Versatile Mage: Ice Soul

Chapter 303 The coming of flames

Chapter 303 The coming of flames
"Ice Abyss Giant Meteor!!"

Ye Baiqiu raised his hand and summoned a magic circle of ice that covered the sky and the sun in the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, countless giant ice cones fell from inside, and the temperature nearby suddenly dropped to freezing point.
Royal Felipe Castle, General Mott stood on the watchtower, staring at the monster in the distance...

"It's been so long, why hasn't the strange bird dispersed?" said the female staff officer in black military uniform.

"Maybe they're still alive," Osto said.

"How is that possible? It's been such a long time. Do you think a group of magicians in their 20s can resist such a huge tribe of strange birds??" said the female staff officer in black uniform.

"They were stronger and stronger than we thought," Osto said.

"It's still going to die. When they die, these Nazca monster birds will disappear, and everything will be calm." General Mott said with certainty.

He admitted that these young people were stronger than they thought. The perfect defense of the castle bought them some time for survival, but so what, they violated the existence that is like the god of death in Peru, and no one can save them. !

The sea cliff has been hit and started to fall off, and it feels like the entire castle is about to fall into the ocean completely, crumbling.

The enchantment came late, covering the entire castle, and also protected the dilapidated sea cliff.

The golden barrier was as thin as paper, and could not bring any sense of security to the people in the national team. Everyone sat in the castle, maintaining a tired silence, except for the chirping of birds and the simultaneous whistling of thousands of piercing lightnings outside. , but everyone staying in the castle was completely silent.

"Is that all?" Mu Tingying leaned against the pillar, and she could see the unwillingness in her eyes.

The most exciting moment of her life has just begun, but she is going to die here inexplicably.

In fact, Mu Tingying's emotions are also very strong among other people. They are all the pride of heaven in the country, representing the country to participate in the splendid magic battle, but they are forced to hide here by a group of strange birds. Once it is broken, it will be eaten alive.

"After the enchantment is over, let's escape separately." Ai Jiangtu made this suggestion.

The meaning of this sentence is that only a few can survive. Perhaps these strange birds are not interested in some people in the team.

But everyone knew that this was still a self-deception, the number of the strange bird army was close to [-], no matter how they scattered and fled, they were still covered by their feathers and claws.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and Mo Fan, who was also helpless, sat on the other side, quietly watching Little Flame Fairy.

She had already fed her the liquid of time, but Little Flame Fairy didn't show any reaction. She blinked her big eyes and stared at Mo Fan there.

"Why, do you expect such a small thing to keep you alive?" Guan Yu sneered.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense like you at this time, so you'd better stay away from me." Mo Fan retorted unceremoniously.

"Hmph, everyone is going to die, why are you pretending to be noble here." Guan Yu said sarcastically.

"So you just broke the pot and came here to seek death. If you don't cherish the last half hour, I don't mind sending you out." Mo Fan suddenly became a little annoyed when he heard this, and then asked a question.

Mo Fan ignored Guan Yu and sat there waiting.


Little Flame Fairy also felt a little guilty, she actually wanted to help, and also wanted to help Mo Fan drive away all the strange birds outside, but with her current strength, she couldn't deal with so many strange birds at all, just like when she was dying When it was between the gates, facing the huge sea of ​​corpses, it was still limited in what it could kill.

When Little Flame Fairy was sad, she crawled into Mo Fan's arms and let out a soft sound like a little girl crying.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work, anyway, you'll be fine... I'm probably fine too." Mo Fan comforted Little Flame Fairy.

Now Mo Fan can only pray that there are enough sea monster groups and tribes in the ocean, otherwise the Peruvian continent may face a disaster. the devil...

Although I don’t know the situation of my eldest brother, judging from the fact that he hasn’t come back yet, it’s obviously not optimistic.

"The enchantment... is going to be shattered!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet!!"

The weak barrier finally could no longer hold up. It felt like the entire castle was suddenly hit by a heavy rain. The buildings shook violently, collapsed, and shattered...


Little Flame Fairy suddenly let out a somewhat lengthy cry, which sounded like the last note of a ballad, very pleasant to the ear.

Mo Fan was holding Little Flame Fairy, and Little Flame Fairy's body was inexplicably hot, so hot that Mo Fan was afraid to touch her.

