I want to be a chaebol.

Chapter 160 Son’s appointment (7000 words)

Chapter 160 Son’s appointment (7000 words)
In sports competitions, everything is about performance.If the Korean team defeats the Turkish team as Koreans expect, it will help the Korean team win third place in the World Cup.Even if Dispatch exposes that Song Jong-guo violated the Korean team's access control system during the game, as long as Song Jong-guo can seek forgiveness from his girlfriend Kim Jung-ah, the Koreans will not hold Song Jong-guo away. Basically, the big issue will be trivialized.

Now the South Korean team lost to the Turkish team 2 to 3 and unfortunately missed the third place in the World Cup. Two of the goals were inseparable from Song Zhongguo in the defense. The indignant Koreans naturally wanted to pursue Song Zhongguo fiercely.

Originally, after the game, coach Hiddink booked a nightclub in Gyeongju and invited all the players and coaching staff to the nightclub to celebrate the South Korean team's achievement of reaching the semi-finals of the World Cup.

Korean fans regard all members of the Korean team as "national heroes." South Korea will also hold a series of celebrations to commend the Korean team for their great contributions to the country.

On July 7, a grand parade will be held in Seoul, and on July 2, South Korean President Zhong Xiaotong will invite all team members to dinner.In addition, the team members will receive cars sponsored by Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor, and SK Group, bonuses, and various other gifts.

Before the start of the World Cup, the South Korean team ranked 40th in FIFA, ranking third from the bottom among the 32 participating teams in the World Cup. The only teams ranked lower than the South Korean team were the Saudi team and the Chinese team. FIFA re-announced the rankings on Wednesday, and the South Korean team is expected to rise to 15th.

Not only that, in order to recognize the great contribution of the Korean team, the Korean government decided to exempt all Korean team members from military service.According to past practice, only South Korean athletes who win Olympic or Asian Games championships can be exempted from military service.

Now that Dispatch has revealed that Song Jong-guk went to a nightclub to have fun during the game, angry Korean people went to the Blue House official website to leave messages and petitions demanding that Song Jong-guk be expelled from the national team, which suddenly put the Korean Football Association into an embarrassing situation.

The question now is if the Football Association expels Song Zhongguo from the national team now, can Song Zhongguo still enjoy exemption from military service, and should cars and bonuses be distributed to Song Zhongguo?But let’s not talk about anything else. At least Song Zhongguo will definitely miss the Seoul parade and the Presidential Palace dinner.

When the news from D agency came out, Song Zhongguo suddenly panicked. The bars and hotels he went to were very hidden, and the hotel always paid attention to protecting the privacy of guests. He didn't know why someone would photograph him partying and taking pictures in the bar. A photo of two beauties going to a hotel to book a room.

He vaguely felt that he was being tricked, and all of this seemed to be inseparable from Cui Shanji.He wanted to contact Cui Shanji and ask why Cui Shanji framed her, but unfortunately he didn't even have Cui Shanji's contact information.

Song Zhongguo was now seriously ill and sought medical treatment. He found his teammate Park Ji-sung and wanted to contact Kim Xi-won, hoping to understand what happened.

Park Ji-sung was very embarrassed when he heard Song Jong-guo's request. He knew that Kim Hee-won did not want to see Song Jong-guo.However, due to the kindness of his teammates, he still helped contact Jin Xiyuan.

Unexpectedly, not long after Park Ji-sung called, Jin Xiyuan's secretary only asked to help convey the call.

Park Ji-sung breathed a sigh of relief. He had tried his best. There was nothing he could do if Jin Xiyuan was unwilling to take action.

Park Ji-sung guessed some inside information, but it had nothing to do with him.Park Ji-sung would not sympathize with Song Jong-guk, and it was the utmost kindness to call him.

You know, other members of the Korean team now have strong opinions on Song Zhongguo, thinking that he does not have a sense of the overall situation.

If the Korean team can defeat Turkey, Song Yi will reward the Korean team with a winning bonus of US$500 million, Lee Eul-yong and Ahn Jung-hwan can receive a goal bonus of US$100 million, and Park Ji-sung, who assisted, can also receive US$50.

