Chapter 357 The Second Apostle

Wuhun City,

The disaster five years ago changed the place beyond recognition, but now Wuhun City not only does not show any signs of dilapidation, but is even more prosperous than before.

From a simple holy land of soul masters to the imperial capital of the Wuhun Empire, more ordinary people gathered here, and the original Wuhun City was no longer enough.

It just so happened that at that time, the soul master army was first established. Under Bibi Dong's order, thousands of soul masters transformed into high-level pallu at the construction site.

If the work efficiency of ordinary people is only level one or two, then the work efficiency of soul masters generally starts at level 3, and even high-level soul masters can even break through to level five after using their martial soul.

The fact that soul masters work efficiently is not a personal discovery of Wuhun Palace. Everyone in the continent knows that the only one that has enough soul masters and can drive them to work conscientiously is the Wuhun Empire.

As for the Tiandou Empire and the Xingluo Empire, the nobles may not be soul masters, but most of the soul masters they belong to have noble titles. It is nonsense to let them work.

With the vigorous participation of soul masters, the ruins of Wuhun City were rebuilt at an astonishing speed. After the original Wuhun City was repaired, it began to expand outwards.

The original Wuhun City was finalized as the inner city of the new Wuhun City, and the expanded outer city was more than three times the original area.

Of course, it is not to directly expand the original Wuhun City to three times the size, but to lay a good foundation, plan the blocks in advance, and lay the main roads, foundations, sewers, and the outermost city wall.

As for the buildings above, they will be built slowly and in stages according to needs. It is expected that it will take at least ten years for the new Wuhun City to be built.

Because the entire Wuhun City is planned based on the unification of the entire Douluo Continent, it can only be basically full after the Wuhun Empire unifies the continent.

Building in advance will not only consume financial resources, but also lack manpower to take care of and maintain it, so it is of little significance.

On the Amber Mountain of Dongzhu Advanced Soul Master Academy, Bibi Dong was very satisfied when looking at the busy construction work in the outer city.

The basic framework of the outer city has been largely completed a few days ago, and only half of the three soul master legions that were originally working are left.

The construction work of the outer city: paving roads, digging foundations, building sewer systems and building walls, none of it is troublesome.

But leaving it to the soul master can undoubtedly be done quickly and well, especially for city walls. Several titled Douluo can move a small mountain to a designated location in a matter of seconds through the magic circle.

Other soul masters and ordinary craftsmen only need to do the most basic detailed repair work.

In addition, Bibi Dong knew very well that destruction was easier than creation. If soul masters were only dozens of times better than ordinary people at work, then the destructive power in war was even hundreds of times more.

Not to mention that in the past five years, each soul master legion has gone through the novice period of running in, and is equipped with new weapons and tactics, which is a complete dimensionality reduction attack on Tiandou and Xingluo's armies.

In terms of grassroots combat power, the Wuhun Empire has completely crushed its opponents, and the same is true for high-level soul masters. The angel legion in Qiandaoliu's hands is composed of hundreds of flying soul saints.

Not to mention the combat power of the Titled Douluo level, the only thing to worry about is the higher-level gods.

Although Qiandaoliu tried every means to hide this from her, Bibi Dongcai could also guess that it was nothing more than the inheritance of the Angel God. It was impossible for Qiandaoliu to be the high priest, and Xiaoxue was the only one left in the Qianjia.

The old guy is also cautious, as tigers can't eat their seeds. What kind of threat can she pose to Xiaoxue? What's more, the hatred in her heart has disappeared after Qianxun's death. She doesn't mind Xiaoxue's help, so how can she hold him back?

Xiaoxue has chosen the path to becoming a god, and she also has her own path to walk. As for Nana and the others, they will consider their future after she succeeds.

However, facing the threat of God Shura, whether Xiaoxue became an angel god or she became a Taoist, everything was too slow.

Ever since Shura God created a god-level Tang Chen five years ago, she has never taken any chances with the opponent's lower limit.

The other party will either give up or invest more, and the time will never be too long. At least she and Xiaoxue will not have time to grow.

As for Guang, he also bluntly stated that he and Bibi Dong were at about the same stage. Once his true form was revealed, he would have to start the final three-yuan unity ceremony.

However, it’s not that he was unprepared.

Bibi Dong looked at the rocks at her feet, and her eyes seemed to see through the rock layers to the cavity in the center of Amber Mountain, where Tang Chen was sealed.

. . .

