Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 348: On Tang 3’s soul power increasing speed from rocket to tortoise

Chapter 348: On Tang San’s soul power increasing speed from rocket to turtle

Tang San has been in a bad mood recently, because he found that his luck had deteriorated visibly for some reason.

There was so much commotion on Poseidon Island two days ago that he was knocked unconscious and his face could hardly be seen without speaking. Yesterday, the Xuan Tian Gong was unexpectedly interrupted.

Today, he went back to Haenv City to buy medicine and gauze, and he was actually recognized by Flanders and his group. Tang San was really embarrassed with his injured face.

However, Flanders did not show any hostility, he just pretended not to know about Yu Xiaogang's matter and maintained a good-looking friendship with Tang San.

Seeing that Tang San needed medical treatment, he pointed out the location of the medical center in the city. Seeing this, Tang San also responded with some superficial kindness to Flanders, Zhao Wuji and others.

After all, the other party was a Soul Saint, and Tang San didn't want to get into such trouble.

Of course, Tang San didn't care about the ordinary teachers at Shrek Academy. The soul power levels of those teachers were similar to his.

Although Dai Mubai seemed to have cured his lung injury, Tang San could sense from the soul power aura that the opponent had not yet reached the Soul King level.

His age was already two years older than Tang San's, and his soul power was overtaken by him. Tang San didn't have much interest in becoming friends with Dai Mubai.

However, Dai Mubai also has a very important identity besides the Soul Sect, that is, he is the direct heir of the Xingluo royal family. Now he is probably the only direct heir of the Dai family.

Thinking of this piece of information, Tang San was naturally moved. He was hostile to Wuhun Palace, and relying on his own strength alone was far from enough. It was very necessary to unite the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

Then, Dai Mubai's identity value is now far higher than before. Thinking of this, Tang San smiled slightly at Dai Mubai and said, "Mubai, long time no see."

It's just that Tang San's face is now covered with scars, and he looks really unsightly. Dai Mubai frowned at this, "You are such a mistress, you look so changed."

Seeing Dai Mubai's reaction, Tang San's expression darkened. It wasn't that he didn't know his current "respectable appearance", but the injury on his face had not healed and it was inconvenient to cover his face.

In contrast, Ma Hongjun, who had just arrived, greeted Tang San respectfully, "Third brother, you can't afford to delay your injury. You'd better go see a doctor quickly."

"There is no need for a doctor. I know the extent of my injury. I can just go to the city to buy some medicine and clean gauze and take care of it myself."

Looking at Ma Hongjun, who had no soul power at all, Tang San spontaneously felt a little disdain in his heart, but for the sake of Flanders next to him, he didn't show anything.

"Potion and gauze?" Ma Hongjun looked at Tang San as if he had forgotten the "dirty things" on the previous ship, and walked up to Tang San with enthusiasm on his face.

"Third brother, you should have a good rest in this situation. Let me buy these two things for you."

"That's it, then thank you." Tang San reached out and tapped his burning cheek, agreeing to the other party's kindness without hesitation.

He knew this face best. If the injury was not really serious, he would not go to Haenyeo City with this face on his face. He also wanted to save face.

Now that Ma Hongjun is taking the initiative to do things for him, it's great that he doesn't have to go out and embarrass himself with this face.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's attentive attitude towards Tang San, Flanders couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied in his heart, but considering that Ma Hongjun was already a useless person, this change was also the result of him adapting to his identity.

In addition, since Ma Hongjun had a good relationship with Tang San, he didn't have to work hard to negotiate with Tang San.

Thinking of this, Flanders and Tang San looked at each other and smiled, both of them had no intention of continuing the awkward conversation.

Flanders led the others to continue their assessment of crossing the ring bay. This assessment was originally handled by Xiaobai, the hundred thousand year old demon spirit great white shark, and it was not easy.

But now that Xiao Bai is gone and replaced by three ten thousand year level demon soul great white sharks, the difficulty of the test is relatively easy.

If Flanders and the others pass this test, the content of the third test will probably be the same as Tang San's about traveling through the Poseidon's Light.

This assessment is basically a required part of the purple-level assessment. It is very low-risk in itself, and it can greatly promote the rapid improvement of the soul master's soul power and physique. It is a welfare assessment.

And Tang San didn't wait too long. Not long after, Ma Hongjun brought him clean gauze, topical herbs, and internal potions.

After getting the thing, Tang San briefly inspected it and nodded with satisfaction. The quality of the thing was very good, not the inferior stuff he was worried about.

