China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 107 No one will disturb us tonight

Chapter 107 No one will disturb us tonight
After seeing off the two elders, Zhao Fei took Zhao Maimai's hand and returned to the car.

It was not easy for Zhao Fei to ask questions in front of the live broadcast room. He always felt that his aunt was cold to him just now, and there was something wrong in her eyes. It was completely different from her previous attitude.

It made him a little confused now.

Could it be that Zhao Maimai sneaked out last night and was discovered?

This is a bit unfair, after all, it was not him who took the initiative, it was Zhao Maimai who sneaked over.

However, this truth cannot be explained and cannot be explained clearly.

Men are naturally at a disadvantage in this regard.

Can only admit.

However, fortunately, the second elder has left, and you can't find him if you want to trouble him. The most important thing is that now he has initially gained the approval of the second elder.

Then tonight...

"What are you thinking about? Let's drive." Zhao Maimai saw Zhao Fei sitting in the driver's seat and stopped moving. After waiting for a long time and there was no movement, he stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Haha, my mother-in-law scolded me, so it's understandable that I would be distracted."

"Maimai, please understand. Auntie's decision is right. We are still young and are not in a hurry to fall in love."

"Yes, career is the most important thing for women. Go to school well, film two more movies, and be a strong woman. When the time comes, what kind of man will you want?"

Some viewers in the live broadcast room were fooled by Zhao Maimai and her aunt's actions and had no suspicion at all.

Now I am sure that my aunt does not agree with them being together.

It makes people think that the relationship between Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai is just in the stage of mutual affection and has not really entered that step?
After all, it was just their guess before.

It would be even happier if that were the case.

After all, there are not many opportunities to see Zhao Fei suffer. As long as they can make Zhao Fei feel uncomfortable, they will be happy.

"I'm thinking, should we drive all the way to Sunshine City today and rest in a hotel with a view of the Potala Palace at night, or should we stop at the 'Stuttering Village' on the way and rush to Sunshine City tomorrow?
Although it is a bit urgent to go directly to Sunshine City, you will not miss the scenery on the way, because the next few scenic spots are on both sides of the highway and are not too far.

If we rest in Stuttering Village at night, we can be more leisurely. "

Hearing this, Zhao Maimai took out his mobile phone and checked it.

After the two elders left, Zhao Fei was looking forward to tonight.

The same is true for Zhao Maimai, so where to sleep tonight is very important and must be paid attention to.

So she checked out hotels in Sunshine City.

Most of these five-star specialty hotels have different focuses. Some focus on sightseeing, some are B&Bs, and some are manor-like resorts...

To be honest, she wanted to stay in every one of them.

This made her a little confused, and she asked Zhao Fei: "What is the stuttering village you just mentioned? Do all the people in the village stutter.

When we arrive at Stuttering Village, will we be traveling in an RV, or..."

"Of course it's not Stuttering, the village is just called Stuttering Village." Zhao Fei shook his head and continued: "Stuttering means 'forgetting' in Tibetan.

It means that the village is a village forgotten by the world.

This is also related to the geographical location of Jieba Village, because Jieba Village is located deep in the canyon of Basongcuo, and it is very inconvenient to enter and exit.

All the people living there are Gongbu people.

They have their own special costumes and there is a custom in the village.

It can be polyandry, or polyandry.

So it’s not easy for us to live in other people’s homes. "

"The forgotten village must be very strange." Although Zhao Maimai seemed more confused on the surface, she had already made a decision in her heart, but she did not say it explicitly.

Instead, he posed the question to the live broadcast room: "Tell me, should we go to Stuttering Village or Sunshine City next?"

"Of course it's Sunshine City!"

"A small village can be as strange as it is. Sunshine City is the provincial capital of Qinghai-Tibet, and there are even more scenery around it."

"That's right, Sunshine City, Sunshine City."

Even though Zhao Fei mentioned the peculiarities of Stuttering Village, not many people in the live broadcast room were really curious, except for polygamists, but even if they were somewhat yearning for it, they would not be able to move to the mountains for this reason.

"Okay, then we will go directly to Sunshine City, but the scenery on the way should not be missed. As long as we can get to Sunshine City before dark.