The ceiling and surroundings are made of black mountain rock, with almost no reflection at all, and its strength is even stronger than fine steel.

Although there is no sunlight here, the bottom of the entire cavity is covered with incandescent liquid. The white light is dazzling, the heat is rolling, and most importantly, the air is filled with the sacred breath that purifies everything.

The incandescent liquefied holy power has a translucent crystal color, but when looking from above, no shadow of the black rock can be seen at all.

This holy lake is as deep as the ocean and flows slowly like a whirlpool.

Every moment, new liquid holy power rolls out from around the lake, and the color becomes more and more pure as it rotates.

It even carried a little crystallized debris until it was in the middle of the vortex, and then collapsed downwards, as if there was a void directly under the center of the vortex that would never be filled.

Three feet upward from the center of the vortex, six chains connected to the rock set up a pure white metal platform. Guang had been sitting on it since he returned, taking over from Vivian.

Although his eyes were closed tightly, his mind filled every corner of the entire rock cavity.

This place is a cavity in the Amber Mountain, but not entirely. The Holy Power Lake below has long been connected to the Holy Power Sea.

All the holy power contributed by the Holy Light Academy is gathered into the Holy Power Sea, so the banning effect here far exceeds the limit allowed by the world.

That's why the disguise of Amber Mountain was needed. Guang opened his eyes, first looked at the black rock walls around him, and then placed his eyes on the center of the vortex of holy power.

Others can only see a faint dark shadow underneath the pure white surface, but there is no barrier to light.

Tang Chen was directly below that, at the junction of the Douluo Continent and the Sea of ​​Saint Power subspace. The continuous liquid holy power turned into firewood, turning Tang Chen into a white torch that continuously burned.

Of course, the purpose was not to torture Tang Chen himself, but his target was the divine throne deep in Tang Chen's body.

Generally speaking, if a soul master wants to become a god, he must meet three basic conditions: first, the inheritor must reach level 99, second, he must have a god position, and third, he must have a level 99 soul master as a sacrifice to start the final inheritance. So it was the same reason that God Shura wanted to create a god-level combat power. Tang Chen reached level 99 to meet the requirements. Although there was no sacrifice for level 99, he chose to sacrifice the Killing City.

Not only is it more than enough in terms of energy, but it can also make up for his illegal operations. As for the required divine position, it is naturally impossible for God Shura to give his divine position to the tool man Tang Chen.

However, considering the problem of energy attribute compatibility, he chose to use the Rakshasa divine throne as the core to support Tang Chen's personality.

In the past, the city of killing was polluted not because of the mischief of the Rakshasa God. Not to mention that the Rakshasa God had died. Even when she was alive, she did not dare to cause trouble in the inheritance land of the Shura God.

You must know that God Shura is not only the highest law enforcer in the God Realm, but also the most powerful person in the entire God Realm. Isn't going to trouble God Shura the same as going to the toilet with a lantern - courting death?

At that time, both the Rakshasa God and the Angel God had perished, leaving only a remnant soul, and the throne fell into the hands of the Shura God who "enforced the law impartially".

The so-called pollution of the Killing City is actually the external manifestation of the Shura God in the God Realm trying to merge with the Rakshasa God. Although the result failed, some of the effects are difficult to reverse.

Afterwards, the remnant soul of the Rakshasa God was thrown into the Hell Valley, the killing capital of the Douluo Continent, which was naturally the result of the Shura God's tacit approval.

A world apart, it is difficult for God Shura to remotely control the successor of Rakshasa God to cause trouble. After all, he has not refined the Rakshasa God's throne.

Therefore, he packed up the remnant soul of the Rakshasa God along with the god's throne and left it in Douluo Continent, so that he could find the right opportunity to trap the original son of destiny in Douluo Continent.

The Rakshasa God is not without its benefits. By twisting and transforming the inheritor, she has the opportunity to resurrect in him. Although she cannot completely restore the original Rakshasa God, the inheritor is destined to twist and die.

However, a small accident occurred along the way, and the light completely extinguished the remnant soul of Rakshasa God. Although God Shura mainly noticed Bibi Dong, he failed to sense the whereabouts and survival of Rakshasa God's remnant soul. .

After all, in his opinion at the time, even if there was only a trace of the remnant soul of the Rakshasa God, he was still a god. His essence was the consciousness generated by the soul, and no matter how powerful the soul master in Douluo Continent was, he could only derive spiritual consciousness at most.

