Chapter 360 True Appearance


Tang San, who felt the Shura Blood Sword tremble slightly behind him, looked at his uncle Tang Xiao next to him very calmly, feeling calm in his heart.

With two evil soul masters in their prime taking the lead in the charge, and with his uncle Tang Xiao, who is currently the number one in the Haotian Sect with level 96 soul power, in charge, it would be easy for him to complete the Seven Asura Tests.

After lunch at the Tiandou Palace, he took the Shura Blood Sword and disguised himself with his uncle Tang Xiao to guard the outside of the Tiandou Palace.

Because killing Emperor Tiandou and using his life as the core sacrifice of the Blood Sacrifice is the most important assessment item of Shura Seven Examinations.

In layman's terms, whether he can kill Emperor Tiandou to truly start the Blood Festival and allow the Shura Dharma Realm to unfold smoothly is the criterion for completing the Seven Tests of Shura.

As for killing more nobles, it is to provide more killing power to expand the scope of the Shura Dharma Realm, thereby further improving the final evaluation of the Seven Tests of Shura.

If Tang San could make the scope of the Shura Realm cover the entire Tiandou City and blood-sacrifice the capital of an empire to the Shura God, it would be an unprecedented and perfect evaluation.

If it were just to complete the Seventh Asura Test and expand the Asura Realm, the reward Tang San would receive would only be to allow his soul power level to break through to Soul Saint.

The reward for perfectly completing the Seventh Shura Test is just the soul power level that is enough to push Tang San to the Titled Douluo realm, and it can also allow his body, soul ring, soul bones to evolve together, and even the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit can go further.

However, whether it is a guaranteed reward or a prehistoric grand prize, Tang San must first meet the core requirements of the Seven Tests of Shura - kill Tiandou Emperor Xue Qinghe and sacrifice him to the Shura Blood Sword to open the Shura Dharma Realm.

The key point in this matter is not Xue Qinghe, but the identity of Emperor Tiandou.

It is true that there is no such thing as Emperor Dragon Qi in Douluo Continent, but luck is indeed everywhere.

Emperor Tiandou, as the king of a country, and Tiandou City, as the capital of a country, are the best anchor points for God Shura to gather his luck and locate the lower realm.

Moreover, when Tang San and others launched the Blood Festival on Douluo Continent, they could not only greatly reduce the consumption of God Shura, but also cover up the traces of his lower realm.

This cover-up is not permanent and can only last for a short period of time, but it is enough for God Shura. He does not need to hide anything from the ants in Douluo Continent, he is just afraid of the other four god kings in the God Realm.

The God King of Life is okay, but the key is the brainless God King of Destruction. In addition, the good and the evil two are equally troublesome.

As long as he harvests most of Douluo Continent's luck and arranges for Tang San to inherit the throne of Shura, he can run away with the bucket and leave the rest of the bad debts to Tang San.


In the Tiandou Palace,

Qian Renxue sat on the golden throne and listened to the annual reports of the noble ministers below with low interest. Her eyes looked around as if she were looking at a group of chirping sparrows.

Miga arrived before she went to court in the afternoon, but unfortunately it was time for her to go to court in the afternoon before she could chat.

Although she was reluctant, Qian Renxue was born with a serious temperament, and she did not want to derelict in her duties even if she was pretending to be an emperor.

Behind the screen on the left, Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Miga were talking to each other silently with their soul power, which made Qian Renxue feel itchy in her heart.

When will you go to court? Qian Renxue looked melancholy at the sky outside the hall, the expression between her eyebrows and eyes was like a student looking forward to playing ball after school.

"Huh?" Miga, who was talking to Sister Nana, Brother Yue, was exchanging places with Sister Xue to face the possibility of a day-to-day emperor fight. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows, put his hand into his arms and closed his eyes for a moment.

"The two evil soul masters have recovered from their injuries and are heading towards the palace? There is also an unknown third party involved..."

Miga looked serious when she opened her eyes, and directly used her soul power to relay the message she received to Sister Nana and Brother Yue next to her, and then carefully sent the message to Sister Xue who was a little far away.

"Evil Soul Master?!"

Qian Renxue, who was sitting on the golden throne and was drowsy, suddenly opened her eyes. Although her sharp eyes were somewhat restrained, most of the ministers who had been paying close attention to them were subconsciously startled. Then she straightened her back and looked on. serious.

"Your Majesty, are you dissatisfied with this year's financial work?"

Kong Chunshan, who was in the first position, felt his heart tighten when he saw the figure standing on the golden throne in the center, as if he saw a sleeping dragon opening its noble and frightening golden vertical pupils.

