Chapter 376 Extra Destiny
The sun at noon was extremely scorching. On the bumpy dirt road, Yu Xiaogang lay under a tree and panted heavily. There was only a simple four-wheel wooden cart beside him, which allowed him to lie on it and push forward with his arms after losing his legs. .

His clothes are dirty and tattered, with a pickled stench. The fat head and big ears that he used to have are no longer there. Now he is skinny and skinny, with black and rough skin. He only has half a life left. .

How could my life be like this?
Yu Xiaogang suffered from heat stroke and was confused. Heat was only the inducement, while hunger, thirst and fatigue were the main causes.

When he was young, Yu Xiaogang thought that this was the most unlucky moment in his life. If his martial soul hadn't mutated, as Yu Yuanzhen's biological son, he might have become as powerful and famous as Tang Hao in the soul master world.

In other respects, Yu Xiaogang is treated as a proper protagonist. Not only does he have a strong background and wealth, but he also has excellent love luck. Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, the two most talented female soul masters in the continent, are not only delicious, And young and beautiful.

In terms of popularity, it is very rare to find a brother with the trinity of martial soul fusion skills. Looking at the history of the mainland, Tang Hao would not be as good as him if it were not for the martial soul problem.

However, as time went by, he was playing a good hand of cards. First he broke up with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, and then became hostile to the Spirit Hall.

In the end, he could only go to a small city to maintain his sense of superiority as a soul master, and look down on civilians and ordinary students with poor martial arts.

Afterwards, he betrayed his brothers and offended the Haotian Sect. He lost his legs and soul power and became a beggar.

Even so, he was able to beat the dog with a little ink in his stomach to help Zhou Wei torture him, and in the critical moment, he abandoned Lao Dingtou and escaped with his life.

However, the karma made in the past finally bore fruit. Yu Xiaogang escaped from the chaos in the Heavenly Dou, but the surviving beggars from the Dog Fighting Gang did not let him go.

Yu Xiaogang was finally beaten up and expelled from Tiandou City by a group of ordinary disabled people whom he looked down upon the most. He did not change his life and live in an ignoble way.

He is a noble soul master, not a beggar! He not only wanted to have good food and clothing, but also to have a high status and be loved by others. The only possibility that could restore his soul power and physical integrity was the path of the gods.

Poseidon Island.

It took Yu Xiaogang six full years to get from Tiandou City to Hanhai City in the far west of the mainland. His originally fat and strong body shrank by more than half, and half of his life was lost. But at least he arrived and did not die. halfway.

However, looking at the blurry city in the distance, Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought about an important question. How could he go to sea and reach Poseidon Island when he was penniless?

. . .

At the gate of Hanhai City, a man in gray clothes wearing a bamboo hat was queuing up with a simple luggage on his back. Under the bamboo hat was an ordinary face.

He is Tang San. He escaped with his life during the Tiandou Rebellion and followed his aunt Tang Yuehua to escape from Tiandou City.

Later, the news of the extinction of the Haotian Sect almost made people despair. Tang Yuehua could only marry a local noble for shelter and survival, but the other party did not let her be his wife.

After all, no matter how high-end the courtesan is, she is still a chicken. She is sought after by thousands of people but few people will marry her, especially after the nobleman discovered on the wedding night that Tang Yuehua was indeed not a young girl.

Count Dia was indeed honored to be able to walk with the late Emperor Tiandou, but after the excitement passed, he felt it was boring. The key was that Tang Yuehua's expenses were still quite high.

Forget all kinds of high-end cosmetics, gorgeous jewelry, and luxurious clothes. This kind of nobility is indeed loved by nobles, but Count Dia can't stand Tang Yuehua investing a large amount of gold soul coins in her "brother."

Voldemort couldn't afford it, not even the nobles. After all, the amount of gold soul coins Tang San spent to advance was terrifying.

However, before Count Dia could drive the two of them out, the territory they belonged to was captured by the Wuhun Empire. Tang San escaped alone, without taking Tang Yuehua with him.

The reason was not entirely because Tang San was unwilling to take Tang Yuehua with him. To be precise, if he was still an Eight-ring Soul Douluo, it wouldn't be difficult to escape with Tang Yuehua.

But the problem is that after six years, Tang San's cultivation level has declined instead of advancing, falling back to the Soul King from over eighty levels, at least five levels a year, and the rate of decline is getting faster and faster.

Half of the Xuantian Treasure Record in Tang San's previous life has been destroyed. The Xuantian Technique itself is fine, but the root cause of the plummeting cultivation level cannot be found.

