Chapter 354 Evil Soul

On the wall of Tiandou City, a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes was holding his hands on the wall. He had a handsome face and was well-dressed, but he was slightly stout, especially his belly was particularly bulging.

The man looked down at the envoys passing through the city gate with a sarcastic face, his voice carrying the unique arrogant tone of the Tiandou nobles.

"Look, they are all members of the several soul master families in the Star Luo Empire. I heard that the representatives of the envoy are actually the younger generation of the Haotian Sect. This Dai family in the Star Luo Empire is probably the last generation."

"Then what can be done? The Xingluo Dai family has been almost wiped out, leaving only a useless prince. Could it be that they really want to make a comeback, but it is just a fig leaf?"

Next to the man, a beautiful lady in a black dress responded melancholy. She had a fresh and clear fragrance on her body and covered the lower half of her face with an open folding fan.

"Five years ago, the Xingluo royal family, along with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, were destroyed almost at the same time. The only one in the entire continent who has this ability is the Wuhun Palace."

On the other side, an old man with gray hair and beard coughed lightly and said. His face was covered with age spots, his back was bent, and he had a clearly audible smell of aging.

"If it hadn't been for the disaster of the evil soul master and the chaos in Wuhun City, the current Wuhun Empire would not be as big as it is now."

"Lao Kong said *2."

Although the old man was the oldest, Carlos and Yuna next to him always maintained visible respect for him.

The reason is not that he respects the old and loves the young, but because this old man is the only Contra among the three duke families who is close to the threshold of a titled Douluo, and he is also the undisputed leader of the Kong family.

In comparison, although the two of them are family heads, their soul power cultivation is obviously inferior.

"This time the Star Luo Empire took the initiative to send an envoy, which can be considered as a way of giving face. It will be beneficial to everyone to unite the two families to resist the invasion of the Spirit Empire."

"Mr. Kong is right. It is no exaggeration to say that the Wuhun Empire has kept a low profile in the past five years. The disaster of evil soul masters has done very little real damage to them, and it has also helped them develop six well-trained soul master legions. "

Yuna, who is good at intelligence investigation, gave detailed information that her family had collected from the Spirit Empire over the years.

The six soul master legions are named Angel, Holy Dragon, Canglang, Sanyuan, Wuhun and Moying.

The Holy Dragon Legion is mainly formed by the Holy Dragon Sect, the strongest of the lower four sects. The Canglang Legion is a direct lineage of Bibi Dong of the Pope's Palace. Angels are the most mysterious and belong directly to the Enshrinement Hall.

The first three have fewer personnel but higher overall quality, while the Wuhun Legion and the Sanyuan Legion are composed of soul masters from the major branches of the Wuhun Palace and the four sects of the other three families.

Although it is relatively messy, the number of people is extremely large, even reaching an astonishing number of tens of thousands.

You must know that it is difficult for the entire Tiandou Empire to summon soul masters to this level. These two legions are also regular legions for the Wuhun Empire's daily military affairs. Each legion is divided into 3 brigades and 30 squadrons.

As the name suggests, the Mo Shadow Legion is a special soul master legion that will not appear in public. Intelligence, assassination, sneak attacks, and creating chaos are all their specialties.

The most important thing is that these six legions are no longer just fledglings. In the past five years, the Wuhun Empire has used evil soul masters as whetstones, and the cold light of the six sharp blades has made people frightened.

It is true that the Wuhun Empire cannot be allowed to fumble the soul master legion to the point of invulnerability in five years, but that is against equal opponents.

If it is the army of Tiandou and Star Luo Empire, even the most elite soldiers are just ordinary people, and they have no chance of winning against the soul master.

"Of course we have no objection to the alliance, and I guess the same goes for the Star Luo Empire, but who can tell clearly about the one in the Beidou Palace?"

The middle-aged man Carlos looked at the center of Tiandou City with a complex expression. Both the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire had existed for too long.

So much so that in the minds of most people, the monarchy is as reasonable as the sun in the sky.

Like the Star Luo Empire, even if Dai Mubai was the only one left in the Dai family, the Haotian Sect and those soul master families showed no ambition to usurp the throne and rebel.

The same principle applies to the Tiandou Empire. Even if Xue Qinghe kills people in a frightening manner, no noble dares to speak against the legal principles of the royal family of the Tiandou Empire.