Regardless of the tense atmosphere or this time, Kong Chunshan, who has always been there, actually took the initiative to stand up and pretend to share your worries.

As for the finance minister who was making a report, when he saw the emperor standing up with a serious look on his face and the old Duke Kong standing up, his breathing was even more stagnant, and his legs began to tremble involuntarily.

Is it possible that the higher-ups know about my embezzlement at the end of the year?

In the past two years, Qian Renxue had indeed killed many ministers and nobles because of the slave trade, but accordingly, too many positions were left vacant.

Therefore, the matter of buying an official position gradually became popular, and the leader among them was the Minister of Finance. At first, the stall was small, and he did not even share a piece of cake with the big nobles.

"This year's financial situation is not bad. I just suddenly thought of an important matter that needs to be dealt with after the next meeting."

Qian Renxue glanced at the unsteady Finance Minister below, knowing that he was up to no good, but since he had never had any problems with the military's expenses, he didn't need to worry about it.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue moved her eyes away from the Minister of Finance and turned to look around at other important ministers.

"If there are no other important matters to report, then go to court in advance. In addition, the three Dukes, General Tu, Prime Minister Li, Commander Thomas and the Minister of Finance will stay to discuss matters."


As the sun sets in the west, the rays of light shining through the palace door are as red as blood.

Carlos looked at the other people who had stayed together silently, a little anxiety flashed in the depths of his eyes. It had been almost half an hour. How long would this guy Xue Qinghe keep them dry?

He said he had something important to discuss with them, but he remained silent and showed no intention of speaking.

Normally, he wouldn't mind spending time with Xue Qinghe, but it was different at this time today. Counting the time, the people they arranged had already brought Corpse Soul Douluo and Ghost Mother Douluo into Tiandou Palace.

They were not idiots. If the two of them were allowed to break into the Tiandou Palace, even if they had the ability to break in, Xue Qinghe would have already heard the news and escaped.

Therefore, their assassination plan was to take place after going to court normally. Xue Qinghe would definitely be very tired and lower his vigilance after handling the day's court affairs.

As for how to arrange for the two of them to sneak into the Tiandou Palace secretly, don't forget that the royal family's Princess Xue Feng is on the same side as them. "Your Majesty, do you have anything important to discuss?" Kong Chunshan saw that the eyes of other ministers were all filled with similar anxiety, and then he took a step forward and casually cupped his hands towards Xue Qinghe on the golden throne. .

Naturally, he didn't have much patience for dying people. The reason why Xue Qinghe put on airs for so long was to arouse the dissatisfaction of other people present and gain favors to win over more people.

You must know that after solving Xue Qinghe, he is no longer just Duke Kong in charge of aristocratic affairs. By supporting the new king, he can undoubtedly gain more power in this country. The Star Luo Empire next door has already given a template.

"Ha, I'm waiting for the evil soul master you arranged to assassinate me." Qian Renxue raised the corners of her mouth, and there was undisguised ridicule in her eyes. She had already sensed two evil spirits approaching outside the hall.

The God of Angels controls the power of the three domains of holiness, fire and light. His descendants inherit the blood of God, possess the sacred angel martial soul, and are very sensitive to evil soul masters.

Not to mention, Qian Renxue is now the successor of the Angel God who wears the inherited artifact, the Angel Holy Sword. The two evil soul master titled Douluo are as conspicuous to her as torches lighting up in the darkness.

Hearing Qian Renxue's sarcastic words, Kong Chunshan and the other two Dukes' expressions froze. They did not expect that the matter would be exposed, nor did they expect that the other party's reaction would be so understated.

The three of them were in a state of confusion. When the other ministers saw this, they looked around with wide eyes and horrified faces. The evil soul master assassin? ! Wouldn't it be dangerous for them to be in the same palace as Xue Qinghe?

Prime Minister Li and the Minister of Finance, who were quick-thinking, even exclaimed towards the majestic figure standing up on the golden throne: "Your Majesty, I have absolutely no involvement in this matter!"

"I know that it is the three dukes who want to assassinate me."

Qian Renxue looked down at the seven specially selected Tiandou courtiers below. A pale golden light appeared on her calm face. As she reached out to hold the hilt of the sword on her waist, a golden field with a strong sacred aura spread from her feet. Come on.

In her perception, the aura reactions of each courtier were reflected in her heart like a bright mirror. There was fear, anger, panic, and also a serious malice that dropped the pretense. . .

