China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 105 I want you to hold me to sleep

Chapter 105 I want you to hold me to sleep
Listening to others say it is far less profound than experiencing it myself.

Zhao Fei's cooking skills are the same.

The two elders tasted Zhao Fei's cooking and found that it was really good. It was full of color, flavor and flavor, and was no worse than those made by some chefs, or even better.

After all, they are in the wild now and the conditions are incomparable.

"Hey, Mom and Dad, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Zhao Maimai said slightly proudly, as if she had cooked the food, and continued to talk to the live broadcast room.

"There are some people in the live broadcast room who don't believe it. Now that I have seen it, my parents will never lie. It can be said that Zhao Fei's food will never be forgotten once you eat it."

The audience in the live broadcast room was feeling aggrieved at the moment, and had no intention of arguing with Zhao Maimai about whether it tasted good or not.

In fact, they were injured by Zhao Fei and his uncle just now, and they were so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe. Some of them even haven't recovered yet.

"Well, as the saying goes, you forget your mother when you have a daughter-in-law. Why did Zhao Fei forget about us when he had a father-in-law? The drone is no longer available, and the view of Namjagbarwa Peak is not clear.

Isn't this bitch just scolding you? It's not like that, right? "

"Brothers, I've been in this live broadcast room for a long time. I don't know if you guys have noticed it. Anyway, I have noticed it. But anyone who goes against the anchor seems to have no easy end.

After all, he is someone who can tear apart a pack of wolves with his bare hands. If you think about it carefully, you can't do it at all. "

"That's right, you went too far just now. You scolded the anchor with all kinds of filthy words in front of my father-in-law. Now it's better. The anchor doesn't even fly the drone and doesn't pay attention to us.

So let’s be more honest from now on.

Of course, I don't mean to succumb to Zhao Fei's lustful power, but that a gentleman hides his weapons and waits for the time to move. I don't believe that this piece of shit will never fall down one day. "

"Yes, three thousand Yuejia can swallow up Wu. There are more than 100 million of us, and we can drag him to death. My father-in-law is unreliable, and there is still a mother-in-law."

If it doesn’t work, there’s still Mai Mai.

God can't always be on Zhao Fei's side. Sooner or later we will get what we want.

Guys, hang in there. "

"Well said, persistence is victory."

"Failure is the mother of success. Zhao Fei is the cornerstone that is about to collapse. Sooner or later, he will be toppled by our vast ocean."

"come on."

While eating, Zhao Fei didn't see the situation in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, he was thinking about forcing her to let her uncle drive the RV without offending his aunt, although this was just a small thing in the eyes of most people.

But in my uncle's eyes, it was a big deal.

Zhao Fei didn't dare to be careless. After all, after the cooperation with his uncle in the live broadcast room last time, the friendship between the two was warming up, so he naturally had to work harder.

Therefore, Zhao Fei subconsciously looked at the red wine on the wine cabinet.

"Ahem." After coughing twice, Zhao Fei saw that everyone was enjoying the meal, so he gently pushed Zhao Maimai and pointed to the red wine on the wine cabinet.

Zhao Maimai was slightly stunned.

He immediately realized that Zhao Fei wanted to open a bottle of wine to make the atmosphere more lively.

Deepen the relationship between him and his parents.

Zhao Maimai naturally wanted to help, so he took a deep look at Zhao Fei, then stood up and took a bottle of red wine to open: "Mom and Dad, we are so happy today, why don't you drink some?"

"What can you drink? It's noon." The aunt waved her hand to refuse, but the uncle objected, as if he had seen Zhao Fei's hint: "You can drink some, this is Bostu dry red, pour some for your mother , let her taste it.”


Zhao Maimai took out four goblets in turn and poured them for several people in turn.

Seeing this, Auntie couldn't refuse.

Especially when she saw the deep red wine swirling in the goblet, the rich aroma of wine on her nose made her index finger move, especially at this moment, Mai Mai even raised her glass.

The aunt also raised her glass and clinked it, just to taste it.

The discovery is indeed good.

Originally, Zhao Fei wanted to clink glasses with him, but when he saw his uncle looking forward to it, he clinked glasses with Mai Mai and gave him a look.

As if to say: Come on, let’s have a drink too.

Zhao Fei's lips moved slightly, and he wanted to ask his uncle: "Didn't you say you were going to drive a RV later? Why are you still drinking?"

Let Zhao Mai Mai get the wine.

Zhao Fei just wanted to drink by himself so that he would have an excuse not to drive.

But the premise is that the uncle cannot drink, and then he can naturally take over the steering wheel.

