I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 159 D Club takes action again

Chapter 159 D Club takes action again

As a fan, Song Yi certainly doesn't like shady games.However, without the dedicated performance of the Korean team, he would not have earned the US$10 billion.In a sense, the Korean team is his God of Wealth, and there is nothing wrong with Song Yi spending some money to give back to the Korean team.

And compared to the Korean team, Song Yi doesn't like the Turkish team.Turkey straddles the Eurasian continent and guards the Bosporus Strait between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It reset the card on the aircraft carrier purchased by mainland businessmen and detained it for more than a year. It was not until last year that it was successfully released with a guarantee from Greece.

Turkey itself is a political fence-sitter, and it also dreams of a pan-Turkist great power, trying to restore the former glory of the Ottoman Empire.If the South Korean team can beat Turkey in the third or fourth place finals, Song Yi will be happy to pay tens of millions of dollars in high bonuses, and he can also take advantage of the trend to promote New Asia. Why not?
Cha Taixian and Jin Jongguo standing aside looked at Song Yi with envy. Sure enough, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.If the South Korean team can defeat Turkey, Song Yi will pay for the multi-million dollar bonus without blinking an eye.

Next came the photo session for Kim Jong Kook, Cha Tae Hyun and Kim Hyung Soo. They each found their favorite stars and took photos alone.

Manager Kim is more knowledgeable. When he learned that Kim Hyung-soo was Song Yi's brother-in-law, all the players of the Korean men's football team presented Kim Hyung-soo with a signed football and a group photo.

When Park Ji-sung learned that Kim Jong-kook and Cha Tae-hyun had organized a Dragon Year football club, and that Kim Hyung-soo often played football with them, he also took the initiative to leave their contact information and make an appointment to play together.

Chen Zaican looked at Park Ji-sung's approach and nodded, "Sure enough, all the players who can make a name for themselves in the national team are talented people, and he clearly understands the ways of the world."

There is Park Ji-sung who is sensible, and there is Song Jong-kook who is confused about the situation.When Song Yi and his team showed up at the training base, he thought that the two beauties, Kim Hee Won and Cui Sun Hee, were also their fans. He was still looking forward to seeing these two beauties take photos or sign autographs with them, and maybe they could still keep in touch with them by then. Get to know the way.

Unexpectedly, after Jin Xiyuan came to the stadium, she only talked to Park Ji-sung and ignored him, which made him feel very aggrieved.

You must know that at the end of this World Cup, veteran defenseman Hong Myung-bo is about to retire. He is already the leader of the defense appointed by Hong Myung-bo.Hiddink also appreciates him very much and believes that his strength is qualified for the Eredivisie.

Song Zhongguo squeezed in between Park Ji-sung and Kim Hee-won with a playful smile, and said to Kim Hee-won, "Sister, if you have any good things to share with everyone, there is no need to hide next to Jisung and whisper."

Song Zhongguo's frivolous tone made Jin Xiyuan frown, quite unhappy.However, out of politeness, she said nothing and waited for Song Zhongguo to leave.

Song Zhongguo didn't seem to know how annoying he was. Instead, he hugged Park Ji-sung's shoulders and said, "Ji-sung and I are good brothers. We have always shared blessings and hardships. I am preparing to help him introduce the girl he likes." Where is the child?"

Park Ji-sung quietly broke free from Song Jong-guo's shoulders and looked serious, "Jong-guo, don't talk nonsense. This is President Kim of New Asia Agency."

Song Zhongguo looked stern and regretful. He originally thought that Jin Xiyuan was just an ordinary fan, but he didn't expect that she also had a great background.However, Song Zhongguo still refused to give in. He was not involved in the entertainment industry and had nothing to do with Kim Xiwon.Is it possible that Kim Hee-won still has the ability to make him lose his position as the main defender of the national team?

"Really? I thought President Jin was a fan of our Ji-sung and wanted to get Ji-sung's autograph." Song Zhongguo laughed and walked aside boredly, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Cui Shanji noticed this episode, and she didn't mind the excitement. She approached Song Zhongguo and asked him if he had any conflicts with Kim Xiyuan and Park Ji-sung, and why he was hiding in a corner alone and unhappy without even saying a few words.

Song Zhongguo's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Cui Shanhui. Although Cui Shanhui was not as young as Kim Xiwon, she had the charm of a married young woman.Of course he wouldn't dare to take the initiative to chat with a wealthy lady like Cui Shanji, but maybe others are also his fans?

Song Zhongguo, who was in high spirits, complained bitterly, saying that he actually just wanted to get acquainted with Jin Xiyuan. Unexpectedly, Jin Xiyuan was aloof throughout the whole process and did not bother to talk to him.I, Song Jong-kook, am not inferior to Park Ji-sung in terms of skills, looks, and conversation. Why does she only treat Park Ji-sung differently?

