Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

390. Extra 3: Divine punishment, fear, sadness

Extra Three Days of Punishment, Fear, and Sadness

The high priest Bo Saixi, Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu of Poseidon Island are also in a speechless love triangle. Qian Daoliu is attracted to Bo Saixi, but Bo Saixi wants to become a partner with Tang Chen.

Tang Chen, on the other hand, only pursues strength, and women will only hinder his progress. The same goes for Bo Saixi, but for some reason he didn't consider the Poseidon inheritance?

Tang Chen's departure made Bo Saixi heartbroken and devoted all his remaining energy to his devout belief in the sea god. The same was true of Qian Daoliu, who was unable to woo him.

However, he was more realistic. Bo Saixi was hesitant to tell Tang Chen that the Poseidon Martial Spirit inheritance was guaranteed by Poseidon, but the Angel God had passed away, and Qianjia's Angel Martial Spirit was the only orthodox inheritance.

And with the passage of time, Qian Daoliu's admiration for Bo Saixi when he was young has long dissipated, or it may be said that it is just a memory of the past. His thoughts now mainly focus on Xiaoxue.

Originally, Qian Renxue's soul power level had improved rapidly, and he was quite satisfied that everything went well in the divine examination. However, the changes after Xiaoxue came back made him wear a mask of pain.

She doesn't want to become a god, which is wrong. She doesn't want to inherit the old path of the previous generations of angel gods, but wants to carve out a new path of her own.

A simple explanation is that Qian Renxue does not want to inherit the angelic status, she wants to become a new god.

Well, this idea is no longer ambitious. To say it is arrogant is not an exaggeration. Qian Daoliu is not a rigid old-fashioned person. To be precise, he had the same idea when he was young and frivolous.

Tang Chen also had it, but Qian Daoliu encountered the thorn in reality when he was in the title Douluo stage, and in the end he had no choice but to go home and inherit the Qianjia's angel god sacrificial industry.

Similarly, Tang Chen, who had gone further than Qian Daoliu, also found that he had no way out after breaking through level 99 and failed to start a business. However, the Haotian Sect did not have the family background to inherit the gods, so he could only look around for the inheritance of other gods.

There is no doubt that Xiaoxue's talent is far better than his grandfather, and he is also better than Tang Chen back then, but it is hard to say whether this will come true.

Instead of walking on the sunny road that he had paved with all his efforts, Qian Daoliu felt a headache while looking at his granddaughter who was separated from him by a generation, and felt a little relieved at the same time, but more importantly, he still had a headache.

If Xiaoxue could not open up a new path on his own, Qian Daoliu would have the blasphemous idea of ​​covering up the Angel God Examination. However, the Divine Examination was time-limited, and as the high priest, he would only be able to delay it for ten to eight years at most.

It is completely impossible to carve out a new path to becoming a god on your own at this time. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. From the moment Qian Renxue makes her choice, it means she has given up on her inheritance as an angel god.

For this reason, Qian Daoliu could only try his best to persuade. For example, the level of the angel god was already very high. The first-level god was said to be second only to the god king. Even if he opened a new path on his own, there would be no better chance of success. . .

He has no intention of forcing himself. Firstly, he feels sorry for his granddaughter, and secondly, the inheritance of angel god is also risky. Without a firm heart to become a god, there is a high probability of failure.

Qiandaoliu has long made up his mind to burn himself for future generations, but the premise is that Xiaoxue cannot get in!
However, Qian Renxue had also made up her mind and made it clear to Qian Daoliu that if the path to becoming a god came at the expense of her loved ones who loved her most, she would never allow it.

Even if Qian Daoliu pushed it hard, she would not be able to forgive herself even if she became a god.

. . .

As for Bo Saixi, after receiving the news of Tang Chen's death, she couldn't believe it. When she learned that the murderer was the Empress of Wuhun Palace, she hated him even more.

But if you want to avenge your lover, you must leave Poseidon Island and go to Douluo Continent. This goes against the duties of the high priest!

Helpless, she could only pray to the Poseidon, but to her surprise, she originally just wanted to pray to the gods unilaterally to stabilize her emotions, just like a person who goes to a temple to burn incense and worship Buddha in pursuit of peace of mind.

But that day, Poseidon happened to send down the last oracle. Not only her, but also the guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island got the news.

But the oracle was incomplete, and everyone heard panic and frustration in the voice of Poseidon.

"Go to Douluo Continent, investigate the Wuhun Palace???, and kill???"

After that, Poseidon lost contact. Even if Bo Saixi used the Poseidon Trident, he could not complete the communication with Poseidon, the Poseidon himself. He could only feel the confusion on the other end of the communication.

