China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 108 Do you want to go to a SPA together?

Chapter 108 Do you want to go to the SPA together?
It was so dark under the quilt that nothing could be seen.

Zhao Maimai heard the footsteps getting closer and closer to her, and couldn't help but hold on to the quilt, for fear that Zhao Fei would lift the quilt directly.

When she was a child, this was a common method used by her mother when she was lazy in bed.

However, Zhao Fei did not do this and looked at the bulging bed.

Zhao Fei knew that the other party was shy, so he glanced at the end of the bed where his little feet were exposed, and secretly laughed at the girl for not caring about her head and tail. She grabbed her ankle with her left hand and started to scratch it with her right hand.

In less than a moment, Zhao Maimai couldn't help it anymore and retracted her little feet.

"Ouch...let me go!"

How could Zhao Fei let her get what he wanted? He pulled her out slightly and hugged her directly.

"It's so itchy, you, you... goose goose hahaha, stop scratching, stop scratching, I'm wrong."

"Where are you wrong?" Zhao Fei threw himself on the bed and looked at Zhao Maimai, who had reappeared with messy hair. He felt that she was particularly attractive at this moment.

"Bah, I'm not wrong, you know how to bully me."

Zhao Maimai would say that I was wrong whenever he was anxious. In fact, it was just a delaying tactic. At this moment, when Zhao Fei let go, he immediately became stunned.

Pouting his lips, he shouted: "Hey, you monster, you dare to tickle me and punch me."

Zhao Fei's reaction was not even able to do anything to the wolves, let alone the little girl in front of him. He stretched out his hand and directly grasped Mai Mai's little fist, and pulled it into his arms.

"Good guy, you still dare to attack me."

Turning over Zhao Maimai's delicate body, Zhao Fei slapped her behind with his big hand, not polite at all.

Zhao Maimai only felt a slight numbness. Although it was a bit painful, there was also a different kind of stimulation passing through her blood. However, she still struggled and became angry.

"Ah, how dare you..."

"There's nothing I dare not do. Today you are like a little lamb that fell into the wolf's den. The sky doesn't respond to your calls, and the earth doesn't respond to your calls. Please tell me you're wrong."

"Ah, yeah, I'll bite you to death." Zhao Maimai felt ashamed and angry, struggled to get up, knocked Zhao Fei down, and gave him a bite on the nose.

However, he didn't use any force this time, so Zhao Fei quickly pressed his head and moved his position.

For a time, a sweet atmosphere spread in the venue.

Zhao Fei only felt that his mouth was filled with the lingering taste of candy, which swept away his sorrow and melancholy, and felt extremely sweet in his heart.

In particular, Zhao Maimai's skills are getting better and better day by day.

This moment of throbbing made both of them forget everything around them, as if time had been pressed on the pause button, and even the heartbeat had disappeared.

But at a certain moment, Zhao Maimai suddenly opened her beautiful big eyes.

Looking at Zhao Fei who was so close, he was still immersed in it. A hint of cunning flashed in his beautiful eyes. He seized the opportunity and bit it slightly with his small tiger teeth.

Then, amidst Zhao Fei's cries of pain, he jumped out of bed, pinched his waist and twisted around: "Hehehe, I asked you to bully me, let's see if you dare to do it next time?"

"Hiss... run, let's see where you can run today."

Zhao Fei covered his mouth and jumped out of bed like a tiger down the mountain. Zhao Fei was so frightened that he quickly raised his hands in surrender: "Wrong, wrong, I was really wrong this time."

"Can I still trust you?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I really know that I was wrong." Zhao Maimai did not dare to provoke Zhao Fei in this state anymore. He leaned against the wall obediently and stood upright as if he was being punished by the teacher. .

The cute little appearance makes people's hearts flutter as much as they want.

Then Zhao Fei picked her up and threw her on the bed.

As soon as the quilt was covered, pieces of clothing fell out of it, including Zhao Fei's and Zhao Maimai's.

After making a fuss, Zhao Maimai was no longer so nervous and realized what was about to happen. He was slightly looking forward to it. He held Zhao Fei's face with his little hand and looked directly into his eyes.