You can book a hotel you like now and save yourself from not having a room by then. Let's... set off. "

Zhao Fei started the RV.

Zhao Maimai also lowered his head to check the hotel on his phone.

Finally, after comparing them with each other, especially thinking about spending the night together, she chose an oxygen-supply inn called 'Spirited Away, the fairy tale-style ancient Tibetan Shuhua Inn'.

The special decoration in the picture made her very excited.

And the name sounds very romantic when I hear it.

So this time she did not choose a double room with twin beds, but a couple's room.


Zhao Maimai's face turned slightly red when she thought of the evening.

But the scenery on the road quickly diverted her attention.

After all, they had to go directly to Sunshine City, so the RV went faster than usual. Not long after driving out of Linzhi, they arrived at Qinghai-Tibet's only 5A-level natural scenery scenic spot.

The legendary paradise on earth, Basongcuo.

Linzhi is known as Little Jiangnan in Qinghai-Tibet, just like a fairy tale world.

Then the Basongcuo Scenic Area is a complete paradise on earth, a place where you won’t want to leave once you’re here.

Before getting out of the car, Zhao Maimai saw the Basongcuo Lake in the distance. At the foot of the snow-capped mountains, it was so green that it was unbelievable.

There are layers of green plants, one after another, and it becomes a background picture if you take a photo.

There is also a small island in the center of Basongcuo Lake, covered by tall and dense woods, and surrounded by colorful prayer flags. It is so mysterious that people want to find out.

Zhao Fei parked the RV and launched the drone: "Basongcuo means 'green water' in Tibetan. It is also known as Cuogao Lake and is the holy lake of the Nyingma sect.

It is also the largest freshwater barrier lake in eastern Qinghai-Tibet, and is also known as the 'Switzerland of the East'.

If we have enough time, we can even rent a speedboat and speed on the turquoise lake, or go directly to the island in the middle of the lake.

But now it's useless.

Because a pontoon bridge has been built between the island in the center of the lake and the shore very early, we can walk directly across it.

Speaking of Lake Center Island, there are many legends about it.

The most amazing thing is that the island in the middle of the lake is movable, that is, it is not connected to the bottom of the lake. It is suspended on the surface of the lake. "

"Real or fake?" Zhao Maimai looked at the lonely island in the middle of the lake not far away and couldn't believe it.

Zhao Fei held Zhao Maimai's hand and walked towards the island in the middle of the lake. Stepping on the suspended bridge, he could feel the floating bridge floating up and down.

It gives people an uneasy feeling.

However, this does not stop people's curiosity, because the island in the middle of the lake is not only mysterious, but also has a temple built on it that has been passed down for more than 1000 years.

Although this temple is very remote, it has a great influence in the local area.

There is an endless stream of Tibetans who come to worship Buddha and ask for children every day.

The ultimate reason is that the temple has a treasure that is sacred to the temple. Legend has it that it is the seal of the Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo, and a piece of cloth with the origin of Songtsen Gampo and the temple written on it.

"Pay attention to the word 'legend' I just emphasized, so sometimes the truth or falsehood is not important, even many years ago, when there was no pontoon in Basongtso Lake.

Sometimes the locals cannot see the island in the center of the lake, and all they see is white mist, but they can hear the chanting of sutras and chanting Buddha from the temple on the island in the center of the lake.

And the sound was erratic.

The island in the middle of the lake also appears left and right, so there is a legend that the island in the middle of the lake is suspended. "

"I understand." Zhao Maimai smiled slightly and walked much more cheerfully.

The island in the center of the lake is not far from the shore.

So the temple soon came into view for the two of them. The temple was slightly dilapidated after being weathered by the wind and rain. It was a civil structure as a whole. The upper and lower floors were not large. It enshrined Master Padmasambhava and the legendary Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara.

But standing on the island in the middle of the lake, you can deeply feel the tranquility of this place.

There is no dust raised by the wheels, no crowds passing by in a hurry, and no sighs of empathy.

There is only the everlasting tranquility of no desire or desire.

This is undoubtedly a pure land.

