Final remarks
This book is the first long article I have written, and I have a lot of feelings about it.

Since my grades are average, barely enough to keep me from starving to death, there’s not much to say. I mainly want to talk about my feelings about writing fan fiction.

First of all, many readers said that my writing was bland, and I know that, but it’s not that I don’t want the plot to have ups and downs, it’s that I can’t.

The framework of fandom feels like a help before writing, but after writing it feels more like a constraint, because everyone knows everything.

The unknown is the scariest thing. Under the clear world view of Douluo Dalu, it is difficult for me to suppress the protagonist and create excitement by revealing the unknown foreshadowing bit by bit.

Unless I add new things, this will test my level because it has to be compatible with the original world view of Douluo Continent, and it can also easily cause controversy among readers.

All in all, there is nothing enjoyable about writing a fanfic that follows the plot, so why read a fanfic if it deviates from the plot?
Readers who want to read the fanfic are mainly dissatisfied with the unpleasant aspects of the original plot. The author had the same original intention when writing it. However, the length of the original Douluo Continent is not very long, so there are not many truly unpleasant aspects.

So you will find that good Douluo fanfics are not very long, and they are released early, so it is inevitable to skip the plot.


Then talking about myself, it is not satisfactory for me to be able to write this article from beginning to end.

Although the level is limited and there are many problems, it still fulfills the original intention for me, and I can accept most of the feedback from readers.

The ending is a bit rushed, and there is actually nothing to write about. Tang San and Yu Xiaogang have already reached rock bottom, and writing more is just to refresh the lower limit. The same is true for Bibi Dong.

The rest of the plot is nothing more than the feud between Long Haochen of the Holy Demon Continent, but the grudge is mainly related to the monarch of the World of the Undead, and it does not have much to do with the Douluo Continent. Bibi Dong can be promoted during the ceremony of the World of the Undead. Write it by the way. Miga is my original attempt, which is considered a little bit of my own selfishness.

Generally speaking, most of the readers who choose to read fan fiction are not interested in the original work. The unpleasant aspects of the original work are the fun points of the fan fiction. Douluo Dalu is a typical example among the fan fiction.


I’ve decided to write an original book for my next book, and I’ll write about my favorite literary novels and The Way to Go Away.

Fans, maybe I will try it when my writing skills improve.

Eri of the Dragon Clan was really upset when she was young. She was not greedy for someone else's body, but simply hoped that the girl could deviate from the tragic destined path and move towards a new possibility.

There is also One Piece, Goya Oda and Wano Kuni don’t know what they are drawing, Momonosuke must die.


Finally, as a new book writer, I didn’t know the rules and didn’t thank the readers for their tips, so I made it up at the end.


(End of this chapter)

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