"Will you always be nice to me?"

"Yes!" Zhao Fei's tone was firm and solemn, without any hesitation.


After half an hour.

Zhao Fei lay on his back on the bed, his big hands still dishonest. .

Zhao Maimai lay on the other person's chest with her eyes closed, sweating profusely and not responding at all, but her trembling eyelashes proved that she was not at all calm at the moment.

Now she finally understood why the opinions of her dormitory classmates were not unanimous when she returned to the dormitory at night before going to bed. Indeed, everyone had different feelings.

Now she just feels tired.

It was as if she had been thrown into the sea. The waves hit her body one after another, floating and floating. It took half an hour for the sea to calm down.

So she doesn't want to move a finger now.

I just want to smell his scent and experience a short period of peace.

But within just a few minutes, she felt something was wrong.

Shocked, she hurriedly hid upwards, avoiding in fear, and said a little aggrievedly: "Zhao Fei, I was really wrong this time, please don't..."

"Silly girl, I didn't say anything, what are you afraid of?"

Zhao Fei shook his head and patted her little head with pity. Naturally, he would not restart the battle and said, "Would you like me to get out of bed and get you a glass of water?"

"Yeah." Seeing that Zhao Fei didn't mean that, Zhao Maimai also breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't want to let go of Zhao Fei, still hanging on him like a koala.

Zhao Fei didn't care about this either, this weight didn't put any pressure on her.

When getting out of bed to get water, Zhao Maimai's back was facing forward, so he couldn't see Zhao Fei taking out the health spring water and pouring it into the cup.

"Still coming down?"

"No, I want you to feed me." Zhao Maimai twisted her body, closed her eyes and just didn't want to move. She was obviously more dependent on Zhao Fei, if she couldn't have said this before.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei was quite helpless and could only pass it on to the other party bit by bit.

"Hehe, it's sweet and delicious."

Zhao Maimai felt that Zhao Fei's body smelled particularly good, and even the water had a sweet taste, which made her feel happy and her body seemed to be less tired.

It made her feel amazing.

But when she returned to bed, Zhao Maimai quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep while smelling the other person's scent.


Travel No. 17 days.

Zhao Fei didn't mess around in the early morning. Even if there was healthy spring water, Zhao Maimai had basically recovered. But there was still a live broadcast today, and Zhao Fei didn't want the audience to see anything.

But if you look carefully, you can still find it.

Zhao Maimai has become more beautiful, the greenness between her eyebrows has faded, and she looks more mature and charming.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, good morning."

Zhao Fei turned on the live broadcast and did not take pictures of Zhao Maimai who was carefully tidying up the sheets. Instead, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, with the Potala Palace in the distance in the background.

So the picture presented is very beautiful.

"Damn it, why does it start so late today?"

"That's right, where is my Mai Mai?"

"Where are you going to play today? There are so many places to go in Sunshine City, such as Jokhang Temple, Potala Palace, Norbulingka..."

The moment the broadcast started, tens of thousands of people flooded into the live broadcast room.

After all, Zhao Fei is becoming more and more popular, and Sunlight City is more attractive than other places. The live broadcast room is also looking forward to seeing the scenic spots and historic sites in Sunlight City while sitting in the office.

"We will go to Taicheng Muslim Hotel for breakfast later and bring the money from Midui Village villagers to the children, and then we will go to major attractions. Don't be anxious."

At this time, Zhao Maimai also packed his luggage, especially the bedsheets with marks on them.

This is the testimony of her and Zhao Fei, so she must treasure it well.

"Let's go, I'm done." Zhao Maimai pulled the suitcase, greeted Zhao Fei, and walked downstairs.

Zhao Fei also held up his mobile phone and followed immediately.

They planned to check out directly, go downstairs, put their luggage on the RV, and go to the new hotel in the evening.

The transportation in Sunshine City is very convenient, and you can take a taxi anywhere.

So the two of them don't need to bring too many things.

Pack light.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but I feel like Mai Mai looks better today."

"It's a little bit, it feels a little prettier."

"Maybe the water and fresh air in Qinghai-Tibet are more nourishing."

