Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

Chapter 356 Tiandou Master Li

Chapter 356 Tiandou Master Li

Yuexuan is located in the prosperous area of ​​the inner city of Tiandou City. Not only is the decoration prosperous and elegant, the surroundings are also rare and quiet. It is difficult to win here without enough money or connections.

Although this place is not widely known in the entire Tiandou City, every local noble is very aware of the value of the word Yuexuan.

To put it bluntly, this is a private school that teaches the etiquette and etiquette of noble children, and represents the highest authority on the etiquette and etiquette of the nobles in the Tiandou Empire.

Every young noble is proud to graduate successfully through Yuexuan's systematic study. Compared with the soul power level and strength of the soul master, the communication between nobles values ​​​​the etiquette of emptiness and humiliation.

Just like the dinner at the Star Luo Embassy last night, even though the Haotian Sect's spirit masters were currently the strongest in the Star Luo Empire, and even though Tang San was nominally the head of the envoy, no nobles were willing to communicate with them in depth.

Because Tang San simply couldn't figure out the set of entry rules that the nobles had set up for him, and because he had no real interests to attract him, the realistic and hypocritical nobles naturally had no intention of communicating with him in depth.

However, Tang Yuehua, Tang San's aunt, was the owner of Yuexuan. She founded and raised this place. Although she paid a helpless price, Tang Yuehua also got what she wanted.

Due to his own lack of strength, Tang Yuehua's actual status in the Haotian Sect was not high. It was difficult for him to get actual support from the Haotian Sect alone in Tiandou City. All he could offer was the Haotian Sect's false reputation.

As mentioned before, the land where Yuexuan is located is very expensive, not to mention the decoration. Only a few people in Tiandou City have the necessary connections and wealth.

Although Tang Yuehua can be called a master in aristocratic etiquette due to his talent, martial arts and acquired learning, in the final analysis, aristocratic etiquette is an entry threshold set by the first big nobles.

Most nobles must follow this set of rules in order to climb up, but a handful of nobles at the top of the pyramid know very well that noble etiquette itself is insignificant.

They created aristocratic etiquette just to control the latecomers and facilitate themselves, but not to tie themselves up.

Therefore, Tang Yuehua simply relied on aristocratic etiquette education to develop Yuexuan to the point where the entire Tiandou City aristocracy was regarded as a benchmark.

Little is known about the specific reasons. . .

But some rumors persisted for a long time. It was said that Emperor Xueye had a special and close relationship with Yuexuan's mistress, Mrs. Yue.

No one can confirm this news is true, but similarly, Tang Yuehua, who traveled among the major nobles in Tiandou City as Mrs. Yue, never spoke to correct these rumors.

. . .

Tang Xiao was a cautious and prudent person. He had always concealed his identity and came secretly. Naturally, he would not bring Tang San to Men Yuexuan with him.

He wrote a letter to his sister Tang Yuehua early in the morning, and even he and Tang San did not go through the main entrance in front, but quietly entered through a remote side door.

The person leading the way was a deaf-mute who couldn't hear. After seeing the two men taking out their tokens, he didn't care at all how they hid their faces and took them to the top floor of Yuexuan in a familiar way.

This is Tang Yuehua's residence. As soon as he walked in, Tang San was attracted by the fragrance in the air. This fragrance came from the entire top floor furniture.

Are these all made of agarwood? !

Tang San, who knew the goods well, took a breath. The same weight of agarwood was more valuable than gold, not to mention that the supply of agarwood in the market was always scarce. Such a large amount of agarwood was not just about money.

Tang Xiao, who was walking in front, didn't know the rareness of wood. He looked at the elegant and beautiful woman in front of him and took off his cloak with a long sigh.

"Tang San, call me aunt."

"Aunt." Tang San followed Tang Xiao's example and took off his cloak, and respectfully saluted the beautiful woman in front of him. Not to mention her beauty, the key was that her elegant and noble temperament was rare in the world.

Among all the women he has ever seen, Tang Yuehua is definitely the best in her age group of 27 or 8.

This is also the core reason why Tang Yuehua is able to dance well in Tiandou City. Her temperament is more rare than her appearance, not to mention that she has both. In the eyes of those great nobles, she is Master Li of Tiandou City.

"He is the second brother's only son."

After listening to Tang Xiao's introduction, Tang Yuehua's eyes were red, and his voice full of sadness made people pity, "Brother, second brother, is he really that?"

"It has been five years, and there is no news about him from the Wuhun Empire. It can be seen that he was killed together with other elders." Tang Xiao shook his head sadly.

