Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 355 Bloody Sacrifice

Chapter 355 Bloody Sacrifice

Faced with the evil soul master whose hands were full of blood and acted rudely, Kong Chunshan and others left directly after finalizing the cooperation with the other party, and gave the manor and everyone to the other party as a sign of sincerity.

The deeper the night goes, the quieter the manor becomes.

In the banquet hall where people were originally coming and going, only two figures in the center were left.

Corpse Soul Douluo still maintains his original appearance, but the sinister wind roars around him, and the originally empty resentment is so strong around him that it gathers into a terrifying human face.

All around him, fresh corpses were blown by the cold wind and filled with resentment. The skin with residual warmth turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a dead and ruined atmosphere filled the air.

Not long after, those strong corpses stumbled up and walked behind Soul Douluo.

There, the shadow of Corpse Soul Douluo had rolled and transformed into the shape of a gate, and all the corpses walked into it.

These newly transformed corpses are insignificant to a soul master at the level of Soul Douluo, but in his small world of soul souls, they are of considerable importance when transformed into a corpse master.

Human sea tactics, soul substitute skills, corpse explosion techniques, etc. all require the release of zombies as a basic condition. Even the number and quality of zombies can affect the performance of Soul Douluo's talents.

Due to some reasons, Corpse Soul Douluo's reserve of corpses has been exhausted, and the current replenishment just solves his urgent need.

However, he was not satisfied with the consumables in the manor. A young and strong male was more suitable for refining the corpse master. Of course, any soul master would be fine, because the soul power in his body is the best transformation agent.

Soul Soul Douluo only brought more than half of the dead corpses into the Soul Society and transformed them into corpse masters. The remaining young, beautiful and upright-looking maids and male waiters were naturally taken aback by Ghost Mother Douluo.

But this is not a good thing.

At this moment, Ghost Mother Douluo's appearance has changed drastically, and her original body has been replaced by a strange Ghost Mother that is more than 5 meters tall.

This ghost mother has blue-gray skin and looks like an enlarged human figure. She is wearing a pale white slender plain skirt that reaches to the floor, completely covering her legs and feet.

There is a face in front and behind of the ghost mother, which is as stiff as a statue in a temple. The face in the front is strangely kind and holy, while the face in the back is cold and majestic.

Only flashing red light could be seen in the four eyes, and it was completely unclear whether they were eyeballs or something else.

One hand of the ghost mother dragged her huge belly, which was even bigger than that of a pregnant woman who was about to give birth. What was terrifying was that there were dense bumps of human faces protruding from it.

The most terrifying thing is that at this moment, the other one of the Ghost Mother Douluo is grabbing the unconscious beautiful maid on the ground, opening her mouth wide and swallowing her whole.

When she closed her twisted mouth, the maid inside was awakened directly by the extremely corrosive saliva. Before she could even scream, the only light disappeared, followed by a teeth-piercing crunching sound.

Feeling the pure fear exuding from the beautiful maid in her mouth, Ghost Mother Douluo became more and more satisfied. Such a beautiful skin represented the superiority of the ingredients themselves, and fear was the best seasoning.

Only such ingredients can breed strong enough devils, so that she can feel at ease after losing most of the devils just now.

Thinking of this, Ghost Mother Douluo couldn't help but speed up a bit. At the same time, the two of them looked at the blood-red compass in the center of the hall, and their faces sank when they saw that the blood-red six-pointed star couldn't even fill up one corner.

The death of thousands of people cannot meet the basic requirement of one tenth, and the casualties of tens of thousands of people can only be the beginning. The number of subsequent killings and deaths required can be imagined.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't that old man Kong Chunshan promise to give us enough slaves?" Ghost Mother Douluo said softly, "As long as we start the prologue, we can rely on his power."

"When the time comes, stabbing those disgusting nobles in the back, plus the civilians of Tiandou City, will be enough for us to start the Blood Festival."

"Once the Bloody Sacrifice is successful, the shackles between you and me will no longer exist. At that time, we can take a boat to take refuge away from Douluo Continent."

Looking at the bloody compass, Corpse Soul Douluo had complicated expressions in his eyes, including fear, greed and even resentment. Then he chose to extinguish the greed in his eyes and flee.

The situation in Douluo Continent is getting worse and worse. No matter who wins or loses between the two monsters, he, caught in the middle, cannot escape the danger.