No one in the live broadcast room thought much.

As the two of them went downstairs and entered the streets of Sunlight City, their attention was also attracted by the exotic scenery.

It's eight o'clock now and the sky is brightening.

The cool morning breeze blew over my cheeks, feeling refreshing and comfortable. Looking into the distance, I could see the mountains with increasingly clear outlines, surrounded by a few naughty white clouds.

The crowds on the street walked with light steps, and from time to time, devout Tibetans could be seen shaking huge prayer wheels, walking among the busy traffic.

Busy and noisy.

Passing by the back of the Potala Palace, there are many energetic men, women and children on the square, using various fitness equipment to exercise.

There are dogs following in the footsteps of their owners, running around the square in the morning.

There were also some monks who kept chanting sutras while bending over and kicking their legs.

Of course, there is no shortage of square dancing adults and aunties, but their movements are not as arrogant and charming as those in Mainland China.

Zhao Maimai looked curious, so she pulled Zhao Fei and joined in, imitating the movements of the uncles and aunties around her, raising her arms and stretching her legs: "It's good to get up in the morning and move around.

Don't stand there, look ahead and see how well the uncle in front of you is dancing. "

"This..." Zhao Fei held up his mobile phone, neither moving nor moving. He looked a little embarrassed, especially since the eyes around him were basically looking at him.

On the contrary, Zhao Maimai, who joined in, did not appear to be disobedient at all.

Seeing this scene in the live broadcast room, they also laughed and started cheering.

"That's right, hurry up and move."

"Ahaha, I also want to see the anchor dancing in the square."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. If you're a man, just do it."

Zhao Fei really wanted to tell Zhao Maimai, if you wanted to exercise, why didn't you tell him when you were at the hotel in the morning?

It was definitely better then than it is now.

However, it was too late to say anything now. Zhao Fei really couldn't learn square dancing, so he simply walked to a place with few people and set up a live broadcast room.

He made a starting stance, intending to do a set of ancient martial arts Tai Chi.

Seeing this, Zhao Maimai also became interested. The last time she saw Zhao Fei doing Tai Chi, she had no chance to learn it, so she happened to follow him and learn it this time, so she stood behind Zhao Fei.

Following Zhao Fei's example, he also made a starting move.

"Slow down and hit, and I will follow your example."

"Okay." Zhao Fei nodded and started to move. His whole aura also changed, making people unable to help but become serious.

Tai Chi emphasizes the use of softness to overcome hardness, the use of stillness to stop movements, and the last move comes first.

Zhao Fei's ancient martial arts Tai Chi looks more rigid and sharp. When taking a step, the tail vertebra is aligned up and down, supporting the center of gravity of the body to be consistent with the heels, and is impartial.

It looks majestic and natural, like a heavy ship. It has both a sense of weight and soft elasticity. Every move is guided by the waist and can be retracted and released freely.

For a time, Zhao Fei also attracted the attention of many people around him.

There were even many people like Zhao Maimai, imitating Zhao Fei's movements and started fighting on the spot.

Especially the sound of Zhao Fei's punches breaking through the air from time to time made everyone secretly amazed, causing more and more people to imitate him.

The old men and women who were dancing in the square stopped, and the monks who were chanting sutras and chanting Buddha gradually stood behind Zhao Fei.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

In the square behind the Potala Palace, it soon evolved into a scene of hundreds of people doing Tai Chi together, which looked quite spectacular.

Seeing this, Zhao Maimai stopped learning. He walked to the live broadcast room and raised the drone.

The picture presented is even more shocking.

"I wanted to see this bitch's joke, but somehow he managed to do it again."

"No, I actually heard the sound of humming just now. If these people can't make the sound of breaking through the air, it's okay if they just dub it themselves."

"Haha, my boyfriend is so handsome. No matter where he goes, he is always the most handsome guy. Record the screen, record the screen."

Most of the female fans in the live broadcast room are fans of Zhao Fei.

On the contrary, most of the male fans are Zhao Fei's enemies and don't want Zhao Fei to be kind to him.

