China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 104 The war spear that goes straight to the sky

Chapter 104 The war spear that goes straight to the sky

Listen, listen, all of you.

Is this what a human can say?
Even calling a deer a horse is not enough to satisfy you, and you are still mocking me secretly.

You really don’t treat the live broadcast room audience as human beings, right?

As an anchor, there is nothing like you.

The audience in the live broadcast room was completely confused by the cooperation of Zhao Fei and the two. The barrage was stuck, and some people even dared not speak.

I'm afraid that Zhao Maimai's father will cause something wrong again.

They are afraid that they will be angry to death.

However, there are also those who are stubborn, screaming and posting barrages at home.

"You bitch, you really deserve to die, ahhhhh... I'm just complimenting you by calling you a bitch, and it pisses me off so much."

"I laughed at first, but now I'm crying. My wife asked me why I ordered it. It wouldn't matter if I watched the live broadcast. I didn't reply and I didn't dare.

I can only shout in my heart: God is unfair.Please give me a fight with this kind of father-in-law. "

"Excuse me, Uncle Zhao, do you have any girls in your family? As long as they are your daughters, I can wait if they are younger. I don't care if they are older. I just want to be your son-in-law, and anyone who comes to your house is fine."

No matter what happens, after the pain, there is unreasonable madness.

The same goes for the audience in the live broadcast room.

Now that they know that my father-in-law is not an ak, and they don’t have guns, they still want to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory?

Be strong as your mother!
Create your mother's glory!

It's all deceptive.

But as the saying goes, you get up from where you fell. If a dog bites you, you must bite it back.

Don't be afraid to bite your hair, it's enough to relieve your hatred.

So they didn't want to worry about anything. They scolded him in front of their uncle, as if they had some deep grudge against Zhao Fei.

In response, the uncle squinted his eyes and glanced at the live broadcast room, then calmly moved away, as if nothing happened.

Zhao Fei naturally wouldn't take it seriously.

For Zhao Fei, he got used to hearing some unpleasant words.

For the audience in the live broadcast room, they are a little angry, and they get used to it.

Sometimes ignoring is the best response.

Gradually, Zhao Fei's RV jumped over the Jila Pass and slowly turned from the highway into a small road.

Soon the canyon suddenly appeared, and a completely different natural scene came to mind.

Looking up, both sides of the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon are surrounded by overlapping green forests, with straight trees standing next to each other until they spread to the sky in the distance.

Many mountains were shrouded in thick fog so that the tops could not be seen.

The sky deep in the canyon is not as blue as outside. Instead, it looks a bit gray and solemn. After getting off the car, you can hear the deafening sound of running water.

That is the Brahmaputra River at the bottom of the canyon, formed by melting snow on the mountaintops on both sides.

The rushing water stirs up waves, which is thrilling to watch.

If you look carefully, you can also see a lot of wild animals traveling between some steep mountain walls.

It looks extremely thrilling, because below them is the Brahmaputra River. If they fall, it will be like being sent into the mouth of a giant beast and they will be swallowed instantly.

"The vast earth." The uncle looked at the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon in the distance, and a poem suddenly appeared in his mind, "If you don't see it, the water of the Yellow River will come up from the sky." '

The water of the Brahmaputra River originates from the Himalayas.

From trickles and waterfalls to the surging river they see now, from snow-capped mountains rising in the sky to mountains covered with tropical rainforests.

The Brahmaputra River definitely deserves the title of Tianhe.

The big S-shaped bend of the river is like a silver dragon hovering on the earth. It is domineering and full of pride. It stands proudly, with waves blooming and making a long roar.

Zhao Maimai likes to take pictures. Now that he got out of the car, he picked up the camera as soon as possible and kept taking pictures.

She doesn't have the same understanding as her father.

Compared with such magical creations of nature, she felt extremely small and in awe.

Unfortunately, the fog on the top of the mountain is a bit heavy now, covering Namjagbarwa Peak.

Otherwise the scenery would be even more beautiful.

But there is no rush now. If that doesn't work, they can take a hot air balloon directly across the Brahmaputra River and overlook the entire land.

By then you will naturally be able to see the full view of Namjagbarwa Peak.

"Uncle and aunt, are you hungry now? Otherwise, we will eat first. After eating, we can hike deep into the Grand Canyon and come back in the evening.

You can also go to local scenic spots and take a hot air balloon ride? "

"Xiao Zhao, you don't need to ask us. Just do whatever you think is appropriate." The aunt who had talked with her daughter looked at Zhao Fei with admiration again.

Now I can see that my daughter is fine, and I can also see such wonderful sights.

She is already very satisfied.

There are no special requirements.

"Why don't we eat first?" The uncle rubbed his stomach. He had been angry on the plane. He couldn't eat anymore. He was already a little hungry.

When I was watching Zhao Fei's live broadcast at home, I always heard that Zhao Fei's skills were good.

Just try it today.

"Okay, then just listen to uncle." Zhao Fei nodded, opened the side door of the carriage and took out the cooking utensils...

Upon seeing this, Zhao Maimai immediately stepped forward to help. He also cooked two bowls of butter tea for the two elders and asked them to sit and wait for a while.Seeing the two of them busy, the faces of the two elders were also full of smiles.

It feels like a family trip, warm and harmonious.

Because the two elders are both from the Northeast, Zhao Fei cooked Northeastern cuisine today, and specially rolled out some noodles as his staple food. After all, some people in XZ are not used to the local food.

