Chapter 374 Ending

The bright red demon power turned into overwhelming red clouds covering the entire sky. It was the linked demon power released by the demon army.

Thousands of soldiers formed a terrifying whole, forming a synonym for terror - the War Department.

The entire Titan City was stunned by this sudden accident. Even the ancestor of Houyan, who had the highest status in the Dan Formation Realm, did not receive any news from the border city.

It was obvious that the demon army was so menacing and powerful that the border city fell easily without even making a sound.

Faced with this situation, many people in Titan City turned their attention to the Titan Sect branch in the middle of Titan City.

But before their eyes could reveal their expectations, a rainbow flew out from them, with spiritual pressure overflowing and a surge of momentum. It was none other than Patriarch Houyan himself.

It's just that this ancestor didn't come out to preside over the overall situation, but ran away with all his strength in the opposite direction of the demon army's attack!
As a member of the Core Formation Realm, Houyan Ancestor can be said to be the most knowledgeable person in the entire Titan City, so he is very aware of the value of the war department, especially the flag raised in the middle of the red cloud is embroidered with the Blood Demon II Character.

The biggest difference between the War Department and the stragglers is the integrated strength, followed by the basic strength of the War Department soldiers.

The size of Titan City's city guards is not small, but there is no possibility of defeating the most ordinary motley crew.

Generally speaking, the war department is roughly divided into five levels: miscellaneous, local, standard, elite, and top-level. The core criterion for differentiation is the maximum number of soldiers the war department general can gather in one blow.

Ten people, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, one hundred thousand.

The newcomer's Blood Fiend War Troop is well-known in the nearby demon world border, on the one hand because they are genuine elites, and on the other hand because of their reputation for loving killing.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Patriarch Houyan ran away alone without any concern for his face. It can even be called decisive.

It is a pity that the Blood Fiend War Department is an elite war department. Not only the most ordinary soldiers are demon captains who are equivalent to foundation-building overhauls, but the generals who lead the war department are demon generals who are equivalent to Nascent Soul.

Ancestor Houyan was the first to run away and also the first to die. . .

Everyone else in Titan City was no exception. Although they were a little late, they still could not escape the fate of death.

As mentioned before, there is a fundamental difference in environment between the fairy realm and the small realm under the demon realm, and that is the difference between spiritual power and demon power in the air.

But this difference does not exist from ancient times, nor is it irreversible.

The core is what kind of power does the creature that masters the domain master's order master? In addition, conversion takes an extremely long time, but there are many effective acceleration methods.

Demonic grass is the most common and effective transformation method for the demon clan. This plant can quickly convert spiritual power into demonic power, and can also produce rare resources, demon crystals.

However, the growth of plants requires nutrients. If you want the demon food grass to grow quickly and even produce demon crystals, you need enough fertilizer. . .

There is nothing more plentiful, accessible, and nutritious than spiritual practice.

In just a short period of time, most of the people in the entire Titan City were killed. The demon army did not need two or five young men, because after the transformation of the small area environment, ordinary spiritual cultivation could not withstand the demon power environment.

Either their cultivation has regressed or they have gone crazy. Therefore, except for some high-quality captives who will be trafficked to the demon world for trade, the rest of their spiritual cultivation will be massacred.

Just like humans dealing with animals, the rare ones are left to trade, while the rest are skinned, fleshed, and separated into valuable parts.

As for the transformed small domains, other small domains in the demon world will arrange for a large number of demon immigrants to immigrate.

Everyone Qianliu Hongnian knew since childhood was dead. He survived because he gained integrated knowledge from the Book of Infinity.

Twenty years of research gave him the ability to try the method of transforming a half-demon into a demon clan. Only through this method could he have a chance to pretend to avoid the massacre of the demon army and escape the fate of death.

However, he has never done this kind of transformation and limited it to theory, and the tight time did not give him more room to think about experiments.

He could only choose to take Vivian beside him and risk the experiment directly. . .

Fortunately, he succeeded, but unfortunately Vivian failed. This kind of transformation requires the transformer himself to have an extremely deep understanding of the theory of spiritual power and demon power transformation.

What's even more unfortunate is that it's too late to start the second adventure.

In the end, he could only start a life that lasted hundreds of years with a crystal stone containing Vivian's soul.


Memories passed quickly in Guang's mind, and he spoke even fewer words, but at least the seven people on the opposite side knew that he came from the twenty small domains that were sacrificed.

