What's wrong with a lord daddy who just wants to draw cards?

Chapter 318 Chapter 317 It’s time to talk about marriage

Chapter 318-317- It’s time to talk about marriage~
“During the war with the Alliance, the army is under the jurisdiction and command of the army itself, and the center has no right to interfere in any form.

And I hope that the domestic forces can unite with the outside world and stop internal fighting. Even the fight for the throne must be left until the war with the Central Plains is over. Do you understand? "

When he said this, he looked at the three princes, except Mikala, whose threat was extremely obvious.

The faces of the three princes looked like they were constipated. They were so gloomy that they could drip water, but they did not dare to say anything for fear that Duomi would be unhappy and kill him.


Domi was pleased with their reaction.

After finishing their demands, the next second, the darkness shrouding the palace disappeared, and everyone returned to the meeting hall in an instant, even standing in the same position as before.

However, where Schlieffen originally stood, there was a puddle of flesh, and the precious blood-stained leather was also mixed in. It was obviously a sign that Domi's bad taste and forceful persecution were not over yet.

"Your Majesty the Queen, at the end of this debriefing meeting, is there anything else you would like to add?"

It was as if everything at the meeting had been settled by Domi himself, without any need for the empire's supreme ruler to nod his approval.

Nadiavida, who was on the throne, took a deep look at Domi.

She never expected that this boy would grow to the point where even the empire could not do anything to him in such a short period of time.

Nor did he expect that even after he had absolute power, he could still control his desires. At this critical moment, he still focused on the overall interests of the empire.

At least he did not become a tyrannical and war-hungry tyrant like Emperor Burton.

Look at his son again.

The prince seems stable, but after the continuous suspicions and threats between the brothers, his current behavior has deviated too far from the word 'wise king'...

A trace of disappointment flashed in Nadia Veda's eyes.

Alfred caught this look inadvertently, and his heart suddenly felt like a knife.

Could it be that... I haven't done enough to get my mother's approval?

He has obviously tried his best to stabilize the country's order!
The queen no longer cared about her biological son's rich facial expressions, but said to Domidao:
"General Dominic, your appeal is exactly the empire's appeal. I don't think anyone will choose to refuse."

It's equivalent to recognition in disguise.

Duomi smiled at her, and then left the meeting hall with the generals.

And for up to 2 minutes after they left, there was still a deathly silence in the hall.

It wasn't until 2 minutes later that their shrewd brains, which had been down for a long time, started to work again, and they knew very clearly who was the real leader now.

I saw those high-level officials stepping across the red carpet to come to Carlos, making all kinds of flattery, no matter how sincere or exaggerated.

"Sir Carlos, the Blofeld family really has great successors."

"Yes, not only the third son is so successful, but the two elder brothers are equally outstanding. I really want to know how you raise your children~"

Their lavish praise made Carlos feel a little embarrassed.

After dealing with it for a few times, he said goodbye and left. He still had to say a few words to Domi, but he didn't have time to hang out with these hypocrites in business.

"I suddenly remembered that there was still a lot of unfinished business at home, so I had to take a step forward."

After Carlos left, Simon Bolivar, the first assistant, also found an excuse to leave the oppressive hall.

Also following were some conservative officials who advocated united opposition to the enemy.

"Someone, help me go to rest."

Soon, the queen no longer bothered to stay in this room full of intrigues and intrigues, which made her feel suffocated.

Once they left, all the guys who were fighting for the throne in the country were left in the meeting hall.They just feel like clowns. In the face of absolute power, power and so on are of no use at all.

Even if he specially brought mages of the Archmage class to help protect him, it would be useless in the face of Duomi's sudden domain blockade...

But when they were upset, they also discovered a loophole.

Domi has never said that he wants to participate in the fight for the throne, and Shia has already shed the burden of being a princess. Does that mean——

When the war is over, will they stop fighting for the throne?

This idea took on irresistible momentum as soon as it emerged.

Especially the second prince O'Casey, he thinks this is very possible!

Because the more people possess extraordinary power, the less likely they will participate in mortal fights, which will only add to troubles and disqualify themselves.


The flame of ambition ignited in O'Casey's eyes. He looked around, trying to accumulate strength secretly before Alfred and Ferry could react, and finally win the throne in one fell swoop!
He could already imagine what a bright future the Lion Heart Empire would have with the presence of the human god Domi. He could completely pretend to be powerful and enjoy even more exaggerated glory and wealth!

And the condition for achieving all this is to sit on that throne...

Outside the meeting hall, in the white jade pavilion in the back garden of the palace, Domi and Siya were sitting here to take a rest.

The most beautiful season in the back garden is spring.

When the unique warm wind of spring blows by, the most gorgeous sea of ​​flowers will bloom in the garden, a riot of purple and red, like the most beautiful silk and satin in the world. It will surround the pavilion and sit inside, as if you are sitting in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers.

Next to the white jade pavilion is an artificial river, and the small bridge made of stone creates a garden-like atmosphere.

The cobblestone path connecting the pavilions and stone bridges extended all the way to the corridor of the palace. At this time, a figure was walking out of the corridor and walking along this path...

"Duomi, I haven't seen you for a long time. Did you miss me?"

Carlos was in a particularly good mood today, and even spoke very briskly.

Domi and Sia moved aside to make room for Carlos.

"So-so, but I miss my mother, Kelsey, and Catherine more than my father."

"It's not polite to say this in front of your fiancée~"

Sia covered her mouth and chuckled. This kind of father-son relationship made her feel very fresh: "I know Domi didn't mean what he said, so I don't mind, Uncle Carlos."

For a moment, Carlos felt as if the whole world was on Domi's side, and he was extremely relieved despite being lonely. He covered this emotion well with happiness:

"You still call me uncle? From now on, just like Duomi, call me father. Oh, by the way, when will your wedding be held? The eldest is no longer the youngest."

Domi’s forehead is covered with black lines:

"What's wrong with being a boss? I'm only 16 years old! I'm not even an adult yet!"

Carlos shrugged: "A kid who is not yet an adult can't move the entire empire... And even if you are still young, Shia is not young anymore. She is already a 19-year-old girl."

Duomi was shocked when he heard this.

You must know that due to the problem of "sparse" population, this world is similar to the ancient times of the country where it was in the previous life.

Girls can get married and have children very early. 16 years old is considered a normal time, and 19 years old is already a bit 'old' in the eyes of some feudal old people!

He looked at Sia and found that her face was as red as the roses in the garden next to her.

(End of this chapter)

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