Chapter 362 Fierce Battle II

Outside the main hall,

Two figures flickered out of the void, with their backs to the hall. Hu Liena looked back at the sledgehammer falling from the sky.

It was somewhat similar to what the Haotian Sect old man used, but the dangerous aura about Tang Xiao was much stronger.

Specifically speaking, it is like the gap between the elders of the Elder Hall of the Wuhun Empire and the worshipers of the Enshrinement Hall, not to mention that there are two evil soul master titled Douluo with troublesome methods joining forces.

However, Hu Liena didn't say much, and Xie Yue on the side just glanced at her, and then headed in another direction without looking back.

On the one hand, they sense that the trouble is not limited to the main hall, on the other hand, they have confidence in Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue, who was in the most dangerous position in the middle of the hall, was not panicking at the moment. She was not only talented, she also had a great background.

She is the only direct bloodline of the Qian family, a saint of the Wuhun Empire, and now the emperor of the Heavenly Dou Empire.

Things that many people in the world dream of and out of reach are just a word away from her.

It was indeed quite troublesome for her current soul power level to encounter the shameless siege from Tang Xiao and the others, but that was without outside interference.

But now, in this Tiandou Palace. . .

The corners of Qian Renxue's lips curled up into a sarcastic smile. The visitor wouldn't really think that she had done nothing after being the emperor of the Tiandou Empire for five years.

As the king of a country, the resources she can mobilize are far beyond ordinary people's imagination, not to mention that she even turned the royal secret treasury inherited from the Tiandou royal family for thousands of years into her own private treasury without mercy.

This is also the fundamental reason why other members of the Tiandou royal family chose to betray. Their interests have been completely invaded by Qian Renxue.

All the members of the Tiandou royal family only have a little money each month to maintain food, clothing and clothing. Not to mention the expenses required for wanton consumption of food, drink, prostitution, gambling, and Princess Xuefeng cannot even support the necessary expenses to maintain her youth and beauty.

After all, if a woman with an average soul power level wants to maintain her beauty, expensive cosmetics, a wide variety of clothes and all kinds of maintenance are indispensable.

However, such a huge amount of resources was swallowed up silently in Qian Renxue's hands. Instead of abusing the gold soul coins, she chose another use.

Qian Renxue's time as an undercover agent was much later and shorter than the original timeline. Her growth was mainly cultivated by two teachers, one was her grandfather Qian Daoliu, and the other was Guang.

Although the time spent with Qian Renxue was not as good as that of Hu Liena and Xie Yue, her two junior brothers and sisters, due to the matching of attributes, Qian Renxue could digest some of the knowledge taught by Guang faster and learn more deeply.

Among them, the one that Qian Renxue has studied most deeply is the fundamental reason why she is still calm in 1V3 today.

"Coming to Tiandou Palace to assassinate me is the stupidest choice you can make."

Qian Renxue, who spoke softly, ignored the giant meteor hammer falling from the sky, ignored the chains of death energy that blocked the surrounding area, and ignored the sharp claws of the devil behind him.

I saw her grabbing the hilt of the sword and pulling it out. This time she didn't pull out a section, but pulled out the entire angel sword directly, and then raised her arm high above her head!

Clang! The golden sacred light appeared in every corner of the sword body along with the clear sword sound, and finally converged on the top of the sword tip, as if a star was lighting up.

"The sacred world, unfold!"

Hearing Qian Renxue's calm and clear voice, everyone present felt their hearts tighten, and their eyes were fixed on the obviously extraordinary angelic holy sword.

It's just that there is nothing strange about the Holy Sword at this moment, but on the floor under Qian Renxue's feet, a circle of silver-white lines suddenly lights up, and then spreads in a ring around it at a speed far faster than lightning!

If someone stood at a very high place in the Tiandou Palace, he would be able to see that the entire Tiandou Palace lit up with similar silver patterns, forming a phoenix that was about to fly.

The entire Tiandou Palace covers an extremely large area, and this phoenix is ​​also huge, with a round shape and a diameter of nearly a hundred miles.

The next moment, silvery light particles rose from the two-dimensional plane that originally occupied the ground, and the entire Tiandou Palace twisted and disappeared in the next moment.

What is most difficult for ordinary people to understand is that the original site of Tiandou Palace did not leave a hundred miles of open space. On the contrary, after the light dissipated, there was no open space left.

