Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

391. Extra 4: Holy Demon Continent

Extra: Four Sacred Demon Continent
Holy Demon Continent, Holy Temple Federation, Holy Knight Mountain,

Six thousand years ago, in the great war between demons and humans, hundreds of ninth-rank warriors perished. After the war, the six newly-born holy temples activated a super forbidden spell at all costs due to their weak combat power.

This super forbidden spell is the undead magic left by the most powerful necromancer in history, Alex. Together with the corpses of the strong men recovered by the human race, a total of sixty-three ninth-level strong men were resurrected as undead.

However, Alex was a terrifying existence who single-handedly destroyed the three great empires of humanity's glorious era. It can be said that at least half of the reason why humanity lost the Saint-Devil War six thousand years ago was because Alex directly beat the human race into a real cripple.

At that time, Alex killed all the top demigods of the three empires, and only a few of the strongest people of the human race were at level nine and level seven. If the throne of God had not fallen from the sky, the six new temples would not even have a chance to be established.

Precisely because Alex's name was even more frightening than that of all the previous Demon Kings of the Demon Race, the undead magic he left behind was resisted by the people of the six major holy temples. Even the sixty-three powerful men who were transformed by the undead magic were rejected and suspected.

The masters of the six holy temples at that time were afraid of the power of the demons and had to rely on sixty-three ninth-level undead warriors. On the other hand, they were suspicious of the other side and took various measures to restrict them.

Their argument was that the undead magic might have side effects that would affect the minds of the sixty-three strong men, which was actually a typical case of being a whore and trying to be a virtuous woman.

What they were really worried about was not the quality of the necromancy magic. Everyone was well aware of Alex's abilities, so how could there be any problems with the super forbidden spell he produced?

What they are worried about is that the undead have a much longer lifespan than normal humans, and the strength and number of these powerful undead far exceed theirs. What if they want to replace them?
What they are most worried about is the throne and power under their buttocks, so they have to pour cold water on the sixty-three undead warriors and use their family members to induce them.

There is no doubt that the strong men who sacrificed their lives in the Holy and Demonic War were all predecessors who cared about the human race. However, those who survived to the end were no longer simple strong men. At least their minds were far less pure than the former.

Poor sixty-three unfortunate guys, no one asked for their opinions when their corpses were transformed into undead. After their resurrection, the six old dogs of the temple wanted to use them to intimidate the demons, but also imposed many restrictions on them to prevent them from seeking power and usurping the throne.

It can only be said that people will have like thoughts. Even when the six old dogs of the first generation of the Temple were old and dying, they felt that they were really nothing. If you put yourself in their shoes, if you were them, you would have already held a grudge and wanted to rebel.

Therefore, the six old dogs who had come to their senses used the most decisive means to "voluntarily" seal the sixty-three powerful human undead warriors in the Sealed Cave of the Holy Mountain of Knights to sleep, and release them when needed.

The so-called Sealed Cave is, to put it bluntly, a dark cold storage that is sealed with layers of seals. It can be said to be the most solid prison in the world.

Anyone outside who wants to get in must go through layers of procedures, and only one person can visit at a time, and the people inside absolutely cannot get out.

If the other party is unwilling, it means that his mind has been bewitched by the magic of the undead, and he is unwilling to dedicate himself to the human race and become an eternal hero.

All we can say is that these sixty-three strong men are worthy of being the great men who took the initiative to rush to the front and sacrifice in the battle between saints and demons. They actually agreed to such a ridiculous proposal.

You know, even if the cold and darkness are not uncomfortable for the dead, and can help preserve the body, what about the loneliness and solitude in the darkness for six thousand years?
It's not that the undead need to sleep, but they can only sleep to spend most of their time. When they are awake occasionally, they chat with each other and hone their skills from their lifetime. After all, it is already quite difficult for the undead to practice and become stronger, and it is even more difficult to practice in a place like the Sealed Cave.

But now, Long Haochen appeared here and asked these sixty-three seniors to come out. One of the reasons was to deal with the upcoming threat from the demons, and the other reason was more urgent and real.

Because the life of his beloved Cai'er was about to be extinguished like a candle in the wind, Long Haochen was the Lord of the Knights Templar, and Cai'er was also the new Lord of the Assassins Templar. In addition, they were the top two in the Knights Templar and Assassins Templar among the six major temples. During this period of time, they had exhausted all the means of the six major temples to treat her.

