Chapter 359 Half dead

"Hmph, humans claim to be the primates of all things, but in the end they also engage in bloody acts of cannibalism."

On the left side of Ditian, Mr. Xiong looked at the manor, which could accommodate thousands of people, and commented, "These days, this manor is covered with evil spirits and cannot be entered or left. You don't need to go in to see what is going on inside."

"It goes without saying that humans are evil. But based on the information we have learned from those humans these days, the current Tiandou Empire's soul masters are not very strong. The trouble is with the Wuhun Empire."

"The opponent is currently the number one soul master force in Douluo Continent. It has an absolute advantage in terms of the number of basic soul masters and the quality of high-level soul masters. Its philosophy is that soul masters are the main force."

"If the Spirit Empire is allowed to unify the entire Douluo Continent, its spirit master power will definitely experience a wave of explosive growth. At that time, it will definitely require a lot of spirit rings, and the Star Dou Forest will bear the brunt."

On the right side of Ditian, Brigitte's soft and light voice sounded. The three of them came out of the Star Forest this time. In addition to their master's mission, they also had to consider the future of the soul beasts.

After all, they are already the top fighting force among the spirit beasts, and the Star Dou Forest is the largest spirit beast forest known to mankind.

"These are all secondary. The key is the mission assigned by the Lord." Ditian himself shook his head slightly.

The three of them were just making fun of human beings' moral standards. After all, the spirit beasts followed a naked law of the jungle.

Those below the 100,000-year level are roughly classified according to their ethnic groups. Only the soul-enlightening beasts above the 100,000-year level will slowly break through the shackles of the ethnic group and think from the perspective of the entire soul beast.

So from a human perspective, the opponent's Titled Douluo's approach of hunting down ordinary people is similar to a hundred thousand year soul beast hunting a ten year old soul beast for fun.

Although it is a bit bad, it is not to the point of being criticized by thousands of beasts. At most, it is almost as famous as the Ten Thousand Demon King.

As for the future of the soul beasts that Bi Ji was thinking about, Di Tian was also concerned about it, but everything had its own order.

On the one hand, as the Golden-eyed Black Dragon King, he is more suppressed by the Silver Dragon King due to his bloodline, and is more loyal than the soul beast kings of other races.

On the other hand, he also understands the principle of solving problems from the top down.

The threat from human gods is the most important thing. Once the problem of gods is solved, what Brigitte is worried about is not difficult to solve.

The ferocious beasts of their Star Dou Forest are already powerful, and it would not be troublesome to unite with the Three Northern Kings of the Far North to suppress the human forces again.

After all, the current human situation is not one of unity. If the Three Kingdoms separate, they will only need to target the Spirit Empire.

Ditian even came up with the idea of ​​cooperating with Tiandou Xingluo and Tiandou Xingluo. When the Three Kingdoms were fighting on the border, he could lead people to raid the Wuhun Empire's rear and cause heavy losses to them.

In exchange, the two empires can help collect all information about Shura God.

Of course, these are all things for later. There is a reason why the three of Di and Tian stayed near the manor for many days.

In his hand, he held a diamond-shaped silver-white scale in front of him and examined it carefully. The scales were as smooth and shiny as a mirror, and red light was flashing rapidly.

These are scales given to him by the Lord Silver Dragon King, which can help him accurately identify the breath of God Shura.

And when the three of them passed by this manor, the scales lit up, and the faint red light on them became more and more intense as time went by.

When it came to the matter of the gods, Di Tian was very calm and did not rush in head on. Instead, he waited for the master's reply and arrangements.

The Silver Dragon King had no intention of letting them take action. She just asked them to continue to observe carefully. She had no intention of taking action unless it was critical.

If God Shura noticed her whereabouts and reported them to the God Realm, she would have no choice but to run away overnight.

In terms of strength, she is now a severely damaged God King. She cannot handle even one of the Shura Gods, let alone a group fight from all the Gods in the God Realm.

Of course, with her control of space, her ability to escape is still very strong, as long as she doesn't take anyone with her.

After a while, the gray field that originally enveloped the manor slowly converged. The manor that had originally entered with tens of thousands of people was now completely silent. Only two figures slowly walked out of the gate.

The two people who calmed down did not make any unnecessary moves and turned directly towards the most conspicuous palace in the center of Tiandou City.

They did not choose to fly in a ostentatious way, because flying soul masters were either of the rare flying type or titled Douluo and were very eye-catching.