Then he disappeared in front of Ma Hongjun in one step. For the sake of his understanding, Tang Fozu was willing to give Ma Hongjun a chance.

If Ma Hongjun could carefully handle all the things he asked during his stay on Poseidon Island, then he would teach Ma Hongjun some basic skills of the Tang Sect's outer sect before leaving.

As for restoring Ma Hongjun's soul power and teaching him the true history of the Tang Sect, that is absolutely impossible. Tang San only plans to create a new Tang Sect that only belongs to him after he becomes a god. At that time, he will not treat an ordinary person. Income under the door.

Seeing Tang San who disappeared without even giving him any money, Ma Hongjun's face froze, but he still didn't show any anger on his face.

Logically speaking, these high-end goods must be worth at least hundreds of gold soul coins, but who said these things were not paid for by Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun turned around with an expectant smile on his face. Who would have thought that this originally troublesome task would be completed so easily.

According to that adult, now he only needs to wait quietly to regain his soul power and become a soul master.


The potion provided by Ma Hongjun was indeed very good. It only took three days for Tang San to take it externally or internally, and the injuries on his face were almost healed.

Seeing Xiao Shuai's face reappearing in the water, Tang San nodded with satisfaction, never expecting that the Shura Divine Test could have such an effect.

This kind of change was exactly what he expected. How could that ordinary face be worthy of him, Mr. Tang San?

But there was one thing that Tang San had always been very clear in his heart, and that was his own strength.

From the moment he was born in his second life, he has determined his life goal, which is to practice Xuantian Kung to the pinnacle, in other words, to pursue personal strength.

In his previous life, he did not have this talent or opportunity. Although he realized his ideal of forging top-notch hidden weapons, he eventually discovered that personal strength was far more important than external objects.

Therefore, in terms of cultivation, Tang San has always been very self-disciplined and hardworking, which is his greatest advantage.

In addition, Tang San's soul power increased as fast as a rocket this year, directly surpassing the soul sect and increasing his soul power by more than ten levels. Such a large positive feedback made Tang San full of expectations for his cultivation. After confirming that the facial injury had healed, Tang San couldn't wait to climb the stairs of Poseidon's Light and begin his practice today.

From the morning sun rising to the sun shining in the sky, to the setting sun, Tang San spent most of his time improving his soul power. As for the other contents of Xuantian Baolu, he didn't pay much attention to it now.

Just like the Purple Demon Eye, Tang San, who practiced other "self-created soul skills", had already reached the technical bottleneck, and the rest was mainly due to the lack of accumulation of soul power.

Facing the fiery red glow of the evening, Tang San was not in a very beautiful mood. For some reason during today's practice, he didn't feel the obvious improvement in soul power that he had in the past, but could barely notice the improvement.

Could it be that we are stuck in a bottleneck? No, the soul master's bottleneck is mainly at the higher levels. It's so easy for him to break through the soul king, so there's no reason to be stuck at level 52, right?

Moreover, Tang San felt that he absorbed a lot of heaven and earth energy and transformed into soul power in a day. This was not in line with the feeling he had when he was stuck in a bottleneck before.

Here, Tang San was depressed and confused, his food was not good, and his meditation at night was very unsatisfactory. When he got up in the morning, not only did he not feel refreshed, but he felt aching and tired, and his soul power was even somewhat lacking.

Is it because I'm not working hard enough? After thinking for a long time, Tang San finally came to a seemingly reasonable conclusion.

It may be that his soul power has improved too quickly and too vainly during this period. In addition, the Soul King's soul power concentration is much higher than before, which has caused his total soul power to stagnate.

The small increase in quantity is probably due to an increase in quality. Otherwise, where would the soul power that he had absorbed and transformed from so much heaven and earth energy gone?

In the final analysis, we still have to work harder. Thinking of this, Tang San decided to put aside the impetuousness in his heart and practice hard cultivation for a long time.

On the other side, Ma Hongjun was overjoyed. It was like there was an extra spring in his body, and a steady stream of pure soul power gushes out from his Dantian.

Having regained his soul power, Ma Hongjun naturally quickly recovered his original soul master cultivation, and his two gray soul rings also bloomed with color again.

What's more, what makes Ma Hongjun excited is that the spewing speed of this soul power is even faster than the soul power he had condensed during his hard training.

Even if the injury to his Dantian has not been repaired and his soul power continues to leak, as long as the spewing speed of soul power exceeds the speed of soul power condensation, there will be more and more soul power in his Dantian.

