Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 352 Changes in Tiandou

Chapter 352 Changes in Tiandou

The north wind is howling, and before we know it, it has reached the coldest season of the year, and it has also reached the most festive new year of the year.

Tiandou City is located in the north, and the pure white snow has already covered the streets, covering up the black and red blood stains in the corners.

However, the festive red color on the streets is much less than in previous years, and the desolation in the air is far colder than the howling north wind.

Because the wealthy nobles had spacious mansions, warm stoves, fine clothes, delicious wine and food, and slaves at their disposal in the cold weather.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone.

As the imperial capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City has countless high-ranking officials, nobles, wealthy businessmen and wealthy guests. Winter is more of a fresh entertainment for them.

Although there are not many people in the Imperial City who are hungry and poorly clothed, the proportion of them in the entire Imperial City is not very large.

Among them, this includes the unlucky Yu Xiaogang who lost both his legs and lost his soul power.

Even though his soul power was broken by the crippled legs, Yu Xiaogang still inherited the physique enhanced by the beast martial soul, so no ordinary beggar could bully him.

But in the imperial capital, even beggars are organized. Yu Xiaogang, who is unable to defeat the four-handed man with two fists, has difficulty moving his position, so he has no choice but to join this dog-fighting gang.

It's not that he doesn't want to seek help from acquaintances, it's just that when he carefully looked back on his life, he found that there were only a handful of people he could seek help from.

He was unfamiliar with Shrek represented by Flanders, Haotian Sect represented by Tang San, Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire, and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was even wiped out.

Yu Tianheng, the only nephew who can place hope, also had an accident. . .

No, if Flanders didn't explain his true identity to Liu Erlong, it wouldn't be that he couldn't ask for help.

And even if Liu Erlong was reminded many times by Flanders, seeing Yu Xiaogang's current miserable state, he might still help him.

But considering that the two had already lost contact after not seeing each other for many years, Yu Xiaogang could only give up this thought.

In addition, the Dagou Gang is essentially a beggar gang, its main business is begging, and its part-time intelligence and thug business are tightly controlled by the gang's upper echelons.

Yu Xiaogang joined the Dog Beating Gang out of necessity, but there were very few options for him to choose from.

Originally, according to the advice of the beggar who brought him into the gang, Yu Xiaogang was born to do this job. Mainly because his legs were broken, he was born with unique conditions compared to ordinary beggars.

But Yu Xiaozhang met him, and he didn't want to lose the last bit of dignity in such a down-and-out situation. It would be better to kill him than to let him and those civilians who were not soul masters bow their heads.

Seeing that some of the strong middle-level members of the Dagou Gang looked a bit off, Yu Xiaogang was not stupid and took the initiative to say that he could read and write and wanted to apply for a position like a master.

The Dagou Gang is originally a low-level force at the bottom of the imperial capital. There is no shortage of masters and so on. Moreover, the master has to settle accounts and has access to the core secrets of the Dagou Gang. How could Yu Xiaogang, a new member of the gang, be allowed to intervene?

However, literacy is indeed rare in the Dagou Gang. The little leader who introduced Yu Xiaogang thought about it for a while and brought Yu Xiaogang to the headquarters of the Dagou Gang.

A large house with three entrances and three exits. Although the location is somewhat remote, the floor space and the quality of the house itself are not bad at all.

The structure of the Dog Fighting Gang is very simple. Starting from the bottom, there are the beggars who have just joined, the leader, the elder in charge of various affairs, two deputy gang leaders and a gang leader who rarely shows up.

The entire Tiandou City is divided into regions, and each region is managed by a leader who manages the beggars under his subordinates. The leader will draw water based on the beggars' daily harvest, and then donate most of it to the big house.

The leader is directly under the jurisdiction of the deputy gang leader and gang leader, and must cooperate with the elders to handle other business of the dog fighting gang.

Including Elder Wu who is in charge of the thug business, Elder Wen who is in charge of the intelligence business, Elder Wei who is in charge of guarding the Dog Fighting Gang headquarters, and two elders Lai and Shang.

Yu Xiaogang was assigned to work under Elder Lai. He neither served as a master for Elder Lai nor taught him how to read and write.

What to do? Give people training in this big house.

It happened that Yu Xiaogang had a broken leg and had difficulty moving, so he had no problem living in the same room all day long. Food and accommodation were included, and he was given a regular payment of one Gintama coin a month.

The Beggar Gang is not as good as the Wuhun Palace. One Silver Soul Coin a month is not a bad treatment for a newcomer like Yu Xiaogang.