But the result was still not optimistic. However, after many strong men checked and discussed it, there was some gain. That is, Cai'er's injury came from a strong man with a very high level of death attribute.

As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it. In addition to asking the unlucky protagonist to actively remove the Eternal Wound for Cai'er, you can also ask another strong person with the attribute of death to help remove it.

What made Long Haochen despair was that the attribute of death was precisely the special ability of the Assassin's Temple. If there really was such a strong person, Cai'er, the new leader of the Assassin's Temple, would have been healed long ago.

However, Yang Haohan, the Knight of the Guardian of Mercy's Seal who made this suggestion, was not trying to make fun of Long Haochen, but to tell him the secret of the Eternal Hero of the Sealed Cave.

As far as he knew, among the sixty-three eternal heroes, there were two with the strongest strength, whose strength had reached level seven of the ninth rank, and they were also the original founders of the Knights Templar and the Assassins Templar.

If we were to ask who is the strongest in the entire Holy Demon Continent, the founder of the Assassin's Temple would definitely be the one.

The other people from the six holy temples also agreed to this proposal, mainly for the former reason.

Although Long Haochen and his group were vague about their experiences, there were two points that made all the temple masters uneasy.

First of all, Haoyue was dead. Long Haochen knew it clearly through the blood contract. In the past years, their Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group had killed nine demons and destroyed two demon pillars.

The former sounds amazing but is far less shocking than the latter, because the Demon Pillar is the real foundation of the demon clan.

Six thousand years ago, seventy-two demon pillars were born. They are not only artifacts to super artifacts, but also the origin of the demons.

That’s right, the so-called demons are actually transformed from the human race or magical beasts of the Holy Demon Continent. They are also able to cultivate spiritual power. The most outstanding among them will be recognized by the Demon Pillar and become demon gods.

Killing the demon god sounds good, but it does not hurt the foundation of the demon race, because the demon god pillar can recognize new demons as new demon gods.

This is probably the reason why they say the demon pillar is permanent but the demons are ever-changing.

The significance of destroying the Demon Pillar is huge, as it means that the human race has the possibility to truly destroy the demon race. This is the core of the real excitement of the six holy temples, and it is also the real reason why the demon race will no longer give in and want to completely defeat the Temple Federation.

But now, Haoyue is gone and this hope is shattered.

The second reason was equally bad, that was the death of the young Knight Han Yu of the Seal of Fear and Sorrow, and the death of the Seal of Fear and Sorrow Throne along with it...

For the human race, this is probably the same as the demon race losing the Demon Pillar forever, or even more serious, because there are 72 Demon Pillars, and losing two will not cause any major damage. But there are only six God Seal Thrones in total, and in addition to the God Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, the other five replicas are the strongest of the God Seal Throne of Fear and Sorrow.

When this thing was thrown, not only the Knights' Temple became anxious, but the other five major temples were also anxious. If Long Haochen was not the Knight of the Seal of Eternity and Creation and his emotions were not stable, they would definitely ask the other party to give a clear explanation.

In fact, facing their own elders, the other members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunter Group certainly could not keep their mouths shut, but they didn't know much either. Since it was about Haoyue, the real secret was only understood by Long Haochen himself.

However, they still informed all the elders about the matters of those undead lords. In addition to the pressure from the elders, there was a more direct reason.

That is the Undead Lords appearing in the Holy Demon Continent. They appeared near the junction between the human race and the demon race, or to be more precise, the demon race's territory.

Originally, the Undead Monarch's territorial expansion should have been the Demons' concern, but in the end, not only did the two not fight, but they formed an alliance!
The demons gave up a province to the Undead Lords, and just in time the two Demon Pillars were vacant. Then the Undead Lords also sent combat forces to assist the demon army.

When they learned that the Undead Lords were at level nine, seventh, at most, and at level nine, third, at most, how could the Temple Federation, whose highest combat power was only level nine, fourth, sit still?
Therefore, the activation of the Eternal Hero is a natural thing.

. . .

