspoken rule.

However, the upper and lower limits of the difficulty of this additional test are extremely high, because whether the guardian of the sacred pillar intervenes and how strongly he intervenes depends on the other party's mood.

If the other party is in a good mood, the lower limit of the outsider's assessment is simply to pass through the sea within the sea.

As for the upper limit, outsiders will have to face the direct action of a sacred pillar guardian!

It was obvious that the middle-aged man wanted to trick the opponent like this. Sea Dragon Douluo was already very strong and had a bad temper, but once he provoked him, the difficulty of the test skyrocketed like a rocket.

Sure enough, after hearing the middle-aged man's message, the figure sitting cross-legged beside the holy pillar suddenly opened his blue-gold eyes, and those golden vertical pupils made people shudder.

"Land soul masters dare to come to my place and want to be tested by His Majesty the Poseidon. You are not qualified!"

Sea Dragon Douluo stood up. He was tall and strong, and his perfect and strong muscles were full of strength yet flexible.

The most terrible thing was that Sea Dragon Douluo, whose eyes were full of coldness, was directly possessed by his martial soul. With a clear dragon cry piercing the sky, nine soul rings emerged from the soles of his feet at once.

The already extremely burly bodies collided again, and thick and dense prismatic dragon scales appeared all over the body, and the blue-gold dragon horns on the forehead shone with a metallic luster.

A noble and domineering aura swept across all directions, driven by the powerful soul power of the titled Douluo, and the eight people in the patrol bowed down with awe on their faces.

Just being affected by the aftermath, the middle-aged man in purple instinctively felt his two muscles trembling, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

However, he was not in a bad mood, because his goal was achieved. He tilted his head, and the middle-aged man looked expectantly at the land soul master who was paying attention to Master Hai Long, wanting to see with his own eyes her crawling on the ground. Ugly.

However, the scene in front of him made his pupils shrink in disbelief.

I saw that the other party still maintained a graceful and graceful posture looking forward, looking in the direction of Master Hai Long, with no fear or even dignity in his eyes.

There is only a coldness from above and a touch of disappointment, "True Dragon Martial Spirit, level 95, is this the second person in Poseidon Island?"

In terms of horizontal comparison, the Sea Dragon Douluo in front of him is probably similar to Yu Yuanzhen in perfect condition.

They are both level 95 and have true dragon martial souls, but Yu Yuanzhen's blue electric tyrannosaur should be stronger than the sea dragon in front of him in terms of combat power.

But even Yu Yuanzhen, Bibi Dong, who had just broken through the title Douluo, was able to defeat him.

Nowadays, 15 years have passed since Bibi Dong was back then, and Bibi Dong's progress is enough to make anyone familiar with the matter stunned.

Titled Douluo is both the end and the beginning. The distance from level 91 to level 99 is even longer than that from level 1 to level 90, not to mention the many bottlenecks in it.

But it only took Bibi Dong 15 years to finish her journey, and she had even gone beyond the limitations of a soul master.

To be precise, the current Bibi Dong can easily kill the self who just broke through in 15 years, not to mention the Sea Dragon Douluo in front of her who is not even at the worship level.

Bibi Dong's voice was filled with waning interest, but Sea Dragon Douluo himself felt an inexplicable and instinctive chill from the depths of his heart.

Even though he was 500 meters away from the other party, he still saw the sickle of death attached to his neck in a trance.

"Boring." Bibi Dong waved her hand, and the eight people next to her and everything around them turned gray, and then scattered in the wind from head to toe like fly ash.

At this moment, the string in Sea Dragon Douluo's heart suddenly tightened to the extreme, and the soul power in his body was injected into the black seventh soul ring without hesitation.

However, no matter how fast the soul skill is, it takes time to activate it, let alone a powerful skill such as Wuhun Avatar that combines both offense and defense.

At this moment that ordinary people couldn't notice, Bibi Dong raised her feet, and a silver light flashed across the soles of her feet. The next moment, she jumped directly in space and pointed directly in front of Sea Dragon Douluo.

That pure gray seems to contain various explanations of death, turning all obstacles in front of it into fly ash.

Neither the pure soul power spitting out from Sea Dragon Douluo nor the dragon scale defense on his face could buy him any time.

Bibi Dong's speed was so fast that Sea Dragon Douluo himself didn't have time to use any soul skills, so he directly clicked on his forehead.

In an instant, Hai Long's body, consciousness and soul power solidified together, turning into a motionless gray statue.

If Hai Long breaks through level 95 and enters the realm, he won't have any room to fight back. At least he will have the ability to call for help from Bo Saixi.

The most important thing between level 95 and level 96 is not the difference in soul power, but the fundamental difference in whether the soul master has dabbled in comprehending the world and borrowing all methods.

With Bibi Dong's deep understanding of death, he has not reached the level of worship, and is not even qualified to fight with her.

This was also the fundamental reason why Bibi Dong was disappointed with Sea Dragon Douluo. She originally thought that the Spirit Hall suffered a lot of losses on Poseidon Island, which meant that the other party was very strong.

The guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars should have a lot of worship-level combat power. Now after seeing the actual level of the sea dragon known as the number one among the Seven Sacred Pillars, she understood that the other party was just in vain.

The reason why the Wuhun Palace failed to attack the island in the first place was probably because the Enshrinement Palace did not take action.

After getting rid of the sea dragon and throwing it into the storage ring that can store living things, Bibi Dong could feel the trembling of the holy pillar in front of her and the rapid transmission of some kind of information.

But without the carrier of Sea Dragon Douluo, the invisible power released by the stone pillar in front of him did not pose any threat to Bibi Dong.

Moreover, Bibi Dong raised her head, she had more than one Sea Dragon Douluo as her target. In her hand, a silver jade talisman shone brightly.

The next moment, Bibi Dong appeared in a very similar scene.

This is also a sea within a sea, but the figure sitting cross-legged under the sacred pillar is a woman. This is the sacred pillar of the sea maiden, and the guardian of the sacred pillar is called the Sea Witch.

At the edge of the jungle, there was also a patrol that arrived here with a pirate with a scar on his face. The pirate had a jade token around his neck, which was quite similar to the void jade talisman in Bibi Dong's hand.

Although the jade token worn by Hai Dao does not have the ability to jump into the void, it can provide clear spatial coordinates for other people who possess the void jade talisman.

"The second one." Bibi Dong looked at the stunningly beautiful Sea Witch without any hesitation and chose to take action directly!

(End of this chapter)

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