Chapter 304
"Huh? Fire element energy, will something happen to Mo Fan?"

Ye Baiqiu, who was flying in the air at this time, suddenly felt a monarch-level fire creature coming from the castle not far away, and immediately muttered.

It took me some time to manage to deal with a large number of strange birds, but compared to the huge flock of strange birds in the sky, it was just the tip of the iceberg.
Looking at these strange birds that were blocking out the sky and the sun, Ye Baiqiu began to look serious, and then he raised his palms wrapped around the ice ring.

The ice crystal dragon below, which was still cleaning up the strange birds, suddenly erupted with white light, and then each of the two dragons shot out a beam of frost from their mouths.

The moment the frost beam fell on those densely packed strange birds, countless strange birds began to turn into ice crystals and fell down, and finally disappeared completely.

"It's really weird~" Ye Baiqiu still didn't feel the life of those strange birds, as if they were lifeless in the first place.

As he spoke, the two giant frost dragons rushed directly into the group of strange birds, waving their limbs and starting to kill crazily.

Every time the two dragons swept, hundreds of strange birds fell down, and they did not feel any fatigue, just like machines with endless energy.

After those strange birds were attacked, they seemed to have a different kind of wisdom, and they gathered together to attack Ye Baiqiu, who was directing the ice dragon's attack.

Looking at the strange birds surrounding him, Ye Baiqiu felt doubtful in his heart.

It's getting weirder and weirder. How could an ordinary warrior-level slave-level monster have such high intelligence?

"That's all, let me see how weird you can be!"

Ye Baiqiu simply didn't waste any more time. He put his hands together and the eight ice rings merged instantly.


Immediately, a dragon roar that resounded across the sky exploded in the air.

Along with the dragon roar that shook the world, the two ice crystal dragons that were still tearing apart the strange bird instantly turned into white light balls and merged into one.

After a moment, a white dragon head several feet in size condensed at Ye Baiqiu's feet.

And at the moment when the ice-white dragon was completely solidified, a huge ice dragon with a size of a hundred feet lay across the sky above the castle. It exuded an aura that shocked everyone.

The dragon's tail whipped into the air, making thunderous roars. All the strange birds that were approaching Ye Baiqiu exploded in the air.

"Damn it, what the hell is that!"

In the castle, Zhao Manyan saw the giant dragon suddenly appearing in the sky at a glance.

"The figure on the dragon's head seems to be Ye Baiqiu!" Nan Jue said in surprise.

"Wow, I'm at a loss. If I had known that the boss was so powerful, I wouldn't have needed the Liquid of Time!" Mo Fan immediately beat his chest when he saw this scene, with regret and pity written all over his face.

This is a trump card. He actually used it when there was absolutely no need to use it.

Guan Yu and Zu Jiming were also stunned when they saw this scene.

How could Ye Baiqiu, a person with no background, be so powerful that he could fight an entire tribe of strange birds on his own!

And Mo Fan also has powerful contract beasts, and even with certain things, the contract beasts can compete with the entire strange bird tribe.

This feeling is so bad, it feels worse than being killed by a strange bird! !

"General, look in the direction of the castle!"

"Then... what's going on??" General Mott looked at the distance of the coastline with a shocked face.

One side is ice white, the other side is fiery red. The army of strange birds intertwined with blue and green seems to be caught in the middle between white and fiery red at this moment.

The temperature of the fiery red flames reached them dozens of kilometers away, while the white ice on the other side completely froze the ocean.The number of strange bird tribes is decreasing rapidly, as if what rules the sky is no longer the feathers and claws, but the red flames.

"Such a strong and pure breath of fire and power of ice, what exactly is happening there?" Osto said with a surprised look on his face.

Could it be that those national team members from China still have some unknown power?

But this is a bit too powerful! !

"The strange birds are starting to evacuate! My God, what happened, they started to flee!" The black female staff officer suddenly screamed.

General Mott and Royal Mage Osto immediately looked there, and were shocked to see the strange birds fleeing in all directions! !
If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe it? ?

Escape, a whole tribe of strange birds, they actually escaped...

What kind of terrible thing did they run into and needed to flee collectively like this? ?
"What exactly?? What happened there?" General Mott started to panic.

It is definitely not a mortal thing that can make an entire army of strange birds escape!


At this time, the giant frost dragon looked at the tribe of feathered demons that were leading the strange birds below. There was a strong look of disdain in the dragon's eyes, as if the tens of thousands of feathered demons were ants that could be easily crushed to death.

Click ~ click ~! !
The next moment, in the sky where Ye Baiqiu was, endless cold air suddenly escaped and froze the hundreds of feet of sky.

And in this frozen space, white ice chains appeared one after another. The ice chains wandered in the air, pulling all the energy of heaven and earth within hundreds of feet into the ice dragon's body.

At the same time, Ye Baiqiu's spiritual power, which had already reached the sixth level, poured into the ice dragon's body crazily.

Suddenly the entire sky turned into a dazzling ice white under the reflection of the ice dragon.

Below is the red ground created by Queen Flame, making this scene particularly gorgeous.

The entire tribe of strange birds were driven directly to the center point by Ye Baiqiu and Queen Yan Ji.

The first one to take action was the ice dragon who had obtained the majestic frost energy.

boom! !

There was a sudden explosion in the sky and the earth. The ice dragon's eyes scanned the strange bird opposite indifferently, and then slowly opened its huge mouth.


At the same time, the dragon's roar fell from the nine heavens, and the energy flowing in all the people or objects in the castle was stunned.

Accompanied by the roar of a dragon that resounded in the ears, a small jet black dot appeared in the ice dragon's open mouth.

The dots became balls inch by inch, but at the moment when the dots were completely formed, transparent ripples of void rippled in front of the ice dragon.

The ripples in the void twisted and mixed together, forming an energy beam several feet thick.

hum! !

The ice crystal beam itself has no breath or sound, but the destructive power and movement caused by it cutting through the space cannot be hidden.

That terrifying huge beam instantly swallowed up a large number of strange birds. The strange bird tribe, which had already suffered more than half of its casualties due to Queen Flame Fairy and Ye Baiqiu, was severely damaged again. This time, there were only more than 3000 birds left.

There were originally at least [-] strange bird tribes, but now there are less than [-] left. This gap can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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