Chapter 375 Ending (End)

Over the ruins of the Imperial Palace in Tiandou City, rolling heat waves distorted the air. Not many people wanted to stay nearby. Those who looked from a distance could only see blurry figures in the distortion.

The six-armed black evildoer holds up the scorching sun. To them, it looks more like a god sending down divine punishment to destroy the world, and the huge six-armed figure is a hero trying his best to stop it.

That's probably the martial soul's true form cast by some top soul master, right?

Surviving civilians and low-level and middle-level soul masters with little experience guessed that with the passage of time, the figure of the "Martial Soul Avatar" that was originally several hundred meters had shrunk to a size of tens of meters, but the golden fireball he lifted was Also shrinks too much.

"Hahaha, Hongguang, you can't hold on any longer, right? No one in the Yuan Zhen Realm can truly become an immortal, and even if there is that person, it's definitely not you!"

Only half of Zhong Kui's head was left on Dao Ni's chest, and there was not much sanity left in his eyes. The collision between the two consumed not only their strength, but also the remaining sanity of the seven of them.

However, looking at the shadow of the sun opposite that had shrunk to reveal the skeleton of the secret sword, he could also feel that its aura was approaching the end of the lamp.

"Let's see who can outshine whom." The light in the middle of the shadow of the sun was pale, but his face was still expressionless, and his eyes looked at the white light marks spreading on the black evildoer's body, which became deeper and deeper.

Dao Nie, who was originally covered in pitch black and emitting unknown ominous features, not only shrank in size, but most of the surface of his body had been taken up by light marks, making it look like white mixed with a little black.

Most of the hundreds of thousands of ferocious faces had dispersed at this moment, leaving only Lin A's seven people and hundreds of faces in the chest area around them.

Those were the true core of the Seven Realm Heavens who survived to the end, and the last ones had to be the true successors and elders.

Now, with the shrinkage of Dao Ni's figure, the remaining ones are also burning into simple light chips and being absorbed by the light marks.

It's just that unlike other ordinary members of the Seven Realms Heaven, at the last moment when their faces were shattered, their eyes flashed back and the final sanity appeared.

Witnessing myself and my sect colleagues' true souls collapsing in pain, their souls were literally shattered.

Because of the relationship between their body structure and crazy interference, most of the seven Seven Realm Heavenly Masters, like Zhong Kui, did not notice the strangeness of Dao Ni's body at all, and even their bodies had sunk into Dao Ni's chest.

Only Lin A, Golden Buddha and Chao Hong noticed the abnormality, but they were as silent as Hong Guang opposite.

The wrestling between the two sides is coming to an end, and there is no talk of giving up halfway. They can only go one way to the end, but they still maintain their sanity and carefully control every force to survive this war of attrition until the end.

In addition, among the three, only Lin A still kept one-third of his body independent, and his transparent sword heart kept him calm and awake.

The two sides were stuck in a quagmire, and there was really no extra means left. However, Lin A carefully recalled some details.

The process of their coming to this world was not smooth sailing. To be precise, being able to come to this world at this point in time also meant that a third party was pushing the boat along.

But besides that, he seemed to have overlooked something.

. . . . . .


The bright red Shura Blood Sword roared out, easily penetrating the nearly transparent shadow of the sun.

The long-charged blow easily knocked away the weak secret sword, pierced from behind Guang, cut through his chest and almost tore his entire body apart.

"Hahaha, I finally found a chance to deal with this damn variable of yours."

It was "Tang Xiao" who was holding the Shura Blood Sword in his hand, but at this moment, his body was exuding scarlet blood mist, and his skin cracked and dissolved, revealing the true body hidden underneath.

The sneak attacker wearing a dark red patterned armor was none other than Shura God himself. At this moment, he was very excited after succeeding in the attack, and his gloomy eyes were filled with joy.

He has always been worried about the luck harvesting plan on Douluo Continent, especially as unplanned accidents happened one after another. He was fed up with constantly fixing accidents in the future.

Just like a bad game of chess, God Shura, as a chess player, kept making mistakes, mistakes, and mistakes. The more he played, the more angry he became, and the more he played, the more annoyed he became. In the end, he couldn't help but finally made up his mind, flipped the table and ended the game himself.

In addition, God Shura is not stupid. One time can be said to be an accident, two times can be said to be accidental, and the three or four times must be influenced by third-party factors that he has not discovered.