But there is naturally a reason for such "excellent" treatment, and the root lies in Yu Xiaogang's students, who are a group of poor beggars covered in black and with broken and twisted limbs.

These beggars range from big to small, mostly young, and there are also older ones, but they all have one characteristic: they look very miserable, and their appearance makes people feel compassion.

What Yu Xiaogang has to do is to teach these beggars how to use basic speech skills to get more money, and also work part-time to make some props with written explanations.

As a beggar gang, the Dog Fighting Gang is extremely vicious in nature. They know very well who they can and cannot offend, and they also know what kind of people are more likely to beg for more money.

Elder Lai is responsible for the shady business among beggars. He and his men are not responsible for begging. They only prepare tools and select locations.

They would abduct children in civilian areas, then select and beat the healthy children into the most pitiful condition, and then simply treat the wounds to make these "tools" completely disabled.

The choice of location is also very particular. The street must be relatively wealthy, and the most important thing is to avoid the Wuhun Palace and the Holy Light Courtyard.

In the past few years, if it hadn't been for the reminder from the backers above, something big would have happened. Fortunately, now that the Wuhun Palace has withdrawn from the two empires, there is no need to be as cautious as before.

Finally, they choose a suitable street and drag these "tools" to work separately in the early morning. At noon and evening, they distribute water and food to sustain their livelihood, and by the way, they recycle the harvest in the morning.

These "tools" will not be collected until it is completely dark.

As for those adults, they have all grown up little by little from the original little beggars. However, under such harsh conditions, the survival rate is very low, so there is a situation where little beggars make up the majority.

The other group of children who are selected with good appearance will go to the hands of Elder Shang, who will cooperate with an unknown business association to trade money and other items.

Yu Xiaogang didn't feel any pity for this. With his legs broken, he wished that people all over the world were disabled so that he wouldn't be embarrassed.

In the blink of an eye, 5 years have passed.

"Gangzi, you are lucky. Tiandou City has not been peaceful in recent years." In Yu Xiaogang's room, an old man with gray hair and beard and bright eyes brought him two bowls of pork stewed vermicelli. .

Pork stewed with vermicelli, more cabbage, less vermicelli and tofu. The meat is only about the size of a fingernail. In addition, there are two Sanhe noodle steamed buns on top.

The basic food in the big house is not bad. In this cold winter season, steaming meals with soup are particularly popular.

Smelling a bit of lard, Yu Xiaogang's stomach growled, and he picked up his rice bowl and started eating without any intention of minding it.

The old man opposite is a senior dog beater and is usually responsible for delivering food to him and keeping an eye on his condition.

However, five years later, the old man was no longer wary of Yu Xiaogang running away and causing trouble. Instead, it was because Yu Xiaogang often asked him to help him buy things and gain some business with the money, which was a good relationship.

"How do you say that?" Yu Xiaogang, who was holding his stomach in his mouth, raised his head and was curious. Although the old Dingtou in front of him did not hold a high position in the mansion, he was quite well informed.

He has rarely had the opportunity to go out in these years, and a lot of information was revealed to him by Old Dingtou during casual chats.

"Aren't the upper echelons of Tiandou City very antagonistic in the past few years?" Old Dingtou did not shy away from Yu Xiaogang, who lived in a large mansion.

Over the years, he has also seen the other party's temperament very clearly. He treats others with extreme indifference, and he is very indifferent to the tool man and beggar he trained. Such a scumbag just likes him, bragging and spanking.

"Are the royal family and the nobility separated?" Yu Xiaogang frowned. He originally had no good impressions of the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, but he undoubtedly had the worst impression of the Wuhun Empire that destroyed his family.

That's why relatively speaking, he hopes to see the news that Tiandou and Xing Luo join forces to successfully fight against the Spirit Empire.

"That's right, who knows what went crazy with Emperor Xuehe? He just wanted to expand his army, but he was short of money and didn't raise taxes. Instead, he chose to add cards from the nobles."

Old Ding put his head on his stomach and took a gourd from his waist, carefully poured some wine into his mouth and continued.

"A few years ago, when the evil soul masters made a big fuss and everyone was busy wiping out the evil soul masters, the Great Emperor Xuehe started a killing spree and went into battle personally with an integrated army."

"There are also emperors who personally lead the army into battle. I remember that the inherited martial spirit of the Tiandou royal family is a swan, and they are not good at fighting." Yu Xiaogang touched his chin in confusion.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Old Ding became even more excited. He was willing to chat with Yu Xiaogang because the other party was not only able to read and digit, but also had a deep understanding of soul masters.