Although they were not very willing to assassinate Emperor Tiandou, due to external pressure, they did not intend to act carelessly.

However, they did not choose to trust either the Haotian Sect or the Tiandou nobles' retreat. The cunning rabbit still had three holes, let alone them.

"The direction they are headed seems to be the Tiandou Imperial Palace." Mr. Xiong looked at the direction in which the two people were leaving, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

The world thinks that big men have no brains, but Mr. Xiong is not the case. He has a very smart mind and few people can deceive him. It's just that he prefers to use bear claws to solve problems.

"Follow us and take a look. What Lord Shura wants to do is what the Lord wants to stop. And if the other party really wants to assassinate Emperor Tiandou, we can also use this to establish a good relationship with the other party to facilitate cooperation."

Ditian stood up and planned to lead others to follow him, but the sharp-eyed Mr. Xiong pointed at the location of the manor, and the two figures just happened to leave from the side door of the manor.

"Huh?" Di Tian frowned. If it weren't for Mr. Xiong's reminder, he would have ignored those two guys with low auras.

But this was not the core reason why the other party was able to block his perception. Bi Ji, who was good at life attributes, could tell at a glance, "Those two people don't seem to be alive."

There is a big gap between the aura of the dead and the aura of the living, not to mention that the manor has been covered by the Soul Douluo's domain for a long time and is full of death aura. In addition, Shen Tian's attention is mainly on the two titled Douluo. Then he ignored the other party for the first time.

"Well, we are running out of time. Mr. Xiong, why don't you go find out what happened to those two dead people? By the way, we will investigate the inside of the manor. Brigitte and I will go to the Tiandou Palace first to check out the situation."

Di Tian glanced at Mr. Xiong. It was not without reason that he and his master proposed to bring Mr. Xiong. This guy was extremely powerful, and he was not stupid at all under his seemingly honest appearance.

"No problem." Mr. Xiong nodded, grinned, disappeared in one big step, and landed directly in front of the two of them the next moment.

"Hey, you two, do you want to die?"

Mr. Xiong looks like a blond man with a beard, two meters tall, and his arms are much thicker than the average person's thighs. He looks extremely burly.

At first glance, Yu Xiaogang and Lao Dingtou across from each other almost thought that the other party was a big bear. Not only were they similar in appearance, but the key point was that the wild aura of the other party was much more brutal than ordinary spirit beasts.

Their legs were already weak after being frightened by this, and when Mr. Xiong landed, a khaki halo spread from the soles of his feet and surrounded the two of them. The sudden increase in gravity caused the two of them to lie half-down on the ground, and there was a bone-rattling sound on their bodies that made their gums sore.

"Sir, we don't want to die. Just tell us whatever you want us to do."

Yu Xiaogang and Lao Ding were lying on the ground, struggling to raise their heads like two toads, with expressions of tears on their faces. Why did they get out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den?

"I don't want to die." Mr. Xiong looked at the gray-skinned two people in front of him with amusement on their faces. Strictly speaking, these two people were dead. To be precise, their bodies were dead, but their souls still remained in their bodies.

What’s also interesting is that one of the bodies doesn’t seem to be original, with the upper body and lower body obviously not matching. Is this an advantage of a dead body?

"I ask, and you answer. If you two answer differently, then I will let you completely disappear into ashes."

As soon as Mr. Xiong raised his feet, the pressure on Yu Xiaogang and Lao Dingtou disappeared, but around Lao Dingtou's body was a cage made of rising rocks, trapping him inside.

Then, he looked at Yu Xiaogang in front of him and slowly began to ask.

. . .

"That is to say, the task of you two is to rent two of the best horses on the market with the money, and then wait outside the west gate of Tiandou City."

Mr. Xiong touched his chin without paying much attention to the sweaty two men in front of him. He didn't get much information from them, but it was enough.

First of all, it can be confirmed that the two evil soul master titled Douluo are indeed improving their strength by transforming living people in the manor.

One creates a physical creature that looks like a child by eating it, and the other transforms a dead corpse into a zombie that looks very similar to the two in front of him.

However, Yu Xiaogang and Lao Dingtou were only exaggerated by the death aura and were not the real corpse masters. They could still recover if the death aura could be removed from their bodies by Corpse Soul Douluo.

