Chapter 319-318- kisskiss

Maybe it was because Sia had always taken good care of her, and he didn't see any traces of time at all. Even as she grew older, it would only add to her mature charm.

He even forgot that Xia was three years older than him!
"A girl's beautiful years are fleeting, so you have to hurry up~"

Carlos pointed at Domi as if he had experienced it, and that was indeed the case.

He stood up and put on the dark gray coat behind the chair, and waved:

"The rest of the time will be left to the young man. I have other things to do, so I'll take the first step."

Halfway through, he seemed to remember something, and then turned around and said, "Remember to take the time to go home before the God's Day, and Shia will come with you."

"I know... I know!"

God's Day is actually the last day of the year, similar to holidays such as Christmas and New Year's Day.

Reunion as a family, have New Year's Eve dinner together, and spend the last day of the year together.

If you bring a single girl into your home, it is equivalent to accepting her as a family member, provided that other family members agree.

But this premise is not a problem at all for Sia. She has long lived in the Blofeld house as if it were her own home.

She lowered her head and stared at her toes, her hands on her thighs clasped together nervously, her face flushed with embarrassment, and she did not dare to look at Domi or Carlos again:
"Good...good father."

Carlos burst out laughing with joy: "Okay! This father's voice is much nicer than the three rebellious sons like me. I'm starting to look forward to the New Year~"


Soon Carlos' figure disappeared from the sight of the two of them, while Shia still maintained the same posture as before, like a child who had done something wrong, not daring to move.

At this moment, a pair of big and warm hands grasped her nervous little fist.

She raised her head and found Domi looking at her with extremely serious eyes.

"Remember our agreement?"

"You said that when the war is over, we will find a beautiful town to live in, just like in the Theocracy."

"Let's get married then!"

The moment the words fell, a strong wind blew, and soft and fragrant petals of various colors danced between the two.

There seemed to be water rippling in Xia's eyes, and her small mouth slightly opened in surprise slowly turned into a smile, with uncontrollable joy in her voice:

"This counts as two agreements combined. You must not break the contract~or I will make an excuse."

"So how about a contractual kiss that symbolizes loyalty?" Domi said jokingly.

I thought that Sia would poke the soft flesh of his waist and call him a pervert like she did in the past.

But this time, she actually threw herself down, her soft body pressed forcefully on top, and the fragrance like flowers hit her face.

The two of them looked at each other up and down. Whether they were the active ones or the passive ones, neither one was shy.

Duomi looked at Sia who was so close, his pupils seemed to be shaking.

No, she is serious...

To be honest, this was the first time he kissed mouth to mouth in his two lives. If he said he wasn't nervous, he would be lying.

Sia's gentle voice could melt him and make his ears numb:

"You have to be responsible for me~" After saying that, Duomi's lips felt cool and soft, and the fruit-like sweetness rippled between his lips and teeth.

Her love is passionate and sincere, constantly asking for Domi's response.

The rapid and hot breaths hitting each other's cheeks made the love even stronger.

Domi simply held the back of Sia's head with his hand, erasing the last bit of white space between them.

They didn't know how long they kissed, but the feeling was so reassuring and intoxicating that time passed unknowingly, but they hoped that this moment could last forever.


The four-day drive and the not-so-easy debriefing meeting were exhausting, so Domi, like General Winfield, chose to stay at the palace to rest for a day before setting out on the road.

As for the second general from the Bedford family, it seemed that Metrius had called him to talk. Anyway, Domi hadn't seen him all day.

The day after the debriefing meeting, everyone had to leave.

The three princes hurried away as if avoiding each other and returned to their base near the royal city.

The fourth princess Mikala is even more outrageous. It is said that she went directly to Proctor, a port city in the southeast of the empire.

The largest seaport city in the empire connects the main continent and the mysterious sea. It is one of the three largest ports in the entire continent. It is named after the Proctor family and has been operated and managed by this family for generations.

The contemporary female head of the family, Alice Proctor, according to Edward's "gossip", is a close friend of the fourth princess Mikala, and seems to have promised to provide her with protection to ensure that she will not die in the fight for the throne.

The empire was divided into four parts due to factional alignment, and the part divided by Mikala was just this Proctor.

This is just because the Proctor family promised to protect her, and they are not even her supporters...

"Anyway, your sister is really miserable." Domi and Shia looked down at the carriage Mikala was riding in while floating in the sky.

"The prince has the support of the conservative faction, the second prince has the support of the new nobles, and the third prince has the support of the free businessmen and the working class. Only she has to find her best friends for protection. It doesn't matter if people don't compare with each other. It’s a shock.”

Sia held her chin in thought and said, "According to what you say, I seem to be in a worse position than Mikala, and no one can catch me."

"Didn't you pull me over? I am stronger than all of them combined, so Xia, you are the most promising candidate to win the throne!"

"Okay, but I'm too lazy to be this thankless emperor."

Xia quickly waved her hands and said, as if she was not interested in this throne that countless people were jealous of, and even felt disgusted.

"So Domi, why are we following Mikala?"

"emm... Let's just put it this way. It seems that the issues I mentioned in the meeting hall were approved by everyone, but your three brothers may not be honest. They have to use real actions to convey my determination."

"That might be a little cruel to you..."

"what do you mean?"

"I will assassinate Mikala and frame the crime, but everyone will know that I did it, so as to serve as a long-term deterrent."

Shia saw Duomi's seemingly troubled expression and said expressionlessly:
"Why are you being cruel to me? It's not me who was assassinated."

Duomi was stunned for a moment: "But she is your sister."

"First of all, she is not a biological sister. Secondly, I have not liked her since I was a child. Although she will not die, if she does die, it has nothing to do with me."

This was the first time he had seen such ruthless Sia.

But I like it even more~
(End of this chapter)

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