Douluo: What if Bibi Dong has a problem?

392. Extra 5: What is a saint and what is a devil?

Extra 5: What is saint and what is devil?
These two questions are both simple and tricky.

The first is the problem of fertility. It is not a big deal for the inferior demons, but it is very difficult for the higher-level demons to reproduce. Feng Xiu's heaven-defying demon dragon clan has the most serious problem, and the moon demon clan and star demon clan are not much better.

The second question is related to the previous one. The low-level demons do not have fertility problems, but they are too stupid and only know how to kill and destroy. They seriously lack the spirituality of humans and are far inferior in terms of production.

That's it, the high-level demons have no one, and the low-level demons are too stupid. If the six holy temples are destroyed and no one produces, the future of the demons will not be good.

All along, the demons have been raising sheep rather than letting the six holy temples go. In history, the demons have breached the border between the two temples many times, but the border line has never changed.

Every attack is a plunder, similar to regular shearing of sheep, using the productivity of the six major temples to make up for the demons' shortcomings in this regard.

Originally, this pattern should have continued. There was even a mysterious organization secretly helping the human race to overcome difficulties and avoid causing too much suffering to the other side.

The person in charge of this mysterious organization on the human side is named Yue Ye, a human-demon hybrid. The real boss of this mysterious organization is none other than the second of the seventy-two demons, the Moon Demon Agares, whose strength has reached the eighth level of the ninth rank.

Agares has a little human blood, and his wife is also human. Yue Ye is his daughter and the first genius of the Moon Demon Clan. However, according to the rules, she cannot inherit the position of Moon Demon God because half of her blood is human.

It is also worth mentioning that Yue Ye has a good impression of Long Haochen, and the demon prince A Bao's attitude towards Yue Ye is probably similar to Fei Yangyang's attitude towards Mei Yangyang.

The Moon Demon God Agares could not stand the stupidity of ordinary demons. His aesthetic taste preferred a refined and elegant civilization, so he did not want the six holy temples to be destroyed too badly. That is why he used a mysterious organization to give the human race some care.

Now that Feng Xiu is about to break through to become a god, he can only put aside the little thoughts in his heart, and plans to inform his daughter Yue Ye after returning to completely erase all traces of the mysterious organization.

However, speaking of the strong man named Bibi Dong, the Moon Demon God Agares also became interested, but not because of the other party's strength in fighting Feng Xiu, but because of the other party's rhetoric on the demon clan issue.

What is saint, what is devil, and what is human?
Although Bibi Dong did not stay in the Holy Demon Continent for a long time, she was able to accurately grasp some key points that the demons had not seen in the past six thousand years.

What is the essential difference between the demons and humans? What causes their reproductive ability and spirituality to be inferior to the other? Or what is the biggest difference between the demons and humans?
In fact, six thousand years ago, the first seventy-two kinds of demons were actually humans and monsters that were infected and assimilated by the aura of the Demon Pillar.

But are the 72 Demon Pillars evil? Are they demon soldiers from hell, created by the Demon Lord?
However, this is not the case. The Seventy-Two Demon Pillars are the core foundation of the Ten Earths and Nine Heavens God-Destroying Array, a true culmination of the world.

Its purpose is to destroy the God of Punishment, Austin Griffin, and it is truly a treasure that can save the world.

Was it because the God of Punishment blew himself up, and the aura of destruction on his body infected the seventy-two demon pillars and caused them to fall? Neither was it.

Destruction and creation are twins, both are supreme, both are righteous gods, representing the origin and end of all planes. Creation alone or destruction alone will lead to imbalance of the universe.

Moreover, Bibi Dong also carefully examined the Demon Pillar to make sure that there was really no aura of the God of Punishment on it.

What was the reason? Bibi Dong looked at the hazy black air around Liu Erlong and Mijia, and felt the vague sense of rejection from heaven and earth. She suddenly realized that it was because of the recognition of the plane.

It is true that the predecessors of the demon clan were the native humans and monsters of the Holy Demon Continent, but the seventy-two demon pillars were real outsiders. Their rank was comparable to that of gods, and they attracted the attention of the plane consciousness.

Their aura did strengthen the human race and the demon beasts, but it also made the plane consciousness judge them as outsiders.

The essence of the demons is not demons, but from the perspective of the plane, all creatures from other planes, even real humans, are demons.

Being rejected by the plane, unloved by the world, hated by heaven and earth, and incompatible with the six holy temples, it is not surprising that they are called the demon clan.