"For the growth of the Immortal Realm, sacrifice is necessary." Lin A exchanged glances with several other heads, without any regret.

Strictly speaking, the territory controlled by Qijingtian is only most of the fairyland. The twenty small areas that were betrayed are not under the jurisdiction of Qijingtian.

You don’t need to pay the price yourself, they are naturally happy with this exchange, and he didn’t lie. Overall, the territory of the Immortal Domain has expanded by 5 small areas, and due to the losses of the demon army, more than ten small areas were subsequently destroyed. recover.

As for sacrifice, the border war between immortals, demons and demons has lasted for tens of thousands of years, and the number of casualties has already been astronomical.

The size of the Yuan Zhen Realm has long been determined. The three tribes need war to consume the population. The ordinary people at the bottom are just a burden. It is their honor to be able to compete with the elite of the demon army.

It’s just that these realistic things cannot be spoken directly to the outside world.

The fall of those twenty small domains was an accident, not bait or intentional.

Handle the matter neatly, and finally regard the few high-ranking monks who died as examples and build several monuments to educate future generations.

For tens of thousands of years, I have never heard of any trouble. Even if there is, it is just ringworm and scabies. Without the cultivation of gods, I am not even qualified to set foot in the seventh realm.

Normally there are no places that can be sacrificed, even if there are Nascent Souls, so what if there are a few dead ones left?
"So, you are here to seek revenge from our Seventh Realm Heaven?" Zhong Kui looked at the rainbow light opposite him in disbelief. A demon saint could actually be born in such a small place? !
You must know that in the Yuan Zhen Realm, no true immortals were born after the New Immortal Calendar. The Return to the Void in the Immortal Realm, the Demon Saints in the Demon Realm, and the Demon Lord of the Demon Abyss are the top level of Dacheng Realm.

The world no longer creates new small realms, but whether it is a return to the void, a demon saint, or a demon king, the corpse after death can evolve into a new realm.

This is true even after death, not to mention the strength during life.

Among the thousands of realms in the entire Immortal Realm, only one Return to the Void occurs every few hundred years on average. How could Hong Guang, who was born in such a place, become a Demon Saint!

"Revenge?" Guang looked at the seven surviving guys opposite, watching them parasitizing on the bodies of Dao Ni and struggling. There was no joy in getting revenge on his face, only the calmness in his heart.

"No, I just learned a truth from you: sacrifice is necessary."

"For the strength and progress of the Immortal Realm, remote small areas and the weak can be sacrificed." "Then, in order for me to break through the shackles of the world and become a Taoist equivalent to an immortal, why not sacrifice the entire Immortal Realm?"

"You?!" Chaohong and several others looked at Hongguang with a calm face, and couldn't help but feel inexplicable panic in their hearts.

"How can this be the same?" Zhong Kui pointed at the light and said with a trembling voice, "This is the entire fairyland."

"What's the difference? No real immortal has been born in the Immortal Realm for 20,000 years. I believe it will still be the same in another 20,000, 200,000, or 2 million years."

Guang looked at Zhong Kui and spread his hands, "In order for the strong to become stronger, it is necessary to sacrifice the weak. No matter whether it is innocent or not, whether it is cruel or not, whether it is moral or not, unless the weak can defeat the strong."

"But if the strong will be defeated by the weak, can it still be called strong? If the weak can defeat the strong, can it still be called weak?"

"I admit that there are past reasons why I chose the Immortal Realm to hold the ceremony, but as a strong man, I have the power to do whatever I want." Guang shifted his gaze from the seven people to the entire Dao Ni.

"Besides, if the backlash from the Yuan Zhen Realm hadn't come so quickly, do you think you could still be standing here?" Guang's cold eyes revealed cruelty.

"The original ceremony was not completely completed after all. Do you think you are the retribution the world gave me? No, you are just poor people who took the initiative to make up for my shortcomings."

As soon as Guang finished speaking, the incandescent sun texture lit up on his body, and ten shadows of the sun emerged and solidified in all directions of the world.

Ten Suns Burn Heaven Realm!
Seeing Hong Guang taking the lead, Lin A and Qi's expressions were extremely ugly, but before they could react, the white light marks on Dao Ni's body suddenly shone.


The huge pain caused the hundreds of thousands of faces on Dao Ni's body to let out heart-piercing shouts, including the seven people in Lin A's chest.