However, seeing that the battle was getting bigger and bigger, Zhao Fei did not dare to continue fighting. He looked for an opportunity and took Zhao Maimai away quickly without being noticed by the people behind him.

Otherwise, he might not be able to leave the square today.

Running on the streets of Sunshine City was a unique experience. The two of them happened to be hungry after doing some exercise, and Taicheng Mosque was right in front of them.

This is a themed hotel integrating halal catering, guest rooms, Western food...etc. and Islamic culture.

The area is not small at all.

Zhao Fei originally thought it was a small hotel, but he didn't expect it to be such a big hotel, so it was more difficult to find the children in Midui Village directly.

But there is no shortage of time now, let’s fill our stomachs first.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two found a quieter location in the hall.

The waiter was a young man with a handsome face and a bit shy speech. When he was about to turn around and leave after ordering, Zhao Maimai called him.

Take out the diary containing the children's information.

"Hello, I would like to ask, if you work here, do you know a child named Awang, whose family is from Midui Village, and Duoji, who is also from Midui Village.

They came out of the village together and worked here. "

Hearing this, the young man paused and his eyes instantly turned red: "What happened in the village? Did something happen to my mom and dad?"

"Who are you?" Zhao Fei felt that the young man in front of him should be the child from Midui Village who came out to work together.

"I am Duoji. You are traveling here from Midui Village, right? Did Mom and Dad bring any news?"

As he talked, Duoji became even more nervous.

She felt homesick, but she was also afraid of hearing some bad news from Zhao Fei. After all, her parents were old.

There has been no news at all in the past six months since he came out, and he is also very worried about any accidents happening at home.

"Don't be nervous and don't cry. Your parents are fine now. They are just worried about your situation and brought some money to you."

Zhao Fei took out the piles of change from his backpack and placed them on the table.

A Wang was delighted and moved when he saw it.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand: "Thank you, please wait here for a while, I'll call Awang and the others."

But after Duoji left, they waited until Zhao Fei and the others finished eating.

I came back about two hours later.

There were several young people following him, some dressed as waiters and some dressed as cleaners. They all looked at Zhao Fei with gratitude.

But no one took the change on the table. Instead, they took out envelopes one by one and placed them in front of Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei squeezed the thickness of the envelope. It was obvious that it was not a letter, but some money.

"What do you mean?"

"Brother, we work here and have food and shelter. We don't need much money. As long as we know that everything is fine at home, that's enough for us.

So if you go back, can you take this letter back for us?

With this money, my sister can go to school, and even be admitted to high school and college... It's not like us who can't read and can't even work as a waiter for 2000 yuan.

Some can only wash dishes and make a quick salary of [-].

They can find better jobs, leave Midui Village completely, and live a better life. "

"Yes, brother, my grandma's health is not good, and the money is enough for her to see a doctor."

"It's enough for my family to buy a few more horses. Now when my father sends his little brother to school, he doesn't have to go out and ask the villagers to borrow them. It depends on their appearance."

Although they look tall, they are actually not very old.

Still just a child.

In the mainland, some of them are still asking for money from their parents, and some are still in school, living a leisurely life with just enough clothes to eat and enough to open their mouths.

It is impossible to realize what the real pain of life is.

"Then why don't you go to the post office?" Although Zhao Maimai was moved, he was also a little confused. After all, they had been working here for so long, so it was impossible for them not to understand this.

The children who heard this also fell silent.

In the end, Aji said with some embarrassment; "The postage is very expensive, and we are not worried about the postage cost. We can only send it to Bomi, and then Abba and the others will still have to take risks to pick it up, so..."

"Are you worried about the White Wolf King?"

Zhao Fei didn't pay attention and interrupted: "The White Wolf King is dead and the danger has been reduced to the minimum now, so you can mail things normally. Of course, it may take a little longer.

But if you still find it troublesome, I also have friends in Bomi. You can make a call and ask them to send the money directly to your parents.

As for the letters, you should mail them yourself and think carefully about what you want to write. "

Hearing what Zhao Fei said, the children were overjoyed.

This was obviously an unexpected surprise to them, and they all jumped up with joy.