Therefore, it is not too late to escape from Douluo Continent, which is in the limelight, and wait until the situation stabilizes before moving back. Titled Douluo's lifespan is already long, and with the special characteristics of its own martial soul, Corpse Soul Douluo can even live for a thousand years. .

When there are no tigers in the mountains, it will be the day when he returns to form the evil soul master force. He has even thought of the name of the force, and it will be called the Holy Spirit Sect.

"You are right, there are too many monsters in the Spirit Empire."

Ghost Mother Douluo also twisted his body with a fearful expression on his face. The burns under his plain skirt had not fully healed yet. The other party just sent out two young elders and almost killed them.

Thinking of the black and white long sword and the blazing cyan flames really made their scalp numb. If their strength was not weak among Titled Douluo, they would still have to keep some parts even if they didn't die.

Of course, they are not fools. They didn't want to provoke the Wuhun Empire, the predecessor of Wuhun Palace, but they had no choice but to do so because of the push of some bastards.

Even if he escaped now, there was still a tail following him, but the two of them didn't care about the chasing team.

After all, it was most likely the Shura God from the Killing City who forced them to work, but it was just the bastard from the Haotian Sect who acted on his behalf.

Although they were forced to work, how could they be so honest if they just wanted to die? As long as they completed the prelude of the Bloody Ceremony, their injuries would be completely healed.

In addition, the tens of thousands of dead corpses can also help them quickly restore their combat strength.

The most important thing is that after completing the prologue, the two can also get the blessing of Shura's divine power. Not to mention the chasing team behind them, even the two elders who originally injured them are here in person. They are also confident that they can turn each other into a bloody sacrifice. sacrifice!

As for the assassination of Xue Qinghe, they thought it was a trivial matter, because their target was the entire Tiandou City.

They did not violate the agreement, but in addition to the emperor Xue Qinghe, there were also disgusting nobles and ant-like commoners.

The smell of blood in the manor was very strong, and the biting cold wind was cold and shrill.

However, all of this is firmly bound within the manor by the gray hemispherical corpse realm, and no outsider can detect it.

—————————— Star Luo Empire Embassy in Tiandou,

A luxurious welcome banquet was being held in the brightly lit banquet hall. Many nobles from the Tiandou Empire came enthusiastically. The soul master families of the Star Luo Mission were all smiles when they saw this.

Both sides have similar interests and have different needs. The welcome dinner is very lively. However, this exchange is not so much a cooperation and exchange between the two empires, but more of a profit-making between the nobles of the two empires.

Tang San, the head of the envoy, the life-and-death friend of the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, and the most outstanding young man of the Haotian Sect, was standing at the edge of the banquet hall.

The Haotian Sect was not very adapted to the aristocratic way of communication, and Tang San's growth experience did not include the study of aristocratic etiquette at all.

In the eyes of these great nobles with a long history, Tang San was like a wild boar wallowing in the mire, no matter how he looked at it, he felt vulgar.

Coupled with the natural gap between the nobles and the clan forces, they obviously prefer to communicate with similar people who can create more benefits.

Therefore, Tang San, who was vaguely isolated, could only cover up his embarrassment by enjoying wine and food.

After being tortured in vain for an hour, Tang San couldn't help but darken his face when he saw that the enthusiasm of the nobles had not diminished or even increased to a higher level, and he turned around and left the banquet hall.

In the quiet corridor, a figure appeared in front of Tang San, "It's a pity that time is too tight. If you could come to Tiandou City a month earlier and go to Aunt Tang Yuehua to learn from you, no noble could find any fault with you. "

"Uncle, are you talking about my biological aunt? Why have I never heard of you and my father mentioning her?"

Tang San raised his head in surprise. Starting from his great-grandfather Tang Chen, these direct descendants can be said to be the true direct descendants of the Haotian Sect. Unsurprisingly, the sect leader must be selected from among them, unlike those elders.

Under such circumstances, as the biological sister of Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, why would Tang Yuehua choose to stay alone in Tiandou City when she was not a little princess in the Haotian Sect?

Tang Xiao put down the covering cloak on his head. This time, Tang San, a junior, represented the Haotian Sect in order to better conceal the true plan. Of course, this was also necessary training and training for Tang San himself.

"Yuehua is my and your father's biological sister, so she is naturally your biological aunt. As for why she settled in Tiandou City, it is mainly because of her martial arts relationship."

Speaking of his sister Tang Yuehua, Tang Xiao was also very helpless. Forget it that the opponent's martial spirit was not the Clear Sky Hammer but the Ruyi Ring. His soul power was only level 9, and he could not break through to become a soul master for the rest of his life.