To be on the safe side, it’s safer to cook hometown dishes.

The breeze came slowly, and as time passed, the thick fog in the sky gradually dispersed. When Zhao Fei had almost finished everything, Mai Mai, who was wiping the table, suddenly felt that the sunlight around him seemed to be stronger.

Turning her head to look, she saw a sharp peak that was like a sharp sword, piercing the blue sky, passing through the clouds, appearing in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Zhao Fei, that Namjagbarwa Peak?"

Zhao Maimai's cry not only alarmed Zhao Fei, but also woke up the two elders. The three of them looked at where Zhao Maimai pointed.

I saw that the thick fog surrounding the mountain had gradually dispersed.

It's like a fairy taking off her veil and a goddess taking off her green shirt. Once you take one look at it, you will never be able to look away.

"Yes, that's Namjagbarwa Peak." Zhao Fei was also very excited at this moment.

You know, Namjagbarwa Peak is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, making it rare to see. Many travelers have stayed at the observation deck for several days in a row, but in the end they returned disappointed.

It shows that their luck is quite good now.

When some devout people see Namjagbarwa Peak, it is just a routine operation for them to cheer and cheer. Some people even bow down and worship, hoping to receive blessings from the sacred mountain.

This is the charm of Namjagbarwa Peak.

"The name Namjagbarwa comes from the Battle of Menling in the Tibetan epic Gesar's Legend. It probably means 'the war spear that goes straight to the sky'

Look at the triangular snow peaks around the mountain peaks that have never melted. Do they look like spear tips shining with thunder?
And now the surrounding clouds and fog have dispersed.

Namjagbarwa Peak is the highest, but there are eight peaks around it, connected in a line, together called the Namjagbarwa Peaks, like nine brothers following the steps of the boss, fighting against the sky and the earth.

Domineering, fierce.

It’s daunting. "

"That's what a real man should be." The uncle stroked his beardless chin, feeling so proud that he couldn't help but want to follow the steps of the sacred mountain.

Fight against heaven and earth.

What about firewood, rice, oil and salt, what about romance, it’s too vulgar...

A real man should conquer such a sacred mountain.

When he thought of himself standing on the top of the mountain, his uncle suddenly felt heroic: "Zhao Fei, do you have any plans to climb Nangagbarwa? I feel like I can join you."

"This?" Zhao Fei hesitated after hearing what his uncle said.

Auntie feels that since meeting Zhao Fei, her man has become more and more active. Isn't it funny that he still climbs Namjagbarwa with his physical fitness?

And the aunt also heard that Zhao Fei had something unspeakable.

In front of Zhao Fei, she didn't want to make him lose face. Now she could use Zhao Fei's words to calm him down and let him clarify his family status.

Be a little self-aware.

Don't be so impatient, he said, "It's okay, Zhao Fei, tell the truth, your uncle won't blame you."

"Well, uncle, you are a little too underestimated. Although its altitude is not as high as Mount Everest, the climbing difficulty is several times greater than Mount Everest.

The first is the geographical location. You need to cross the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon before climbing.

This takes a long time and is not easy.

In addition, the geological structure of the area is very complex, causing avalanches and earthquakes to occur frequently around Namjagbarwa, not to mention the summit. The risk can be said to have increased linearly.

Therefore, even experienced mountain climbing enthusiasts.

It is rare to challenge Namjagbarwa Peak.

Of course, uncle, if you really want to climb mountains, you can choose Dongda Mountain. There are also snow-capped mountains there and they are very suitable for newcomers. Mai Mai and I went there a few days ago. "

"Haha." Auntie glanced at uncle and looked at his slightly ugly face. She felt so happy in her heart: "Xiao Zhao, you don't need to comfort your uncle.

He's kidding you, he hasn't even gone up to the mountains in the park near his home a few times, let alone Dongda Mountain. "

"Why haven't I been up there? When I was young, I could run back and forth several times in an hour." The uncle explained to himself, scratching his neck.

Seeing this, the aunt didn't expose it and said it as if no one had ever been young.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, let's eat first, otherwise it will get cold soon." Zhao Maimai didn't want Zhao Fei to notice that his uncle's status at home was very low.

After all, this is about a father's dignity.

As everyone knows, Zhao Fei has already sensed it from his uncle's character.

The person who makes the decisions in this family is the aunt, whose status is ranked first, followed by Zhao Maimai, and the uncle is ranked last, but Zhao Fei does not look down on his uncle because of this.

On the contrary, I was quite impressed.

Not many men can do this, but it's all because of love.

"Yes, yes, uncle and aunt, try my handiwork."

"Okay." Auntie smiled and walked into the RV holding Zhao Maimai's arm.

Zhao Fei also walked up to his uncle and whispered: "Uncle, don't even think about it. It's too dangerous. Even if I agree with Mai Mai, I won't agree.

But don’t be discouraged. After dinner, you can drive your RV around the Grand Canyon and take in the beautiful scenery along the way. "

"Hey, I just said that, and I didn't really want to climb." The uncle was a little embarrassed and said as he followed Zhao Fei: "But I'm afraid your aunt won't agree to driving an RV. Then..."

"Uncle, don't worry, leave it to me, I have a way."

"That would be great." The uncle smiled with satisfaction. The more he looked at Zhao Fei, the more he felt that his best friend had a good taste. He was very satisfied with the choice of this son-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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