Cui Shanji laughed in her heart, you kid actually dared to try to chat with Song Yi's woman. I'm afraid your national team career will end here. She couldn't help but mourn for Song Zhongguo.

She planned to collect more information about Song Zhongguo, and then vent her anger on behalf of Jin Xiyuan to win Jin Xiyuan's favor.Although Song Yi didn't say it explicitly, she could still feel the special status of Jin Xiyuan in Song Yi's heart.

If she can win Jin Xiyuan's approval, Jin Xiyuan can help her retain her dignity if one day her affair with Song Yi is discovered by Jin Xiyuan.

"Song Zhongguo, you have the same name as the singer Kim Jongguo who came to express condolences today, and you also have the same surname as Chairman Song, which shows that you and Xinya are still close. By the way, Zhongguo, do you have a girlfriend?" Cui Shanji asked kindly.

Song Zhongguo already had a girlfriend, Kim Jung-ah, who had been dating for more than a year at this time. The two have reached the stage of marriage discussions and are preparing to officially get married next year.

It is worth mentioning that Kim Jung Ah was born in January 83 and had just turned eighteen when she fell in love with Song Jong Kook.

Song Zhongguo thought that Cui Shanji wanted to introduce him to someone. The girls Cui Shanji introduced were at least the daughters of the chaebol, right?In order to get on top, he kept telling lies, "No, I have been busy training since joining the national team, and I haven't had time to date the opposite sex."

Cui Shanji saw through Song Zhongguo's lie at a glance, and she became even more contemptuous in her heart, and her tone became gentler, "It seems that the national team training is very hard. Where do you usually go to relax after training? I don't think there are any bars near the Paju training base?" "

Song Zhongguo thought that Cui Shanji wanted to ask him to go to the bar, and he felt even more passionate, "I know there is a good bar nearby. It is membership-only and has good privacy. When I usually take a break, I will bring my teammates to have a few drinks."

Cui Shanji's mind changed, "Really? Then I'll go over tonight and have a look. I have two little sisters who like football very much, and I especially admire national players like you."

"Because today is a condolence event organized by President Xin Yasong, I can't bring them here with me. Their family education is very strict, and they rarely have the opportunity to come out at night. I originally wanted to introduce you to each other tonight, but you will be here tomorrow night There is a competition, so it shouldn't be convenient to leave the Paju training base, right?" Cui Shanji looked very embarrassed.

When Song Zhongguo heard this, he felt happy. He quickly explained: "It's okay. Although we have an access control system, as long as we can go back to the dormitory to spend the night, it doesn't matter if we go out to have a few drinks and relax. After all, it's the game tomorrow night?"

When Cui Shanji heard this, she knew that Song Zhongguo had taken the bait, "Okay, leave me your contact information and I will ask my little sisters to contact you later."

Song Zhongguo also wanted to leave Cui Shanji's contact information, but Cui Shanji refused directly. She excused herself and said that it was not convenient for her to come with her husband today.

Cui Shanji thought to herself, these national team football players really have well-developed limbs and simple minds, and they don't even pee and look at themselves. With your appearance, how can you have the confidence to ask for my contact information.I've searched all over Korea for my lover, but I can't find anyone else who is super rich and handsome. Others want money, looks, body, and physical strength comparable to that of a professional athlete. How could I like you? Plant crooked melons and cracked dates?

Song Zhongguo did not doubt that he was there, and happily ran to the side to enjoy himself secretly.When his teammates asked him what good things he had done, he deliberately didn't say anything.Now the members of the Korean men's football team have not been home for months. There are many wolves but not enough meat. He does not dare to bring his teammates to ruin his good deeds.

Song Yi didn't notice Cui Shanji's little move, and the purpose of his trip had been achieved.Park Ji-sung has agreed to sign a contract with New Asia Agency, and New Asia Agency will be responsible for the entire negotiation for Park Ji-sung to join the Dutch Eredivisie team Eindhoven.

The reason why Park Ji-sung is willing to sign with New Asia Agency is because he believes in Song Yi's promise to acquire a top European football club within two years.

No matter which club Song Yi acquires, Park Ji-sung will be able to enjoy the treatment of the home club if he transfers to this club from Eindhoven in the future.Although the Korean team successfully advanced to the semi-finals, Korean players have to pay a heavy price for this. Park Ji-sung has noticed that Serie A or La Liga will exclude the use of Korean players, and Ahn Jung-hwan, who plays for Serie A club Perugia, is still doing it Dream of renewing contract with the club.

South Korean sports media have published articles saying that South Korea's two forwards Ahn Jung-hwan and Cha Du-ri, who are playing in European competitions, are very hopeful to renew their contracts with European clubs. South Korea's captain Hong Myung-bo and midfielder Ryu Sang-cheol will both be selected by FIFA to participate in the World Cup. All-star cast.