Although it has an innate domain, it is a useless noble ring. This is undoubtedly an anomaly in the Haotian Sect, which values ​​strength.

When they were young, he and Tang Hao could still protect this sister, but after that trip, Tang Hao had A Yin in his heart, and he was hurt by love and chose to inherit the sect's business.

He didn't know exactly what changes had taken place in Tang Yuehua during this period, but it was during that time that Tang Yuehua chose to come to Tiandou City alone to make a living.

Later, she relied on herself to become the master of Yuexuan, teaching the most authentic aristocratic etiquette, and was able to bring information convenience to the sect. Only then did he get in touch with her again.

Their relationship had become estranged over the past few decades, but the bloodline would never be severed. Tang Xiao did not think that Tang Yuehua would refuse to teach Tang San, his nephew.

It's just that at this point in time, it's useless to learn the tricks of the nobles. If you have that time, it's better to focus on practicing as a soul master.

But now that I have come to Tiandou City and the plan that is about to be implemented, it is necessary to find a time to meet my sister Tang Yuehua and take her back to the new sect.

After listening to Tang Xiao briefly talk about his aunt Tang Yuehua's situation, Tang San's face lost interest. He had no good impression of the nobles at all.

Tang Yuehua, who was not a soul master, probably wouldn't be of much help to his soul master training. Thinking of this, Tang San, who was still in the soul king stage, looked at his uncle Tang Xiao seriously and eagerly.

"Uncle, how is the situation in Tiandou City?"

As the inheritor of the Shura God, he is naturally very aware of the Scarlet Plan. This is the content of his 7th Shura test. If it goes well, it will not be difficult for him to reach the sky and break through to the Soul Saint in one step.

Even the benefits he gained were only an insignificant part of this plan. If the follow-up went well, he would not need to practice soul power every day. It would not be a dream to quickly break through the Contra Titled Douluo or even become a god.

"The corpse soul and the ghost mother have successfully reached an agreement with Kong Chunshan and others, and the plan is going very smoothly." At this point, Tang Xiao patted Tang San on the shoulder and consoled him.

"There are no two noble marquises today, let alone dukes, and they will soon become part of the great plan. There is no need to waste energy communicating with those dead people."

"I will take you to Yuexuan tomorrow. From her, you can get detailed information about the noble families in Tiandou City. This is the key to successfully completing the Blood Festival."

"Of course, you two aunt and nephew can exchange feelings by the way. Finally, the Blood Festival is completed and Tiandou City is not here. There is no need for her to continue to stay here. It would be best for her to return to Haotian Sect with us."

Speaking of this, both Tang Xiao and Tang San's eyes were full of confidence, which was completely different from the situation a few years ago.

Five years ago, Wuhun Palace directly destroyed the Qibao Glazed Sect, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the Xingluo Royal Family in one move, which shocked the mainland.

However, all soul master forces with good intelligence work have clearly seen the terror of Wuhun Palace through this incident. Whether it is the quality of high-level soul masters or the number of ordinary soul masters, they can be described in four words, far ahead!

If it hadn't been for the evil soul master's rebellion and the Wuhun City disaster, the Wuhun Empire might have unified Douluo Continent.

The disappearance of the sect leader Tang Chen made matters worse. The most terrible thing was that Tang Hao not only failed to rescue the other elders, but even got involved himself.

Strictly speaking, the Haotian Sect only has two titled Douluo, the new sect leader Tang Xiao and an elder. Compared with the Spirit Empire, the atmosphere is always very depressed.

However, Tang San's return brought hope again.

So what if there are more titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace? No matter how powerful the titled Douluo is, he is still a soul master, and he is still a human being, and behind them is a god, the Shura God who represents killing and destruction!

As long as the completion of the Blood Sacrifice is high enough, God Shura will be able to send down his followers and even his true body.

When the time comes, the Wuhun Empire will be nothing more than a chicken and a dog in front of the power of the gods, and will be vulnerable to a single blow!

The reason why Tiandou City was chosen was, on the one hand, because it was one of the top three cities in the continent and had enough sacrifices to satisfy the requirements to the greatest extent.

On the other hand, it is because Tiandou City is weak and lacks high-end combat power. Not only because the opponent has no ability to retaliate, but also because it is weak, the Spirit Empire will naturally pay less attention, and the risk will be minimal, making the plan easier to implement.

(End of this chapter)

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