In the Star Demon Tower, after performing the Great Prophecy, the Star Demon God Vashak suddenly opened his eyes, with a rare look of disbelief and surprise in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, everyone, Austin Griffin is definitely completely destroyed. The original purpose of our 72 Demon Gods has been fulfilled."

Hearing Vashak's words, the Demon King Feng Xiu also clenched his fists in a composure. Although he had also broken through that realm, it was precisely because he stood at a high enough level that he understood the huge gap.

Behind him, the Moon Demon Agares, the Undead Demon Samikina, the Hell Demon Malbus and the Bear Demon Valifor were so excited that they were almost trembling.

"Really? Austin Griffin actually died in that primordial land. Those undead lords didn't lie to us. They really completed their mission."

"The Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Exterminating Array defeated his true spirit and wiped out his reincarnation nine times. The efforts of the entire world for six thousand years finally paid off today."

"That's right. In this case, the loss of two Demon God Pillars is completely acceptable. After all, Austin Griffin is dead, and the complete Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Exterminating Formation has lost its meaning of existence."

"Well, the Serpent Demon Pillar and the Leopard Demon Pillar are already ranked at the bottom, and their quality is just that of divine tools. If you are not pursuing completeness, it doesn't matter at all."

The top four demons were talking to each other. They knew the origin of the demon pillar very well. Only Feng Xiu's son Abao was confused.

Although he is the prince of the demon clan, there are some things he still doesn't understand unless he becomes a demon god.

After making sure that his ears were not wrong and the Star Demon God Vashago was not talking nonsense, the Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu loosened his fist and let out a long breath, then took out the Elf Source he had just harvested and gave it to Vashago to use.

"Third brother, you are sure that this great event has already been a merit. In addition, over the years, you have damaged the origin of our clan many times for prophesying. I will reward you with this spirit source. It will not only restore your vitality, but also increase your lifespan by at least 600 years."

"In that case, thank you, big brother." The Star Demon God Vashak raised his head in surprise after feeling his body become full. He had felt that he would die young after using the Great Prophecy Technique continuously, but who would have thought that his big brother Feng Xiu actually had such a good thing in his hands.

"I just got this from the Dream Temple. I got it by killing the Elf Dragon with nearly a million spiritual power."

Feng Xiu looked around at the others and spoke frankly to show that he was not stingy. He remembered every contribution of every demon god to the demon clan, and no one would lose out on any benefits for those who had made contributions.

"Dream Temple, doesn't that mean you want it, big brother?!" The Moon Demon God Agares, who knew the details of the Dream Temple, was suddenly shocked. The most precious thing in that place was not the source of elves, but the throne of nature!

After a million spiritual powers comes the realm of gods, but in the Holy Demon Continent, becoming a god means merging with the Tao and the heaven and earth, which is no different from suicide, but the position of a god can make up for the side effects of becoming a god.

Others don't know, but he and the third brother know clearly that the Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu has already exceeded one million spiritual power, but he is afraid of the backlash of becoming a god and is reluctant to take the last step.

"You are right. I have indeed been preparing for the final step. It's a pity that the soul of the Goddess of Nature chose to self-destruct. I need to re-condense the Goddess of Nature, but it's only a matter of time."

A smile appeared on the face of Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu. Becoming a god was not only a breakthrough in strength, but more importantly, he would enter eternal life.

The quick-witted Agares also knew this, so at this moment he completely extinguished some of the little thoughts in his mind, and looked at the confused demon prince Abao with some pity.

If the other prince is unlucky, he might become the first demon prince to die of old age in the history of the demon clan.

"Vashak, while you are in good condition, I would like to trouble you to perform the Great Prophecy again to verify whether the statement of the alien warrior is correct. It also concerns the future of our race."

Having said that, Feng Xiu patted the Star Demon God on the shoulder and said solemnly that the two vacant provinces would be given one to the Undead Lords and the other to the powerful being from another world.

On the one hand, it was to thank the other party for his great contribution to killing Austin Griffin. On the other hand, it was more realistic. The other party provided explanations and solutions to the two most fatal fundamental problems of the demon clan.

For six thousand years, the demons could have completely destroyed the six holy temples from the beginning, so why did they let them go? Even if Austin Griffin didn't die this time, Feng Xiu didn't have the slightest idea of ​​completely destroying humanity.

The root cause is the two problems that have plagued the demons for six thousand years.

(End of this chapter)

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