Qian Renxue, the three Dukes Kong Chunshan, Carlos and Yuna, could clearly tell that even if they were not the masterminds of the matter, it was definitely related to them.

As for the others, Qian Renxue's eyes were cold. They were either in important positions and capable, or they had their own agenda and were disobeying her orders. . .

In short, all the things she didn't use well in the court were right in front of her.

After hearing Qian Renxue's words, before the other four could take a deep breath, the golden light around Qian Renxue became more intense, her originally handsome face blurred, and her original disguise faded away.

Snow-white six wings wrapped in golden light spread out from her back, and nine soul rings, black, black, black, black, black, red, emerged from the soles of her feet in sequence, and then gathered behind her head to form a two-color ring.

"Nine-ring Titled Douluo?!"

Everyone looked at the "Xuehe Emperor" in front of the golden throne and rubbed their eyes in disbelief. With the number and color of the soul rings, they must have fallen into an illusion.

Compared with the other four ministers, the Duke's family behind Kong Chunshan has a longer heritage, and the family's knowledge base has recorded many secrets of Douluo Continent.

It's just that although it's not as good as Wuhun Palace in terms of knowledge, it's not much worse than the upper three sects.

Kong Chunshan stared intently at the six snow-white wings sticking out from behind "Xue Qinghe". It's not surprising that the swan martial spirit has white wings, but which swan has six wings?

This martial spirit is clearly a six-winged holy angel!

It was the exclusive martial spirit of the Qian Family, the direct descendant of the Spirit Empire. Only two people in the world could possess it. One of them was Qian Daoliu, the great minister of the Spirit Empire, and the other was his direct bloodline.

Looking at the still heroic female face under the golden light, Kong Chunshan felt that his mouth was dry and bitter. Emperor Tiandou who had ruled the Tiandou Empire for five years was actually a saint of the Wuhun Empire?

And if he remembered correctly, the woman named Qian Renxue was not yet 30 years old this year, and she had already reached the level of Titled Douluo where no one could be found in the entire Tian Dou Empire.

"Martial Soul Empire, what a great Martial Soul Empire. I thought you only massacred the Xingluo royal family and ignored the Tiandou royal family five years ago. I didn't expect that you guys were eyeing the position of Emperor Tiandou."

Kong Chunshan's voice shocked everyone present, and the golden light around Qian Renxue also restrained itself at this moment.

Looking at that perfect snow-white face, everyone was in a trance. Although the other party was obviously a woman, the majestic look on that face was too familiar to them.

Is "Emperor Snow River" a woman? And she is the saint of Wuhun Palace!

"Martial Soul Hall, how can you insult our Tiandou Empire to this extent!" General Tu and Captain Thomas, who fully understood the truth, raised their heads and were extremely angry, their eyes almost bursting with fire.

In comparison, Prime Minister Li and the Minister of Finance almost collapsed to the ground. Being able to sit at the top of the civil servants, their minds are naturally good. Rather than being angry, they first saw the strength of the opponent's titled Douluo.

As for Kong Chunshan, he took a long breath, looked at each other with the other two dukes, took three steps forward and half-knelt down to Qian Renxue and held his hands.

"On behalf of the family behind us, we are willing to pledge allegiance to the Wuhun Empire and help His Majesty unify the entire Douluo Continent."

His voice was sonorous, decisive, and even a little impassioned, but there was no trace of shame or embarrassment.

"Duke Kong Lao, Duke Carlos, Duke Yuna, you?" General Tu and others looked at the three major families representing the nobles of the Tiandou Empire in disbelief.

As the cornerstone of the Tiandou Empire, how could the other party betray him so simply and swiftly?

"We are just following the will of the times and the will of the people, and cannot bear the war between the two countries causing all the people to suffer." Kong Chunshan's face was disgustingly kind, and the look he looked at Qian Renxue was even more flattering.

"The Wuhun Empire is so powerful that it is destiny to unify the entire Douluo Continent..."

Next to Kong Chunshan, the much younger Carlos and Yuna complained in their hearts about Kong Chunshan's thick skin and nodded in agreement.

Obviously, Qian Renxue is a Titled Douluo himself, and there must be Titled Douluo guarding him, so the evil soul master's assassination attempt will most likely be in vain.

On the contrary, once the Wuhun Empire's move comes out, the Tiandou Empire is basically hopeless. Therefore, the profit-seeking nobles will naturally make the choice that best suits their own interests.

That is to directly surrender to Wuhun Palace. Although the overall strength of the family will definitely be weakened, the foundation will not be damaged.

The most important thing is that the lives of all three of them are equally important.

(End of this chapter)

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