Regarding Tang Chen, who has the Rakshasa status, Guang has different ideas than destroying or banishing him. This is why he has spent the past five years confining him in this water mill.

The Holy Light at the Principle Source level can distort and assimilate all the power under all Principles. Even the god's position does not meet the standards of the Principles in a strict sense.

Through the assimilation and distortion of the Holy Light, the Light can transform it into a subordinate god, that is, an apostle!

Unlike Vivian, the light does not peel off itself, so it is not harmful to itself.

However, the light that cannot be revealed in the main body is far from being able to exert its full power. Only by relying on the sea of ​​holy power can the unconscious Tang Chen be suppressed.

Then, using the power of a water mill, he relied on a steady stream of holy power to distort and transform the Rakshasa deity.

In addition, the reason why he spent so much time is because Guang not only wanted to get a vacant apostle position, but also wanted to get a complete apostle.

The second apostle, Rakshasa.

If he succeeds, then he will be able to obtain a real god-level combat power. Even if Shura God uses other methods later, he can still command the second apostle to compete!

"In addition, according to calculations, the guy's position is getting closer and closer, as well as Shura God. The speed must be accelerated."

The eyes of the light were completely rendered in incandescent pure white. The rotation speed of the Saint Power Lake below suddenly doubled. White waves rose in all directions, and the roaring sound of the water echoed in the cavity.

The surrounding black rocks began to tremble due to the huge movement, and fine powder fell down. It seemed that cracks would spread in the next moment.


"Your Majesty, according to the arrangements of the Ministry of Etiquette, the Xingluo envoy will pay an audience on the morning of the 30th and leave a meal at the palace to show respect. In addition, Duke Kong, Carlos and Yuna also have important matters to discuss in the afternoon... "

Emperor Xuehe, who was sitting on the throne, waved his hands in disinterest, "That's it. All matters will be settled before sunset on the 30th. After that, you will go home to share the New Year's Eve dinner with your wife and children. I won't leave any You guys."

Upon hearing that Emperor Xuehe actually canceled the usual dinner party of eating dumplings in previous years, most of the courtiers below did not show anything on their faces, but felt very comfortable in their hearts.

The Chinese New Year is the most comfortable and relaxing time of the year. Who would like a normal person with such a mess of rules?

The best thing is to be able to go back to your own home and enjoy food freely with loved ones who care about each other, watch fireworks, and enjoy unfettered joy.

After seeing the ministers walking down to the court at the speed of light, Qian Renxue, who was sitting on the throne, stood up and sighed in boredom. She had not been back for five years.

However, she would not vent her unhappiness on her subordinates. Even though they were all ministers of the Tiandou Empire, Qian Renxue would not reject most of the people who would be able to stand in this court in five years. of.

However, compared to being alone last year, this year not only Nana and Xie Yue, but Miga, who has a good relationship with them, also came to Tiandou City to celebrate the New Year with her through a mission.

This was also the core reason why she simply told these courtiers to leave early tomorrow afternoon. With them gone, she could more comfortably take off her disguise and celebrate the New Year.

It is not a very comfortable thing to pretend to be a man all year round, but Qian Renxue has no intention of abusing her mood, so the experience of the past five years is not bad.

At least she has experienced the way of the emperor personally.

However, after personal experience, she discovered that being the head of a country did not seem to be a very pleasant thing, because she was not a foolish king who ignored state affairs and had fun, but really wanted to change an entire country.

Although she has no intention of breaking up the hierarchy between nobles and commoners, she does want to abolish the slaves at the lower level and weaken the status and privileges of the nobles. In a sense, the essence is the same, but not so thorough.

The idealistic idea that everyone is equal and everyone is like a dragon is not in Qian Renxue's consideration, because it violates the laws of nature and is completely different from the concept of the strong in the Spirit Hall.

However, it was not that she and Nana had never mentioned it when they were children, but Guang smiled and rubbed their little heads, "Is there any difference between everyone being like a dragon and everyone being like an insect?"

"Everything is a matter of comparison, and people are the same. If you have steamed buns when others are hungry, it will be great. On the contrary, if others eat delicacies, you will feel unbalanced if you have three meals a day, one meat and one vegetarian steamed bun. "

"Comparisons will lead to contradictions, and contradictions will lead to disputes. This is inevitable."

"Just like Douluo Continent, even if Wuhun Palace unifies the continent in the future, the contradictions will not disappear, but will only be transferred to the interior of Wuhun Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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