The Xuanyu Hand has been disabled three times, and even if it is restored, it cannot be rebuilt. As a result, most of the hidden weapons Baijie have been disabled, and only machine-type hidden weapons that do not require skill can be used.

Controlling a crane and capturing a dragon is similar. The Ghost Shadow Mi Zongbu is the most complete one. The Poison Chapter did not dare to try it because there is no Xuan Yu Hand to assist. The Purple Demon Eye is still in the subtle state.

The most important thing is that the inheritance of God Asura is gone, and Tang San can no longer feel the divine test, artifacts, or anything related to God Asura.

Under such circumstances, how could Tang San, who prioritized himself, care about Tang Yuehua, a cheap aunt who didn't have much affection?

He only has one idea now, and that is to return to Poseidon Island. The inheritance of God Shura is gone, and he doesn't mind the inheritance of Poseidon. The key is that the issue of soul power level waits for no one!

. . .

"Brother Xiaoma, congratulations on winning the Golden Soul Fighting Medal. This is the highest honor of the Great Soul Master level in the Great Soul Fighting Field of Hanhai City!"

"Hey, your brother Ma is an evil fire phoenix, a master of reverse attributes. Even a sea soul master can only admit defeat under my endless flame spray."

Ma Hongjun pinched his waist with both hands, his clothes highlighted his bulging belly, and his eyes narrowed as he looked at the beautiful employee of the Great Spirit Arena in front of him.

"Brother Xiao Ma, this is your appearance fee today, which is a full 50 gold soul coins! I heard from the supervisor that after receiving the Gold Soul Fighting Medal, the appearance fee in the future will start at least three digits, but the performance will be much slower. Unless you still participate in the Silver Fighting Soul Competition or the Soul Master level competition."

"Hahaha, let's go to Silver Fighting Soul. Forget about Soul Master." Ma Hongjun shook his head. He has not yet reached the point of dementia. Compared with other soul masters, he only has super-speed mana recovery and unlimited firepower, and the upper limit of his output is still a little. Unchanged.

However, Ma Hongjun, who likes to listen to good words and is quite generous, still took out a few cute golden glitters from his purse and stuffed them into the other party's plump gully.

After hearing the other party's more coquettish flattery, Ma Hongjun felt excited and turned around to leave with satisfaction. He planned to go to Haitian Bar, where his brother Ma would reserve the place tonight.

Only in this way can the loneliness deep in his eyes be washed away. After all, he can only indulge in hand addiction. The last step is pure nonsense, using the quantity of beauties to make up for the quality.

Although Ma Hongjun, who regained his soul power and became a soul master, failed to break through the soul master, the problem of evil fire disappeared because of the one-size-fits-all relationship.

Coupled with the fact that his phoenix flames are really sharp, and he has the BUFF blessing of super-speed mana regeneration and unlimited firepower, among the great soul masters, he is a top-notch existence even in Vast Sea City.

When Ma Hongjun thought about it carefully, he found that it was not realistic at all. He was also a great soul master when he was in Soto City, but he was not very wealthy, and the soul master's allowance was not enough for him to enjoy himself.

If he wants to make money, he can only take the two paths of a soul master. One is to join a team to hunt souls in the soul beast forest, and the other is to fight souls in the great soul fighting arena.

He has no experience in the former, the income is unstable and his cultivation level is low and the risks are high. In contrast, the latter is his paradise. In the arena competition, he can completely cover the firepower without any pressure, and the soul power in his body is like a fountain. It can't be used up at all.

How long can this kind of wanton enjoyment last? Ma Hongjun didn't want to know or think about it.

However, when he walked out of the big spirit arena and turned to look at the street, his pea-sized eyes suddenly widened, and then he quickly turned around and left in a hurry.

. . .

"I didn't expect, Xie Yue, how long have we been separated that you actually secretly found such a beautiful girlfriend." Hu Liena looked at the couple leaning together on the left, with a little bit of yin and yang in her voice, but she was more happy. and blessings.

But she really didn't expect this person. Looking at Hu Liena on the right, Hu Liena scratched the back of her head. Who would have thought that her brother Xie Yue would actually be in a relationship with Hu Hu Liyun.

Hu Boqing looked at Hu Liena and was also a little confused. They were just talking about being boyfriend and girlfriend. Why did the two sisters follow her and eat dog food? !
"Haha, what are the expressions of you two? We've already arrived in Hanhai City. It's not easy to find a handsome guy at the beach. Why are you staring at them?"

Qingyuan walked carelessly between the two of them and hugged their shoulders. He compared his hands insincerely and said, "Hey, the capital is not small."

"associate dean!"

"Sister Yuan!"