The brown Jieyan rolled up uncontrollably, enveloping Xiao Yanji's entire petite and exquisite body...

"Mo Fan, what happened to your little Flame Fairy?" Jiang Yu, Nan Jue, Jiang Shaoxu and others all looked over in surprise.

Jie Yan was so aggressive that it almost burned into a small erupting volcano, and it was already impossible to see the body of Little Yan Ji in it.

Mo Fan also stared blankly at Little Flame Fairy, and came to a conclusion: the liquid of time is working! !
The pillar of fire sprayed higher and higher, and even directly pierced through the stone roof above, rushing into the sky all at once.

The raging fire swirled like a dragon soaring up, passing through the brown flame lava, Mo Fan vaguely saw the outline of the little Flame Fairy's body that melted like a bone.

Little Flame Fairy's body is growing. From a little girl like a porcelain doll, she quickly transformed into a graceful woman of fire with a solemn and holy figure in the bath of fire!

The tongues of fire are like fairy silk clothes, flying around the waist of Little Flame Fairy. The fire dance is long and beautiful, burning with a kind of sacred charm. The clean feet step on the carpet of fire, not stained by any dust of the world...

"This... this is..." Mo Fan was stunned.

Faced with this scene, Mo Fan is actually no stranger. When he activated the power of the demon system, Mo Fan awakened the flame soul shadow. Behind him is such a wonderful and fiery goddess shadow. At the beginning, Mo Fan guessed that it might be the final growth form of Little Flame Fairy.

Mo Fan had seen the lonely flame witch guarding the flat-top mountain in the northern corner of Zhuoyuan. He thought that the little Flame Fairy would be like the flame witch Jiang Feng when she grew up, but he was obviously wrong.Flame Witch Jiang Feng is just a guardian, she is not Flame Fairy. The real Flame Fairy should be what Mo Fan sees now.

She hides in a scorching, fiery flame, just like staring at a queen standing behind a gauze curtain, her unique and independent temperament and her graceful figure as beautiful as an elf still give people a strong visual impression Shocking and mind-shocking!

Yan Ji, this is a mature Yan Ji, the unique Queen of Fire in this world!
Although it was only a short-term maintenance, it was enough for Mo Fan!
The real Flame Fairy, how could Mo Fan not expect her fire power? ?
The rest of the team looked dumbfounded. Not long ago, Yan Ji, who was just a cute little thing, suddenly transformed into the humble Queen of Fire. That powerful aura made everyone a little unbelievable.

"Mo... Mo Fan, how did you do it?" Jiang Yu was even more dumbfounded. He is also a summoning mage. Jiang Yu never thought that Mo Fan's Little Flame Fairy was just a child, let alone This little guy would be such a shocker in full form!


Although the voice of Little Flame Fairy is still so pleasant, it is obviously a little more deep and long, a little less crisp, and a little more majestic. It is completely the difference between a sweet girl and a dignified lady. This change Mo Fan couldn't help swallowing.

The form has changed, but Mo Fan can feel that Little Flame Fairy's character has not changed much. She just floated over with the flying flame silk, still wanting to run into Mo Fan's arms for a hug.

Fortunately, her domineering Jieyan will not harm Mo Fan. If it were someone else, it would probably be burnt to bone slag in an instant!

"Don't get tired of it first, don't get tired of it first, let's solve the big troubles outside?" Mo Fan is really not used to it, the little girl has grown up in an instant, even though she is still full of fire, she is indeed beautiful. .

Little Flame Fairy... Oh, Goddess Flame Fairy nodded, rolled up a vortex of flames, rushed away from the old castle that was in the way, and faced the strange bird tribe in the sky!


The calamity flame is like a lotus flower, blooming beautifully above the castle, but the diameter of the lotus flower is exaggerated to over 300 meters, making people feel that the sky above their heads is suddenly burned out!

This blooming fire lotus was the result of the Flame Fairy Queen. Thousands of strange birds were reduced to ashes in less than a second, leaving only a few pieces of iridescent crown feathers.

"Damn it, kill thousands of them with a wave of your hand!!!" Jiang Yu was so shocked that he couldn't close his jaw!