The strange tree 'Peach Blossom Pine' around the island is even more unique. It looks like there are some lizards of the same color hovering on the trunk of a pine tree.

Peach trees and pine trees embrace each other and take root.

On the fallen leaves, if you look carefully, you can still distinguish some naturally formed Tibetan letters, which undoubtedly makes the temple once again cast a layer of mystery.

"Do you want to pay your respects?" Zhao Fei looked at the temple in front of him and asked softly.

"It's better not to give it up. Didn't you just say that you are seeking a child?" Zhao Maimai shook her head with a slight blush on her face.

Hearing this in the live broadcast room, he was slightly stunned.

From the perspective of the drone, they could only see the appearance of the island in the middle of the lake. It was surrounded by colorful prayer flags and lush trees, blocking their view, so they did not know exactly what Zhao Fei and the others encountered.

But both Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei had microphones on them, so they could hear the sound clearly.

"What's going on? Are you two discussing having a baby?"

"Brother, don't you have any brains? Maimai means that the temple here is mainly for begging for children. How about giving birth to children? But if you have physical problems, you can come and give it a try."

"Haha, try it and you'll die."

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw that Zhao Fei had flown the drone again today, they subconsciously thought that Zhao Fei had lowered his head, so everyone was in a good mood.

He didn't have any thoughts against Zhao Fei.

But they were too busy watching the live broadcast to find anything to do, so the conflict moved internally.

"You're the one who's sick. You're a single guy who doesn't even have a girlfriend, and you're still laughing at other people here... funny!"

"What is a girlfriend? Can I eat or drink? I just want to be single, be free, and do whatever I want."

"Strong words, if you have the ability, you will be single for the rest of your life."

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei were not clear about the situation in the live broadcast room.

We walked around the island in the middle of the lake, took some local photos, and then returned to the RV.

Continue all the way west.

It was almost noon, and Zhao Fei didn't cook either.

Instead, he took Zhao Maimai to try the local stone pot chicken.

This kind of stone pot is not the iron pot we see every day, but as the name suggests, it is hollowed out from a whole stone and made into the shape of a pot.

It is made by using native chickens raised by local Tibetans and streams left on the snow-capped mountains, along with medicinal materials such as ginseng, Tibetan fritillary, lily, wolfberry, etc., and stewed over low heat.

So even if Zhao Maimai is used to Zhao Fei's craftsmanship, he can't help but marvel at the taste of stone pot chicken at this moment.

After eating, I feel warm all over and full of energy.

"Oh my god, it's a bit hot. I'm going to take a shower." Zhao Maimai got into the RV and was about to take off her clothes.

But when I thought about the live broadcast, I paused slightly, walked to the live broadcast room, and showed an embarrassed smile: "Brothers, I'm sorry, we will see you later."

As soon as he finished speaking, without giving anyone time to refute, the screen in the live broadcast room went black.

Only after Zhao Fei got into the RV behind him did he find out about this.

Zhao Maimai felt uncomfortable, and he felt a fire in his heart at the moment. He didn't expect that he just said to the owner of the restaurant: "The taste is a little stronger."

What I want to express is that Zhao Maimai's taste is heavy.

Who would have thought that the boss would get the wrong idea when he saw Zhao Fei and the couple coming for a trip.

He put on the expression of a man who understands men, and secretly added a lot of spice.

Most of them are some Chinese medicinal materials that can nourish the body.

While eating, Zhao Fei felt something was wrong. Now that the effects were taking effect, he felt even more uncomfortable.

Especially when I found Mai Mai in the bathroom.

Zhao Fei took off his clothes three times, five times and two times...

Then screams were heard in the RV.

Zhao Maimai hugged her body and shrank into the corner. During the previous candid encounters, the two of them pretended that nothing had happened.

Otherwise, it would be pitch dark at night and you wouldn't be able to see anything clearly. You could only feel the temperature coming from the other person's body, which is completely different from the situation now under the light.

So at this moment, Zhao Maimai was panicking and secretly regretted that if he had known that when Zhao Fei said he wanted to change the bathroom door lock, he would not have stopped him.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

"You, you, what are you doing?"