This incident was also very painful for him. The original rescue plan was so risky, so he should not have allowed Haozi to take risks. If he had directly stopped Haozi, the situation in Haotian Sect would be better now.

After feeling sad, Tang Yuehua took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then moved to Tang San.

"Second brother's child." Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San carefully, and the familiar face in her memory couldn't help but make the corners of her eyes moist again.

However, there are still very obvious differences between Tang San and Tang Hao. Tang Hao is a tall and thick tough guy, while Tang San is relatively more delicate in body shape and appearance.

Coupled with the subtle transformation of the Shura Divine Examination over the years, Tang San now only bears a few traces of Tang Hao's shadow.

"Poor child, he has had no mother since he was a child and now he has no father." Tang Yuehua gently held Tang San in his arms, with a maternal glow on his face, "Auntie and the rest of the Haotian Sect are all your family."

Faced with Tang Yuehua's overflowing maternal instinct, Tang San was obviously confused as his brain couldn't react.

You must know that although Tang Yuehua is really his aunt, today is the first time the two of them have met. Why does he feel that the other party wants to be his mother?

"Yuehua and your father have a very good relationship." Seeing this, Tang Xiao first explained to Tang San, and then coughed lightly, "Yuehua, I have something important here that I need your help with."

Tang Yuehua, who also sensed that she was a little out of sorts, separated from Tang San with slightly red cheeks. Tang San's intuition was not wrong, Tang Yuehua really wanted to be his mother, or to be precise, Tang Hao's other half.

She had loved her second brother since she was a child, and she didn't know how sad she was when she heard the news of Tang Hao's marriage. This was also the reason why she ran away that year.

Of course, she and Tang Hao were siblings and were destined not to get together, but now, if she could take good care of Tang San like her mother, it would also be able to soothe her twisted mind that she had been asking for all these years.

But before that, business needs to be settled first. Tang Yuehua clearly understands the importance of the matter when he sees his eldest brother arriving in person.

You must know that the eldest brother has never come to Tiandou City to see her before. Now that the situation in the sect is worse than before, the eldest brother has uncharacteristically concealed his identity and secretly came to Tiandou City. The reason behind this can be understood even if Tang Yuehua does not know it. You can roughly guess how important it is. Turning around and inviting her eldest brother and Tang San to sit down, Tang Yuehua took out the tea set with ease. After a while, she placed two cups of clear and fragrant Biluochun in front of the two of them.

"The strength that the Wuhun Empire has shown over the years is shocking. If you want to avenge Ahao and other sect elders, conventional means are hopeless, and you must do something extraordinary."

After swallowing the tea in one gulp and clearing his mouth, Tang Xiao stopped being polite and went straight to the point, "Those nobles may have a way to collect money, but when it comes to war, they are hidden dangers that cannot be colluded and will only hinder us. "

"Brother, what does the sect want to do?" Tang Yuehua frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong from Tang Xiao's words.

"The sect wants to attract the gods to come to the world and turn things around, and the gods need enough sacrifices to come to the world. Those nobles are the best essence..."

Tang Xiao had no intention of hiding from his sister Tang Yuehua. She was able to perform well in Tiandou City for so many years, so he was not a brainless idiot.

"Blood Sacrifice to Tiandou City..." After listening to Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua, who was holding the bloody sacrifice, his face turned pale, and his hands holding the tea cup couldn't help but tremble, "Isn't this the behavior of an evil soul master?"

To be precise, once the Bloody Sacrifice is completed, Tiandou City, which has a population of tens of millions, will most likely be empty. This is far more terrifying than what the evil soul master can do.

After all, the object of sacrifice is a god, one of the five highest-ranking god kings in the god world, the Shura god in charge of killing!

Tang Xiao was not surprised by Tang Yuehua's fear. Only a few people in the Haotian Sect knew about this plan, because it was impossible for a normal person to accept the sacrifice of tens of millions of human beings.

However, he knew his sister Tang Yuehua's weaknesses very well.

"I know the price of the Bloody Sacrifice, but there is no other way to avenge Haozi from the Spirit Hall. Yuehua, don't you want to avenge him and let him rest in peace under the Nine Springs?"

"I..." Speaking of his dead second brother, Tang Yuehua's expression froze.

Seeing this, Tang Xiao continued to take advantage of others, "Tang San is Haozi's only son, and now he is the inheritor of the Shura God. The inheritance of the gods is not only difficult, but also has all kinds of extremely difficult tests."