It seems that something happened in the God Realm, and even the contact cannot be completed normally!
Since it was an oracle and Bo Saixi had some selfish motives of her own, she quickly made up her mind to take people to Douluo Continent.

Among the Seven Sacred Pillars, she brought Sea Dragon, Sea Spear, Sea Vanity and Sea Witch. Among them, Sea Dragon and Sea Spear had the strongest physical strength. Sea Vanity was good at mental aspects and facilitated investigation. Sea Witch was the only assistant among the Seven Saint Pillars.

The remaining three seahorses, starfish, and sea ghosts are relatively average in strength, and their martial spirits are pure marine creatures. Their strength is greatly reduced when they land on land, so they stay on Poseidon Island to guard their homes.

But even so, Tang San immediately felt numb when he saw the five titled Douluo in front of him, and the little thought in his heart was almost wiped out in an instant.

However, after learning that Bo Saixi and others came to Douluo Continent to cause trouble for Wuhun Palace, Tang San felt quite refreshed.

After Bo Saixi learned that Tang San was Tang Chen's gray grandson, her attitude towards him became much better.

"Everyone, if you want to attack Wuhun Highness, you have an opportunity now in Hanhai City." Tang San informed Bo Saixi and others of the whereabouts of Hu Boqing and others with great expectation.

"A direct member of the Spirit Hall?" Bo Saixi nodded, and after listening to Tang San's story, he waved to the Sea Witch and asked her to take Tang San down.

After Tang San left, Sea Dragon Douluo was the first to frown and said, "High Priest, this guy doesn't seem to be an honest man, and Lord Poseidon's oracle only clearly stated that the Spirit Hall should be investigated, but it did not specify who to attack. "

"Yes, sir, Wuhun Palace Pope Bibi Dong and that person are not easy to mess with." Haiwang Douluo shook his head with lingering fear.

Back on their own territory on Poseidon Island, their Seven Sacred Pillars were actually captured alive by three people. This difference in strength was no joke. Now in Douluo Continent, they have reached the opponent's home court.

"Tang San's martial spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer, and he should undoubtedly be Tang Chen's gray grandson." Bo Saixi took a long breath and made up her mind. She still couldn't let go of her first love.

"Besides, how can we investigate without taking action? As long as we are cautious and don't expose the situation, we are in the dark and the Wuhun Palace is in the light, so we may not have no chance."

. . .

"Field?!" Hu Liena and others reacted quickly as soon as the azure realm came over. Various realms intertwined and spread out on them, isolating the unfamiliar realm.

Among them, Hu Liena's is the purple and pink crystal stone domain, Xie Yue's is the evil blood domain, and Qingyuan's is the cyan fire domain. The three form a round circle like a fan, and the azure domain is It is the realm that encompasses the three of them. Afterwards, Bo Saixi and others floated out of the domain, looking at the three-color domain in front of them with some surprise. They were both surprised that the other party actually had three people in the domain, and they were also surprised that although the other party's domain was suppressed, there was no sign of collapse.

You must know that this azure realm is Bo Saixi's Poseidon realm. Even if it is a little different on land, it is also blessed by the other four Holy Pillar Douluo.

"The other party is unkind. Judging from the domain aura, they are all sea soul masters. So many titled Douluo can only come from Poseidon Island." Qing Yuan put away the relaxation on her face and looked uncharacteristically serious.

Under her slender, snow-white neck, a metal pendant with green feathers ignited green flames, and she took out a blue metal glove from the storage ring and put it on her left hand.

"Then let's have a fight. You can actually get something like this out of a trip." Xie Yue protected Amber Cloud behind her, took out a black and red metal glove from the storage ring and put it on.

"There are quite a few of them, Xie Yue. The old woman in the middle is Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island, a level 99 peerless Douluo."

"The other four are the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island. The sea dragon and sea spear are probably at the worship level, and the remaining two are of average strength."

Hu Liena's eyes flashed. As the previous pope, she handles official duties every day and knows more about it than the others. "The four next to her are the Holy Pillar Douluo of Poseidon Island. As for the last one?"

Seeing that the jade medal around her neck was emitting a little warmth, Hu Liena was a little confused. This was the jade medal given to her by her senior brother, but why did it generate heat?
. . .

"Senior brother, what is the use of this jade plaque? It must not just be beautiful, right?" Hu Liena, who took the birthday gift from her senior brother, couldn't wait to put the jade plaque around her neck.

"It doesn't have any active role. You just need to remember to carry it with you. When it breaks into pieces one day, that will be a good thing." Guang patted Hu Liena's little head lovingly.

"Why do you say that?" Hu Liena picked up the jade medal from her chest and took the initiative to look at it. The pink jade medal was smooth and flat, with gold inlay at the bottom. It was simple but beautiful.

