Chapter 364 Fierce Battle Four

The golden sun shines brightly in the sky, and a seraph appears vaguely in it.

The entire Tiandou Imperial Palace was wrapped in the realm, and the pitch-black night turned into daylight with light spreading in all directions.

The giant meteor hammer that originally fell from the sky was intercepted by a golden sword of the same size, making a loud roar. The golden and red energy ripples were annihilated by the visible divine light in the air before they spread too far.

The death energy chain and the corpse soul domain used by Corpse Soul Douluo were directly crushed the moment it was completed in the sacred world, and could only protect a range of two or three meters around the body.

This limited support is not in vain. In the distance, the Ghost Mother Douluo and her nine ghosts vividly serve as negative teaching materials.

Show everyone the consequences of direct contact with the suppression of the sacred world.

The golden radiance everywhere was filled with the aura of light, holiness and fire, and Ghost Mother Douluo seemed to be taking a bath in a pool of sulfuric acid.

The skin all over her body rotted rapidly while gray-white smoke rose up. The severe pain made her scream like a slaughtered pig.

As a veteran titled Douluo, she shouldn't have let out such a miserable voice, but the pain she endured was also far beyond the limit that an average soul master could bear.

The pain alone was like a patient who had just been burned all over his body and jumped into a pool of alcohol to take a bath. Moreover, this pain not only came from Ghost Mother Douluo's body, it even hurt her spirit and soul!

The original Ghost Mother Douluo almost rolled and crawled into the Soul Douluo's territory to avoid danger. Without protection, the more vulnerable ghosts would end up even worse.

The Ghost Mother Douluo's skin was only corroded while white gas emitted, but the bodies of the nine ghosts were directly ignited with the golden true fire of the sun.

Massive amounts of sacred light swarmed toward the nine little fire men like piranhas smelling a fishy smell, and the next moment the golden flames surged.

After a few cries and howls from the Japanese that were not human, only a little bit of white ash was left and dispersed in the wind.

As soon as the devil died, Ghost Mother Douluo spurted out a mouthful of old blood. Her whole face was frighteningly pale, and it changed from smooth as jade to a wrinkled old woman.

Qian Renxue, who was holding a golden sword and blocking Tang Xiao's attack from a distance, looked around with no trace of complacency in her eyes.

Her family knew her own affairs, and the reason why she was able to use the Holy World technique was not because of her extraordinary talent, but because of pure krypton gold.

As the number one rich little girl in Douluo Continent, although she does not have the cheats of a time traveler, she has the ability to make money that cannot be ignored!

The layout of the entire Tiandou Palace in the past five years has been converted into hundreds of millions of gold soul coins. Coupled with the Angel Holy Sword, an artifact inherited from the angel god, as the core, the power of this move in the holy world reaches the god level.

This is not a field, but a realm!

Moreover, although this move to the Holy World is not a one-time use, it also costs millions of gold soul coins to open each time.

Qian Renxue arranged this not because she was delusional about being persecuted, but more because the opening of the sacred world allowed her to observe the changes in the world from an almost god-level perspective.

It has extraordinary benefits for her to understand the principles of heaven and earth and understand the changes in rules, but not many people are willing to spend this cost.

And even if you take out the same number of gold soul coins, it will be difficult to make one identical one to one, because many rare resources have long been exhausted.

A large part of them are treasures accumulated by the royal family of the Tiandou Empire for thousands of years.

Unlike when Guang raided the secret treasury of the Xingluo royal family, there was naturally more than one secret treasury of the Xingluo royal family. Although Guang had gained a lot from the robbery, in real terms it was not even a tenth of it.

In contrast, Qian Renxue had been the Emperor of Tiandou for five years. She was indeed a little rough in the beginning, but five years was enough for her to figure out the sequelae and collect all the wealth of the Tiandou royal family. Digging enabled.


The huge Haotian Hammer and the golden holy sword were shattered at the same time, but Qian Renxue waved the angelic holy sword in her hand again without caring, and the massive amount of sacred light regrouped into a new golden holy sword directly above her.

Then, Qian Renxue slashed vertically at Tang Xiao in the distance, and the golden holy sword that looked like a hill crushed it down like a mountain.

Boom boom boom!

There were continuous air explosions one after another, as if what fell was not a golden sword, but the Optimus Prime.

Tang Xiao, who was at the end of the shadow of the golden sword, looked livid, and his eyes revealed weakness. He had no desire to collide with the terrifying giant sword that connected heaven and earth in front of him.