South Korea invested a huge amount of US$20 billion in the construction of stadium facilities before the World Cup in Korea and Japan. The brilliant results of the Korean team proved that these investments were worth the money.

Without the recruitment of his mentor Hiddink, Park Ji-sung would not have dared to enter the European arena.After all, Korean players are already like street rats in European competitions, and everyone calls for beating them.

On the way back to Seoul, Cui Shanji and Jin Xiyuan took the same car.Jin Xiyuan asked Cui Shanji why she wanted to talk to Song Zhongguo. Cui Shanji smiled and said, "This kind of person is so lustful that he is stupid, just wait and see his good show."

Jin Xiyuan vaguely guessed, "Now Koreans regard the Korean team as national heroes. If they know that someone is setting up a trap to frame them, it may lead to a brand public relations crisis. I originally wanted to wait until the heat of the World Cup has passed, and then find a way to deal with him. .”

Cui Shanji was very confident, "Don't worry, I don't need to take action in such a small matter. Even if it is exposed in the end, it has nothing to do with us. Cats have cat paths, rats have mouse paths. If he keeps himself clean, he won't You will be fooled."

Unlike a good girl like Kim Hee-won, Choi Sun-hee learned the intrigues in the shopping mall from her father Choi Won-suk since she was a child.Cui Yuanshuo commented that his son-in-law Chen Zaican was too honest and could not cope with the ruthless Chen Jianxi family.

Chen Zaican is as macho as other Korean men and is unwilling to let Cui Shanji participate in the management of the company.So when Shinhan Media went bankrupt, Choi Won-suk sat on the sidelines and was indifferent to Chen Jae-chan's request for help. He only agreed that Choi Sun-hee would take the children back to live with her parents.

Later, before Shinhan Media went public, Chen Jaecan transferred part of the equity to Cui Shanhui's name, and Choi Won-suk's attitude towards Chen Jaecan became friendly.

Cui Yuanshuo also reminded Chen Zaican and his wife to have a good relationship with Song Yi. Without Song Yi to protect them from the wind and rain, the new Korean media after the listing still could not stop the covetousness of Chen Jianxi and his son.Even though Chen Zaican is a member of the Samsung family, Shinhan Media is already a subsidiary company of the New Asia family in the eyes of the outside world.

Cui Shanji didn't want to work in Shinhan Media. She didn't want to run Shinhan Media into a mom-and-pop shop, and she didn't want to deal with the woman Chen Zaican raised in the company.If she goes to work in Shinhan Media, then this woman must get out.

If Song Zhongguo can be handled well, Cui Shanji will achieve the goal of killing two birds with one stone.First, make good friends with Jin Xiyuan and gain an ally beside Song Yi.Second, to prove her ability to Song Yi, maybe there will be a suitable position for her in the huge new Asian series.

So she had to handle this matter beautifully, not only to take revenge on Song Zhongguo and vent her anger on behalf of Jin Xiyuan, but also to prevent others from catching her.If something goes wrong and Song Yi finally has to step in to help her clean up the mess, then she will lose her use value in front of Song Yi.

At 6:29 on June 18, the battle for third place at the Daegu World Cup Stadium in South Korea officially started.Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan have already flown to Yokohama. Song Yi was invited by Son Zhengyi to go to the Yokohama International Arena to watch the World Cup final.

Song Yi actually had little interest in the World Cup finals. Ballack's absence in the finals made the game one-sided and lost some suspense.If it weren't for Son's invitation, he wouldn't bother to go to Japan.

When Song Yi and others come to Japan this time, in addition to meeting Son Zhengyi, they are also planning to discuss the introduction of "Winter Sonata" with NHK TV station.

New Asia IT will set up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Japan and officially start operating inschool. Advertisements for inschool will appear on NHK TV and on the streets of Tokyo.

After checking in at the hotel, Song Yi planned to take Jin Xiyuan to visit Yamashita Park in Yokohama City. This is a seaside park formed by land reclamation. All the earthwork in the park came from the waste soil from the Great Kanto Earthquake. rubble.

The two of them walked hand in hand on the tiled avenue in the park, enjoying the quiet time without being disturbed. There were tall ginkgo trees on both sides of the road, and the tiled avenue was scattered with ginkgo leaves that had been blown down by the wind. At the end of the line of sight was the bright sea view. It was indeed A great place to relax.

Jin Xiyuan was really moved when she heard Song Yi's description. During this trip to Japan, in addition to work, she also wanted to enjoy alone date time with Song Yi.However, her rationality still made her turn on the TV. Cui Shanji sent a message asking her to watch today's game. There might be a surprise.

