Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 343 Soul masters and gods are essentially the same. . .

Chapter 343 Soul masters and gods are essentially the same. . .

Looking at the soul master system alone, the so-called road to transcendence is like a game. From level 0 to level 99, it is simple and clear. The most simple and direct fundamental difference is soul power.

A person with strong soul power will probably be better than a person with weak soul power, as long as there is not much difference in their martial souls and soul rings.

Even, in essence, there is not much difference between soul masters and ordinary people who practice martial arts. People with strong soul power are like people with strong strength.

Martial spirits and soul skills are like the skills and moves practiced by a person. The same power drives different moves to have different powers.

This system seems simple and clear, easy to use and efficient, but in Guang's eyes it is very problematic, because the soul master system is walking on crutches.

The reason why it is so convenient is because of the special nature of the world's rules. If in another world, the soul masters did not have crutches, their strength would undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

In contrast, the system of enlightenment he followed actually had great limitations, that is, this system was simply not suitable for ordinary people to become extraordinary.

The so-called enlightenment method is even more difficult than becoming a god. However, from the perspective of level transition, the method of enlightenment is actually somewhat similar to the method of becoming a god. They are both ways to allow creatures under the limitations of the world to break through the limitations of the system.

However, the method of becoming a god is more similar to compromise, while the method of becoming a Taoist is more independent.

And here, the most important qualitative change node in the extraordinary system appears. Soul masters above level 95 must involve fields, from pure soul power to a higher level of power.

The field is just the beginning. When the practitioner's understanding of the laws is perfect enough to master a world, the pure number of soul power has lost its meaning.

However, it was too late for the soul master to understand the node of heaven and earth because of the crutch.

Compared with the world of the undead when he first entered the ninth level and began to comprehend the realm, Bibi Dong began to comprehend the transformation of enlightenment when he was a soul saint. The soul master was like a stunted deformity.

Even for soul masters above level 95, their understanding of the laws is only the minimum level required with the help of crutches.

Even according to the mainstream thinking in the soul master world, what they focus on is the improvement of their own soul power.

The difference in soul power between level 95 and level 96 soul masters is 20%.

The difference in soul power between level 96 and level 97 soul masters is 20%.

The difference in soul power between level 97 and level 98 soul masters is 30%.

The difference in soul power between level 98 and level 99 soul masters is 40%.

This is the view recognized by high-level soul masters, and it is also an important indicator for them to calculate the gap in combat power.

However, in Guang's opinion, this statement is no different from a joke. Simply pursuing the improvement of soul power is undoubtedly a wrong path, and it is also the fundamental reason why it is impossible for a soul master to break through level 100.

Perhaps most people cannot understand this statement, but if it is explained in another way, many people can understand it clearly.

If practice is the same as working, you will start as an intern, accumulate work experience and prestige, and gradually become a full-time employee and be promoted to a full-time employee, supervisor, manager, or vice president. . .

The higher the talent of an employee, the higher his upper limit will naturally be, but can he replace the boss?

Can he become the boss of the entire company with greater talent, more hard work, and more performance?

No, because you will always be a wage earner when you work for others. It is impossible for your boss to be moved by working too hard and step aside to make way for someone more talented. . .

The soul master system is like this. The system is simple and clear, and can grow quickly. It is much smoother than other extraordinary systems, but when it reaches the bottleneck of level 99, it cannot advance even half a step further.

To be precise, this is not a bottleneck, but a limitation set when the soul master system was born.

Making it easier to achieve extraordinary things can make the world more prosperous. The restrictions on soul beast soul rings can further reduce the difficulty of soul masters' improvement, and can also suppress the development of soul beasts.

However, after reaching level 99, the bottleneck that the soul master will encounter is far greater than that of other systems, because this bottleneck not only comes from the limitations of the world, but also the shackles of the soul master himself.

Some people may say, isn’t there still a way to become a god?

But gods are different. There are essential differences between the Star Gods Guang has seen, the so-called demigods from the predecessor of the World of the Dead, and the gods of Douluo Continent.

Still using the company's argument, you can't break through the restrictions of the vice president and become the real boss of a company, but what if Douluo Continent is regarded as a branch?

Branch offices can't be promoted, but they can be promoted to the head office. In the God Realm, being a god sounds glamorous, but in fact it's just working for others.

Soul masters and gods are essentially workers.