But he didn't expect that his uncle didn't understand what he meant.

There is no tacit understanding at all in this cooperation.

Zhao Fei was depressed. He watched his uncle drain the wine in one gulp and knew that the situation was irreversible. He pushed the glass to Zhao Maimai and said, "I won't drink anymore. I have to drive later."


Hearing what Zhao Fei said, his uncle suddenly understood. Just as he was thinking about it, he stood up and blurted out the essence of the Chinese nation.

"What are you talking about? You startled me every time." The aunt slapped her uncle.

Zhao Maimai also looked at his father in confusion, with a strange look on his face.

This was the first time she heard her father say dirty words.

Is Bursteau dry red really that delicious?
"Ahem, this..." The uncle looked at the depressed Zhao Fei and felt regretful. He sat down slowly, wishing he could slap himself twice.

Especially in front of mother and daughter, he couldn't tell the truth.

I could only swallow the bitterness in my stomach, and said slightly embarrassed: "This wine is so delicious, I couldn't hold it back for a while..."

"Okay, stop talking and just keep eating your food." In front of the live broadcast room, the aunt couldn't say much, so she could only cover up the matter for the time being.

But my uncle is also a big-hearted person.

After being lonely for a while, he regained his energy, especially Bostu dry red wine. One glass after another, most of the bottle of wine went into his stomach.

After all, for uncles, there are not many opportunities to drink openly.

Now that the RV can no longer be driven, it naturally needs to be repaired.

So after dinner, my uncle walked into the bedroom in a daze, obviously a little too much.

Seeing this, the three of them had no intention of going deep into the Grand Canyon. They simply drove directly to Lulang Forest Sea and camped there at night.

It is estimated that by the time they arrived, my uncle would have almost woken up.


Lulang forest sea is known as the south of the Yangtze River in Tibet.

There are different unique landscapes throughout the year, giving people different experiences.

Spring has just begun, and by the time Zhao Fei and the others arrived, it was already past four in the afternoon. The sun was setting in the west, and the primeval forest, full of vitality, was dyed in various colors.

Looking further up is the snow-capped mountains towering into the sky, which is as picturesque as a poem.

There are neat meadows below the forest, with countless streams meandering through them. Many surrounding villages are looming amid the mountains and rivers.

The rising smoke perfectly blends the smoke of fireworks with nature.It forms a beautiful picture.

Looking at the green meadow in front of him, Zhao Maimai felt that he was far more joyful than the Grand Canyon, and couldn't help but want to run in it up close.

"Mom, please stop standing all the time. Should we start running?"

"This..." Auntie was a little hesitant. After all, he was a little embarrassed in front of Zhao Fei, even though she was very moved when she saw the forest sea meadow in front of her.

This is completely different from the feeling of the Brahmaputra Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon is heroic and shocking, but it also makes people feel insignificant.

The forest and meadow in front of you is like a place where gods live. It makes people get close to and love it. You can't help but want to wander among the flower fields and pick a rhododendron and stick it in your ear.

Seeing his mother's heartbeat, Zhao Maimai no longer hesitated, took his mother's hand, and ran into the meadow.

"Don't run too far. If anything happens, just shout loudly." Zhao Fei reminded him standing next to the car, knowing that the forest meadow was obviously more attractive to women.

The Brahmaputra Grand Canyon is mysterious and wants men to explore it.

The meanings of the two are completely different.

At the same time, the uncle also walked out of the RV, stretched out, and felt that there was no taste in his mouth. Seeing that the two girls were not there, he immediately coughed twice: "Xiao Zhao, do you... have a cigarette?"

"Yes." Zhao Fei nodded. Although he didn't smoke, he smoked and drank a lot, so there was no shortage in the RV, but he just needed to look for it.

"Great, give me one quickly."

"No problem, uncle, come with me." Zhao Fei walked onto the RV and quickly took out a Fushan Chunju, which made his uncle's mouth twitch.

I feel like this future son-in-law is a bit of a prodigal.

The wine I drank was Bostu Dry Red, and the cigarette I smoked was Toyama Haruto, so after lighting one, my uncle persuaded me earnestly: "Xiao Zhao, although you are still young now, after a man gets married, Be sparing.

After all, I have to support my wife and children in the future, so..."

"Uncle, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I have stopped smoking now. If it weren't for today, I wouldn't drink much."

"It's good to quit smoking, it's good to quit smoking, then..." When the topic of red wine was mentioned, his uncle felt a little confused, but when he heard that Zhao Fei had quit smoking, he had another idea.