"Hongguang, you deserve to die!" The reason in the eyes of the seven people disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, replaced by madness full of murderous intent!

A large twisted footprint appeared in the void, hundreds of meters of Dao evil shot out like cannonballs, and six big hands swatted away flies.

The terrifying power compressed the air to make continuous explosions, and the ominous red light and the blazing sunlight intertwined and collided.

In comparison, the light in the center is as invisible as a bug in front of six mountains.

However, there are pros and cons to being huge. In Guang's eyes, Dao Ni is like a stupid guy who has lost his mind. Even with six hands, there are countless gaps in the middle for dodge.

However, the light did not hide.

The shadow of the ten-round sun in the sky shone brighter and brighter, the rays of light overlapped on Guang's body, and a massive amount of golden energy swarmed out of his body, and countless secret swords swam around at top speed like fish.

Use your body to transform Yang.

The next moment, the brilliance of the ten shadows of the sun reached its peak, and all the restrained brilliance fell on the light.

For a moment, the sky and the earth dimmed, as if all the light converged on the light, the hot temperature turned into the fire of the sun, the secret sword became the skeleton, and the energy became the fuel.

A small sun with a diameter of 100 meters rolled directly towards Dao Ni. Although the speed was not very fast, the high temperature above caused the space along the way to distort and deform.


Dao Ni's six big hands firmly pressed against the golden sun in front of him, and the intense heat turned his dark skin into a red color visible to the naked eye.

The strange red light emitted from its body was directly ignited, and the golden flame ignited, burning it into powdery light flakes, which were then absorbed by the white light marks on Dao Ni's body and shone.

This is the fundamental reason why Dao Ni screams in pain.

The sun transformed into light is like the best catalyst, refining Dao Nie in the direction in which it should be transformed.

Just like Guang said, his original ceremony was not for the birth of evil spirits. It was an error caused by accident. Now he has to make up for the original shortcomings.

Feeling the pain and threat, Dao Ni's voice became more and more shrill, and the crazy eyes of the seven people on the chest regained their senses under this stimulation.

Then they discovered that Dao Ni's six hands were clinging to the little sun and couldn't let go.

Moreover, not only was the strange red light around Dao Ni's body ignited, but his skin on the surface, especially the twisted face on it, slowly disintegrated into white light fragments under the burning of the golden flame and was absorbed by the white light traces.

The white traces of light that looked like incomplete tattoos began to spread around and even grow downwards like the roots of a plant under the influx of hazy light fragments.

"That bastard, he swallowed up the entire Immortal Realm, now he wants to swallow us up too?"

"Otherwise, let's forget it, give up part of the body, and maybe we can leave."

"Zhong Kui, you shameless person in the seventh realm, shut up."

. . .

"That's enough." Lin A in the middle interrupted the quarrel among the other six people. "Hongguang's condition is not right. He may be injured or failed, but he on the other side is definitely not a true immortal."

Hearing these words, the other six people held back their pain and annoyance and carefully observed the little sun in front of them and the rainbow light in the depths of the little sun.

Although the opponent's strength is stronger than that of Returning to the Void, its strength is limited. The damage and transformation speed of Little Sun to Dao Evil are too low.

You must know that at the end of the ceremony, if the will of Yuan Zhenjie had not appeared and lowered the world thunder, their so-called Dao evil would have been directly swallowed by it.

In comparison, the rainbow light in front of him seemed a bit overwhelming, and it did not even reveal the true power of the Holy Light. It only used the power of the sun to indirectly trigger the Holy Light Dao Marks on Dao Ni's body to complete the refining.

This indirect transformation method is not only slow, but the consumption is also visible to the naked eye. The damage of Dao Evil is beginning to show here, and the consumption of Little Sun is also not small.

"If you fight with him, you may not have a chance!" Lin A's sharp eyes, and his firmness and determination as a sword cultivator made him the backbone of the seven people and the leader of Dao evil.

Along with the active shrinkage of Dao Ni's body, a stronger and weird red light emerged from Dao Ni's body again.

Compared with just now, the current Dao Evil is not so much being refined as it is wrestling with light. The brilliance of the little sun is still the same, but the size is also shrinking.

Moreover, although the confrontation between the two sides is very anxious, the full efforts of the two have resulted in great consumption. It can be expected that the current stalemate will not last long.

However, in addition to the wrestling parties, there was also a third party who was observing silently.

(End of this chapter)

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