The building that was originally close to the north of the Tiandou Imperial Palace is now close to the buildings in other directions, as if the Tiandou Imperial Palace never existed.

This is not simply moving the Tiandou Imperial Palace, but the result of cutting and folding the space where the Tiandou Imperial Palace is located into a brand new different space.

Ditian and Bi Ji looked at everything that happened in front of them with ugly expressions. They were not at all confused about what was happening in front of them, because they had seen this kind of thing once.

The Lord Silver Dragon King cut and folded the Lake of Life at the core of the Star Dou Forest and transformed it into a secret realm of great evil. This is a similar method.

The original site of the core of the Star Forest did not leave a strange open space, but disappeared directly, leaving only the leftover star lake, because the space itself that holds all things was cut and moved.

But the former performer of this method was the Lord Silver Dragon King. Under her, even the strongest soul beast king Di Tian was in awe of this miraculous space technique.

But now, this kind of method appears in the human world that they despise, and even appears in front of their eyes. How can Di Tian and Bi Ji not be shocked!

"Is this a method used by the Lord?" Biji turned her head and looked at Di Tian, ​​with a hint of panic in her voice that was eager to seek confirmation.

"No." Di Tian, ​​who had some understanding of space, first felt it carefully for a moment, and then shook his head with a gloomy expression. He did not sense the slightest breath of the Lord, and if the Lord really took action, he would not hide it from the two of them.

"Then what should we do?" Brigitte asked, biting her lower lip. It was very difficult to cut space. It was obvious that what happened was extremely important and was probably related to their mission.

But just like the dangerous place in the Star Forest, it is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter across space without permission.

"The space here has just been cut to form a subspace. The coordinates are not difficult to find." Ditian, who had barely learned the way of space, said seriously. What Brigitte can't do doesn't mean he can't do it.

In addition, the existence of subspace is dependent on the Douluo plane, which is different from the other world. The space barrier is very fragile, and it is not difficult to find the correct coordinates to break through and enter.

However, this kind of behavior is no different from breaking into the door. Even if the door is very fragile, the owner inside is still there. Ditian will be discovered immediately if he enters like this. It is natural for him to be treated as an intruder and be hostile.

It was obvious that joining the war was not in line with the purpose of their trip.

Looking at the situation in front of us, the formation of this subspace that encompasses the entire Tiandou Imperial Palace is most likely the result of the Tiandou Empire’s royal family. According to the plan, Ditian wanted to make good friends with the Tiandou Empire to snipe the Wuhun Empire, so it was not a good idea to intervene rashly.

Just when Di Tian hesitantly took out his silver-white scales and was about to ask his master, the Silver Dragon King, for instructions, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared opposite them.

"Tsk." Hu Liena looked at the two of them and said proactively, "Where did these monsters and monsters come from? Even if the aura is ridiculously high, the key point is that we have no impression at all."

"Who knows?" Xie Yue's eyes were fixed on Di Tian, ​​not daring to relax at all. The feeling of oppression lingering on Di Tian was indeed too heavy.

He and Hu Liena originally wanted to come out to catch other mice hidden behind the scenes, but who would have thought that the other party would be more dangerous than the tiger, but this only illustrates the danger.

You must know that their intelligence authority in the Wuhun Empire is absolutely at the top of the list. Logically speaking, high-level soul masters in the entire continent should not have any impression.

Moreover, it's okay for Soul Saint Soul Douluo. The danger factor of the two people in front of him is far higher than that of ordinary titled Douluo. How come he has no impression at all?

"Unless the other party is not a human being, not from Douluo Continent." Hu Liena speculated as purple and pink crystals appeared on her body.

"People from another world?" Xie Yue blinked. He and Hu Liena also had the authority to view the information on Poseidon Island. As for other continents, he subconsciously ignored it.

After all, Douluo Continent is the center of gravity of this world. Even if there are other continents, they cannot breed such terrifying strong men as before.

Xie Yue can roughly detect through the feedback given by the blood evil energy all over his body. The opponent is probably much more dangerous than the few worshipers he has seen.

"It's possible." Hu Liena did not object to her brother's view, "But, is it possible that they are not human at all!"

Hu Liena's spiritual attainments are much better than her brother's, especially in some aspects of delicate perception. This time is enough for her to capture the other person's escaping aura and analyze it.

In many subtle ways, Hu Liena could clearly detect the difference between the other person and a real human being. It was not even the first time that she had experienced this sense of dissonance.