As for the enlightenment method used by Guang, it is more similar to starting a business on your own. It is difficult and costly, but if you succeed, you will be your own boss, which is the most free.

Of course, this does not mean that the enlightenment method of self-employment is all good. Guang never intended for Bibi Dong and others to directly learn the enlightenment method. They all slowly transferred from the soul master system to transform the accumulation of soul masters into personal accumulation. .

In other words, it is necessary to work for others when you are weak. It is easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree. The advantages of the soul master system are simple, convenient and easy to get started. It is obvious.

But once enough experience capital is obtained, there is no need to stick to the soul master system and end up in trouble.


Of course, true extraordinary cultivation is definitely not as simple as going to work, because it is a self-employed business, and the method of enlightenment cannot be simply practicing the soul power system like the soul master system.

As the name suggests, the method of enlightenment is the path.

What deserves special attention is that enlightenment is achieved, not heard.

Hearing the Tao only requires simple understanding, just like when Guang saw a sports car running by the roadside in his first life, he could see the shape of the sports car and could simply understand the basic principles of how the sports car can run, but It definitely doesn't mean he can build a sports car.

Enlightenment also means this. Bibi Dong's understanding of death is like learning how to make a sports car. It is not enough to know what a sports car looks like. All the internal and external principles must be understood.

In addition, it is not enough to have the ability to build a sports car, but also to have the necessary raw materials. If you want to succeed in qualitative change, you must meet the accumulation of quantitative change.

This accumulation alone is far from enough for Bibi Dong, so it is also necessary to sacrifice part of the world through super large-scale rituals.

In addition, Bibi Dong's instant kill against Sea Dragon Douluo can also be explained by this principle.


It is normal to be beaten by a gap of 2.6 times, but it is unjustifiable to be killed instantly.

But from Bibi Dong and Guang's point of view, soul masters who have not entered the enshrinement level have not even crossed the threshold of entry into the law. To put it bluntly, they don't even know what a sports car looks like.

It's not unbelievable that someone who doesn't know what a sports car is would be directly hit to death. This is also true for Bibi Dong and Guang's instant kill of soul masters below the enshrined level.

As for ordinary level 99 peerless Douluo, they are more accustomed to using soul power, fully expanding their fields and using the laws of enlightenment, which is a method of using the bottom of the box. However, as the high priests of the gods, Qiandaoliu is different from Bo Saixi in that they can borrow the power of the gods.

Their own understanding of the law is not too deep, but with the power of Poseidon as a guide, they can induce higher-level power.

Even if the guardians of the seven holy pillars fully activate the holy pillars behind them, they can reach a similar state.

But with Bibi Dong's explosive speed, Sea Dragon Douluo, the strongest guardian of the Holy Pillar, couldn't even activate his own soul skills, let alone hook up with the Poseidon's will of the Holy Pillar behind him and activate the Poseidon's power.

The same goes for Guang. As long as he is fast enough, he and Bibi Dong can kill the guardians of the sacred pillar before they can activate the power of the Poseidon.

It can not only avoid potential risks in the future, but also serve as a real bargaining chip.

What Bibi Dong asked Purple Pearl to do was very simple. He arranged for four reliable people to come ashore in the other four areas, all carrying void jade talismans containing spatial coordinates.

As long as they arrange their time well, it won't be too troublesome for Guang and Bibi Dong to kill a few more guardians of the sacred pillar by using space jumps.

Not to mention, in the eyes of the two of them, the strength of the so-called sacred pillar guardians is not much different from that of ordinary soul masters. They are both capable of one move in a second.

As for the last guardian of the sacred pillar, Ming Kun was left to handle it. Although he could not rely on external force to complete precise space jumps in the environment of Poseidon Island, his own strength was sufficient.

Whether it was killing the guardian of the sacred pillar instantly or facing the risk of Bo Saixi alone, it was not a big problem for the three of them.

However, for the sake of safety, Bibi Dong and Guang made an appointment. After the chip plan was completed, both of them would choose to space jump to meet Ming Kun.

Facing the arrival of Poseidon with the strength of three people, at least they can jointly resist, so that one person will not be in a hurry.


As mentioned before, there is an essential gap between the worship level and the worship level, and the gap between level 99 and the worship level is equally obvious, not to mention that Bo Saixi, as the high priest, has a considerable share of the power of Poseidon that covers Poseidon Island.