Face to face for the first time, Zhao Fei could feel the panic in Zhao Maimai's big eyes. It was obvious that even though she admitted herself, she also accepted him.

But in this case, the slight trembling of her delicate body still showed that she was very nervous.

"Don't be afraid, you feel hot. I eat stone pot chicken as much as you do, so I also want to take a shower."

"Then you can't just barge in." Zhao Maimai pouted a little aggrievedly, with tears in her eyes: "Can't you wait until I'm done to come in?

scare me! "

Zhao Fei was also slightly embarrassed at this moment, but in the face of this situation, a man can always use his innate talent: "Aren't you thinking of saving some water?"

"You can pull him down, you won't even believe the liar!" Zhao Maimai gave Zhao Fei a hard look and turned his back to him.

He also knew that since Zhao Fei had come in, he was wondering how difficult it would be to get him out, so he didn't bother to worry about it. It wasn't the first time he had seen him anyway.

Let's rush together, but if Zhao Fei dares to push it even further... hum!
As everyone knows, the back view is sometimes more attractive to men.

Even Zhao Fei is no exception.

He took a step forward and said, "Can you rub my back for me?"

"No, stay away from me." Zhao Maimai stepped forward to avoid it, but the place was so big, and she soon ran out of room.

"Okay, let me wipe it for you." Zhao Fei stretched out his hand without being polite at all.

"Bah, it's shameless." Zhao Maimai's face was slightly red. Even if cold water was poured on his face, he still couldn't extinguish the fire in his heart.

Especially Zhao Fei's fiery big hands made her uncomfortable.

"You, don't you want to rub your back? Don't move your hands!" Zhao Maimai twisted her delicate body, trying to avoid it.

Especially when Zhao Fei held his shoulders and turned around, and was picked up to block his voice.

He was even more confused and obsessed, and gradually couldn't control himself.

It’s not just Zhao Maimai.

At this moment, Zhao Fei was also feeling uncomfortable.

The sound of running water from the shower rang in my ears.

The two of them were breathing heavier and heavier, but as soon as Mai Mai thought about the hotel she had booked, she immediately controlled herself, jumped down and hid aside, making her sound like a mosquito or a fly.

"No, can you wait until night?"

"Then what should I do now?" Zhao Fei gestured and saw Zhao Maimai's face turning red and purple, feeling angry. It was obviously you who broke in by yourself. Now that there is a problem, you ask me what to do!
I was so annoyed that I simply turned away and hummed: "I don't care, you can do whatever you want!"

"Okay." Zhao Fei smiled bitterly and did not force it.

After all, being able to take a shower together is already a big improvement. He is a contented person.

On the other hand, Zhao Maimai was a little surprised when she saw that Zhao Fei really didn't push the envelope. She suddenly remembered some of the knowledge he had taught her when she was alone with her mother yesterday.

He walked to Zhao Fei nervously: "Just this time."

after an hour.

Zhao Maimai sat in the passenger seat, looked in the mirror and saw his face returned to normal, and reopened the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei also drove the RV as if nothing had happened, heading west.

"An hour, a full hour, do you know how I spent this hour?"

"Okay, okay, girls take a long time to take a bath. You, a single guy, definitely don't know that, so you don't blame my Mai Mai."

"Go away, I eat your rice or drink your water, why are you always targeting me? I just want to be single, no one can care about me, but don't accidentally get cuckolded."

"Damn it, what the hell are you going to say again..."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Zhao Maimai interrupted helplessly, and he was thankful that the audience in the live broadcast room didn't notice anything wrong.

Zhao Fei also spoke next to him: "Being single has its advantages, such as freedom, not being afraid of being deceived, not afraid of being betrayed, and not afraid of being sentimental.

There will be no tears or loss.

After all, if you never own it, you can't talk about losing it.

However, there is also the beauty of two people being together. Many people who advocate being single are mostly because they have been hurt before and dare not love again.

But there are also some people who have never experienced it at all, so they don’t know the beauty of it. "

After listening to Zhao Fei's words, Zhao Maimai nodded lightly, thinking that he was right.