"OPPA, after we finish watching the game, how about we go for a walk in the park?" Jin Xiyuan rarely acted coquettishly towards Song Yi.

Song Yi felt strange, but it was rare for Jin Xiyuan to ask him, so he naturally agreed.

When the game officially started, Song Yi discovered that the Korean team's lineup had changed. Ahn Jung-hwan, Seol Qi-hyun, and Lee Eul-yong returned to the starting lineup. The Korean team, which has the right time, location, and people, is bound to win the third place in the World Cup.

The Turkish team is also full of confidence, and its lineup has not changed from the previous game.Japan's NHK TV station also talked about the origins of the Korean team and the Turkish team. The two teams met in the 1954 World Cup. The Korean team lost 0-7. The Korean team also wants revenge in this World Cup, and even wants to get Song Yi. $500 million in winnings available.

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.The Korean team had just kicked off the ball in the midfield. Ahn Jung-hwan passed the ball back in the midfield. Ryu Sang-cheol caught the ball and knocked it to his teammate Song Jong-guo.Unexpectedly, Song Zhongguo was a little careless in stopping the ball. Ilhan of the Turkish team poked the ball away with lightning speed and kicked it to the feet of teammate Hakan Suker. The Turkish captain dribbled the ball into the penalty area, fell to the ground and scored with his left foot. Score!At this time, it was only 11 seconds before the start of the game, and the record for the fastest goal in the World Cup was born!
Jin Xiyuan smiled. Although she didn't know much about football, Song Zhongguo was obviously in poor condition. If it weren't for his slow reaction, Turkey would not have scored so quickly. The commentator of NHK TV station cynicized the South Korean team, describing the Korean team's back line as if they were sleepwalking, especially Song Jong-kook, who was named South Korea's next-generation defense leader by Hong Myung-bo.

Song Zhongguo was stunned for a moment on the court. Although his Korean teammates were a little unhappy, Hong Mingfu still came forward to comfort Song Zhongguo and told him to cheer up and cheer up.

In the 9th minute of the game, Li Yirong took a free kick and kicked a beautiful curved ball with his left foot. The ball quickly crossed the wall and went straight to the far corner on the right side of the goal to score, 1-1!The South Korean team was overjoyed, and Song Jongguo was also relieved.If he hadn't had a party with two beautiful girls in the bar last night, he wouldn't feel so tired.

As a result, in the 13th minute of the game, the Turkish team scored again and the score became 2-1. Later, in the 40th minute, Park Ji-sung assisted Ahn Jung-hwan, and Ahn Jung-hwan scored a goal. The score was once again tied at 2-2. The team drew again.Lee Yun-jae's steady performance also helped the Korean team end in a draw in the first half.

In the second half, Hiddink replaced captain Hong Myung-bo, who had announced his retirement from the national team, with Kim Tae-young.Both teams went back and forth, but failed to score any more goals. Just when the fans thought that the game would be dragged into overtime, the situation suddenly changed in the 86th minute.

Rustu's big foot went directly to the front of the Korean team's penalty area. Hakan Suker headed the ball back to Ilhan and cooperated with it. Ilhan kicked the ball to Song Zhongguo who was defending in the penalty area. Song Zhongguo was too late. Dodge, the ball's path changed and it bounced into the net.Song Zhongguo, who made a mistake at the beginning, inexplicably contributed an own goal. South Korea once again fell behind 2-3. In the end, the South Korean team was unable to recover and ended up in the World Cup third-place match.

At the end of the game, some sports media rated the Korean team players. Lee Eul-yong, Park Ji-sung and Ahn Jung-hwan all scored 8 points, while Song Jong-guo scored the lowest score of 5.8 points in the team.Hiddink's employment tactics were also met with hesitation. Why was Song Jong-guo still on the court despite his poor condition, causing the South Korean team to lose the third goal?

At this time, the Dispatch website suddenly broke the news, saying that Song Zhongguo went to a bar near Paju to have a party with two hot girls on the night of the 28th. The three of them went to the hotel together and did not return to the Paju training base until about three in the morning.

Not only that, Dispatch also revealed that Song Zhongguo is not single. He has a girlfriend named Kim Jung Ah who has been dating for more than a year. The two were planning to get married next year.

As a member of the national team, he went to a bar to have fun before a crucial game, leaving his girlfriend behind and cheating on someone else.Is such a person really the next generation defense leader of the Korean team?
As soon as D agency's report came out, it immediately caused an uproar across South Korea, and they vented their anger on Song Zhongguo.In their view, if Song Zhongguo could restrain himself, win the game in Turkey, and then go to the bar to have fun, they would not be so angry.They have left a message on the Blue House, petitioning the Korean Football Association to expel Song Jong-kook and never hire him for the national team.
 See you tomorrow and thank you all for your monthly votes.

(End of this chapter)

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