But the sacred light around him was like thick glue, making it difficult for him to move forward. The soul power to protect his body was consumed rapidly, but Tang Xiao could not draw even a little bit of the power of heaven and earth from the air to restore his soul power.

As titled Douluo, Tang Xiao, Corpse Soul and Ghost Mother were all in such a miserable state in the holy world. Tang San, whose soul power level was not higher than that of the Soul King, was even unable to move and half knelt on the ground.

Fortunately, the Shura Blood Sword he was carrying emitted scarlet blood, which greatly reduced the pressure he endured.

But as soon as he raised his head, he saw the golden giant sword hitting his uncle Tang Xiao. The sword was so big that Tang San's eyes went straight.

In comparison, the uncle's "skinny" figure was as frail as a mosquito.

In addition, the three Kong Chunshan who were originally in a worse situation than death in the field did not die due to the upgrade of the field. The two forces in them are dynamically balanced.

The damage they received was almost the same as the treatment they received, so they were still wailing in the corner of the hall, but the sound was more miserable.

Tang San, who was not far away, felt chills running down his spine and his legs were as soft as noodles.

He was born in the Tang Clan in his previous life, and the Tang Clan was best at concealed weapons and poison, so he was also quite good at punishment. However, the most miserable sounds Tang San heard in death row were far less powerful than the howls of the three of them.

It seemed that all the strength was being used in the throat, so that the pain could be vented as much as possible.

Needless to say, the pain they endured can be heard by any living creature, but at the same time they were very healthy and were always in a state of full health from over-treatment.

If the uncle and the other two seniors die, can the Shura Blood Sword on his body protect him? Tang San swallowed with a pale face, he didn't want to die, let alone become the fourth Kong Chunshan.

"No, I can't just sit there and wait for death!" Tang San's expression was fierce and he bit the tip of his tongue. The sweet taste of pain temporarily dispelled fear and other negative emotions, and his reason allowed him to grab the straw of survival.

It was obvious that the Wuhun Empire had deployed unexpected means in the Tiandou Empire in advance, and the strength of the uncle and the two seniors alone was incapable of reversing this change.

And the only one who has hope to compete with it is. . .

Tang San pulled out the Shura Blood Sword from behind, and the blood-red sword reflected his pale complexion like a crystal clear mirror.

"Only by truly launching the Bloody Sacrifice, opening up the Shura Dharma Realm, and inviting the Shura Gods to descend, can we reverse the situation." Tang San's bloodshot eyes spit out crazy fire.

According to the plan, they had to kill Emperor Tiandou and sacrifice the leading destiny of the Tiandou Empire to truly start the Blood Festival. Later, he and his uncle Tang Xiaobing split into two groups and cooperated with other personnel from the Haotian Sect to kill the nobles of the Heaven Dou Empire as much as possible and harvest as much of the Heaven Dou Empire's luck as possible so that the Blood Festival could be perfected.

But now, the plan was aborted at the beginning. Qian Renxue, who controlled the sacred world, was simply not something they could compete with.

But there is no way!

Tang San yanked a ruby-shaped pendant from his neck, threw it into the air, and swung the Shura Blood Sword to smash it to pieces!

This was the signal to notify everyone in Haotian Sect to take action.

It is true that for the convenience of movement, only his uncle Tang Xiao came with him to Tiandou City this time, but this does not mean that there are no nobles outside Tiandou City.

In order to strive for perfection, he specially asked his uncle to arrange hundreds of elite soldiers to deal with several well-known nobles in the Tiandou Empire in separate groups.

In addition, in addition to the two titled Douluos Corpse Soul and Ghost Mother, the Evil Soul Master he controlled also had several Soul Douluo.

The reason why they didn't follow was because Tang San arranged for them to monitor and control two important people. . .

Yes, those two people are Princess Xue Feng and Prince Xuejian of the Tiandou Empire. They are the candidates that the Tiandou nobles are planning to put on the puppet throne.

It is not impossible to kill the two of them plus the local nobles, start the Blood Festival, and expand the Shura Domain, but it will not last long.

As long as God Shura notices something is wrong with Douluo Continent, I believe he will take the initiative to lower his power.

Tang San glanced at the Shura Blood Sword in his hand with a complicated expression. There were some things that he was not unaware of. This was the intuition of similar people.

. . .

The jet-black scales formed an arm armor like a dragon's claw. Di Tian pinched his five fingers together and flashed across the sky like a black lightning bolt, aiming at the opponent and punching out.

