China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 106 Why did the fight start so early in the morning?

Chapter 106 Why did the fight start so early in the morning?

Travel No. 16 days.

When Zhao Maimai woke up in the morning, he glared at Zhao Fei after opening his eyes, and then ran back to the room without saying anything more.

Zhao Fei is also very innocent, he is a normal man after all.

It is understandable that some people cannot control themselves.

After all, I always want to do something when I can't sleep while holding a soft and tender baby.

Shaking his head, Zhao Fei quickly found a new pair of underwear to put on, otherwise it would be bad if his uncle and aunt got up later and found out.

However, after the two of them finished washing up.

I heard the sound of quarreling coming from my uncle and aunt's room.

Of course, the main ones were the aunt's scolding and the uncle's screams. It was obvious that the red and black sides were on the battlefield, and the red side was attacking with an overwhelming trend.

Black is losing ground.

I'm afraid it won't be long before they run away.

Sure enough, the bedroom door was opened, and my uncle ran out in his pajamas. Through the crack in the door, I could see the aunt inside holding a clothes rack, pointing at my uncle and yelling.

"Tell me...where are you hiding your personal money? You even smoke Toyama Haruju. Do you think I don't know how expensive these cigarettes are?"

Seeing this, Zhao Fei wanted to stand up and say a few words.

After all, the cigarette belongs to him and he cannot let his aunt misunderstand him. However, before he could open his mouth, he was stopped by his uncle, as if he had just made a strategic retreat.

Now in front of his daughter and future son-in-law, he can regain his strength and launch a counterattack, but he must not lose his face as a man.

Anyway, there is no live broadcast now.

No need to hide it, just say whatever you have.

"Wang Lihua, let me tell you, your current behavior has violated the law and is extremely bad. You still have time to look back. Considering that we have been sleeping together for so many years, I don't care."

"What did you call me?" Auntie's eyes widened, her face turned red with anger, she grabbed the clothes rack and rushed out with a step.

"Mom, mom, mom... don't be angry, don't be angry." Zhao Maimai stepped forward and stopped him immediately.

Seeing this, the uncle also breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Zhao Fei who was standing next to him, and his eyes widened: "What's wrong with me smoking a cigarette, what's wrong with spending some money?
Do you really think I can't beat you?

Let me tell you, it was all me giving in to you, otherwise... (stop me!)"

The uncle gave Zhao Fei a look.

Zhao Fei just got off the slope, and when he was about to rush up, he hugged him: "Uncle, don't be angry. It's just a small matter, nothing serious."

"Don't stop me. I'm going to teach him a lesson today. A tiger will treat me like a sick cat if he doesn't show off his power."

Obviously, the uncle didn't want the aunt to know that the cigarette was given by Zhao Fei.

Otherwise, all the cigarettes in Zhao Fei's hand might be confiscated. Even a fool can understand the difference between losing two boxes and losing a few cigarettes.

"Okay, okay!"

Auntie's lungs were about to explode with anger. She had made a good deal on the plane, but one of them was a bad guy and the other was a bad guy. After getting off the plane, the old man regretted it.

Let her plans go to waste.

Although after learning about Zhao Fei's situation, she was quite satisfied and recognized the identity of Zhao Fei's son-in-law.

But precisely because of this, we will all be a family in the future. Zhao Fei will know about the situation at home sooner or later, and Auntie doesn't want to hide it from Zhao Fei.

Simply don't pretend, it's a showdown.

This is my character.

Why are you waiting to go home and clean up? As the old saying goes, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Bullshit...

I, Wang Lihua, seize the day.

"Zhao Siyan (Zhao Siyan), if you have the guts, don't run away for a while, and Zhao Fei, don't stop him." The aunt was too lazy to say more, and just rushed up with all her strength.

"Yes, Zhao Fei, don't stop me. I am a grown man, but I can still be afraid of her."

The uncle said don't stop him, but he was stern in his heart, but in order to keep the remaining cigarettes, he didn't care so much, even if he was punished later, it was worth it.

He's used to it anyway.

But you still have to show your attitude, otherwise it will be bad if you are seen through.

"Uncle, don't be impulsive... And auntie, please calm down. It's just two packs of cigarettes. Just confiscate them." Zhao Fei also noticed his uncle's potential meaning and cooperated from the side.

"No, I bought it with money, why should it be confiscated!"

"Okay, for Zhao Fei's sake, I'll spare you one time today. As for these two boxes of cigarettes, don't even think about it." Although Zhao Fei and her will be a family in the future, they are not yet after all.

So Auntie didn't go too far.

Throwing away the clothes rack in his hand, he picked up two packs of cigarettes from the floor, rubbed the handles and threw them into the trash can. The corners of his mouth twitched as he watched.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

so far so good.

The remaining smoke was saved.

Seeing that the situation on the field had eased, Zhao Fei and his two men let go of their old man.

But at this moment, the aunt picked up the clothes rack on the side and rushed towards the uncle, fully letting Zhao Fei see what it means to have a woman's heart as deep as the bottom of the sea.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the uncle opened the door of the RV and ran out.

In the blink of an eye, only Zhao Fei, who was stunned, and Zhao Maimai, who was used to shaking his head and spreading his hands, were left in the car.

