Chapter 100 Do you know what this means?

In the end, Zhao Maimai asked a multiple-choice question. If Zhao Fei agreed, then she would act as planned. If she didn't agree, it would mean that their fate had not yet come.

So after finishing speaking, Zhao Maimai's little hands clenched together nervously, looking forward to Zhao Fei's answer.


After hearing Zhao Maimai's words, Zhao Fei was slightly stunned.

Originally, he planned to continue driving westward and wait until he reached Linzhi at about eight or nine o'clock in the evening before taking a good rest.

Now I see Zhao Maimai looking a little melancholy.

It was obviously a daytime wolf incident, and there were still some sequelae.

So Zhao Fei naturally would not refuse and continued: "Then book a hotel you like now. We will eat first and then have a good night's rest.

Set off again tomorrow. "

"Yes." Zhao Maimai took a deep look at Zhao Fei and then lowered his head. The scattered black hair covered the blush on his pretty face.

Find a hotel in Bomi that has good reviews and is relatively clean.

Zhao Maimai didn't book a double room, just like last time, she booked a double room with two beds.

However, I still thought about buying two new sheets after eating. After all, some things in the hotel were not clean.

The last time I stayed in a hotel, I was pressed for time and had no time.

Now that she has time, she naturally has to prepare well, not to mention the major events in her life.

Then the two found a restaurant, but when the food was served, Zhao Maimai had no appetite. Zhao Fei looked worried and asked: "Still thinking about the wolves?"

"That's not true, it's just..." Zhao Maimai was a little embarrassed and said, "It's just not as delicious as yours."

"That's not easy."

Zhao Fei chuckled, stood up and walked out of the private room: "Wait for me for a while, I will borrow their kitchen."

"Okay." Taking this opportunity, Zhao Maimai was not idle, checked the surrounding shops, turned around and ran out.

She purchased all the sheets, bedding, etc. that she could think of.

When she came back, she breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Zhao Fei was not finished yet.

Through these days of contact, Zhao Fei also knows that Zhao Maimai has a strong taste and prefers to eat some pasta.

So Zhao Fei planned to make a relatively simple bowl of pimple soup and stir-fry some green vegetables. After all, when encountering a pack of wolves during the day, it was not suitable to eat any meat.

This little girl is relatively easy to maintain.

In the money offensive, there is no problem in borrowing the kitchen.

Although this kind of thing is a bit humiliating to the chef of the hotel, when Zhao Fei walked into the kitchen, no one gave him a good look.

But when he really started to do it, no one in the kitchen dared to look down on him anymore. The chef cut and dressed him personally, which was a perfect arrangement.

"I'm coming."

Carrying a tray, Zhao Fei, wearing a white coat and chef's hat, knocked on the door and came to the private room of the hotel.
Zhao Fei's look made Zhao Maimai cover her mouth and chuckle, especially when Zhao Fei brought the pimple soup in front of her.

She instantly thought of her mother.

As a Northeastern girl, who has never tasted a bowl of pimple soup made by my mother.

Tomatoes and vegetables the size of soybeans were dotted in the white soup. Zhao Maimai tasted them with a spoon. It was fragrant and there was no seasoning at all.

It fully retains the original flavor of green vegetables and the softness and smoothness of pimples.

To be honest, Zhao Maimai thinks it tastes better than what his mother makes.

"Thank you." Zhao Maimai took one spoonful after another, not forgetting to take care of the vegetables that Zhao Fei fried.

Yes, it's this familiar smell.

Zhao Maimai felt that his stomach had been completely conquered by Zhao Fei.

None of the other dishes in the restaurant were touched. "Why are you being polite to me? If it's delicious, just eat more." Zhao Fei smiled and didn't take it seriously.

This made Zhao Maimai feel even more sweet, and she was looking forward to the evening's decision. She was also curious about what that kind of thing felt like.
Although when I was at school, the sisters in the dormitory would also chat at night.

But everyone's opinion was different. Some said it was very comfortable, while others said it hurt. She couldn't figure out what was going on and was too embarrassed to ask.

Now I think I will experience it myself soon.

A little bit of curiosity mixed with fear.

After eating, the sky was getting dark, and the two of them arrived at the hotel.

Zhao Maimai was ready to change the sheets and bedding immediately. Not only his own bed, but also Zhao Fei's bed was also made clean and tidy.

"Did you bring this?" Zhao Fei felt a little strange as he looked at the sheets and quilts that the other party took out from the suitcase.

"Yeah, I didn't have time to do it last time. Some things in the hotel looked clean, but in fact there were a lot of bacteria. We'd better use new ones."

Zhao Maimai trembled with her back to Zhao Fei's delicate body, and explained nervously.

Afraid that Zhao Fei would ask more questions, he spoke again: "You go take a shower first. When you come out, I will be almost done."

Although he washed it once during the day, Zhao Fei was busy in the experimental elementary school and sweated a lot, so he didn't think much about it and walked into the bathroom with a nod.

Seeing this, Zhao Maimai breathed a sigh of relief.

He smoothed out the wrinkles on the sheets and placed the two pillows side by side, but after thinking about it, he took them away and placed the two beds one behind the other to prevent Zhao Fei from seeing anything.

Especially when I found out it was still live.

Zhao Maimai walked over quickly and said to the live broadcast room: "Brothers, I will turn off the broadcast today. We will see you tomorrow."

"No, Mai Mai, I remember you were not like this before."

"It's not Mai Mai, why are you blushing?"

"Damn it, every time it's a critical moment like this, the broadcast has to be turned off. Can you let people watch some paid content?"

Look at the comments on the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Maimai was also quite embarrassed, but when he thought of the big events tonight, he continued: "Everyone, I have experienced too many things today.

So we have to go to bed early, I'm really sorry.

goodbye. "

Waving his hand, Zhao Maimai turned off the live broadcast.

Listening to the constant sound coming from the shower room, I took a deep breath, closed the curtains, and took out my secret weapon to check if there were any hidden cameras in the room.

It can be said to be cautious to the extreme.

When Zhao Fei came out of the shower, Zhao Maimai didn't look much and walked into the bathroom holding her pajamas.

Wash and brush your teeth, and when you come out it smells delicious.

Seeing Zhao Fei lying on his bed with his back to him, Zhao Maimai coughed twice, turned off the light, walked to the bed and sat down.

"You fell asleep?"

"Yeah." Zhao Fei replied dully, feeling a little nervous. He could feel that something was wrong with Zhao Maimai today, as if he was hiding something from him.

Until I heard movement behind me.

Zhao Maimai didn't seem to return to his bed, but lifted his quilt and got in.

Zhao Fei could clearly feel that Zhao Maimai's breathing became more rapid.

But that's all, lying next to him and not daring to move.

Zhao Fei swallowed, turned around slowly, and looked at Zhao Maimai, whose chest was rising and falling rapidly in the darkness. He originally thought that she was quite brave, but now she looked like that, and asked: "You know Does this mean anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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