Now that the Korean team has lost to Turkey, Park Ji-sung has almost lost about US$50 in bonuses. US$50 can already buy a nice apartment in Seoul.How could Park Ji-sung not complain about Song Jong-kook?

Song Zhongguo felt cold. He actually guessed that he had "unintentionally" offended Jin Xiyuan, so Cui Shanji set up a trap to stand up for Jin Xiyuan.

He originally thought that he was not involved in the entertainment industry, so even if he offended Jin Xiyuan, it would not be a big deal.Who would have thought that before Jin Xiyuan could take action, someone else would pin him to the ground with a little trick and be unable to stand up.

Song Zhongguo did not dare to break the news to the media that others deliberately framed him. After all, he could not resist the temptation. He indeed violated the Korean team's access control system and went out to have fun while having a girlfriend.

He no longer expects to marry Jin Zhengya. He is now considering whether to spend money to silence Jin Zhengya and let her make a public statement saying that the two broke up before the World Cup.After all, in South Korea, where the sex industry is developed, it is actually not a problem for men to go to nightclubs to have fun.

During the World Cup in South Korea and Japan, the South Korean team not only achieved good results in the semi-finals, but also attracted more than 30 foreign tourists to watch the game, making South Korea a lot of money.

During the World Cup, in order to make money from foreign tourists, nightclubs would let the young and beautiful ladies in the store put on the team uniforms of different countries, and let them accompany the guests to drink and watch the game, and finally spend the night together.

During the entire competition, there were almost 5 romantic clubs in South Korea, and at least 33 Korean women became barmaids.They created 24 trillion won in hidden income for South Korea, accounting for about 02% of South Korea's GDP in 4.
If Song Jong-guo is single, then as long as he comes forward and sincerely apologizes, and the Korean Football Association announces that he is temporarily leaving the team, the storm will probably be over.When the Athens Olympics or the World Cup in Germany, the Korean Football Association recruits Song Jong-guo into the team again, the forgetful Koreans have basically forgiven Song Jong-guo and believe that he should be given a chance to redeem himself.

Cui Shanji had already thought of everything Song Zhongguo could think of, how could she let Song Zhongguo get away so easily.

On the afternoon of July 7, Song Zhongguo’s girlfriend Kim Jung Ah accepted an interview with reporters in Busan. She said in the interview that Song Zhongguo deceived her feelings and had cheated on her before. Later, Song Zhongguo apologized to her and promised not to do it again. Later, he softened his heart. She forgave Song Zhongguo.

Song Zhongguo called her and said he missed her very much. He also said that after the World Cup, he would buy a house in Busan and get engaged to her.As a result, he left the Paju training base and went to a nightclub with two beauties. Such a man was really unreliable. She had recognized Song Zhongguo's playboy nature and would never forgive him again. She now announced that she and Song Zhongguo had officially broken up.

As soon as Kim Jung Ah's interview came out, Song Zhongguo was directly hammered to death.Only then did the Korean people know that Song Zhongguo had a history of stealing food before, and Song Zhongguo's derailment was aggravated this time.The pitiful Kim Jung-ah has won overwhelming support from the Korean people, and some advertising companies are even interested in inviting Kim Jung-ah to star in advertisements.

After listening to Jin Xiyuan's report, Song Yi was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Jin Xiyuan and Cui Shanji would work together to press the main defender of the Korean national team to the ground and rub him. Sure enough, you can't offend anyone and you can't offend a woman!
"I asked why D agency suddenly reported the news about Song Zhongguo's cheating. It turned out that you helped thread the thread. But Song Zhongguo offended you, why didn't you tell me? I said hello to Uncle Meng Zhun, he will not be able to enter the country in the future. If he no longer has the status of the national team, I have many ways to deal with him slowly." Song Yi said.

"I know you will stand up for me, but if President Zhou Mengzhun comes forward, I'm afraid that the outside world will say that you are bullying others, which will damage your reputation."

"So Sister Shan Ji said she had a way, so I'll help. You won't blame me, right?" Jin Xiyuan was afraid that Song Yi would blame her for making independent decisions.