"That's a peace card, which means peace and quiet in my hometown, but I added something else to it." Hu Liena looked curious, and the light no longer piqued her appetite.

"If you have a flaw in your destiny, this plaque can help you borrow your destiny. If it breaks naturally one day, it means that the flaw in your destiny has disappeared."

. . .

"That man looks so familiar. I remembered that he is from the Haotian Sect. He participated in the last soul master competition. He seems to be named Tang San." Hu Boqing, who was on combat alert with a spear in hand, suddenly spoke, revealing Tang San's identity.

"Is there anyone else from the Haotian Sect who is out to cause trouble? It seems that they should not be left with a line of inheritance, but should be eradicated." Amber Yun's eyes revealed ruthlessness.

In order to preserve the inheritance of martial arts, the martial arts halls of the upper three sects were not completely wiped out. Now it seems that this idea is still a bit extravagant.

Bo Saixi and others looked at the five people in front of them, their pupils narrowed slightly. She knew their age roughly from the beginning, but their soul power level was far beyond her expectation.

The unexpected soul power level and triple realm of the five nine-ring sealed opponents made the plan a bit difficult, and even made Tang San, who was hiding at the back, open his mouth.

No, why?
Tang San's eyes widened. He didn't know anyone else, but he knew Hu Boqing. The other person was the same age as him, and their soul power levels back then were roughly the same.

Although he now has the hidden problem of soul power leaking, even if he didn't, coupled with the massive soul power increased by the inheritance of God Shura, it could only reach the level of a titled Douluo.

Could it be that his talent was really not enough? Tang San took two steps back in disbelief. There were some things that others didn't know but he knew very well.

His innate full soul power was fake, otherwise Xuantian Kung would have been unable to improve from the beginning. The bumps in his cultivation path mainly came from this, and the Blue Silver Grass Spirit only took the blame on the surface.

Innate soul power is the most important factor that affects the speed of soul power improvement, and the strength of a martial soul mainly affects actual combat ability. However, most of the time a martial soul that is inferior to innate soul power will not be better, so this misunderstanding arises.

Tang San is an exception. Both of his spirits are top-level spirits. Even if the Blue Silver Emperor has not awakened, his essence is not bad. The real reason for the slow improvement of his spirit power is his talent problem, that is, Innate soul power.

The difference in talent is not that it cannot be improved, but that it needs to be compensated with resources. This is the reason why Dongzhu Academy does not mind recruiting students with poor innate soul power and has been unwilling to expand its enrollment.

"This is Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island, today."

"If you have anything to say to the bad guy on the road, let's fight first." Hu Liena interrupted the other party's speech directly. Six years ago, she would still wait for rescue, but it is different now.

Not only was her own strength improved a lot, but the key was that Guang left gifts for them before leaving, allowing them to directly change the situation.

Otherwise, why would she dare to come out to play if teacher Bibi Dong was not here? Hu Liena's hand was covered by purple crystal armor, and a purple-black hammer appeared in her hand.

"Get out of my way, Bo Saixi, let me handle it." Hu Liena raised the hammer with one hand, and a purple-black ripple burst out from the hammer. Wherever it passed, the azure Poseidon Domain collapsed.

The complete Hammer of Scourge. Guang originally stripped off only the source of destruction from the body of Austin Griffin, the God of Scourge, and the remaining materials were used to build this Hammer of Scourge.

It's just that the grade of this hammer is too high. It was not completed until he left six years ago. In terms of grade, refer to the standards of the Holy Demon Continent. This is the top super artifact. In terms of essence, it is even better than Long Haochen's Eternity and Demon. The Seal Throne of Creation is a little higher.

After all, destruction and creation are twins. The Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation is just a throne built by the God of Creation for himself, while the Hammer of Scourge was made with most of the life of Austin Griffin, the God of Scourge.

It just lacks the most core source of destruction, but even so, Hu Liena, who is now holding the Hammer of Divine Punishment, is not afraid of Bo Saixi on the opposite side at all, even if the opposite side can summon gods!
She herself is now a genuine level 98. Her ninth soul ring comes from the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King Di Tian. Her strength can break through the plane restrictions after fully activating the Hammer of Divine Punishment.

Otherwise, why would she be the new pope, and how could Bibi Dong feel free to leave Douluo Continent to seek a breakthrough!

"Leave Hai Long to me." Xie Yue raised her left hand, the black and red light on the glove blazing, "Fear!"

"Leave the remaining two sea spears to me." Qingyuan waved his hands towards the two sisters behind him who were eager to try, "How can I, the deputy dean, let you stand in front and catch that little guy from the Haotian Sect? ”

"Sadness." Qingyuan also raised the glove of her left hand, and a shadow of a girl disappeared behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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