But it also made her think of the scene just now, and as if she meant something, she glared at Zhao Fei fiercely and secretly swore that she would never help him again in the future.

But it seems that it won't cause much harm to him. After all, after arriving in Sunlight City...

What should I do if I feel a little angry?
"Everyone is unique, so different opinions are inevitable, but there is no need to attack others because of it. You don't have to accept it, but you have to admit it.

As you can see, there is a river not far ahead of us.

It is a tributary of the Brahmaputra River, called Niyang River, called Niangqu in Tibetan, and also called the Mother River by the local Gongbo people.

The most important story about Niyang River is also about love.

If you are confused about love, why not listen to this story, I believe it will change your view of love. "

Zhao Maimai looked out through the car window.

I saw that the Niyang River is completely different from what its name suggests. The river water is crystal clear, majestic and magnificent, with intact vegetation on both sides, like a wetland park with picturesque scenery.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also attracted by Zhao Fei's words, and they all posted comments asking Zhao Fei to elaborate.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and continued: "According to legend, a long time ago, there was a girl named 'Ni Yang'. She was very beautiful.

He is very famous in the surrounding villages and towns, and countless people come to ask for marriage every day.

At the beginning, Niyang also longed for love.So whenever someone came to ask for marriage, she would show her best side to them, but gradually she discovered that these people were just greedy for her beauty and wanted to get her.

In her opinion, this is not real love.

So she decided to change herself and stopped dressing up every day. She even deliberately spread some words to ruin her reputation.

Gradually, fewer and fewer people ask for marriage.

Niyang also felt relieved, but she still longed for love and hoped that the future Prince Charming would come soon.

Two years later, the veiled Niyang met a young man by chance.

The two got along very well.

Niyang believed that this unattractive young man was the Prince Charming she had been waiting for, so it didn't take long for her to take the initiative to confess her love.

Although the young man had never seen Niyang's face and had known her for more than two years, he knew that Niyang was a kind-hearted woman, so he didn't care what Niyang looked like, so he readily agreed.

After the two confirmed their relationship, their feelings deepened day by day.

If things go as planned, they can get married after meeting their parents.

But things were not that simple, especially when Ni Yang met the young man's parents, he recognized them instantly. The two elders had also visited the house two years ago and asked for a hand in marriage.

This made Ni Yang secretly feel something bad.

But at this moment, Niyang could no longer pretend to be himself. After all, he had already met his parents, so he could only take off his veil.

For a moment, the scene was awkward.

The young man was overjoyed to see Niyang so beautiful.

On the contrary, Ni Yang's parents, with pale faces, kicked Ni Yang out of the house without saying a word, firmly disapproving of the marriage.

Niyang regretted it so much that he went to the young man's home many times to express himself, hoping to be forgiven by his elders.

But the rejection of the marriage proposal two years ago made the two elders feel grudges, and the rumors that Ni Yang deliberately smeared him afterwards also made the elders hate Ni Yang, an unclean woman.

Various factors made it impossible for people to believe Niyang no matter how he expressed himself or explained himself.

In this way, even though the young man still loved Ni Yang, they were forced to separate.

What was supposed to be a sweet love ended abruptly.

Young people and Niyang go in opposite directions.

Ni Yang collapsed and ran home in grief. She regretted her willfulness and hated why she wanted to ruin her reputation in the first place.

Now, nothing can be undone.

Whenever late at night fell, Ni Yang would stand in the night wind, looking in the direction of the young man's home, and shed tears silently.

The howling night wind makes people feel uncomfortable.

Although the young man still loves Niyang, he is also very filial to his parents, so he can only miss Niyang in his heart and bear the pain of separation.

After that, Niyang spent a long time alone.

Wrinkles gradually appeared on her beautiful face, her skin was no longer tender, and the whimpering wind at night became louder and louder.

Although the young man met many blind dates under the arrangement of his parents, he never got married because he still had Niyang in his heart.

In this way, spring goes and autumn comes.

Twelve years have passed.

Before the two elders died, they held the young man's hand and admitted their mistakes back then. They also knew that the young man could never let go of Ni Yang. The two elders also regretted their original obstruction and delayed their son for so many years.