"I think you are high-level soul beasts incarnation." Hu Liena expressed her inference, "It is not the orthodox 100,000-year-old soul beasts incarnation, but high-level soul beasts mimicking human form."

She has seen real hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts transform into human forms, and she has also seen powerful soul beasts transform into human forms. Even though there are differences in attributes, some of the essences are similar.

After hearing the other party casually reveal their true origins, Ditian and Biji looked at each other. Ditian saw the horror in Biji's eyes, while Biji saw the killing intent in Ditian's eyes.

Bi Ji's reaction was easy to understand, and Bi Ji suddenly reacted to Di Tian's murderous intention.

Although the opponent has accurate eyesight and strong soul power, he is still very young.

Brigitte, who is proficient in life attributes, can even accurately sense that the two of them are only about 30 years old.

The time of half a century is indeed not short for human beings, but for the two people who have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, this time is just a snap of the fingers.

It took only this little time to grow to such an extent. Brigitte lightly covered her plump green lips, and the pupils in her bright eyes shrank.

You must know that the two of them have to be at least a hundred thousand years old when converted to a soul beast. Even the most talented soul beasts have to grow for at least ten thousand years, and they also need to survive extremely dangerous catastrophes.

But it only took the two people in front of them 30 years to reach the same height. What does this mean?

This means that the growth potential of human soul masters is far more terrifying than that of soul beasts. Their behavior of recuperating rather than developing in a dangerous place is undoubtedly extremely stupid.

At the same time, it also means that the two people in front of them are probably the top geniuses among human soul masters.

Those who are not of my race must have different minds!

Ditian didn't need to think too much to see the glorious future of the two of them. It was no lie to say that if they were given another 30 years, their strength would catch up with his.

This was the source of the murderous aura in Di Tian's heart. How could he sit back and watch the genius rise of human soul masters and lead other soul masters to accelerate their rise?

To increase the soul master's soul power level, the soul ring must break through the limit, and improving one's own strength and refining soul bones is undoubtedly one of the simplest and most effective ways.

The source of both of these are soul beasts. The growth of the soul master's power must be based on the bones and blood of soul beasts!

The murderous intent in Di Tian's eyes was almost undisguised, Hu Liena and Xieyue could easily detect it, but their reaction was not to turn around and run away, but to push back without hesitation.

Looking at the two people who were not advancing but retreating, Di Tian's eyes first showed surprise, and then he laughed and handed the silver scales in his hands to Biji next to him.

"I will deal with these two human brats. During this time, you contact the Lord, tell her the current situation and ask for the next action guide."

Brigitte's body is the Emerald Swan, which is the top healing soul beast. Analogous to human soul masters, they are the back-line healing soul beasts. Their own combat effectiveness is extremely low compared to the same level.

Therefore, Di Tian's arrangement was not contempt. On the contrary, he was prepared to send the two human geniuses in front of him to the west as quickly as possible to avoid long nights and endless dreams.

Hu Liena and Xie Yue couldn't help but tremble subconsciously after sensing Di Tian's no longer concealed malice. The opponent's strength seemed to be stronger than they had just guessed.

But the reason why they didn't run away was because they had some trump cards, one of which was:

"Martial spirit fusion skill, demon."

Hu Liena and Xie Yue stretched out their arms at the same time in tacit understanding, and clasped their hands together. The soul power of their bodies was intertwined with each other, and the purple-red light and shadow completely covered their figures.

The next moment, a figure more than two meters tall walked out of it.

Martial soul fusion skills are undoubtedly the strongest legal cheat in Douluo Continent. Even if the martial soul fusion skills used by two people span the gap between level 10 and 20, it is very reasonable to defeat them.

The lower Soul Lord can fight the Soul King, the higher Soul Saint Soul Douluo can use this to fight for the title, and even the higher ones can increase their combat power by three or five levels at the Title Douluo level.

As for reaching the god level through martial soul fusion skills, it can only be said that it is a fig leaf used by some dogs to cheat secretly but wear martial soul fusion skills.

Without the secret intervention of the gods, it is absolutely impossible for a pure soul master to reach the god level through martial soul fusion skills.

This is true for the god-level Nether White Tiger and the god-level resurrection light.

However, today's Hu Liena and Xie Yue's power does not only come from Wuhun. Similarly, the fusion of their powers does not just come from Wuhun. The name of the Wuhun fusion skill is no longer rigorous.

(End of this chapter)

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