Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 350 The truth behind 8 people becoming gods

Chapter 350 The truth behind 8 people becoming gods

God Shura needs a tool man. This tool man is the core of his plan and must meet at least three conditions.

First of all, he must have absolute control over this tool man. Tang Chen is a negative example, and the current Tang San has been trained by him since his reincarnation, so it can be said that he is foolproof.

Secondly, this tool man must meet the minimum requirements for inheriting the Shura God's position, that is, the soul power reaches level 99. As for the level 99 sacrifice that starts the inheritance of the gods, this matter is not troublesome for the Shura God who can operate in violation of regulations.

Finally, there is the requirement for the combat power of the tool man, because his ultimate purpose of training the tool man is to harvest the luck of the entire plane that has been accumulated for thousands of years.

Therefore, the tool man must stand at the top of the continent and become the largest source of luck.

This is not difficult at all. Regardless of Tang San's combat prowess during his time as a spirit master, as long as he succeeds in inheriting the Shura God's throne, he will naturally have top-notch god-level combat prowess, and standing at the top of the Douluo Continent will not be a problem.

Of course, he also prepared some other gods for layout.

For example, the first-level Rakshasa god position was his biggest foreshadowing, but it didn't trick Bibi Dong, so he chose to use it on Tang Chen.

In addition to this, there are other divine positions that Shura God plans to leave to the secondary tool men around Tang San.

According to the theory of luck gathering, Tang San, as the son of luck, would automatically become the center of luck gathering, attracting other people with strong luck to gather together.

God Shura intends to give his divine status to these Douluo Continent's native luck seeds. Of course, he is not doing this as a charity.

On the one hand, the gathering of more people with great luck around Tang San can solidify the position of Tang San's man-made Son of Luck, accelerating him to become the core of the entire world's destiny.

On the other hand, these luck seeds gaining divine status and becoming gods can also help Tang San eliminate obstacles and unify Douluo Continent to gather luck.

Last but not least, God Shura can harvest luck from everyone without any harm according to the principle of equal exchange.

In layman's terms, the entire world is a fertile black land that has not been exploited for thousands of years, and Tang San, the son of destiny, and other seeds of destiny are the latest crops sown.

At the right time, they will gather most of the world's luck, which is also the harvest season.

At this time, God Shura could use his own arrangement to make a deal with the other party, using his divine position to exchange luck for Tang San and other luck seeds at the same price.

What deserves special explanation is that, strictly speaking, the luck in Tang San and other luck seeds does not belong to themselves, but to the world.

Their theory of exchanging luck for divine status is to exchange the interests of the world for personal interests.

If they become gods and ascend to the God Realm, then although the world cannot go to the God Realm to recover this debt from the other party, it will definitely make amends from their related personnel.

This is why in the original timeline, the Tang Sect, Haotian Sect (Tang San), Dai Family (Dai Mubai), Zhu Family (Zhu Zhuqing), Qibao Glazed Sect (Ning Rongrong and Oscar), Ma Family (Ma Hongjun) , the core reason why the soul beast (Xiao Wu) has been deteriorating over the past 20,000 years.

Logically speaking, the ancestors have become gods, and the descendants should bask in glory and become more prosperous.

Like the Angel God, the Wuhun Palace left behind became the number one behemoth in the entire Douluo Continent.

Like Poseidon, Poseidon Island also has an absolute dominance in the ocean.

How come the original Shrek Seven Devils turned upside down? Logically speaking, the seven gods should be more prosperous.

Could it be that the Angel God and Poseidon Fukuzawa are the descendants, but the Shrek Seven Devils are upright and will never interfere with the relationship in the lower world?

No, it is absolutely impossible to do anything. In a sense, the Shrek Seven Devils purchased the throne from God Shura with a loan from Douluo Continent.

The Shrek Seven Devils cannot be traced back in the God Realm, and the descendants living on the Douluo Continent will have to repay the 20,000-year-old fate loan for them.

Let’s talk about God Shura. Strictly speaking, his own divine position and other divine positions are not his own wealth, but also the public property of the God Realm.

It is not illegal for him to inherit the divine position, because the divine realm itself also needs the transportation of Qi from the lower realm to grow and develop.

However, Shura God Zhang did not intend to hand it over to the God Realm after receiving the public funds. He chose to run away with the money.

The most important thing is that he also arranged for the tool man Tang San to inherit the throne of Shura.