But it's too late to say anything.

If you miss it, you just missed it. There is no regret medicine in the world.

The young man did not blame the two elders, and even held a grand funeral for them.

But the next day, he packed up his luggage and set off. Now his hair was white and his body was no longer upright. The dozens of miles of mountain road in the past were just like play to him.

Now I can’t do it anymore, I have to take a break after walking a few steps.

But he still persisted, moving forward, moving forward...just to see Niyang again, because he could feel that he had been tortured by missing him for so many years.

Time is running out.

So he was afraid that he would never be able to see the love in his heart again until he died, and he was extremely anxious.

At the same time, whenever night falls, Ni Yang will still stand in the night wind, looking in the direction of the young man's home dozens of miles away, as he has for decades.

On this day, Niyang felt extremely cold at night.

Even wearing two sheepskin jackets, I can't carry it.

The whining sound of the wind was telling its unwillingness. Niyang's old body could no longer hold on. If she didn't go home, she might freeze to death.

So she took the leap.

But the direction of progress is not the home behind you, but the vast night ahead.

She didn't want to live anymore, she was too tired.

After waiting for 30 years, she hoped that the other party would take the initiative to come to her, but she was disappointed. Before she died, she only hoped to be closer to him.

In this way, one of them walked west and the other walked east.

Fate brings the two closer and closer.

until dawn.

Niyang saw the other person. Even though he hadn't seen him for 30 years, Niyang still recognized the young man at first sight.

He leaned on the stone, eating the unpalatable whole grain buns one bite at a time. After drinking water, he stood up, as if he planned to move on.

The heavy burden bent his waist, and even though he was faltering, he still kept moving forward.

The direction is exactly your home.

Seeing this moment, Ni Yang collapsed completely, collapsed on the ground and cried loudly.

Hearing the voice, he stopped and looked up, and was slightly stunned. He also recognized the other person and vaguely remembered her beautiful face when she was young.

Even though Ni Yang, like him, is now old and has wrinkles on his face.

But he still showed a smile that was 30 years late, walked forward slowly, without saying anything, put down his backpack from his back, and took out the wedding dress that had been dusty for more than 30 years.

Carefully help Niyang put it on.

At the same time, shave yourself off and clean yourself up.

Ni Yang didn't speak, just kept crying. She hated herself and the other party, why did she come to her after so many years.

The crying became louder and louder, and a strong wind blew in the sky in broad daylight.

The sobs made people feel uncomfortable.

Niyang's tears finally gathered into a river, gradually drowning her.

The young man, on the other hand, hugged Niyang and endured the wind and the sun, unshakable and never let go again, and gradually turned into big trees on both sides of the river.

Wherever the Nile flows, the trees follow.

Stay with each other, never leave. "

After the story was told, the RV fell into silence for a moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

Zhao Maimai rubbed his somewhat red eyes and looked out the window at the Niyang River and the ancient pines and trees on both sides: "Fortunately, they were together in the end.

It's just that this process takes a long time.

Those wild birds flying in mid-air may be their children.

He drank the water from the Niyang River when he was thirsty, caught fish to eat when he was hungry, and rested on the branches when he was tired. "

"Maybe." Zhao Fei also sighed: "Some people have missed it, really missed it. Every stage of life has its special meaning.

If you don’t want to regret it for the rest of your life, then cherish the people in front of you.

Even if you hate him or her now, and even wish that the other person would stay away from you, looking back on the past, that person is actually the most suitable person.

The closer your life comes to an end, the more insights you will gain.

You will also find that the people you meet seem to be getting worse and worse than before, so being able to meet the right person at the right time is a person's greatest luck.

If we can stay together, it will be the greatest happiness.

So, everyone who is watching the live broadcast, take up your courage, take your steps, walk up to the person you think is right, open your mouth and say what you hide in your heart.

Just so that you don’t regret it in the future. "

"I once had a failed relationship. She was my college classmate. It was also because my parents didn't agree, but mine was more exaggerated. It was because both parents didn't agree.

She was very insistent at the time and even proposed to elope with me, but I let it go. Later, in accordance with my parents' preferences, I married a woman who I didn't like but had a good family background.