"This Bloody Ceremony is the most important test for Tang San to become a god. If he fails, he will probably die a violent death. Yuehua, you don't want Haozi's bloodline to be cut off, right?"

"People will grow old, and empires will also decay. Tiandou City has existed for too long, and most of them are disgusting nobles. If their deaths can be exchanged for the destruction of the Spirit Empire, I don't think it is a mistake! "

Tang Xiao's righteous words made the hesitation on Tang Yuehua's face even stronger. Of course, there was no need to tell Tang Yuehua about the idea of ​​letting Tang San become a god and let Haotian Sect replace Wuhun Palace as the number one sect in the world.

For this goal, not to mention the sacrifice of Tiandou City, even if Xingluo City is added, it doesn't matter, anyway, it is not their Haotian Sect that loses.

Thinking of her second brother who was separated forever before they could see each other again, Tang Yuehua's heart was full of pain. Of course she wanted to help her second brother get revenge, but even if she succeeded, he would not be able to come back.

Seeing that Tang Yuehua was still hesitating, Tang Xiao gritted his teeth and took out his trump card, "Yuehua, the power of the gods is far beyond what we mortals can guess. Maybe that Shura god can resurrect Haozi."

"What did you say?" Upon hearing this, Tang Yuehua raised his head eagerly.

"First of all, I am not completely sure about Haozi's life or death. After all, the Wuhun Empire has no news of public executions. Secondly, even if Haozi dies, God Shura may have the means to resurrect him."

Tang Xiao looked at Tang Yuehua's earnest expression and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, Yuehua's feelings for Haozi were problematic.

"But whether Haozi is alive or dead, we all need the help of God Shura. The more perfect the bloody sacrifice is, the more satisfied God Shura is, and the more likely Haozi will appear in front of you again."

"What should I do?" After hearing what his elder brother said, Tang Yuehua clenched his pink fists and took a deep breath, with a cold expression on his face.

"We need to obtain accurate information about all the great nobles in Tiandou City. On the night before the New Year, everyone will go home and gather together. This is the best time for us to take action."

"I have already arranged people for the Tiandou royal family. The three dukes will also counterattack to complete the prologue. Tang San and I need to kill all the marquis and earls to complete the first sacrifice of the Blood Festival."

"As soon as the first sacrifice is completed, the entire Tiandou City will be covered by the domain, and the chief priest of the Blood Festival will be able to launch smoothly without risk."

Seeing his uncle Tang Xiao looking over, Tang San quickly explained the three-step process of the Blood Sacrifice. God Shura was in charge of killing, and the best sacrifices to attract His power were naturally killing and blood.

The first step is for Corpse Soul Douluo and Ghost Mother Douluo to bloodbath the palace to complete the prologue.

The second step was completed by uncles Tang Xiao and Tang Sansan. The powerful high-level soul masters were handed over to Tang Xiao, and the remaining nobles who were not soul saints were tested by Tang San himself.

Although his soul power level has not yet reached Soul Emperor, due to the strengthening of the Shura Divine Test, his overall strength has been infinitely close to Soul Saint.

In addition, the Tang Sect's hidden weapons are naturally suitable for sneak attacks at night, and his killing efficiency is even far better than that of the Soul Saint.

After all, the main reason why high-level soul masters are so powerful is because of the seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar!

What Tang Yuehua needs to do is to provide enough detailed and accurate information to maximize Tang Xiao and Tang San's killing efficiency and complete the second step of the initial sacrifice.

After the first sacrifice is completed, the entire Tiandou City will be enveloped by the realm of the top killing god, and everyone will fall into a crazy fight and be unable to extricate themselves.

Such a shocking massacre of tens of millions of people can be called the chief priest. Only in this way can the true form of God Shura be ushered in.

"Don't worry, Yuehua, we will send you away early. By then, there won't be many people left in Tiandou City."

"And I will never show my true colors from beginning to end. When the time comes, I can let Corpse Soul Douluo and Ghost Mother Douluo take the blame without affecting the reputation of Haotian Sect."

"In addition, although the true form of God Shura will not come until the Bloody Sacrifice is finally completed, he can send down his power and followers from the prologue, and no one can stop us."

"But, those two evil soul masters?"

"Don't worry, those two evil soul masters are under our control." Tang San smiled and shook his head, but he saw with his own eyes that the blood light emitted from Shura's blood sword left complex marks on their foreheads.

Although Tang San couldn't completely control the opponent, he could detonate the mark and turn them into mentally retarded.

(End of this chapter)

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