"Zhao Fei, you don't know that your uncle is living a hard life now. He is not allowed to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol at home. Every day I..."

"Ahem, uncle, you don't have to say anything. I understand everything. You can take these... and the ones in the cabinet. I just saw some cigars and the like.

If you like them, take them all with you. I won't need them anyway. "

"This is too much, no need, no need..."

Hearing what Zhao Fei said, his uncle also blushed a little. The family was really strict and the young man didn't understand his suffering at all, otherwise he would not have spoken to Zhao Fei, his future son-in-law.

Zhao Fei didn't take it seriously. He just thought his uncle was being polite and continued: "Not much, not much. If you put it down anymore, it will get wet. You can just take them all away and save you some money."

"It's really not possible, there are too many things..."

What do you mean?
Is uncle being polite, or does he really not want it?

Seeing his uncle's repeated refusals, Zhao Fei hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Then you will bring two boxes first?"

"Then I'll listen to you. I'll carry two boxes in my pocket first. As for the rest... you can mail them to me sometime later. Otherwise, if you put them in your luggage, your aunt will definitely find them."

Good guy.

It turns out that the problem lies here.

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched, and he looked at his uncle deeply with a strange expression.

This made my uncle feel a little too greedy, so he said again: "You don't have to mail them all to me. You can keep some for yourself. Maybe you will need them sometime."

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. Then you can send me the address later."

Zhao Fei did not refuse, otherwise he was afraid that his uncle would make some shocking remarks again. After all, Mai Mai and the others had already gone back.

Mai Mai also wears a wreath of flowers on her head.

Auntie also has a rhododendron in her ear.

Zhao Fei and his uncle looked at each other and smiled, then lit the charcoal fire and prepared to grill mutton skewers in the evening.

The mutton was marinated while Zhao Fei was cooking at noon. Now all he needs to do is light the charcoal fire and skewer the meat, which is very convenient.

As night falls, a bonfire is lit next to the RV.

The four people drank beer and smoked skewers, and time passed quickly.

At night, Zhao Fei decided to let his uncle and aunt sleep in Zhao Maimai's room, Zhao Maimai sleep in his room, and he himself spent the night on the bed in the cockpit.

But when the live broadcast was turned off, the RV fell into silence, and the uncle and aunt fell asleep.

Zhao Fei vaguely heard the sound of the door opening.

Then came the sound of cautious footsteps.

This made Zhao Fei open his eyes in confusion, raised his head from the bed and looked in the direction of the car, and saw Zhao Maimai wearing bear pajamas walking towards the cockpit in the darkness.

With a slight smile, Zhao Fei immediately realized what Zhao Maimai was going to do, and lay back on the bed, pretending to be asleep.

"Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei, are you asleep?"

Zhao Maimai's voice was very soft. When he found that Zhao Fei was not moving, he stepped forward and pushed Zhao Fei into the bed: "Please move in and make room for me."

The bed in the cockpit is not big, so it is very comfortable for one person, but it is a bit crowded for two people.

Zhao Maimai couldn't push Zhao Fei at all, and couldn't help pinching Zhao Fei's nose angrily: "Are you a pig? You don't even wake up?"

"Little girl, who do you think is a pig?"

Zhao Fei turned over and reached out to pick up Zhao Maimai and dragged her to the bed. Before her exclamation could be heard, she was gagged.

"Hmm...I, I can't breathe."

Minutes later, Zhao Maimai, whose face was red, kept hitting him with her silver fist: "You are going to die, you scared me to death just now."

"You are still asking me, I want to ask you, what are you doing so late? You know your uncle and aunt are right next door, you are too brave!"

"It's okay. They drank several bottles of beer just now. They must have fallen asleep." Zhao Maimai grabbed Zhao Fei's hand, looking a little shy.

"I want you to hug me to sleep!"

Zhao Maimai's sneaky and shy look also gave Zhao Fei a strong stimulation.

Naturally, he wouldn't refuse, so he lay down and put his hand along the other person's clothes again.

Mai Mai, who had his back to Zhao Fei, snorted coldly, but still held Zhao Fei's hand tightly and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

"Okay, stop talking and go to bed early. Wake me up tomorrow morning and don't let my parents find out."

Zhao Fei exerted a little force and listened to the dark humming beside him. He only felt that Namjagbarwa Peak did not seem to be a war spear pointing directly to the sky.

On the contrary, it is somewhat aimed at the 'Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon'.

Sure enough, inspiration comes from life.

The ancients never lied to me.

 One more chapter today!
(End of this chapter)

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