Later, two children were born.

But I am still not happy, and I filed for divorce some time ago.

Not long after the class reunion, I learned that she committed suicide not long after we separated. I regretted not agreeing to go with her.

So that night, regardless of the occasion, I drank the tincture and got drunk.

I also forgot what I did.

Later, my classmates told me that I destroyed the restaurant while crying and laughing at the same time. I would beat anyone who stopped me. I was so crazy that I didn’t know what to say...

Now I am out on medical parole due to physical reasons, so do you have any friends who study law in the live broadcast room? Can you help me see if I can reduce my sentence? Three years is too long.

I just want to go out and light incense in front of her tombstone! "

"Damn, what this bitch said makes sense. I'll go now. Even if she's a little older than me, if a female junior holds gold bricks, I can make a profit if I can hold a bunch of them.

What if she agrees?
Then I reached the pinnacle of my life in an instant. I didn’t have to pay rent or do any work. I just took off! "

"Well, there is great pressure in the city, and modern youth should pay attention to protecting themselves. Although I also want to say, 'Auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore.'

But there is no such person around me.

So brothers upstairs, if you succeed, can you check your aunt’s circle of friends to see if there are any similar ones and introduce one to your friends. "

"No, you people actually plan to eat soft food after listening to the story. This seems inconsistent with the core of the story, right? Is it really appropriate to give up on yourself like this?

But I also want to say something.

The one upstairs, if there is a suitable aunt, please help introduce me.

I really can't move this screw. "


The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was quite normal at first.

Especially the female fans, all of them were so moved that they scolded the young man for being a heartless man and not even seeing Ni Yang for 30 years.

She bowed her head when her parents objected. She was a pure coward with no opinion at all.

But gradually the style of painting became a little distorted, and it became more and more serious, so that Zhao Maimai didn't even notice.

Fortunately, it was getting dark.

They are getting closer to Sunlight City.

After sixteen days, including today's seventeen days, they finally entered the capital of the autonomous region, a Sunlight City that has been inherited for thousands of years and has countless places of interest.

Through the car window, you can see an old lady sitting on a bench by the roadside, doing needlework in the setting sun.

There are also some grandfathers whispering about the past to their grandchildren.

The ravine-like wrinkles on their faces are like the city in front of them. It has a long history, is ancient and mysterious, and has stories everywhere.

It is the city closest to the sky.

The iconic Potala Palace exudes rich ethnic customs. Under the sunset, it looks like a castle covered in red robes, which is shocking.

If you have no impression, then open your wallet and take out a 50-denomination note. What is engraved on it is the Potala Palace.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also reached its peak when the RV passed by the Potala Palace.

Panoramic camera records everything around you.

But now is not the time to visit.

Zhao Fei needed to go to the hotel first and park the RV. After all, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. It would not be too late to visit again tomorrow.

When you come to the ancient treasures.

Zhao Fei was also surprised that Zhao Maimai actually booked this hotel.

Because not far from Gu Zang Shu Hua is the Jokhang Temple, it is quite suitable for Zhao Fei's next trip, and don't look at Gu Zang Shu Hua's appearance.

There is a cave inside it.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei got out of the car and walked in with their suitcases in hand.

Various Tibetan-style buildings come into view, which are simple and heavy yet gorgeous. The special lighting, railings, courtyards... can give you the feeling of coming to a nine-story demon tower in a ghost blowing lantern.

It also makes you feel as if you have arrived at the soup house of Spirited Away and are in a fairy tale world.

Zhao Maimai was quite satisfied with this and communicated with the front desk to confirm their room.

Double bed room, viewing room, equipped with oxygen and other equipment.

Looking from the rooftop, you can see the Potala Palace.

Take the elevator upstairs.

Even after riding in the car for a day, Zhao Maimai was a little tired, but still very excited. He chirped along the way: "My taste is good, among so many five-star hotels and inns.

I fell in love with this home at first sight, and now I have come to see it in person, and it is indeed very good. "

"If you like it, we can stay a few more days." Zhao Fei smiled. After all, there are many scenic spots around Sunlight City, which cannot be visited in one day.

