Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

349. Solicitation of opinions

Solicitation of opinions

I just came back from my hometown and will update again tomorrow.

In addition, this novel has come to an end. It is expected to end before the Chinese New Year and start a new book after the new year.

Although this book is a rush purchase with an average order of 500, it has a lot of questions from beginning to end, and I can barely survive with less than 3K in one month, but at least I have written almost everything I wanted to write about Douluo, and it counts as my first book. Satisfied.

It’s uncomfortable to follow the rules of a fan, and I plan to create something original for the next one, because I really like Go Go and Wenchao’s books, so it will be in this style.

If readers who have read this far have any plots they want to see, you can comment in this chapter, and I will appropriately favor the subsequent content based on the number of likes.

Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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