Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 351 A group of three people walking out of the Star Forest

Chapter 351 The trio walking out of the Star Dou Forest

Star Forest,

This place is the largest soul beast gathering place in the entire Douluo Continent. From outside to inside, it is divided into peripheral area, inner circle area, ten thousand years area and core area.

You can find everything from the most common ten-year-old spirit beasts to the rarest and rarest hundred-thousand-year-old spirit beasts.

However, Bibi Dong and Guang Lai have explored it many times and found that the actual situation here is quite different from the records in ancient books.

Hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts can only be found in a few areas in the core area. As for the Star Lake in the center, it is somewhat unworthy of its name.

Perhaps it is due to the gradual decline of soul beasts and the gradual rise of soul masters over the years.

The two of them didn't think much about it, mainly because of the lack of attractiveness. Bibi Dong paid more attention to the suitability when choosing a soul ring. The age of the soul ring was just enough. She was used to learning skills independently and didn't attach much importance to the dual soul skill of a hundred thousand year soul ring. .

And the light from a high position does not need a soul ring at all. The reason why he condenses the soul ring is just for the purpose of disguise.

The reason why the two chose to hunt high-year soul beasts was mainly to increase the necessary accumulation. After the accumulation was over, they would no longer come to the Star Dou Forest.

But in fact, there is something else going on in the core area of ​​the Star Forest. Many years ago, the most important area, the Lake of Creatures, was cut and folded by the Silver Dragon King using his best space ability to form a small world dependent on the Douluo World.

The current Star Lake is just a corner of the Lake of Life.

Just a little corner can give birth to azure bull python, titan ape and two soft-bone rabbits, a total of 4 ten thousand year soul beasts. The real lake of living things naturally breeds more powerful soul beasts.

In addition, it is not just about the quantity. The hundred thousand year old soul beasts inside are not the newbies outside. Their ages start from one hundred thousand years and go up. There are even top soul beast kings who are close to the level of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.


Of course, the strongest among them is the Silver Dragon King who can separate a space into small worlds.

Her separation is not only a geographical separation, but also most of the soul beast's luck has been divided by her into a small world without being affected by the outside world.

But as a price, God Shura was not aware of the Silver Dragon King's manipulation of the luck of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest outside.

She is the spiritual part of the former dragon god who fell and split. In terms of strength, she can be similar to the five great god kings supported by the divine world.

However, the Dragon God Realm has long been destroyed. The current God Realm is prosperous, and the Silver Dragon King himself has been severely damaged. Naturally, he does not have the ability and spirit to confront the current God Realm head-on.

Legend has it that the Dragon God was killed by the current five god kings and all the beast gods in the Dragon God Realm were slaughtered. The Dragon God Realm was transformed into a God Realm with only humanoid gods.

It is even rumored that the Shura God, who is currently the most murderous in the God Realm, gained the highest status as the Law Enforcement God by virtue of killing the Dragon God with the Shura Blood Sword.

But this statement is actually very fallacious. The fall of the Dragon God was largely due to himself. After his death, his body turned into the Golden Dragon King, and his spirit turned into the Silver Dragon King.

Back then, it was not the Dragon God that was besieged and killed by the five god-kings, but the two dragon kings. It was actually the Golden Dragon King that Shura God killed, and the Silver Dragon King escaped into the lower realm under the cover of the Golden Dragon King.

It's just that the winner writes everything. In the early years of the new world of gods, God Shura wrote and praised the gods in this way in order to put gold on his face.

The Golden Dragon King is transformed from the body of the Dragon God. Killing the Golden Dragon King = Killing the Dragon God's body = Killing the Dragon God. Although this statement is shameless, it still makes sense.

However, the statement that Golden Dragon King + Silver Dragon King = Dragon God is really nonsense. Although the two sides are related, they are not at the same level at all.

If we really want to simply divide them by numbers, ten gold and silver dragon kings are far inferior to one dragon god in his heyday.

The strength of the Dragon God back then was so high that it was almost on the verge of a whole new realm, far surpassing the five great God Kings of the current God Realm.

The current God Realm is just a product of the ruins of the Dragon God Realm. The original chaos in the Dragon God Realm and the current five God Kings actually have a very shallow relationship.

The time when the five great god kings took action with non-animal gods was actually at the end of the Dragon God Realm Rebellion, or simply after the Dragon God Realm Rebellion.

To be realistic, they are just a group of hyenas that took over the ruins after the lions and tigers were killed.


The Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King are not only far inferior to the Dragon God in terms of strength and authority, but they also have serious flaws in temperament and mentality.

Almost as soon as they were born, they were beaten and killed by the five god kings and their gods.