In addition, not all the dead people were used by evil soul masters. Yu Xiaogang and Lao Dingtou could see clearly that thousands of them were killed quickly, and at the same time, a scarlet air flow visible to the naked eye appeared in the field and headed towards the right direction. Center convergence.

In the center is a bloody hexagram with a strange pattern. As more and more people die, the color of the hexagram becomes more and more intense, until the edge changes from illusory and transparent to a bright red.

Then a terrifying killing aura erupted from it, and the two of them fainted. When they woke up, they found that the two evil soul masters were slowly handling the corpses on the ground.

A strange boy with sharp teeth and sharp claws emerged from under the pale white skirt after eating the corpse on the ground.

The boy wore a blood-red bellyband, and his eyes were blood-red like the ghost mother. The oppression of his soul made Yu Xiaogang and Lao Dingtou tremble.

The most peculiar thing is that with the gentle wave of the ghost mother, the newly conceived ghost child changed from three-dimensional to two-dimensional and walked onto the ghost mother's plain skirt to become a red embroidery.

There are seven or eight similar embroideries on the ghost mother's plain skirt, and this ghost boy just fills the last gap.

The other one is like a seducer leading the dead to the underworld. Behind him is a door made of gray airflow, and corpses are constantly climbing up and staggering into the door.

To be precise, these people were first killed to satisfy the strange bloody ritual, and then the remaining corpses were used by the evil soul master.

As for why they survived, it was mainly because the first sacrifice of the Blood Festival had been completed, and the Soul Douluo who took action left these two defective products.

The only reason an old man and a legless cripple survived was because he was rejected until the end.

In addition, the thoughtful Corpse Soul Douluo also arranged the next move for the two of them. These two are just one of the escape routes he has arranged these days.

Even if the two of them don't work together, it doesn't matter, as long as the backup team he arranges can work together.

Moreover, Corpse Soul Douluo doesn't worry about the unlucky guys whose bodies are painted with death energy. If he doesn't help recover the death energy, they will become real dead people in a short time.

As for the origins of the two evil soul masters, thanks to the news released by the Wuhun Empire, everyone in Douluo Continent knew that the evil soul masters came from a place called the City of Killing.

The City of Slaughter is the dojo of God Shura. It was naturally the work of God Shura to detonate the City of Killing and cause a bloody storm throughout the Douluo Continent.

"So the Shura God and the Spirit Empire are hostile?" Mr. Xiong frowned after hearing the news.

"The Tiandou Empire and the Wuhun Empire are equally hostile. Logically speaking, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. So why are they heading towards the Tiandou Palace?"

"Is it possible that the two of them are from the Tiandou Empire? No, if they are really a group, why would they act so secretly and arrange their escape in advance?"

Mr. Xiong patted his head and felt that the CPU was not enough. He looked at the two people in front of him who were also unclear about the reason and raised the bear's claw, and then put it down again.

"You two wait here."

Mr. Xiong turned around and entered the front row of the manor to check, making sure that there was nothing left inside. There was indeed the smell of killing and death in the air, and then returned to the two of them.

"You two will do whatever they arrange for you two to do." Mr. Xiong snapped his fingers, and the earth-yellow restraints around the two of them disappeared.

He didn't care about the life or death of these two humans who were as timid as mice, half-dead, and as fragile as flies, but it would be nice if he could catch those two human titled Douluo.

Ditian and Bi Ji were following them from the Tiandou Palace, and it didn't matter whether he followed or not.

But if by chance, he meant just in case, Di Tian made a mistake and let the two people escape, and he caught them again, hehe, he would really like to see what Di Tian's face would be like.

In the distance, two pairs of bright eyes faced each other and dared not look out.

"It's so unlucky that Sister Miga is not here." Hu Boqing looked at her sister Hu Boyun who wanted to try and test her and shook her head gently. Her gun intention was already there and she could clearly sense the terror of the big man.

These days, because the whereabouts of the two ghost mothers and corpses were covered up by the Heaven Dou nobles, the two of them could only use the stupidest method to search in front of them in Tian Dou City.

Tiandou City is so big that it is not an exaggeration for the two of them to say that they were looking for a needle in a haystack. The reason why they found this manor today was because of something amiss in this area recently.

"The direction those two evil soul masters are going to is the Tiandou Imperial Palace. Sister Miga happened to be going there as well. Let's send her a message directly." Hu Boqing frowned. Her perception was excellent and she could naturally detect those two The changes in the evil soul master are very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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