Chapter 101
When he first started the book, the author told himself that as long as he signed the contract, he would follow the outline and finish the book.

The current results are not good, but the author still does not forget his original intention.

The author doesn’t want to promise anything here, so let’s keep going.

The author's coding speed is pretty good.

After it is put on the shelves, we will strive to achieve 500 per day while ensuring quality. It is the same today. If the first order exceeds [-], the author will order another [-].

If it exceeds 1000, it is probably impossible.

But people still have to have ideals. If it exceeds 1000 words, then update another 2000 words. If the first order is [-] words, I don’t dare to think about it.

Finally, I hope everyone can subscribe.

As for rewards, I don’t think much about them. It’s best if there are any. If there are no authors, I won’t force them.


Let’s talk about this book.

It is understandable that some people are disgusted with countdowns, but as long as you look back, you will find that it is actually just a cover-up method for writing a book.

As long as there is nothing wrong with his mind, he will not think that the protagonist will die.

The beginning also needs some conflicts and characteristics to attract people. The author is a newcomer and has no reader base. It is impossible to extend the timeline like the old author.

Or use more words to describe the protagonist's abilities and experiences.

For these readers who are disgusted, I can only say sorry, it is impossible to change it.

There is also the saying that Mai Mai cannot hold up a book.

All the author can say about this is that I like Mai Mai... Of course, there will also be new characters in the subsequent plot, which has been foreshadowed in the first 20 words.

I believe some old entertainment readers should also be able to understand.

Of course, the author also admits that some of the plots are a bit sloppy and not perfect enough. I hope everyone will bear with me and give me your opinions. If there are some things that the author thinks are wrong, they will be corrected immediately.

Finally, I hope everyone will support me.

Click to subscribe.

It doesn’t cost much. If you haven’t invested yet, invest now and the investment rewards after it’s launched will be enough to subscribe.

It will go on sale at 25:12 on the [-]th.

(End of this chapter)

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