"Why don't we stop it?"

"No, they will be fine by themselves in a while." Zhao Maimai shook his head and said, "And maybe there will be unexpected gains. My dad is experienced in this area." "Okay then." Since Zhao Maimai has both Having said that, Zhao Fei naturally wouldn't force it.

Sure enough, when Zhao Fei and the two prepared breakfast, they came back smiling.

Especially the aunt's side face was still slightly flushed, and the uncle also looked high-spirited. Zhao Fei was dumbfounded.

After all, there are meadows and primeval forests outside, and the temperature in the morning is not low. These two people won't... No, no, no, I can't continue to think about this.

"Xiao Zhao, you will take us to the airport in a moment, and we will go back first." After the uncle sat down, he gave Zhao Fei a look, indicating that he should not forget to mail something.

"Just stay for two more days and treat it as a trip." Zhao Maimai advised with a smile.

"You can pull me down, don't think I don't know your little thoughts." Auntie glared at Zhao Maimai. She heard it clearly last night.

I just don’t want to expose it.

This girl wanted them to leave quickly so as not to disturb the two people's world with Zhao Fei, so how could she persuade them to stay for two more days.

"Mom, don't talk nonsense. I really hope you can stay for two more days."

"Yes, uncle and aunt, let's go further to the west. You can go to Sunlight City for a few days. It's not that far anyway. It won't be too late to go back together after we finish climbing Mount Everest."

Zhao Fei handed the chopsticks to his aunt, sincerely hoping that they could stay for two more days.

After all, his daughter was entrusted to him, so he should be filial.

"Thank you Zhao Fei, but it's really no need. Her dad still has work, and we don't want to disturb your trip. Besides, it's not convenient to live broadcast. We'll talk about it later when we have the opportunity."

The aunt's attitude was very firm, and the uncle also signaled Zhao Fei and the others not to persuade them.

So Zhao Fei stopped forcing it.

After dinner, we turned on the live broadcast and sent the two elders to the airport at the same time.

"Good morning to everyone in the live broadcast room." The uncle in the passenger seat waved his hand. If you didn't see the scratches on his neck, he looked very polite.

It also makes a good first impression.

But this scratch, obviously caused by a fingernail, ruined this kind face.

However, this did not delay everyone from recognizing their relatives.

"Father-in-law, good morning."

"Hey, what happened to uncle's neck? Did he have a quarrel with aunt?"

"It looks like it was scratched. Did something happen last night that we don't know about?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room secretly speculated.

Using their few brain cells, they finally deduced a result that would make them happy, that is, the father-in-law agreed that Zhao Fei and Mai Mai would be together.

But the aunt disagreed, so the two had a conflict.

Otherwise, why is the direction of travel now towards the airport?
Obviously he wanted to send the second elder away.

Moreover, Zhao Fei also had a drooped face and seemed a little unhappy.

After all, the aunt had never sat in the passenger seat and was obviously not close to Zhao Fei. On the contrary, the uncle was talking and laughing with Zhao Fei, and was obviously not satisfied.

The more people infer it, the more it makes sense.

"So, there is only one truth, and that is that Zhao Fei is not liked by his mother-in-law, and he was severely reprimanded after the show was shut down yesterday."

"Everyone's guess is correct. I have my aunt's statement here, which can confirm that the identity is true, but for the sake of the next trip, I won't take screenshots for everyone."

"Hahaha...bastard, you have today too!"

In the live broadcast room for my own entertainment, I suddenly felt happy.

The aunt who was watching the live broadcast with Mai Mai at the back of the carriage also put down her phone at this moment, rubbed her fingers that were a little sore from typing, and said helplessly: "It's okay now. It's all according to what you said, the rhythm has been picked up."

"Thank you, mom." Zhao Maimai also happily quit the group chat.

"Silly girl, you like Zhao Fei so much. He offended the people in the live broadcast room, just let him handle it by himself. It's none of your business.

And I don’t really hate Zhao Fei when I watch the live broadcast room, I just can’t stand it and can’t beat him, so there’s no need to go to such trouble. "

"No one can say for sure what happens online, and public opinions are accumulated bit by bit. Most of these fans may be angry with Zhao Fei, and they get used to it.

But some people may become angry.

And secretly keep it in mind that if it accumulates too much, it may explode one day, so we must also find ways to let them vent their anger and relieve stress.

Only then can the water flow slowly and steadily.

Zhao Fei knows live streaming, history, and a lot of travel knowledge, but he still underestimates the entertainment industry. Now I don’t know how many people are watching him make mistakes.

So we have to be careful.

Help him check and eliminate all hidden dangers that may break out in the future. "

After listening to Zhao Maimai's words, the aunt was also very pleased and held her in her arms: "She is indeed my daughter. Although Zhao Fei is good, she is not as fragrant as my daughter.

It is his blessing to be able to marry you. "

"Mom, stop're so shy."

" dare to get under someone's bed at night, but now you tell me you're shy! You damn girl...are the real shameless one.

But Zhao Fei is okay and worthy of my girl.

The most important thing is that his surname is also Zhao. When you two have children in the future, they will also be surnamed Zhao.

It can be said that our old Zhao family has not lost its incense. "

(End of this chapter)

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