"It was your idea to ask Kim Jung Ah to shoot an advertisement? If Kim Jung Ah appears in an advertisement produced by Shinhan Media, it will be easy for people to notice it." Song Yi said.

"How could Shinhan Media ask Kim Jung Ah to shoot an advertisement? It was a local company in Busan that asked her to shoot an advertisement. They also wanted to take advantage of Kim Jung Ah's popularity." Of course Kim Hee Won could not make this mistake. Neither she nor Cui Sun Hui could go directly. Contact Kim Jung Ah.

Song Yi told Jin Xiyuan, "Through this incident, I think it is necessary for New Asia Media Real Estate Group to establish a public relations department. Since Sister Shan Ji wants to do things, she can be appointed as the group's public relations director."

For any large consortium, controlling and influencing public opinion are very important aspects. PR is a long-term, strategic and systematic work, rather than simply publicizing and promoting a company.

The reason why Song Yi did not set up a dedicated PR team before was because he could not find suitable management talents. Since Cui Shanji has talent in this area, she might as well use it first.

Cui Shanji was very excited when she received a call from Jin Xiyuan. She really made the right bet this time.She agreed happily, saying that after Song Yi and the others came back from Japan, they could go to Xinya Media Real Estate Group to go through the entry procedures.

Jin Xiyuan walked into the room and found Song Yi answering the phone. She closed the door and waited for Song Yi in the conference room outside the suite.

It turned out that the person who called Song Yi this time was Xu Zhuxian's birthday. June 6 was Xu Zhuxian's birthday. Song Yi ordered a red strawberry cake for her and delivered it to the SM Entertainment Building.

Xu Zhuxian was very happy at the time. She was originally waiting for Song Yi to go to SM Entertainment to share the cake. Unexpectedly, Song Yi, who was busy with work, did not show up in the end, leaving Xu Zhuxian disappointed for a long time.

When she learned from her mother Liu Huiying that Song Yi was on a business trip to Japan, Xu Zhuxian finally couldn't help but ask Liu Huiying to call Song Yi.

"Brother Song Yi, hello." Even through the phone, Xu Zhuxian said hello seriously.

"It turns out to be Zhuxian. Is there anything happy you want to share with me?" Song Yi asked.

Not to mention, Xu Zhuxian really has a lot of things to share with Song Yi.For example, a very beautiful trainee came to SM Entertainment, named Lim Yoona, who is from Seoul like Seo Joo Hyun. The two girls of similar age quickly became good friends who talked about everything.

She rarely saw Jin Xiaoyuan recently. She heard that Jin Xiaoyuan had undergone plastic surgery. She couldn't understand why women would allow doctors to operate on their faces in order to become more beautiful.Even though the doctor will give you an anesthesia injection, you won't feel much pain after the operation.

Moreover, team leader Zhuo Youngjun said that Kim Hyo-yeon’s plastic surgery was not just a one-time solution, but would have several micro-plastic surgeries in the future until Kim Hyo-yeon’s debut.She admired Kim Hyo-yeon's courage. She and Lim Yoon-ah had agreed not to undergo plastic surgery.

She liked the cake Song Yi ordered for her very much, but the cake Song Yi ordered was too big.In the end, she could only invite TVXQ and SJ's brothers to help share the cake.

In addition to the cake, she also liked the Disney bear Daffy that Song Yi gave her as a birthday gift.She saw Duffy at Tokyo DisneySea and wanted to buy it at that time, but the same doll was not yet on sale. Unexpectedly, Song Yi fulfilled her dream.

By the way, she also met a trainee from China in SM Entertainment this time named Han Geng.Han Geng has graduated from a mainland university and now returns to SM Entertainment to receive professional training.

Song Yi listened patiently to Xu Zhuxian's account of what happened in SM Entertainment. He didn't expect Xu Zhuxian to know so many inside stories about SM Entertainment.Could it be that Lee Soo Man or Kim Young Min didn't want to hide it from Seo Joo Hyun?Or did Zhuo Youngjun intend to send him a message through Xu Zhuxian?
Finally, Xu Zhuxian said magnanimously, "Brother Song Yi, although you did not celebrate my birthday with me this year, for the sake of the cake and Duffy, I will forgive you. Don't worry, I will definitely celebrate your birthday." I will prepare a gift for you, and I will start saving my pocket money now."