The consciousness of the divine realm is extremely rigid and hazy. It will not distinguish the difference between Shura God Zhang and Shura God Tang San. It will only stipulate that Shura God has a huge amount of luck-related public funds that has not been handed over.

So it will only ask the new Shura God Tang San to pay back the money, or it will continue to trace back and ask for money from other people who have become gods in Douluo Continent.

Therefore, the Shrek Seven Devils owe this debt to two ends, one in the God Realm and one in the Douluo Continent. On the Douluo Continent, they can shamelessly ask future generations to repay it, and no one knows about it anyway.

In the God Realm, they can only repay the debt themselves, which is reflected in the amount of voluntary work. The other gods are leisurely and leisurely, so they can only work twice as hard to repay the debt.

To be precise, they were also confused. The specific manifestation was that Ma Hongjun failed to inherit the first-level Vulcan God and could only inherit the second-level Phoenix God.

On the surface, Ma Hongjun is lazy and doesn't work hard. In fact, he doesn't have enough luck. Even an installment loan is not enough to exchange for a first-level divine status.

And the only person other than the original Shura God who knows the truth of the matter is the current Shura God Tang San, because the Shura God is the highest law-enforcement god in the God Realm.

What if Tang San becomes a god and receives the facts of God Shura's crime from the consciousness of the divine world? Can he still catch himself?

He inherited all the mess left by the original Shura God intact! Not to mention that the original Shura God Zhang had other plans for him.

. . .

Of course, it's not that there are such big hidden dangers in becoming a god, but the way the Shrek Seven Monsters became gods is inherently tricky.

In terms of the normal process, following the example of Poseidon, the god of the sea, the full name of becoming a god should be becoming a god by faith.

Faith is used to draw and gather the divine status from the divine world. Faith comes from believers, which includes the believers' own luck.

When Poseidon became a god, he had already handed over enough power of faith to the God Realm as a down payment to obtain the position of Poseidon. After that, he could also obtain a steady stream of faith through the lower world and give it to the God Realm.

In this way, he will naturally receive preferential treatment from the God Realm, and can roam freely without any obligation to work.

Let's talk about the issue of the lower realm. Although believers have shared part of the debt for Poseidon, Poseidon himself will still owe Douluo Continent a sum, which is the same problem as the Shrek Seven Monsters. The way to solve this problem is to settle the accounts to death. Whether it is the sea god Poseidon or the original angel god Qian Mou, their direct bloodline is extremely thin.

The reason is that they gave their descendants god-level martial spirits, binding their destiny to themselves. The price is that the number of places is limited, and the bloodline will not branch off and prosper, but it will not be cut off.

Through the protection of god-level martial arts, the world can only look to believers to share and repay debts. However, since believers occupy an entire area, there will not be much change in the overall decline in luck.

In contrast, the problems of the Shrek Seven Monsters are obvious. Their divine positions are the product of illegal operations by Shura God Zhang, and the side effects are naturally extremely huge.

The only god that doesn't have much of a problem is the Poseidon, because although Poseidon has been replaced, the belief in Poseidon still exists in the lower world, and there are believers who can help pay off debts.

Therefore, the coexistence of two gods sounds cool but is actually extremely stupid, because you have to pay double the price, and the harvested god position will become a burden after the transformation of the god body and soul and needs to be passed down.

Not to mention, Poseidon and Shura God sound completely unrelated to each other. There is no possibility of fusion at all, so they can only be used interchangeably.

In addition, the Rakshasa god bit that Bibi Dong received in the original timeline was also a pit buried by God Shura. On the one hand, he can indirectly control the remaining consciousness of Rakshasa god to merge with Bibi Dong himself, greatly interfering with his temperament and choices.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong is the genuine child of luck in the original Douluo Continent. As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, she has extremely rich luck.

Shura God can also harvest this fortune by trading divine positions, as long as he takes the money and runs away early, and then turns Rakshasa God Bibi Dong into a real dead end.

As for why Shrek Academy was able to develop, it was precisely because Shrek Academy at that time was too weak and seemed insignificant from the perspective of world consciousness.

In comparison, the major forces in the alliance headed by Tang San not only had greater goals, but also had more important connections.

The Tiandou Empire, whose emperor worshiped Tang San as his disciple, was the most unlucky, and even reached the point of splitting within 20,000 years.

The Xingluo Empire was not much better. The Dai family and the Zhu family directly lost their royal status and were replaced by the Xu family.

The Haotian Sect looks okay on the surface, but in reality the sect leader and deputy sect leaders are two soul beasts, and the titled Douluo members of the direct lineage of the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit have been cut off.