The existence of the emperor and the royal family is the core of maintaining the rule of the Tiandou Empire. If the royal family is not there, they will fall apart without waiting for the invasion of the Spirit Empire.

Those principalities and kingdoms are the best examples.

If Emperor Tiandou dared to act so violently in peaceful years, the three dukes would have established their own duchy long ago.

But who said that the Heavenly Soul Palace had swallowed up most of the principal kingdoms and transformed into a huge threat like the Soul Empire?

The three dukes have received clear information. The results of the kings and nobles of those duke kingdoms are far worse than before. The Wuhun Palace does not accept the vain and submissive behavior of the nobles, but only looks at their strength.

In this special period, division is equal to self-destruction, so the Duke could only hold his nose and admit the three of them, but Xue Qinghe ignored the bottom line step by step and went to the vital parts with the knife, which really made them unable to bear it.

In fact, during this alliance with the Star Luo Empire, the three of them had some doubts about whether the emperor would cause trouble.

"Xue Qinghe is not stupid, how can he not understand the meaning of lips dying and teeth cold?" Yuna frowned. The three of them tolerated Xue Qinghe because of the emperor's legal rationality and greater external threats, but if Xue Qinghe acted too outrageously. . .

"He is just a lunatic, bent on suppressing the nobles and giving profits to the lowest level untouchables. You know, the problem in this regard is even worse in the Star Luo Empire. It is difficult to determine what he is thinking?"

Carlos responded coldly with an ugly look on his face. The connections between nobles were very deep, and marriage alliances were often used. The Marquis of Waite, who was exterminated last month, was his real sister.

"It doesn't matter, I've already prepared it." Kong Chunshan lowered his eyelids and restrained his murderous intent, "This Emperor Xuehe will not survive the new year."

"Of course we can rest assured that Mr. Kong is doing things. However, Xue Qinghe is heavily guarded and guarded by a force of soul masters who don't know the details. I am very curious about what method Mr. Kong plans to use?"

Yuna closed her fan, revealing her fair skin and plump red lips.

However, looking at the beautiful woman next to him, Kong Chunshan's eyes flashed with an almost undetectable sarcasm, as to how the beautiful appearance made by thick powder, perfume and makeup could be compared with that of a real girl.

Most soul masters can't notice it, but for a high-level soul master like him, who has rich experience accumulated over many years, the other party doesn't have the slightest bit of temptation in his eyes.

However, Kong Chunshan had no intention of hiding anything from the other two Duke allies, and of course he also had plans to show off his muscles.

"I have invited two Your Majesty, and dealing with Xue Qinghe is like killing a chicken with a knife." "Your Majesty*2!" Carlos and Yuna exclaimed in unison, their eyes widening. He didn't correct his gaffe immediately.

No wonder they were surprised, Your Majesty is the honorific title given to Titled Douluo. In the entire Tiandou Empire, apart from the sect forces, there has been no Titled Douluo in charge in recent decades.

Now Kong Chunshan can actually find two at once. How could this shock the other two Dukes?

You must know that the three families' status and strength are almost the same on the surface. Now that Kong Chunshan has acted like this, the other two Dukes are surprised and even slightly wary.

"No, my Majesty is no better than Contra Soul Sage. They are both top masters well-known in the mainland. Which two did Mr. Kong invite?" Yuna, who came back to her senses, expressed her doubts.

"The other party can meet tonight. It will be clear if you see it with your own eyes whether it is true or not."

Kong Chunshan looked at the Tiandu Palace with a sneer, "Xue Qinghe didn't even give any face to the rest of the royal family. He has already made the world angry and resentful. If he dies, a new emperor will soon replace him."

"Speaking of which, there were a lot of doubts about Xue Qinghe's rise to power at the beginning, but he was too ruthless and the clues were cleared too cleanly. Now he can be regarded as karma."

"That's not right." Carlos thought for a long time and suddenly raised his head and stared at Kong Chunshan, "One of your Majesty may be neglected, but how come there is no news about the two Your Majesty."

"Unless you are looking for a Titled Douluo-level evil soul master!"

Hearing this, Yuna also suddenly woke up. The number of Titled Douluo was originally small, and they were purged by Wuhun Palace five years ago. Now there are no Titled Douluo on the mainland who are close to Tiandou City!

"Evil Soul Master, you are quite clever." Kong Chunshan smiled and nodded without concealing it, "What's wrong with the Evil Soul Master? Not only is he stronger, but after finishing the work, they will not interfere with our interests in the Tiandou Empire."