The brainless Golden Dragon King protected his younger sister Silver Dragon King from the same origin and escaped and was killed. The Silver Dragon King who witnessed all this has also left a serious psychological shadow since then.

So after arriving in the Douluo Continent, she almost chose the stupidest operation, cutting space to create a small world, and packing and sealing herself together with the most elite hundred thousand year old soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

The euphemistic name is to recover from the injury and come back, but in fact it is just a coward's behavior, and it has no brain.

Even though the Lake of Creatures is the top spiritual land on the Douluo Continent that surpasses the two eyes of ice and fire, in the final analysis it is still a product of the Douluo World.

In comparison, the New God Realm is built on the ruins of the Dragon God Realm, and the plane world below it is not lacking. It is not enough for the Silver Dragon King to control the entire Douluo World, let alone just a spiritual land in the Douluo World?

With such a gap, as time goes by, the gap between the two will only get bigger and bigger.

A year in the sky and on earth is not false, but it is outrageous for the Silver Dragon King to recuperate for tens of thousands of years. I don’t know if her injury is healed, but the five great god kings of the New God Realm have already digested the legacy of the Dragon God Realm and gone one step further. .

In addition, when the Silver Dragon King was born in human form, it meant that she had lost.

The New God Realm does not allow beasts to become gods. Soul beasts are used as consumables to become soul rings and soul bones for soul masters to advance. Only soul beasts must be transformed into human beings to have a chance to transcend and become gods.

These changes were not seen in the era of the Dragon God Realm. They were all new rules set by the New God Realm in order to better digest the legacy of the Dragon God Realm and prevent the other party from coming back, so that the fate of humans gradually surpassed that of beasts.

It is understandable that spirit beasts like Di Tian are restricted by the rules of the God Realm, but the Silver Dragon King is the only direct line of fire left in the Dragon God Realm.

Once she chooses to become a human, it means that she has succumbed to the rules of the divine world, which means that the Dragon God Realm may be completely destroyed.

No matter how many storms are caused in the future, there is no way to escape the intervention and control of the God Realm.

Originally, the Silver Dragon King was supposed to be born many years later, after she recovered from her injuries and exhausted her remaining luck and soul beast luck in the Dragon God Realm. But the incident caused by Guang and Bibi Dong on Douluo Continent caused the 100,000-year-old soul beast in Star Lake to activate the means of contact with the small world.

Although the Silver Dragon King's reaction was very slow, he still took a glance at it. The short connection between the small world and the outside world also exchanged luck.

Silver Dragon King is not good at luck, but she and other high-level hundred thousand year soul beasts can feel the uneasiness in the dark.

In the end, the strongest land soul beast, the Black Dragon Ditian, was sent to investigate the actual situation in the Star Dou Forest. Soon he captured a red-eyed Titan alive and returned.

The appearance of the Titan ape has not changed much in general, except that its eyes are red and its temper is violent. The most important thing is that it has lost its mind.

In addition, Ditian was not too lighthearted in capturing him alive. Although the Titan ape itself was rough-skinned and thick-flesh, it was inevitable that he would be in a state of embarrassment.

Di Tian, ​​who revealed the true form of the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King, used his huge dragon body to tightly bind the struggling Titan Ape, and forced him to bend down and salute the silver dragon shadow in the center of the Lake of Life.

"My lord, the basic situation of the Star Dou Forest has not changed, except that there is only one hundred thousand year spirit beast left. The other two soft-bone rabbits and the azure bull python are missing, and the other hundred thousand year spirit beasts are also missing. No trace."

The body of the Silver Dragon King is light and slender, and the silver diamond-shaped dragon scales have a crystal clear sense of delicacy and sparkle with colorful brilliance.

The seven elements of earth, water, fire, wind, light, darkness, and space flowed around her and intersected without any rejection.

In the depths of those shining eyes, black and white are distinct, forming a complex incomplete pattern.

The Silver Dragon King only glanced at the Titan ape who had just broken through the 100,000-year level for a long time, even though his aura was violent.

Compared to other soul beast kings in the small world, the strength of the Titan Giant Ape is undoubtedly at the bottom.

Seeing this, Di Tian also made plans to take the Titan Giant Ape down. He knew very well that the Lord had an indifferent temperament, and allowing him to go out was the result of his and several other hundred thousand year soul beasts' sincere requests.

After all, most of them, the kings of soul beasts, have their own tribes. This time when he went out and observed that the overall situation of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest was acceptable, he no longer had anything to worry about.

As for those 100,000-year-old soul beasts that were likely to be hunted, Ditian, who had no racial connection, would react like a white man upon hearing that a black man had died.