Hu Liena looked at the four people around her and shrugged. Originally, she just wanted to drag Xie Yue out to fish, but she didn't expect that so many people would come out trying to fish.

It seems that everyone doesn’t like work very much! The smile on Hu Liena's face became even brighter, and the more people there were, the happier the atmosphere became.

"Nana, your brother already has a partner, don't you think about it? I can help introduce him."

"I..." Hu Liena's smile froze as she looked at Qing Yuan, who was approaching with a smirk on her face, "Sister Yuan, I think you should think about yourself."

"The words you say from your 36-degree mouth are colder than ice cubes."

"Heh, you're not much better, either?"

"Nana, I remember that boy Yan chased you before." Xie Yue added thoughtfully, and hurriedly explained when she saw her sister's face darkening quickly.

"That kid is getting married, don't you know?"

"Yan is getting married?" Hu Liena touched her chin curiously. Since Xie Yue took the initiative to speak, it meant that the bride should not be a stranger. "Who is the bride?"

"Yanzi, Du Lao's granddaughter."

"Her." Hu Liena nodded. Of course she had an impression of her being the first batch of students at Dongzhu Academy, but she had less contact after graduation.

"When, why didn't I receive the invitation? Yanzi, a little white-eyed wolf, I taught her the spirit ring meditation method at that time."

"The invitation I just received is due half a year later. Your copy cannot be sent to the Pope's Palace, so you gave it to me and let me inform you."

"That's pretty much it. By the way, Ye Lingling seems to be getting married too."

"I really haven't heard of this." Xie Yue shook her head, and the others turned to look at Hu Liena curiously. Ye Lingling's temperament could no longer be described as quiet. It was completely social fear, so they didn't listen. Said this news.

"Who is the groom?" Qingyuan came over with a gossipy face, and there was something she, the vice-dean, didn't know about.

"Hehe, you would never guess it."


. . .

"It's Doron."

"Him?! Isn't he one level younger than Ye Lingling?"

"The female junior is holding gold bricks, Duolong is not at a loss."

. . .

"Amei, whichever person of the same age you like, your brother-in-law and I can help you make peace with them."

"elder sister!"

"Hey, sister, you are so thin-skinned."

The five of them chatted and walked slowly around Hanhai City. When going out to play, the most important thing is the mentality, and the scenery is secondary.

But they didn't notice that at the end of the street, Tang San's eyes were glowing with purple light as he observed secretly while gritting his teeth. How could he forget Hu Boqing's face if others didn't recognize it?

"The people of Wuhun Palace have a problem with my soul power. I hate it." Tang San bit his lower lip and didn't notice it bleeding. If he hadn't fallen from Soul Douluo to Soul King, if his hidden weapon skills were still there, You can take revenge today!
But now, the soul king level may not have much problem against most soul masters, but the people in Wuhun Palace are undoubtedly far from enough.

Tang San estimated that Amber Qing alone was close to the Soul Saint level, and the others were estimated to be around level seventy.

"Can't beat him." Seeing the opponent turning from the end of the street, Tang San hesitated for a long time but didn't follow.

Just as he was stomping his feet and preparing to leave without hesitation, a broad palm rested on his shoulder. The next moment, Tang San's face turned pale because he felt an extremely heavy pressure.

The opponent was just one hand, he was as heavy as carrying a mountain, and the soul power in his body was as frozen as ice, unable to be mobilized at all.

Titled Douluo!

Tang San, who had reached the Contra realm, realized the opponent's strength almost instantly. After seeing the opponent's face, he felt a chill down his back.

"Are you? Sea Dragon Douluo!"

"Hey, your memory is not bad. No wonder you were able to defect to Poseidon Island."

Sea Dragon Douluo looked at Tang San with cold eyes. He was the one who gave this kid the opportunity to bathe in divine grace, but he didn't expect that land-based soul masters would never change their ways and eat shit. After receiving the benefits of the divine examination, he still decided to defect to Poseidon Island. Sacrilege.

"I don't, Poseidon knows everything. My leaving Poseidon Island was with his tacit consent." Feeling the increasingly terrifying pressure on his shoulders, Tang San hurriedly explained.

Although he didn't know why the leader of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island appeared here, if he didn't give a reasonable explanation, Tang San would seriously doubt his own life safety.

"Huh?" Sea Dragon Douluo frowned slightly as if he remembered something. After thinking for a moment, he let go of his hand that was suppressing Tang San. "Follow me. You are qualified to judge whether you are a blasphemous high priest."

High priest? ! Tang San's heart tightened. Has even the Poseidon High Priest left Poseidon Island?
(End of this chapter)

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