The demon fused by Hu Liena and Xie Yue was not inferior to Di Tian in terms of size. Facing Di Tian's offensive, her narrow eyes revealed a dangerous purple light.


Without any intention of dodging and closing the battle, Hu Liena chose to face God head-on, her hands folded, and the purple-red light shone from behind.

Accompanied by the tinkling sound of the bell, the purple and red crystals emerged from the back of the demon like a snake, then wrapped around the body, and finally wrapped around the head, and merged into a purple and red visor on the upper part of the face.

The left arm is a clear purple, and the right arm is as bright red as blood. The two-color armor is as transparent and shiny as crystals, and looks strong and sharp.


Hu Liena swung her left fist and collided with Di Tian's fist. The next moment, she felt an overwhelming force pour out of her fist, and her whole body flew backwards for dozens of meters.

In mid-air, mottled cracks appeared one after another on the crystal armor on Hu Liena's left arm. This was because she was actively releasing her strength to reduce the damage she suffered.

On the opposite side, Di Tian just took three steps back, then disappeared from the spot with an even colder expression, and appeared opposite the monster the next moment.

Ditian's true form is the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King, a genuine dragon. Moreover, his physical strength is particularly outstanding, and his strength and defense are outrageous.

Even if he is disguised as a human, this power will not be reduced too much, because he is not a real soul beast, but just a human disguise.

The most important thing is that Di Tian, ​​who had a murderous intention from the beginning, did not hold back with this punch, but the opponent only looked embarrassed and did not suffer any real damage. This made the murderous intention in Di Tian's heart even stronger!

"Can't beat it, can't beat it, Xie Yue, let's take over." The purple light in Yao Mei's eyes converged, and red light emerged. Hu Liena did not hesitate to transfer Yao Mei's control after truly tasting the power of the opponent's punch.

In terms of melee strength, whether her brother Xie Yue is stronger with the weapon Moon Blade, she is better as a support player.

"You." Xie Yue, who had just taken over control of her body, was startled by the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of her before she could reply.


Xie Yue, who subconsciously raised the moon blade to block, flew out again. His hands went numb, and he also had a clear and intuitive understanding of Di Tian's strength.

"This is like kicking the iron plate!" Xie Yue said while flying backwards while looking at the black shadow following behind.

"I know it's an iron plate." Hu Liena's voice was equally bitter, but the exchange of voices did not affect her control.

After many years of cooperation, the two of them have already figured out the best way to cooperate with the demon, which is for Xie Yue to control the body with a moon blade, while Hu Liena assists with mental illusion interference and manipulation of Xuanjing.


Two purple and red crystals were ejected from Xie Yue's shoulders. Their shape was similar to a third-level Rubik's Cube. As they were twisted rapidly, they quickly grew and deformed.

Purple and red crystal mirrors were intercepted one after another between Yao Mei and Di Tian.

"It's a boring trick." Di Tian's speed did not slow down at all. He was like a cannonball, smashing the crystal mirrors into pieces one after another.

But not long after, Di Tian's face became even worse, because he found that due to the interference of the mirror reflection, his direction had been slightly deflected, and Xie Yue took the opportunity to put some distance between him and gain precious little time to relax. tone.

"That guy's mental power is extremely high, and his mental resistance seems to be not weak. Even if we combine the mental powers of the two of us, we probably won't be able to gain any benefit. We can only choose to combine Xuanjing interference."

Taking advantage of this little time, Hu Liena and Xie Yue quickly exchanged tactics in their minds.

"The strength of that guy's body is also outrageous. He hit the moon blade with such great force, and there is only a little white mark on the scales. Even if I try my best to break through the defense, it is difficult to cause fatal damage to it."

Xie Yue's voice was cold. He had considerable experience in breaking armor. If he was caught off guard, he might have the opportunity to give the guy opposite him a hard blow.

"Don't think about it. The soul beast's vitality far exceeds that of a human being. Killing him and being a soul-slashing master are completely different things. Moreover, the person with him has such a strong aura of life that he might not have been cured as soon as he was injured. "

Hu Liena directly rejected her brother's idea of ​​a radical counterattack. Xie Yue's plan required the two of them to go all out, and this consumption would greatly reduce the duration of the demon.

"What should I do?"

"Hold on, we can't let this guy interfere with Xiaoxue." Hu Liena gritted her teeth, "Let's change the direction and stay away from the Tiandou Palace."

"And I have already informed my senior brother. When our reinforcements arrive, it will be their turn to be unlucky."

Strictly speaking, they are all juniors of the Wuhun Empire, and there are still people above them!

(End of this chapter)

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