The Silver Dragon King suddenly opened his eyes wide and put away his original lazy posture. The surrounding lake water exploded into a hazy mist, reflecting the colorful brilliance.

The seven elements lingering around the Silver Dragon King boiled and converged on her slender dragon claws.

A huge dragon claw made of 7 elements grabbed the red-eyed Titan ape like a chicken and took it back to the front for closer inspection.

"This is Shura's divine breath!" The Silver Dragon King's voice and breath were always deep and quiet in front of Di Tian and other soul beasts, but this was the first time that Di Tian heard the Silver Dragon King express such obvious emotions.

Hatred, disgust and even a hint of fear. . .

The huge dragon claws made of elements are far stronger than the flesh and blood of ordinary hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts, and they also carry indescribable terrifying power.

The somewhat rude Silver Dragon King just subconsciously increased his strength, and Ditian and the other spirit beasts nearby heard the titanic ape's bone-crushing screams and wails.

The other 100,000-year-old soul beasts only saw the miserable state of the Titan ape, but Di Tian saw far more than the other soul beasts because his own cultivation and understanding were far superior to those of the other soul beasts.

In his eyes, the dragon's claws were just external manifestations. To be precise, it was this small world that was holding on to the Titan ape so tightly that he had no ability to resist.

The source of all this power is the Lord Silver Dragon King. Although the Silver Dragon King claims to be seriously injured, which is indeed the case, she is a genuine deity descending from the world.

Moreover, she created this small world with her own hands. To put it bluntly, if the Silver Dragon King attacks Di Tian, ​​the result will not be much better, unless Di Tian takes advantage of the Silver Dragon King's unpreparedness and sacrifices half his life to tear apart the space and escape from this small world. There is still some possibility of escape.

Even the dullest soul beast can tell that the Silver Dragon King is in a bad mood at this moment. Even the thorny King Xiong and the Ten Thousand Monsters are extremely honest at this moment.

Feeling out of control, the Silver Dragon King quickly calmed down his emotions. The black and white marks in his pupils lit up with white light, and a pure breath of creation quickly melted the Shura power of the Titan ape and no message could be sent out.

With Shura's magical power gone, the red-eyed Titan ape quickly returned to normal and recalled the memories before his rage.

Then looking at the Silver Dragon King in front of him and the six figures next to him whose auras were obviously stronger than his, the Titan Giant Ape couldn't help but feel sore in his eyes, and two drops of tears the size of wine jars fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Dead, all dead, Sister Xiaobai and Big Brother are dead!"

. . .

Although the Titan Giant Ape was very dull-minded and a little out of control emotionally, when the Silver Dragon King asked a simple question, all the spirit beasts present understood what he meant.

The Azure Bull Python and the larger Silky Bone Rabbit in Star Lake who were in charge outside were determined to be killed by the same human force. In addition, the deaths of other hundred thousand year soul beasts were also attributed to the human force called Wuhun Palace.

But the Titan Giant Ape was controlled by the Shura God descending into the world. According to him, the smaller Silky Bone Rabbit chose to become a human, and was also the target of the Shura God.

"Why did Shura violate the rules of the lower realm because of you two?" The Silver Dragon King was not too concerned about the casualties of the unexpected soul beasts and the so-called Wuhun Palace. She paid more attention to the God Realm than the local forces in the Douluo Continent.

Could it be that the God Realm discovered that she was hiding here? ! The Silver Dragon King subconsciously felt nervous at first, but when he thought about it carefully, it felt wrong.

It was rare for the other party to go down to the lower realm, and she was still in the Star Dou Forest. It was really doubtful that she would not be aware of it if they searched her.

Or is the other party planning something? Is it an action on the part of the God Realm or a unilateral action by God Shura himself?

No, I can no longer choose to sit still and wait for death. Somehow, the Silver Dragon King seemed to have noticed something, and instinctively sounded the alarm in his heart.


But she really didn't dare to go out since she was seriously injured. Without the barrier of the small world, if she happened to be noticed by God Shura, then she would have no choice but to escape from this world and be hunted by the gods.

Looking around at his subordinates again, the Silver Dragon King suddenly felt something in his heart. Over the years, Ditian and others have found that it has become increasingly difficult to understand the laws. It would be easier to understand the principles of heaven and earth if they were transformed into human form.

Therefore, although they had no intention of transforming into human beings, they all tried to transform into human forms to practice. If the three most human-like ones were sent and she used her means to cover it up, it would be basically impossible for outside soul masters to detect the flaw.

"You three, come out." Thinking of the Silver Dragon King, he no longer hesitated and pointed with his long claws.

(End of this chapter)

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