Chapter 363 Fierce Battle Three

Five golden claw marks streaked across the sky, and the aftermath easily tore through the clouds, and then fell on the ground, easily plowing five ravines dozens of meters deep.

The ravine was three to five meters wide, and the sides were not flat, but covered with scratches that resembled sword cuts.

Beside the gully, Yu Xiaogang and Lao Ding fell to the ground and watched, their faces pale, and their foreheads were covered with beads of sweat the size of soybeans.

Just now, if they were not lucky enough, they might have been ground into minced meat and bone residue.

At the end of the two people's field of vision, a burly figure was bathed in golden light, which was particularly conspicuous in the sunless night.

However, this three-meter-tall figure has a huge bear head. Although his two big hands are not wrapped in fur, the ten golden blades popping out of his fingertips are comparable to divine weapons.

Opposite him were two girls holding spears. Their figures were in stark contrast, and their aura was even more one-sided.

Mr. Xiong just stood in the middle and waved his claws, while the two of them jumped around in confusion. The two spears occasionally acted as javelins to help the two avoid the claws swung by Mr. Xiong.

Even if someone carefully observes Mr. Xiong's facial expression, they will find that he does not pay attention to the two people opposite him at all. His expression is very calm, and he has enough time to take care of Yu Xiaogang and Yu Xiaogang who want to take the opportunity to escape.

That's right, Xiong Jun's claw attack towards Yu Xiaogang and the two men was intentional. The route of these two guys had just clearly deviated from the main road, so he turned the alley they were about to enter into ruins.

If Yu Xiaogang's legs and feet were original and neater, they would probably become stuffed dumplings.

Mr. Xiong's claw attack can be regarded as the best of the best. Even if it is just a casual claw in disguise, it is still more terrifying than the most sophisticated meat grinder in human society.

Each of his claw strikes seems to be composed of only 5 golden cutting rays. In fact, each cutting ray is composed of countless metallic blades.

A general slashing attack is like a machete, but Mr. Xiong's claw attack is more like a chainsaw, and in principle the lethality is more powerful.

Otherwise, how can we say that the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's Dreadclaws can even tear apart the defense of a true dragon!

"Gangzi, do you know the three of them?" Old Ding squatted in the corner with his head in his hands, his feet curled up towards the corner like a bastard shrinking into his shell, his voice full of fear and panic.

No soul rings appeared around Mr. Xiong, but the eight soul rings behind the heads of the two sisters opposite him were very conspicuous.

Having stayed in the imperial capital all his life, he still knew some common sense about high-level soul masters. For example, the only person who could rejuvenate his youth and maintain his youth was the Nine-ring Titled Douluo.

In other words, the appearance of the two girls is their true age. Such a young 8-ring Contra must be very famous, and Gangzi should know something about it.

"Those two people?" The pale-faced Yu Xiaogang looked even worse than Old Dingtou. He subconsciously wanted to shake his head at Old Dingtou's question.

But when he saw the face of one of the girls clearly, he was stunned, "That is, that is not... But, how is that possible?!"

"Do you really know him?" Old Dingtou's reaction when he saw Yu Xiaogang was also curious. It seems that Gangzi's true identity is much better than he imagined. He made this move right.

"Isn't that person the captain of the Eastern Spider Beasts in the last Soul Master Competition?" Yu Xiaogang murmured in disbelief, "Her name seems to be Hu Boqing."

The Shrek Team and Haotian Team 2 he led at the time both crashed at the hands of the Eastern Spider Beasts, so he was naturally very impressed by the girl holding the gentian silver gun.

"Soul Master Competition?" Old Ding scratched his head. The Soul Master Competition five years ago was the last one in history. After the separation of the Three Kingdoms, the Soul Master Competition will naturally be nonsense.

However, although part of that grand event was held in Tiandou City, he did not have the time or money to attend the game.

Of course, he had heard of the name East Spider Hundred Beasts, "Isn't that the champion team of the Soul Master Competition? I heard that the Spirit Empire is behind it?"

"That's right." Yu Xiaogang bit his lips with an ugly expression, and there was uncontrollable resentment and doubt deep in his eyes. He clearly remembered that the other person should be the same age as Tang San, a 14-year-old War Soul Sect.

Now that five years have passed, how can the other party achieve a Contra with soul power level doubled to over 80?

This rocket-like speed of improvement completely overturned the theory of soul masters in his mind. How could he accept that his soul power level had been improved more in five years than in half his life?