Wait until all the chess pieces on the field are cleared before leaving? Of course God Shura would not make such a stupid choice.

Even his arrangement for Tang San and Haotian Sect to hold the Blood Festival was also a bait planned in advance.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

His actual plan was to first send the evil that he was responsible for solving to the lower world to explore the path to attract attention, and then replace Tang Xiao and observe secretly, waiting for an opportunity to take action to determine the victory.

In this plan, Haotian Sect is the bait, and the gods are also the bait. Only he is the oriole at the end.

Facts have proved that he is right. The troubles in Douluo Continent are indeed not small. The fact that the god-level Tang Chen can stumble already shows the problem.

The grievances between the evil god and the light were put aside, but their strength was roughly the same. In comparison, although the strength of Shura God had an advantage, it was not obvious.

Because this place is the Douluo Continent in the lower realm, and plane consciousness is not for free food. Outsiders of the level of Shura God are like biting vicious dogs, and they will definitely be targeted and cared for immediately.

Of course, God Shura wouldn't care about the suppression of plane consciousness if he really wanted to attack with all his strength, but there was no way he could suppress the commotion that was caused by that time.

Then, looking at the gods and the lights, who were wrestling with each other until the lamp ran out of oil, the Shura God hidden in the darkness could not suppress the wanton arc on his face.

After succeeding in the attack, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. This time he solved the root of the problem in Douluo Continent without expending much effort.

At the same time, he can easily seal the devastated gods and perfectly complete the mission in the God Realm.

Finally, the time saved can also be used to deal with the problems on Douluo Continent. . .

"Huh?" Before Shura Shen Yi changed his mind to a better future and used his hand to tear Guang's body apart completely, the feedback from his hand made him subconsciously startled.

The sword can't cut anymore.

No, to be precise, his Shura Blood Sword seemed to be growing on Guang's body and could not move at all, even with his body. . .

God Shura lowered his head and his pupils tightened as he looked at the scene in front of him. At some point, pure white traces of light spread out from the wound behind the light.

It continued to quietly climb and grow along the Shura Blood Sword, wrapped around his hands along the hilt, continued up his arms, and unknowingly reached his shoulders.

"You are a tortoise, you dare to take action now." Guang's head turned 180 degrees to look at the Shura God behind him, not caring about the injury on his chest or the twist of his neck.

In fact, even his body was covered in cracks like broken pottery at this moment, and white light shone from the cracks. Just now, the confrontation between him and Dao Ni was not false, and this body was indeed at the point of exhaustion, but it was just right, everything was as planned.

"That is the incarnation of rainbow light." On the other side, Lin A, who was in the middle of Dao Ni's chest, was full of bitterness. He finally realized what was wrong.

"What I should have thought of is that his method of incarnation is already superb, and now it is only normal for him to take it a step further."

"After all, the strength is not enough, and it is time for him to enter silence."

"We, the mutilated and twisted bodies, have long lost hope, and struggling only makes our ending even uglier."

Next to Lin A, only Golden Buddha and Shui Guanyin still had reason in their eyes at this moment. However, after saying these words, the two people gave up on their own initiative, and their entire bodies sank directly into the evil world without even retaining their faces.

At this moment, the two people still understand the cause and effect. Even a Shura god can use them. In front of Hongguang, who has become a true immortal, they are as ridiculous as clowns.

Not only were they sent to my doorstep, they were also used as bait for fishing. . .

"How can I, the sword cultivator, give up on my own initiative?" Looking at the four new crazy faces around him, Lin A, the only one who remained sane, bit her lips.

"Here comes the sword." Lin A, who spoke subconsciously, suddenly looked down at his hand in a daze, "No, where is my sword?"

Later, Lin A looked at Dao Ni whose body was covered with light marks and finally remembered.

"It turns out that Lin A has died a long time ago, together with Tai'a Jian..."


"What kind of monster are you?!" Looking at the light with a twisted neck and a body like a broken porcelain doll, God Shura couldn't help but look horrified. Gods in the God Realm are not so strange.

God Shura, whose arms burst out with bloody evil and tore apart white traces of light, struggled to free himself from the hilt of the Shura Blood Sword, then raised his fist and slammed it towards Guang's face, while preparing to retreat in a relay.

The Shura Blood Sword is very important as the artifact inherited by the Shura God, but at this moment, he felt a cold air rushing from the back of his spine to the back of his head.

Danger, first keep the distance, God Shura didn't hesitate much, anyway, the artifact won't break.