Of course, the Dantian is not a pool made of cement, and the injury to Ma Hongjun’s Dantian is also different from the drain outlet of the pool.

When the soul power in the Dantian is almost dry, the soul power leaks very slowly, and Ma Hongjun does not turn back into an ordinary person overnight.

But when the soul power in Ma Hongjun's dantian increases, the speed of soul power leaking will also increase proportionally.

Therefore, Ma Hongjun's current total soul power is maintained at around 80% at most.

Of course, it is not without its benefits. Ma Hongjun's soul power recovery speed is very fast, even much faster than in the past, and he can recover naturally without the need for him to meditate and practice hard.

And considering the leakage of soul power, the lower the total soul power of Ma Hongjun, the faster the recovery speed of soul power.

Ma Hongjun couldn't help but get even more excited after actually trying this. He released Phoenix FireWire many times, but the soul power in his body never bottomed out. Instead, it maintained a dynamic balance at about 20%.

In this case, although his soul power level cannot be improved, his actual combat ability is far better than before. After all, there was no such outrageous blue bar return to blue before, and he could continuously release Phoenix Fireline and Fire Phoenix.

Coupled with the advantages of Ma Hongjun's own martial soul, his actual combat ability is not inferior to that of ordinary soul masters.

The feeling of regaining something that was lost brought tears to Ma Hongjun's eyes, and also made his living standard return to the past or even higher.

First of all, he automatically passed the first test of the white level, officially obtained the status of Poseidon Island, and obtained a decent house.

Secondly, his great soul master strength is not even at the bottom level on Poseidon Island.

It just so happened that all the leaders of the Hanhai were gone, and the lord of Witch City arranged for someone to take over the business of the Hanhai. Ma Hongjun could resume his old business on the ship.

Although he couldn't be the leader, he was able to get a good position in the escort team with his outstanding performance in long-range attacks and short-term flight.

The salary and benefits have been greatly increased. It is estimated that he can receive 100 gold soul coins a month, which is much more than the free allowance he received from Wuhun Palace before.

However, considering the actual situation on Poseidon Island itself where mid-level soul masters were everywhere and low-level soul masters were as numerous as dogs, Ma Hongjun did not dare to expand.

In addition, considering what Guang said at the end, Ma Hongjun did not squander the soul power in his body wantonly, and he did not want to be too conspicuous.

In addition, after learning that Ma Hongjun's soul power had been restored, Flender and others' attitude towards him changed from being cold and distant to getting close to him again.

Ma Hongjun, who just knew that his soul power could not continue to improve, had completely turned to a bad attitude in his practice, and he was not on the same channel with Dai Mubai, who was determined to return to the mainland to return as the king.

When Dai Mubai followed Flanders and others to break through the ring bay, it was inevitable that he would pass through the Poseidon's Light test.

After seeing Tang San's efforts and his Soul King level, Dai Mubai was shocked and learned from the pain, and directly followed Tang San to join the ranks of Involution.

Tang San also made a rough plan for returning to the mainland, and restored his relationship with Dai Mubai through daily practice.

After completing his training on Poseidon Island, he planned to leave Poseidon Island and return to the mainland with Dai Mubai, just in time to gain the favor of helping Dai Mubai escape from Poseidon Island.

Tang San felt that with Dai Mubai's identity as the sole member of the orthodox Dai family royal family and the strength of the Haotian Sect, he could use this to help the Haotian Sect gain the dominant position in the Star Luo Empire.

With this merit and his own bloodline advantage, he can also successfully rise to the position in Haotian Sect. When the time comes, it doesn't seem that difficult to unite with Tiandou Empire to fight against the behemoth of Wuhun Empire.

Guang and Bibi Dong knew nothing about Tang San's plan, and even if they knew it, they wouldn't care. As chess players, they wouldn't care about the chess pieces on the chessboard, and they were chess pieces that had been treated harmlessly.

After handling the affairs of Poseidon Island, they had no intention of staying long. After experiencing Poseidon Island's blue sea, blue sky, white sandy beaches, barbecue parties and other local features, it was almost time to return.

On the white beach, Guang watched the setting sun leaving a red glow on the sea while tasting the grilled fish and wine set in front of him.

His face was relaxed but also slightly suppressed. He could feel in his gut that an extraordinary malice was quickly approaching him.

"What are you thinking about?" Bibi Dong, who was wearing a white swimsuit, had just walked out of the sea, her soul power evaporated from the sea water on her body, she came to sit next to Guang, picked up the unopened fruit wine and drank it in one gulp, her face rising with heat. blush.

(End of this chapter)

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