The formation of the fire lotus is not as long as imagined, and there is no brewing like a mysterious skill. It is like Queen Yanji's jade hand gently flicking in the air, and then a destructive fire lotus is in the group of strange birds. It exploded, and the sky that was originally full of feathers and claws was suddenly vacant...


Like a singing song, the melody of that single voice immediately reverberated in the sky. Queen Flame Fairy did not use the ability of the fire department, but the power of the space department!
The space suddenly became heavy, and the wings of the flying strange birds became more and more difficult. Not long after, a large number of strange birds fell into the reef inexplicably...


Little Flame Fairy is using gravity to smash the flight of these strange birds!
The strange birds lined up and crashed into the reef, splashing blood everywhere. In order to ensure that they would not fly into the air to make trouble again, Queen Flame Fairy even breathed out into the reef ocean...

The breath was hot, and with a strong air current, it instantly burned the reef ocean into a huge vortex of flames, and those strange birds that were pulled to the ground by gravity were received into the vortex of flames like a basket of wheat grains! !



Among the army of strange birds, a big bird with a flying crown and feathers uttered a warning call.

Its feathers are much brighter than other strange birds, especially the flying and streamlined crown feathers, which immediately shows that it is one of the leaders of the strange bird army!

The leader of the strange bird is not affected by gravity. Its wings are fully extended and have reached the width of a passenger plane, which is one size bigger than the strange bird that Mo Fan met on the plane chasing the plane!
"It's at the commanding level!!"

Everyone saw this guy standing out from the crowd of strange birds at a glance, and couldn't help but gasped.

From this guy's aura, we can feel that this monster bird leader is much stronger than the commander-level creatures we encountered before. If it attacked them earlier, they would have been unable to hold on.

Queen Flame Fairy's bright eyes had locked on to the leader of the strange bird, and she didn't wait for the leader of the strange bird to approach, she folded her hands in front of her chest, and recited the spell of fire calmly and picturesquely.


The fire curse presented red symbols one by one, densely appearing around Queen Yanji.

Suddenly, all the fire curses burned, and the flames they burned formed a sky bird with wings!
Queen Yan Ji completely transformed into a giant flaming bird, her arrogance and nobility completely overwhelmed the leader of the strange bird, just like the gap between a phoenix and a rooster!

The flaming sky bird flapped its wings, and countless fire feathers flew in mottled patterns. It plunged obliquely into the long sky full of strange birds, opened a brilliant flight path, and burned into a bridge in the air! !
The place where the flaming bird passed was covered with ashes, and thousands of strange birds were wiped out before they could fully touch the body of the flaming bird.

And the leader of the strange bird, when he saw such a majestic flaming bird approaching, he was completely panicked, flapped his wings and started to escape.

But its speed was not as fast as that of the Flame Fairy Queen. The purest flames rolled over, and the body of the leader of the strange bird immediately burned, screaming and screaming.

"It's not at the same level at all!"

"Good... so strong!"

Seeing that the leader of the strange bird was completely abused by Queen Yanji in the flock of birds, it was even more difficult for everyone to describe the shock in their hearts with words.

When they looked at Mo Fan again, they looked at the savior. When everyone felt that they were going to lose their lives here, Mo Fan, the savior, actually summoned such a flame goddess to punish these arrogant and unreasonable people. strange bird!

The flames dyed the sky, and the Flame Fairy Queen was very angry. With such a twist of her graceful body, a terrifying ring of fire spread out, and thousands of strange birds died.

You must know that this group of people resisted desperately, and the total number of strange birds they killed was estimated to be seven to eight thousand, and most of them were servants.

But Queen Flame Fairy released three or four flame skills, and they wiped out their previous sum in less than a minute. This power was unbelievably strong, and they couldn't help wondering whether Mo Fan, the contracted beast, was the monarch class? ?

Commander massacres, warriors group seconds, slave level is completely a number, apart from monarch level creatures can do it, what level of creatures can be so disdainful of everything! !

Although the people in the national team are all proud men of heaven, they are not like Mo Fan and Ye Baiqiu who have seen overlords such as the Silver Dome Lord, the Ghost King, the Totem Black Snake, and the Corpse of the Mountain. Commander-level creatures are among them. His eyes are already terrifyingly strong, and he has never seen anyone at the monarch level.


(End of this chapter)

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