He can accept his own genius, but he can never accept the monster on the other side.

But the two sisters, Amber Qing and Amber Yun, who were in danger during Mr. Xiong's attack, couldn't care so much. Even though Mr. Xiong on the opposite side obviously didn't intend to show his true identity and use all his strength, they were still under great pressure.

If they hadn't taken the risk to complete the final advancement of the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, they would have died in the hands of Lord Xiong.

Yes, the reason why they were able to achieve such a huge improvement was because they completed the Netherworld Trial.

Five years ago, the Xingluo royal family was destroyed. Guang harvested enough experimental materials and used them as the cornerstone to build a Netherworld Trial that could directly face the roots of martial arts.

During the trial, participants can face the original source of the martial soul's bloodline - the mythical beast Netherworld White Tiger. If they use their own methods to gain its recognition, they can obtain extraordinary benefits.

Not only does the evolved martial soul complete its final transformation, it can also significantly increase one's own soul power level.

Just like the Holy Angel Martial Spirit, a true god-level Martial Spirit can slightly break through the world's limitations, and its innate soul power can reach level 20.

Evolving martial souls the day after tomorrow can also achieve similar effects, but without the backing of gods, this effect will only last for one generation and cannot be passed down.

There are three participants in the trial, Miga, Amber Qing and Amber Yun. Among them, Amber Qing and Amber Yun are not qualified according to the principle of equal exchange.

However, Guang allowed the two of them to borrow money in advance and then repay the price after completing the trial.

This is the reason why the two of them, as Soul Douluo, took on the task of hunting down Titled Douluo. There are too many high-level soul masters in the Spirit Empire, and the corresponding tasks are also too many.

If they cannot complete their mission in Douluo Continent, the two of them will have no choice but to travel to the world of the dead to work as coolies.

The environment there is disgusting even for the undead, let alone the living.

Moreover, the mission there is not to station in one place, but to travel throughout the world of the dead to arrange basic ritual nodes and do some basic work in advance for Bibi Dong.

Seeing that the two people in front of him avoided the claw attack again, Mr. Xiong touched his nose thoughtfully. His claw attack was already half as powerful as the initial increase.

The soul power of these two humans is obviously not enough, but they seem to have extraordinary talents in dodge, especially the one with a more immature appearance.

"Brother opposite, everything is a misunderstanding..." Amber Yun's expression was completely different from what she was thinking in her heart. Compared with her younger sister, she was thicker-skinned, smoother, and more thoughtful.

Of course, this advantage also has disadvantages.

In contrast, Hu Boqing's mind is simpler, and she has reached the level of clarity of artistic conception in her marksmanship early. With her keen perception of her gun mind, she can detect the direction of Xiong Jun's attack and dodge early every time. Even though Amber Yun, a dabbler, was behind her sister, she was under greater pressure.

However, with her sweet words, she kept Mr. Xiong in a good mood, and he was not so angry that he showed his true identity and took action.

"Qing, I can't hold on any longer. You should go first and find someone to save me." Amber Yun breathed heavily and sent a message to her sister in front of her.

My sister is good with a gun and has a high chance of escaping alone. Moreover, if she is captured, she will be thick-skinned, which is much better than the stubborn Qing.

Of course, the most important thing is the deep and pure relationship between the two sisters.

"Keep on holding on, sister. Sister Miga has written back and should be here soon." Qing shook his head at the sister behind him. The so-called high probability of being captured and surviving is only relative.

In fact, who would want to put his life in the hands of others for gambling?

If there is a high probability that Amber Qing is captured, he would rather be broken into pieces than intact, and the survival rate is less than 1%, then Amber Cloud only increases the survival rate to 10%.

Who knows what kind of character the reckless man in front of you has? Maybe as soon as you surrender and admit defeat, the other party will just turn your head 1080 degrees with a big mouth, without even bothering to listen to you?

The seventh soul skill, Netherworld True Body.

There was no opening on his mouth, but the soul ring was shining brightly behind his head. Amber Qing's body did not transform into a beast and grow in size, but changed from an entity to a blurry state that flickered on and off, and the black and white colors blended into an illusory gray.

In this state, Amber Qing's speed surged. She no longer chose to completely dodge Xiong Jun's slash, but instead swung the bright silver gun and struck the side of the slash, causing it to deflect slightly.

In this case, the pressure on her sister Hu Hueyun immediately became much less.