Therefore, just a few breaths after Bibi Dong, Guang and Ming Kun took action, while she was practicing cross-legged in the Poseidon Hall, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and spit out angry flames!

For thousands of years, Poseidon Island has been attacked, but it was only minor attacks.

It was the first time for the guardian of the Holy Pillar to be attacked by the Holy Pillar in the sea. What shocked her most was that in just a moment, she felt that the 7 Holy Pillars were gradually extinguished like 7 candlesticks.

"The blasphemers cannot be forgiven!"

Bo Saixi's undisguised voice of rage resounded through the sky driven by her soul power, and all the soul masters on Poseidon Island heard the high priest's roar.

As the sound resounded, the blue light spread rapidly starting from the Poseidon Hall, covering the entire Poseidon Island in a few breaths.

The light surged around like ocean waves, and the high waves contained a trace of Bo Saixi's anger.

This light is called Poseidon's Light. It was originally unique to Poseidon Mountain where the Poseidon Hall is located, but now it directly covers the entire Poseidon Island due to Bo Saixi's wrath.

Of course, Bo Saixi did this not only to vent his anger, but also to prevent the invading enemy from escaping.

. . .

Sea within the sea, Seahorse Holy Pillar.

The one-eyed man who was more than three meters tall put away his sledgehammer and threw Seahorse Douluo, who was almost beaten into a meat pie, into the iron coffin that Guang gave him.

The effect of this iron coffin is the same as that of Guan Tanghao, which can isolate the connection between gods and believers.

Not long after, blue light surged past like a big wave. Almost at the same time, two silver lights lit up from Ming Kun's side, and Bibi Dong and Guang quickly jumped out from the gaps in the light marks.

Under the impact of blue light, the light traces quickly become smaller and then directly shattered.

Guang looked at the surging blue light, his face slightly condensed, "This level has exceeded the scope of the realm, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the realm of the sea."

The most important thing is that the domain can interfere with space at most, while the boundary can block space.

"I feel so uncomfortable." In the blue light, Ming Kun not only did not feel like a fish in water, but also felt a sense of crazy rejection and disgust.

Unfortunately, his Demonic Whale Domain is mostly water-based and is tightly restrained. The purple thunder domain is clearly unable to cope with the realm-level sea boundary, and cannot even maintain a close range around him.

Looking at the three meters of gray around Bibi Dong and the golden field of light release, Ming Kun's eyes were filled with envy and at the same time a clear sign of help.

Guang is not a stingy person. Seeing that Ming Kun was really restrained by the Sea Realm, the surrounding Fierce Sun Realm created waves and enveloped him.

However, Guang has no intention of continuing to expand the realm, let alone fully launching the collision between the Ten Yang Burning Heaven Realm and the Sea Realm.

In the opponent's home court, this kind of confrontation means little.

Poseidon Island has existed for so many years, and its energy reserve is absolutely astonishingly high. Not to mention whether you can win against it by using up all your energy, if the consumption is too great, you will be in trouble when Poseidon comes to the world!

You don’t really think that the sea is all water and Poseidon is just a parallel import, right?

On Poseidon Island, the power that Poseidon can bring down is even greater than that of Shura God descending to the world and god-level Tang Chen.

Moreover, Bibi Dong and Guang glanced at each other and understood that the other party's actions were very smooth. Killing all seven sacred pillar guardians in one go was a perfect completion of the planned bargaining plan.

If they are in a good mood, they will naturally not be anxious, but others will be anxious.

Sure enough, after the blue light enveloped the entire Poseidon Island, a figure flew out of the Poseidon Hall like lightning.

The next moment, the figure landed on the stone platform, a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring at Bibi Dong and the others.

The other party was wearing a bright red robe and holding a luxurious staff. Under her long sea-blue hair, she had a noble face comparable to that of the Sea Witch. The aura around her was as deep as the sea like her eyes.

"Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon, came very quickly."

Ignoring the strong and aggressive aura on the other party's body, Bibi Dong's voice was very calm, just like the realm around her and Guang.

Even though the outer sea realm is fierce, the domain of the two of them is as unshakable as a rooted reef.

"Who are you?" Sensing that the other three's auras were not inferior to hers, Bo Saixi's face as cold as frost showed a solemn expression.

Three unfamiliar peak powerhouses are enough to surprise people, not to mention that the other party actually captured all the guardians of the holy pillar alive in the blink of an eye!

(End of this chapter)

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