Song Yi was a little dumbfounded, but it felt good to be cared about by a little girl like Xu Zhuxian. "Thank you, little Xu Zhuxian. I will go to SM Entertainment to see you when I have time." Xu Zhuxian knew that Song Yi was going to be busy, "Now Let’s talk again, goodbye, brother Song Yi. By the way, mom, do you have anything else to say to brother Song Yi? "

Liu Huiying answered the phone. She didn't expect that her daughter Xu Zhuxian and Song Yi could chat for so long. Thinking that this was a cross-border call, she felt a little worried about the phone bill.

"Song Yi, everything is fine with Joohyun. Remember not to buy such an expensive birthday gift next time. SM Entertainment has already spread rumors that Joohyun is the daughter of a chaebol family, which is not conducive to her integration into the team."

Duffy is a popular doll just released from Tokyo DisneySea. A single doll has been sold for more than 200 million won in Seoul. In addition, Song Yi once used a Rolls-Royce Silver Angel to pick up Xu Zhuxian and her daughter. SM Entertainment has this The rumors are not surprising either.

The trainees of SM Entertainment know that Xu Zhuxian has a special status and cannot be offended. Now Xu Zhuxian has the nickname "SM Entertainment Little Princess".When Seo Joo Hyun celebrated her birthday, she invited all the trainees in the company to help her celebrate. This is a reflection of her transcendent status.

"I know, I won't do it next time. If I have something to do here, I'll hang up first and make an appointment for a meal when I get back to China." Song Yi told Liu Huiying that Son Zhengyi had sent a driver to pick him up at the hotel.

Liu Huiying was a little helpless. She knew that Song Yi was just talking, and a gift of several million won was really nothing to Song Yi today.Being friends with a super rich man like Song Yi actually puts a lot of pressure on Liu Huiying.

When Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan left the hotel, the driver sent by Son Zhengyi was waiting for them in the lobby.A handsome young man wearing a suit and white gloves said hello to Song Yi, "Is this President Song Yi of New Asia Network?"

Song Yi nodded in agreement, and the driver respectfully took Song Yi and the others to the hotel porch. Son Zhengyi's special car was parked at the door of the hotel.

Jin Xiyuan thought to herself that as the richest man in Japan, Son Masayoshi still has a lot of airs.Song Yi flew to Yokohama yesterday, and Son Zhengyi had no intention of meeting Song Yi in advance, as if he just invited Song Yi to come to Yokohama to watch a World Cup final.

The special car that Son Zhengyi arranged for Song Yi was not a luxury car like Rolls-Royce, Bentley or Porsche, but a Nissan.

And this Nissan has obviously seen some age.However, it can be seen that the owner still cares about this car, performs regular maintenance, and maintains the car in very good condition.

Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan sat in the back seat together. Song Yi asked the driver, "This Nissan should be Chairman Son's own car, right?"

The driver's attitude was very respectful, "You are right, this is our president's special car. This Laurel has been with our president for more than ten years. Because it has witnessed the president's history of struggle, the president likes it very much." This car was specially kept. It was also the first time I drove it."

Jin Xiyuan felt a little ashamed. She originally thought that Sun Zhengyi had deliberately neglected Song Yi, and was about to complain for Song Yi.Who would have known that Son Zhengyi would actually use his car to receive Song Yi, which is of extraordinary significance.

After Song Yi got in the car, he only asked this question and remained quiet the whole time, closing his eyes and concentrating in the back seat.Song Yi realized that Sun Zhengyi was not an easy person to get along with. Although Mr. Ma from Alibaba introduced him, Sun Zhengyi did not seem to treat him as an equal conversation partner, which was not a good signal for his subsequent negotiation process. .

Song Yi has no interest in extracting information about Sun Zhengyi from his driver. He may not know Son Zhengyi as well as Song Yi.