The reason why Amber Cloud did not use the martial soul avatar was because she did not have as much control over herself as her sister. Using the martial soul avatar would inevitably transform her into a beast and grow in size.

This is a really stupid choice for dodging claw attacks.

However, Hu Boqing's changes aroused Mr. Xiong's interest, "You actually still have some reservations. Your strength is not weaker than most of the titled Douluo I have seen."

"And you look very young." Mr. Xiong praised, but his eyes showed solemnity.

Age, the genius of a soul master, he really didn't think much about some things since he had been staying in a dangerous place, but he soon realized it.

The two people in front of them were not the cubs of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear clan, nor were they other spirit beasts, but humans.

A young and talented soul master is not a good thing for their soul beast clan.

In addition, more strength often represents more desires. The soul master in front of her is only an 8-ring soul douluo. She has the strength of a titled douluo before her soul ring is full. Then she is very likely to want the ninth soul ring. Seeking the best hundred thousand year soul ring.

As mentioned before, most of the hundred thousand year level soul beasts have broken through the limitations of the original race, especially the king of soul beasts, who are more concerned about the development of the entire soul beast race.

The relationship with other hundred thousand year soul beasts is also relatively close, so when he thinks that the two people in front of him will threaten other high-level soul beasts after breaking through level 90, Mr. Xiong has a dangerous murderous intention in his eyes.

"Sky Claw!"

Mr. Xiong, who had a murderous intention, changed from his original carelessness, and his aura changed drastically. A sharp aura mixed with blood evil energy spread from his body.

The sharpness comes from the ultimate gold, and the blood evil energy comes from Xiong Junsheng's growth experience of tearing apart hundreds of beasts and slaying real dragons with his claws.

Legend has it that the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear can fight the real dragon, and this legend comes from Mr. Xiong.

In the barbaric era before the Silver Dragon King came to Douluo Continent, he once used dark golden terror claws to tear a 30-year-old true dragon into pieces, and then bathed in the dragon's blood to break through the -year bottleneck.

Because of this incident, Di Tian always had a bad impression of him, but he had no intention of confronting him.

Not only because there is the Silver Dragon King pressing down on it, but also because Lord Xiong's sky-ripping claw can really threaten Ditian.

If we really fight to the death, Mr. Xiong will die, but Di Tian won’t even think about it easy!

Even if Brigitte, who is number one in the healing department, has a close relationship with Ditian, she cannot eradicate the damage caused by Xiong Jun's near-death blow.

Because that kind of damage can directly hurt the deepest source of Ditian and cut off Ditian's hope of continuing to improve!

Fortunately, due to the suppression of the Silver Dragon King, Mr. Xiong did not reveal his true form. He just raised his left paw and swung it out according to the feeling.

The left claw of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is more powerful than the right claw. This is a secret that few people know, but Mr. Bear is even more special.

Back then, he used his strongest left claw to crush the real dragon's heart, so the power of his left claw was even greater than that of other Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bears.

In the distance, Hu Boqing, who was successful in shooting, felt a fatal sense of threat as soon as Xiong Jun raised his hand.

This sense of threat is similar to Mr. Xiong's previous claw attack, but the threat has increased in a straight line, just like an adult who was just playing with a child by stretching out his fingers and flicking his brain, suddenly clenching his fist and smashing it down. .

The most terrible thing is that it turns out that Mr. Xiong's claw strike Amber Qing can easily sense the trajectory and the space to avoid.

But this time, Amber Qing felt like she was falling into the deep sea. She only felt a fatal sense of oppression all over her body and surroundings. No matter how she dodge, she would be dead!

"Sister, run!" Amber Qing only had time to turn her head and shout to Amber Cloud, then without hesitation he took out a metal component from his cuff and inserted it into his belt.

"Martial spirit promotion, Netherworld White Tiger!"

The black and white air flow swept out from Hu Boqing's back and spread all over her body. A black and white giant tiger phantom appeared from her back. At this moment, Hu Boqing's aura was truly elevated to the level of a Titled Douluo.

The power of this martial soul promotion is similar to the martial soul fusion technique, but the pressure can only be borne by oneself, and the cost afterwards will be greater, so it cannot be used easily.

More importantly, Amber Qing gritted her teeth, knowing very well that the strength of the big man in front of her was far greater than hers. Even if she exhausted all her cards, she would only be giving him more strength.

Even if she could escape from this Sky-Tearing Claw, would the other party stop?

The reason why she used her last trump card was just to quench her thirst and delay her for a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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