What's more, Zhao Fei feels that Zhao Maimai may not be able to get up on time tomorrow.

"You mean, how many days can we stay in Sunlight City?"

"Yes, but no more than three days."

"Great." Zhao Maimai clapped her hands excitedly and said, "Then we can experience other hotels in these three days. After all, the hotels here are very unique.

There is no such thing in the mainland. It would be a pity not to experience it after finally coming here. "

Hearing what Zhao Maimai said, Zhao Fei's interest was also raised. After all, different environments will give people different experiences. He even regretted saying that it took three days, and felt that there was not enough time.

But three days is already a long time. After all, they still have to continue westward to Mount Everest.

It also takes quite a bit of time on the road and climbing.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei is afraid that Zhao Maimai won't be able to bear it. No one knows better than him how abnormal his physical strength is.

"No problem, then you can choose three hotels and we will stay in each one."

"Okay, then it's settled." Zhao Maimai nodded lightly. After swiping his card and entering the room, he threw himself on the bed, took out his mobile phone and started to choose two other hotels.

Zhao Fei was not idle either. He called the hotel and asked them to send some food.

Considering the reality, Zhao Fei first ordered a four-season nourishing mutton soup, then two plates of Shandong Yimeng dumplings, and specially ordered some yogurt cake and ice cream for Mai Mai.

In this way, both staple food and snacks are available.

Don’t worry about getting hungry on the way.

After Zhao Maimai carefully selected the other two hotels, she also thought about what would happen tonight.

Especially after seeing Zhao Fei off the air, he also stood up, unzipped his luggage, and took down the hotel sheets and quilts.

Change into the sheets and bedding that were used last time but didn't work.

When the two people's eyes met, even though they had seen everything they should have seen, Zhao Maimai was still a little shy, especially at this moment, Zhao Fei's eyes were very aggressive.

She couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster.

Without thinking too much, she took out her secret weapon again and checked around the room to see if there were any hidden cameras or anything like that, especially the bathroom that needed special attention.

Even if the ancient treasures are famous, you still have to be careful.

At the same time, even if Zhao Fei turned off the live broadcast, some details about the ancient treasures and the room were also discovered by the careful people in the live broadcast room.

So at this moment, the fan base is not quiet at all.

"Have you noticed that Mai Maiding's room is actually a double bed room, not the previous double room with two beds? They won't be planning to do anything bad at night, right?"

"Brother, you are worrying too much. Mai Mai doesn't agree with them being together, so even if Mai Mai has a good impression of Zhao Fei, she still has to take Mom's thoughts into account.

It can't be so aboveboard.

On the contrary, I think that Mai Mai booked a double bed room because she didn't want to share a room with Zhao Fei and sleep completely separately. After all, if you can book one room, you can book two.

If it is a room, even if there are two beds, it is easy for the gun to misfire.

So now this situation is better. "

"Yes, we don't need to guess. As long as Maimai doesn't agree, they can't be together."

Female fans’ view is exactly the opposite.

Originally, they were quite dissatisfied with Zhao Fei and the two of them, but they didn't expect that such a thing would happen now.

I can't help but feel a little lost.

In fact, the original intention of Mai Mai and Mom was just to give the fans in the live broadcast room an outlet to vent their anger. They did not expect that things would turn out like this.

It not only deceived the live broadcast room audience, but also made them have more associations.

But now Zhao Maimai can no longer care about so much.

She finished taking a bath first, and now she was lying on the bed alone, listening to the splashing sounds in the bathroom, feeling very nervous.

But when I thought about my last experience, I got up and turned off my phone.

After thinking about it, he picked up Zhao Fei's cell phone again and pressed the same button to turn it off.

And she won’t have any relatives coming at this time.

So, tonight's events are already decided, no one will disturb them, and there won't be any changes.

Then, Zhao Maimai heard the sound of water in the bathroom stop.

Realizing that Zhao Fei would come out soon, he didn't dare to look outside. He hid his little head under the quilt like a squirrel shrinking into a tree hole.

 One chapter has ten thousand words. I wonder if you can get used to it?

(End of this chapter)

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