It was just a dream that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was renamed as the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect. Not only was the martial spirit of the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda unable to be passed down, but even the power of the sect was not what it used to be.

As for why Yu Xiaogang's descendants have developed well, there are two main reasons. One is that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was destroyed, and he inherited the fate of the entire sect.

On the other hand, the master-disciple relationship between Yu Xiaogang and Tang San is exactly the opposite of Xue Beng. Yu Xiaogang is the teacher. Strictly speaking, what Tang San owes Yu Xiaogang belongs to the creditor.

Therefore, the world consciousness prioritizes finding other forces to repay debts, and Yu Xiaogang is ranked behind him at most, and will not go to the extent of repaying Tang San's debts.

And Yu Xiaogang's descendants have the legacy of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and through the connection with Shrek Academy, they can smoothly replace the inheritance of the first generation dean Flanders, and complete the dove's nest.

At the same time, due to the declining fortunes of most of the forces in Douluo Continent, Shrek Academy, which was not affected, had prosperous fortunes and was naturally developing rapidly.

In addition, due to the decline of luck in the entire Douluo Continent, it led to the rise of the Sun and Moon Continent on the other side. The eventual collision of the Sun and Moon Continent with the Douluo Continent was also the result of luck.

Because Douluo Continent is the place where the fate of the entire world intersects, not because of the word continent, but because of the location.


The above are all the results of the original timeline, but the actual situation of the current Shura God has deviated far from the original copy due to the strong intervention of external factors.

The remnants of the Rakshasa god died long ago, and the god-level Tang Chen, who was born from the Rakshasa god, disappeared again.

However, this is not a big problem in the eyes of God Shura, because as the highest law enforcement god in the God Realm, he can directly use the public account to take the vacant god position.

The key is that Tang San's soul power progress suddenly fell into the turtle progress, and his luck is not losing at all. The soul beast luck he replenished for the second time is about to bottom out again.

And because Tang San had not become a trend-setter of the times, the Douluo Continent's luck had not gathered much towards him, and the luck seeds around him were far less than he had planned.

Ning Rongrong, who left early, is already dead, Ma Hongjun is not very lucky, let alone disabled, Oscar is also a civilian soul master, and Xiao Wu, the second tool prepared for Tang San, has also lost contact.

Zhu Zhuqing's life trajectory has long deviated, and only Dai Mubai beside him looks pretty good.

His injuries have been recovered on Poseidon Island. The fundamental reason is that the Dai family was almost wiped out. As the only remaining direct bloodline, Dai Mubai had a lot of luck out of thin air.

Poseidon was not blind, so he naturally chose to use the test to recover his injuries in exchange for a considerable amount of luck from him.

Even so, Dai Mubai's remaining luck is still ridiculously high, because this is the luck left by an empire that has been passed down for thousands of years!

Even if the royal family can only occupy a small part of it, and even if a lot of it is transmitted to Dai Mubai through the air, it is still a jaw-dropping asset for Dai Mubai alone.

Overall, it seemed that Dai Mubai was the only one around Tang San who deserved his trade options. God Shura was not happy about this good news, because Tang San was the fundamental problem.

The other gods' positions are traded just to reap the Douluo Continent's luck more cleanly and thoroughly. The inheritance of God Shura's position is the key!

Not only for the huge profits from the plan, but also for the tool man Tang San to take the money and run away to evade responsibility.

But now that Tang San's luck has been consumed for the most part, his soul power has not improved at all.

Tang San has been practicing on Poseidon Island. Could it be Poseidon's problem?

God Shura really wants to involve Poseidon, but his inherited artifact Shura Blood Sword is on Tang San. If Poseidon, who is also a god, dares to make any small moves, he will be discovered immediately!

In addition, Poseidon had just released the news that he was going to practice in seclusion and not ask about foreign affairs, so he couldn't find anyone. The current Shura God didn't have the time to fight with each other.

Time was running out. God Shura carefully observed the changes in Douluo Continent's luck, his expression gloomy to the extreme. This bad game had reached an irreparable point.

"Despicable guys, so what if you win this house-like game?" God Shura suddenly raised his head with cold eyes, looking in the direction of Douluo Continent with a sneer.

He is a chess player. In addition to playing chess, he can also choose to overturn the table! Even if the rules don't allow it, let that unsatisfactory tool man Tang San take the blame afterwards.

However, considering the other god kings, he still had to find a reason to act. God Shura turned his head and looked not far away in the other direction.

(End of this chapter)

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