Masayoshi Son is a person with a very strong willpower and a well-known investor with international reputation. His most successful investment was investing in Alibaba in its early stages and becoming Alibaba's largest shareholder.Later, Masayoshi Son returned funds to the loss-making SoftBank, sold Alibaba shares in a liquidation manner, and finally cashed out 2500 billion yuan.

It was precisely because of the success of investing in Alibaba that SoftBank later established the $1000 billion Vision Fund. The Vision Fund established in 17 has also become an aircraft carrier in the global investment community. Rich people around the world are rushing to send money to him, especially the oil tycoons in the Middle East.

However, the Vision Fund lost more than 22 billion US dollars in 320 years, and Son Masayoshi fell from the altar.Because Masayoshi Son’s investment strategy is very simple, which is to look for the next Yahoo or Alibaba.

In the 90s, Masayoshi Son first invested US$200 million in Yahoo, and then invested US$1 million in Yahoo in exchange for 33% of Yahoo's shares. Later, when Yahoo went public, Sun Zhengyi only sold 5% of Yahoo's shares in exchange for US$4.5 million.Investing in Yahoo, Sun Zhengyi achieved 177 times investment income.

Son Zhengyi invested in Ali twice, with a total investment of 8000 million US dollars, in exchange for 34% of Ali's shares, and almost swept Ali's Series B and Series C financing.Alibaba was listed on the US stock market in 14. This part of the equity is worth US$1600 billion, with a profit of 3000 times.

As a result, Masayoshi Son has officially become a god, and everyone believes in Masayoshi Son’s vision for Internet companies.That's why when Masayoshi Son established the $17 billion Vision Fund in 1000, the world's top richest people rushed to send money to Masayoshi Son.

Now that Alibaba has not started Taobao, New Asia Capital Fund can still invest in Alibaba ahead of SoftBank.Alibaba’s Boss Cai is definitely not willing to let SoftBank dominate among Alibaba shareholders. As long as Song Yi does not interfere with Alibaba’s operations, Mr. Ma and Boss Cai should not mind letting Alibaba have an external investor to check and balance SoftBank.

After a while, Song Yi arrived at the Yokohama International Arena. Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan entered the stadium through the VIP security check channel. The driver took Song Yi to the box where Son was.

When Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan entered the box, they saw Son Zhengyi who was watching the closing ceremony performance.Son Zhengyi is 45 years old this year, and his hair has not turned gray yet, but he is already in danger of going bald. As expected, not many people working in computers have much hair.He looks a bit like the villain Huo Jingliang in "Genesis". What's interesting is that Masayoshi Son happens to be holding a cigar in his hand right now.

Sun Zhengyi heard the movement and turned around. He first confirmed Song Yi's identity, then showed a warm smile, shook hands with Song Yi and said hello, and invited Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan to sit down and watch the closing ceremony performance together.

Compared with the carefully prepared opening ceremony by the Koreans, the closing ceremony performance prepared by the Japanese was slightly simpler.The national flags of the 32 participating teams appeared on the football field, as well as a model of Mount Fuji built with curtains.

In the center of the football field were the flags of Germany and Brazil. When the Brazilian team came on the field, the Japanese applauded the Brazilian team much louder than the German team.

Song Yi knows why the Japanese are so enthusiastic about the Brazilian team, because Brazil is called Japan's second hometown.Japan has purchased a large amount of land in Brazil. The land they have purchased has exceeded three times that of Japan. There are almost 200 million Japanese in Brazil, not including Japanese-Brazilians.The Japanese had a firm grip on Brazil's steel and shipbuilding industries.

Since the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, a large number of Japanese have gone to Brazil to work in plantations. After the 60s, Japan has sent a large number of intellectual talents to Brazil.When Brazil began to restrict Japanese immigration, they discovered that the Japanese had penetrated into every aspect of Sao Paulo State. If Japanese immigration was restricted, it would affect the entire Brazilian economy.

The Japanese have always had a strong sense of crisis. They are also worried about the eruption of Mount Fuji and are ready to immigrate overseas at any time, so they will purchase large amounts of land in Brazil, which is vast and sparsely populated.