Bibi Dong was not surprised, because her own Douluo Continent was full of real humans, but the result was that human brains beat out dog brains.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If the Wuhun Empire wins, it will naturally be famous through the ages. If it loses, then the historical records will not be much better than the reputation of the demon clan.

The Demon King and other high-ranking Demon Gods also understand these things. The struggle between races is related to survival and development. What is holy and what is devil? In the final analysis, it all depends on which side the judge sits on.

If it is on the side of the six holy temples, the enemy is naturally the demon without a doubt, but if it is on the side of the demon clan, they do not call themselves the demon clan, but the holy clan.

Therefore, what the Demon King and others care about is not the verbal dispute about who is the holy demon, but the issue of judging the plane consciousness.

Why did the plane consciousness judge them as foreign demons? Why did the rejection of the plane consciousness lead to fertility and spiritual problems? Finally, how to solve this problem is the top priority.

First of all, let's talk about the first question. Logically speaking, the demons have taken root in the Holy Demon Continent for six thousand years and have occupied more than half of the land. Even if the plane consciousness disliked them at the beginning, it can't last long.

Bibi Dong's answer to them was very simple. If they were just demons, the plane consciousness would naturally not reject them over time, because they were still the natives of the Holy Demon Continent in their bones, and were fundamentally different from her, a real outsider.

But the problem is that the Seventy-two Demon Pillars are the essence of another world, and have nothing to do with the Holy Demon Continent from the inside out. Moreover, their high quality has even broken through the dimensional limit of the Holy Demon Continent and cannot be assimilated at all.

In this case, it is normal that the progress is not good due to time-consuming efforts.

Secondly, the second problem is that the plane consciousness will naturally suppress and reject normal outsiders without mercy, but whether it is Bibi Dong, the Undead Lord or the Seventy-two Demon Pillars, their strength is too strong.

The strength of plane consciousness is closely related to the strength of the plane itself. Overall, the prosperity of the Holy Demon Continent is not much inferior to that of the Douluo Continent.

But the problem is that the demons are outsiders in the judgment of the plane consciousness, so its foundation is only the six major temples, and the strongest living person is only level 9, level 4, and can't even be a worshiper in the Wuhun Hall of Douluo Continent...

Therefore, the plane consciousness can only use more obscure and powerless means, which is the source of the two major problems of the demon clan.

All things are created to nourish people, this sentence is not false, the birth and growth of new life is never a simple intercourse between a man and a woman. The most important thing is the spirituality given by heaven and earth at the beginning of the birth of new life. The plane consciousness rejects the demons, so although the demons are powerful, the spirituality given by heaven and earth is not as good as the six major temples with smaller populations.

The reason why low- and middle-level demons have no fertility problems is precisely because they are simple and require less spirituality. If high-level demons have no spirituality, the fetuses will be stillborn or born stupid!
Although spirituality is inconspicuous, it is related to the entire life of a new life. Intelligence and wisdom are only one point, and talent is also related to spirituality.

If the demons did not have the seventy-two demon pillars as the foundation to strengthen their race, the gap would be more than just a little!

Moreover, Bibi Dong also gave a speculation that the plane consciousness is hazy and is based on the six holy temples. The more the six holy temples decline, the more anxious the plane consciousness becomes.

In this case, the plane consciousness will spare no effort to support the six holy temples. Not only will it enhance the spiritual supply so that the six holy temples can produce more talents, but it will also greatly enhance the luck of those new geniuses, allowing them to discover all the high-level relics that may exist in the Holy Demon Continent and accelerate their growth.

The Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. As soon as Bibi Dong finished her speculation, the Demon King and others looked at each other, and this name emerged in their minds.

This was the lowest moment for the six major temples in the past six thousand years, but it was also the time when the most talented people emerged. Even the demons received intelligence that all the six divine thrones of the Knights' Temple had recognized their master, including the Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation, which had never recognized its master before.

Long Haochen, my child, is it because of the full support of this world that you are so gifted? The Demon King turned his head and glanced at A Bao beside him, feeling extremely complicated.

According to Bibi Dong, the reason why Abao is not as good as Long Haochen is that Long Haochen has the full support of the world, while Abao can only rely on the demon clan's treasure, the Demon Pillar.

But Abao is only a prince, and most of the effect of the Heaven-Defying Demon Dragon Pillar is bestowed on him, the Demon King, and Abao can only get a small portion of the profits.