On the one hand, he can learn a lot about soul masters from Yu Xiaogang, on the other hand, it is easier to gain a sense of accomplishment by chatting with such a person with a mysterious past.

"This great emperor is different. He not only exterminated evil soul masters, he also accused many nobles of colluding with evil soul masters and had their families confiscated and exterminated. As a result, the noble alliance represented by several big nobles has always had a very bad relationship with the royal family."

"Then is this what you mean by unrest?" Yu Xiaogang asked curiously.

"It's a conflict between the two, but it's even more serious. Originally, the emperor ransacked the houses of small and medium-sized nobles in the region. Starting this autumn, the emperor started raiding the big nobles of Tiandou City."

Speaking of this, Old Ding's eyebrows showed a little worry. Their dog-fighting gang was actually backed by a big noble, but the relationship was a bit distant, so it was considered a white glove.

"As of yesterday, 14 viscounts, 6 earls, and 2 marquises had died! The people who were brought to the execution ground could be lined up from the street to the end of the street, killing them from the time the sun came up to the time the sun went down!"

Old Dingtou's expression was exaggerated. Although Yu Xiaogang knew that the other party was exaggerated, he could still smell the strong smell of blood in it.

Although he couldn't go out to watch the excitement at the execution ground, he was very aware of the size of the nobility. There must be at least thousands of direct descendants in a Marquis's Palace, nearly a thousand in an Earl's Palace, and several hundred in a Viscount's Palace.

You must know that this is the aristocracy of the imperial capital. Compared with the emerging aristocrats in the local area, they have a relatively long history and are naturally larger in size.

"Kill them all?!" After a simple calculation, Yu Xiaogang concluded that tens of thousands of people had died, his eyes widening and he said in disbelief.

Although these people are only a fraction compared to the tens of millions of people in the imperial capital, they are nobles!

"No, otherwise people outside now say that the name of Emperor Xuehe is really correct. Snow River, Blood River, blood flows like a river."

"Then there has to be a reason, right? Or is it colluding with the evil soul master?" Yu Xiaogang looked suspicious of life, "And why should he rely on the army alone?"

"The relationship between the army and the nobles is not simple, and the number of soul masters on the nobles' side should be greater!"

"It is said that it is a slave trade. I don't know if this Emperor Xuehe is crazy or not. He actually wants to turn the vernacular saying of abolition of slavery into reality."

Speaking of this, the old man trembled subconsciously. He also vaguely knew the business that Elder Shang was responsible for. After all, what business could a beggar gang do in the Dagou Gang or even have anything to do with it?

"Anyway, this great emperor has become determined after eating the weights. Tiandou City is in a state of turmoil now. Who knows one day those three families won't be able to bear it any longer."

Old Dingtou was talking about the three highest-ranking dukes in the Tiandou nobility. They had a long history dating back to the founding year of the Tiandou Empire and even further back. They were known as living with the country.

Each family has a direct number of tens of thousands, which is relatively small. They are distributed throughout the empire, and they can even continue to fight souls from generation to generation.

"As for the soul masters you mentioned, I heard that Emperor Xuehe has a team of soul masters directly under his management. It is rumored that they are extremely powerful and even have several soul masters."

"Can you find out about this?" Yu Xiaogang looked at the old Dingtou in front of him and was very surprised.

"I'm guessing, otherwise the nobles would be so honest and bear the humiliation?" As he spoke, Old Dingtou suddenly lowered his voice, "But we have also received the request from above."

"If a young girl with blond hair and a boy with black hair are paired up, they must be specially reported, but they must not get close to each other. In addition, they are also required to investigate the information about the female soul master with a strange face. I guess it may be Emperor Xuehe's trump card. .”

"You are asked to investigate the soul master?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Old Dingtou and sneered. Soul masters have sensitive five senses, and ordinary people have a high probability of being discovered after follow-up investigations.

"Who says it's not a bad idea?" Lao Dingtou spat, "If trouble comes here, the entire gang will probably be abandoned."

But it makes sense if you think about it carefully. The nobles are unable to protect themselves. It is almost an instinctive reaction to sacrifice these lowly people.

"What do you want to say?" Yu Xiaogang, who heard something in the other party's words, stared at Old Ding's head and narrowed his eyes.

"Gangzi, I know your past is not simple. I wonder if you have a way to escape from Tiandou City. I can take care of the gang."

Old Dingtou hesitated and said bluntly that he was not afraid that Yu Xiaogang would not be moved. After all, if something happened to the Dog Fighting Gang, Yu Xiaogang would never be able to escape the involvement.

(End of this chapter)

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