However, what he didn't expect was that although he couldn't shake the Shura Blood Sword, Guang's head exploded like a rotten watermelon under his punch.

The whole body with cracks was shattered together. The next moment, the white light similar to the light marks on Dao Ni's body but more intense and domineering completely enveloped Shura God and Dao Ni next to him.

A pure white sphere with a radius of several kilometers appeared in the center of Tiandou City. However, in the eyes of most people, this sphere was black because there was no trace of brilliance escaping from the surface of the sphere.

Only through spiritual perception can one observe closely, but every soul master who wants to do so will feel a chill in his heart when his spirit has just approached but has not yet touched the white sphere.

It's like the guillotine knife has kissed your neck. Don't touch it, otherwise something more miserable than death will happen.

This is isolation and protection.

In the sphere, the pure white holy power assimilated everything, and the black evil was absorbed by the light traces in just an instant. The light traces intertwined and rose, and a beautiful epiphyllum disappeared in an instant, and only a round flower seed fell.

Countless holy power assimilates everything and turns it into a white ocean.

"You, you, you." God Shura looked at the figure in front of him, his eyes bursting with blood, and the blood that fell turned into white butterflies dancing in the air.

It's just that he didn't have any intention of appreciating the beauty. Instead, he turned his head around like a lost dog and used both hands and feet to exert force at the same time.

He just saw and felt a terrifying assimilation force on the figure in front of him, and his sight, words, and even thoughts would be assimilated.

That is to say, he is the God King Shura God who has the status of god. If he is a creature below the god level, he will be assimilated into a part of the Holy Light just by being next to the light.

Even if he does not have a divine status and only has a transformed divine body and soul, he will also be in fatal danger.

Looking at the Shura God who turned around and fled, he grabbed the Shura Blood Sword that was dyed pure white and threw it directly. The sword pierced the Shura God's chest from behind just like it had just stabbed him.

"I spent so much effort to catch your body, how could I let you escape?"

Light, no, to be precise, it is the essence of light, the rainbow light that succeeds but fails.

Light is just his clone, so many memories are blank. Of course, the core reason is to completely block the Holy Light and avoid leaking this terrifying power from a cognitive perspective.
And his true self is lurking in the deepest part of his body, firstly to recover from his injuries, and secondly so that his avatar can practice the Way of the Fierce Sun without being disturbed.

The reason why Hongguang was successful in the past is because the terror of the power of holy light allowed Hongguang to reach an extra-dimensional state that is invisible, unspeakable, and unimaginable to ordinary living beings.

As for failure, it is difficult for Hongguang to restrain and control this power. A slight leak will be a catastrophic pollution to the world.

"Well, the body is gone, and the path of the blazing sun is being eroded faster than I expected." Looking at the golden shadow of the blazing sun condensed next to him, Hongguang waved his hand, and the purple-black source of destruction appeared.

The three interact, and a slight but stable fluctuation is accurately captured by the light. "The direction of the three elements of unity is correct."

"After recovering the Dao Evil, the flaws in the past rituals were made up. Although my control over the Holy Light has increased, it is still not enough. Power that cannot be completely controlled is undoubtedly a failure."

"It's just that the source of destruction has not yet been completely refined and mastered. The progress of the Way of the Fierce Sun is too immature, and the strength of the three is not enough to complete the balance."

"Following the steps is ultimately a dead end. After all, this is a path that is not allowed by the world. We still have to rely on rituals to make up for our shortcomings and achieve a balance to achieve success."

The place he chose for the Three Yuan Unity Ceremony was no other place. It was the divine realm where the gods ascended in the legend of Douluo Continent. There, he could choose the gods he needed to supplement himself just like buying vegetables at the vegetable market.

Guang turned his head and looked at Shura God with a smile on his face as the white sword was thrust into the ocean of holy power. This was the key.

"Wish me success, Bibi Dong, Vivian." Guang sighed softly. He did not intend to involve his acquaintances in Douluo Continent. Even if the ceremony failed in the God Realm, it would not affect them.

"Qian Renxue, what I owe you can only be paid back to you twice as long as I come back alive."

"Nana and Xie Yue, don't slack off on what senior brother has left for you."

"Miga, the pages of the Infinite Book are given to you. If I fail, I hope you can succeed."

. . .

In a burst of murmurs, Guang grabbed the dead dog-like Shura God with one hand, and with a stroke of the other hand, a silver-white space corridor emerged in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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