By chance, Feng Xiu took the initiative to ask Bibi Dong a seemingly irrelevant question, "If Long Haochen surrenders to the demon clan, will the blessing of the plane consciousness on his luck disappear?"

"Of course it will disappear, but what has been given cannot be taken back." Bibi Dong glanced at Feng Xiu, "Let me make it clear in advance that we have a grudge against the Dawn of Light Demon Hunters. In order to kill Austin Griffin, we fought each other in the world of the dead."

"Otherwise, neither we nor the Undead Lord would have formed an alliance with you so naturally. After all, as you said, although the demons have a vast territory, they lack spirituality and behave in a vulgar manner. In terms of living, the six holy temples are more suitable."

Looking at the silent Demon God Emperor, Bibi Dong thought, "By the way, could Long Haochen be your relative?"

Looking at the Demon God Emperor who did not immediately refute, Bibi Dong waved her hand to indicate that he did not need to say anything more if he did not want to. "I remind you that Long Haochen's mother should not be a demon. She has no gratitude towards him. Don't worry about those useless things."

"Otherwise, if you can't figure it out." As she spoke, a dangerous light flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes. For a moment, everyone except Feng Xiu, including the Moon Demon God Agares, felt an instinctive fear as if they were falling into a cold pond.

"I don't mind sending you to die with him in the future!"

"You!" Feng Xiu's eyes widened with anger when he heard Bibi Dong's words, and a terrifying aura also spread around him. Agares and Vashak took three steps back and stood together with serious expressions as if they were facing a great enemy.

The undead demon Samikina, the hell demon Malbus, the bear demon Wallifer, and Po were in even worse condition. Their legs were trembling and they could hardly stand.

Outside the Star Demon Tower, a dark golden dragon appeared in the sky, and facing it was an equally huge female figure, wearing armor, with eight sharp blades on her back, a small jade-white tower on her chest that was slowly rotating, and only her face was blurred.

That’s right, she is no longer the image of the god of death with a gray cloak and a scythe. This means that Bibi Dong has broken free from the inherent impression of the god of death and is only one step away from achieving enlightenment.

Heart City is the capital of the demons. In comparison, even the largest cities of the six holy temples are less than one-tenth the size of Heart City.

It is such an extremely magnificent city. Everyone can see the two figures that reach from sky to earth, and even feel insignificant under their majestic aura as deep as the sea.

How can it be?

In the unknown darkness, the only two title-level demon hunting groups among the six holy temples, the Fall of the Demon God and Proud of the Nine Heavens, also stared at the two confronting shadows with wide eyes.

In particular, Chen Zidian, the strongest among them, felt his mood drop to the bottom after he felt his body trembling subconsciously uncontrollably.

He didn't recognize the female figure, but how could they not know what the dark golden dragon represented?
"Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu, has his strength reached this point? The limit of one million spiritual powers... It seems that the destruction of the Dream Temple was really caused by him."

"Boss, what should we do? Do we need to get closer for a more detailed investigation?" A man in a black cloak spoke softly. His aura and presence were almost nonexistent. If he hadn't spoken first, even his companions would have subconsciously ignored him.

"Let's retreat." After hesitating for a while, Chen Zidian said with a face full of struggle and pain, "Notify the Ao Shi Jiu Tian Demon Hunting Group to retreat from Xincheng together."

“Why, Boss?” A female mage in a golden robe bit her red lip subconsciously, but she didn’t care about the blood in her mouth or the instinctive fear in her body. She just said unwillingly, “If we were afraid, why would we be here?”

"The Demon God Feng Xiu has already broken through a million spiritual powers, and is only one step away from the realm of true gods. He has also obtained the natural god status of the Dream Temple."

Chen Zidian had a miserable smile on his face. Although his strength as a level four rank nine was far inferior to that of the Demon King Feng Xiu, the six holy temples were the remnants of the glorious era, and the knowledge passed down made him know no less than Feng Xiu.

"Don't you understand? Feng Xiu has been hiding his strength all along. We have been exposed long ago. In his eyes, we are just clowns who are as funny as a joke. It's just a matter of time for him to kill us whenever he wants."

After listening to Chen Zidian's explanation, the other five members of Demon God's Fall turned pale.

"Let's go quickly, it will be too late if we don't leave now." Chen Zidian calmed himself down. As a qualified boss, he must not lose his composure no matter how dangerous the situation is.

"Although I don't know what happened in the center of Xincheng, it's a good thing that Fengxiu was restrained by someone. We and Ao Shi Jiu Tian must at least leave Xincheng while taking this opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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