"What's the price? How can a Titled Douluo-level evil soul master care about gold soul coins?" Yuna and Carlos stared at Kong Chunshan closely.

The terror of evil soul masters lies in their anti-human nature, and even a titled Douluo's evil soul master can massacre a city!

"The other party did ask for something special, but it's not difficult for us." There was no panic on Kong Chunshan's face, only an extremely indifferent calm.


"One thousand one hundred and eleven girls between the ages of ten and fifteen, and eleven boys under the age of ten born in the solar calendar. This is what the Ghost Mother Douluo needs."

"The other Corpse Soul Douluo is not that troublesome. It only requires 10,000 living people, no matter how tall, short, fat, thin, male or female, old or young."

"Finally, send them secretly to the beach and arrange a big boat to let them leave."

"Originally, because of Xue Qinghe's relationship, none of the slaves we had accumulated were sold. Corpse Soul Douluo's request was easily met. As for Ghost Mother Douluo's request, it is indeed a bit troublesome, but I believe both of you have channels to solve it."

After listening to Kong Chunshan's statement, Carlos and Yuna looked at each other and nodded, "It's really not troublesome, and if they leave directly after finishing, we won't have anything to worry about."

"The number of children with special needs is indeed not easy, but for us it is more cost-effective than pure money. Those white gloves attached to various noble families should let them do their best!"

"Now that you two have agreed, let's go back and prepare. I will hold a small dinner tonight so that we can finalize the final deal with the two His Majesty."

Kong Chunshan looked at the envoys below with a calm face. Envoys between empires pay attention to pomp and ceremony. Even if they are simple, representatives of the other party will not even think about stepping into the palace gate within three to five days.

As long as the plans are well connected during this period, it will be enough to complete a series of actions to replace the new emperor.

The alliance of nobles led by the three dukes can ensure the stability of the Tiandou Empire even if it supports an idiot to rise to power.

As for the military department that Xue Qinghe focused on, there were many opponents because of military discipline and slave issues, and the proportion of noble children among them was also not small.

Once the news of Xue Qinghe's death comes out, I believe there won't be much trouble in correcting the chaos.

As for the news caused by the evil soul master, Kong Chunshan planned to let the Wuhun Empire take the blame, which could be said to be a multi-purpose achievement.

. . .

The sun sets slowly,

A remote manor in Tiandou City looks very simple and inconspicuous from the outside, but inside it is actually luxurious beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Transparent glass cups were arranged into spiers nearly as tall as a human being, with golden wine flowing down from them like a waterfall.

Hundreds of young and beautiful girls came and went in vaguely visible gauze clothes, carrying the delicacies just cooked by the chef to the huge round table.

However, there were only a handful of guests seated at this table, and there were only two men and women with strange looks sitting there feasting.

The woman has delicate skin and a beautiful face with a bit of compassion and holiness, but her fair skin seems a bit too white. The nails on her hands are pitch black, her lips are the same color, and she has a big belly like a pregnant woman who is pregnant in ten months.

She was wearing a loose blouse, and there was a faint smell of blood on her body.

The other man looked even stranger, with a bald head and a silver-gray skin. He also had no hair, and even no pores could be seen.

There was a clear scar on his face, from his chin to above his ear, occupying the entire left cheek. It looked like metal had been chiseled away.

The most peculiar thing is that the coldness around him makes people shiver subconsciously, but when the maid gets really close, she will feel a completely contradictory heat gradually emerging inside her body.

The two people were Ghost Mother Douluo and Corpse Soul Douluo whom Kong Chunshan had found.

Because of the special nature of their martial souls, their strength was not conspicuous in the Killing City. Although they could kill at will, the two of them could only stare at each other with their martial souls banned.

This is also the core reason why the Killing City has always been regarded as the prison of evil soul masters.

The evil source of the evil soul master comes from the martial soul. As long as the martial soul is banned, there is not much difference between the evil soul master and other soul masters.

The two of them didn't talk much after they arrived. They just ate the delicious food in front of them, mostly focusing on meat with strong soul power.

After a while, seeing the speed of the two slowing down, Kong Chunshan, who was directly opposite him, clapped his hands and said, "You two, as a gift for your first meeting, everyone outside the dining table in this manor will serve as a deposit for you two."

(End of this chapter)

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