The reason why they have not taken root in Southeast Asia or Australia like the Chinese is because they know that their reputation in Southeast Asian countries is not very good.

The Brazilian team is obviously destined to win tonight's championship. The Brazilian team took a family photo at the final venue.

Ronaldinho's comeback allows the Brazilian team to play with its strongest lineup. Marcos sticks to the goal, Lucio, Edmilson, and Junior sit in the defense, with Carlos and Cafu on the left and right wings, Gilberto and K. Lebson built a solid midfield barrier, and the frontcourt trio was the powerful 3R combination of Ronaldinho, Ronaldinho and Rivaldo.

Ballack's absence has deprived the German team of a major offensive point, and Klose on the German striker is still a bit immature.Who would have thought that Klose would score 16 goals in four World Cups and become the top scorer in World Cup history?
The referee of this final is Italian bald referee Collina. Naturally, heavyweight matches must be judged by heavyweight referees.

When Collina blew the whistle to start the game, Sun Zhengyi began to chat with Song Yi, "President Song usually likes to watch football? The news about the $100 million goal prize you posted on inschool has become a daily Interesting anecdotes during the World Cup in South Korea.”

Song Yi couldn't help but laugh at himself: "They're just fake fans. They can't even recognize the Brazilian team's starting lineup. In fact, they just want to use the popularity of the World Cup to promote inschool."

Sun Zhengyi appreciated Song Yi's outspokenness and laughed, "If I had known that Chairman Song was a fake football fan, I wouldn't have invited you to watch the game. I should have invited you to take a dip in Oedo Hot Spring."

Song Yi said humbly, "I am just a junior in the Internet industry and I have a lot to learn from you. Sun Sang, please just call me Song Yi."

Son's grandfather was a Korean. In order to escape the war, he fled to Japan in a fishing boat and finally changed his name to Yasumoto Jongkyeong.

As a child, Masayoshi Yasumoto had no happiness at all, and he didn't even have a home address.Later, his father took a different approach and ran Pachinko like most Koreans in Japan. He finally made a fortune and even had money for Son to study in the United States.Pachinko is a pinball machine, similar to early slot machines.

When SoftBank went public, Son's personal net worth exceeded one billion U.S. dollars, and he changed his surname from Aberdeen back to Son.In order to create a prominent family background for himself, Sun Zhengyi said that he was a descendant of the military sage Sun Wu.

So for Sun Zhengyi, who has a strong self-esteem, he hates others looking down on him the most.He originally thought that Song Yi, as the most outstanding third-generation descendant of the modern family, was somewhat arrogant and difficult to communicate with.Now that he saw the tall and powerful Song Yi taking the initiative to show his kindness, he suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

"I found that the founders of powerful Internet companies are all Chinese, Jerry Yang of Yahoo, Jack Ma of Alibaba, and today there is another outstanding young man, Song Yi of Xinya. No wonder Chinese and Jews are called The two smartest nations in the world." Sun Zhengyi praised Song Yi first.

"I was optimistic about Yahoo and invested 200 million US dollars in Yahoo. After the investment, I regretted it. What could I do with such a small amount of money? So I went back and told Jerry Yang, I will give you [-] million US dollars."

"Jerry Yang didn't agree and was worried that I would take away control of their company. Later I told him, if you don't agree, I will invest [-] million US dollars in your competitors. Later Jerry Yang agreed. "Masayoshi Son talked about his origins with Yahoo.

After Son invested in Yahoo, he returned to China and founded Yahoo Japan with Yahoo. Unlike Yahoo Korea, Yahoo Japan's major shareholder is actually SoftBank.

Song Yi listened to Sun Zhengyi's story, and he keenly grasped Sun Zhengyi's meaning.I, Masayoshi Son, am really optimistic about inschool. If you don’t agree with me investing in inschool, then I will invest money in inschool’s competitors, such as CYworld. Even Yahoo Japan will personally go out and copy an inschool in Japan to compete with inschool.

 Guess how Son Zhengyi will entertain Song Yi after watching the game?

(End of this chapter)

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