Their fear of the White Wolf King has been growing since they were young. Many familiar friends were buried in the mouth of the White Wolf King, and this has even been engraved in their souls.

Even now.

Now that I heard this news, I feel that the world has become a lot brighter, and the gloom in my heart has been dispelled.

Finally, in order to help their family receive money as soon as possible and improve their lives, they still hope that Zhao Fei can make a phone call for them.

Zhao Fei was not surprised when he saw this. He called the principal of the experimental primary school directly in front of them and roughly explained the matter.

Zhao Fei donated a lot of supplies to the experimental primary school. This small thing was nothing to the principal.

What's more, some of these children also attended experimental primary schools.

He was considered a student of the principal, which made him even more interested.


Originally, they wanted to have breakfast, but by the time the two of them left Taicheng Moslem, it was already noon.

But what surprised the two of them even more was that when they walked out of the door, they found someone waiting for them outside. As soon as they saw the two, they immediately greeted them.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, Mai Mai. Let me introduce myself. I am Liu Wei from the Publicity Department of the Qinghai-Tibet Tourism Association. The main reason why I am here is to solve some of your travel problems in Sunshine City."

"What do you mean, is the Potala Palace closed now? Or do you need to make an appointment?" Zhao Fei shook hands with the other party, a little confused.

"No, it's the off-season for tourism, so there's no need to make an appointment. I came mainly to consider the live broadcast issue. Under normal circumstances, photography and video recording are not allowed in places like the Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple.

Let alone live streaming.

However, considering your situation, we have specially approved that you can live broadcast, but we do not allow viewers in the live broadcast room to take screenshots or record the screen. We have already negotiated with Douyin about this, and we ask for your understanding. "

Zhao Fei originally turned off the live broadcast when he was preparing to visit, but he didn't expect that he would have an unexpected gain now.

Apparently the travel agency took a fancy to the millions of people in Zhao Fei's live broadcast room.

As long as you see some scenes inside the Potala Palace, it will naturally attract the attention of the audience and attract more people to travel to Sunshine City.

Not allowing screenshots and screen recordings is equivalent to putting a curse on Zhao Fei. If there is an accident, it will not cause irreparable consequences.
Zhao Fei didn't care about this, after all, it was a great privilege to have him broadcast live.

"Thank you very much, but some parts of the Potala Palace do not have internet access. Even if it is broadcast live, the audience probably won't be able to see it, right?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, we have solved all this before you came."

Liu Wei looked quite proud, which once again impressed Zhao Fei. He decided to help them promote it later and reciprocated: "Thank you very much. In that case, let's set off."

"Please get in the car." Liu Wei turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

He came in a car, and it could be said that he had clearly arranged the arrangements for Zhao Fei and the others.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also quite impressed.

"The host's treatment is really good. It seems that he doesn't have to pay any tickets. There are even official personnel coming to pick him up in person. Tsk tsk... As a member of the live broadcast room, I feel inexplicably honored."

“Yes, I once went to the Potala Palace, and the queues lasted for several hours, and I had to make an appointment today to go tomorrow.

Sometimes when there are so many people, it’s impossible to get in line, unlike this shit, where the bus picks up and delivers you. "

"Actually, this is not surprising. Look at the number of people in the live broadcast room now, it is almost 200 million. This kind of influence is not an exaggeration at all.

If Zhao Fei were to accept an advertisement now, I'm afraid advertisers would have to step through his threshold. Now that he has the opportunity to promote the scenic spot for free, he naturally has to take good care of the anchor. "

As mentioned in the live broadcast room.

As Zhao Fei's popularity grows, Qinghai-Tibet Travel Agency's actions are also noticed by travel agencies in major provinces, which can be described as extremely envious.

They have made intelligent calculations. Zhao Fei's stay in Sunlight City for just a few days may increase Sunlight City's original tourist base by 20.00% to 30.00%.

These 30.00% of people will drive the economy of Sunshine City.

Promote the vigorous development of tourism.

Growth Cities Index.

For travel agencies, this is the most secure political achievement, and no one wants it.

However, they can no longer refer to Zhao Fei. They can only wait until Zhao Fei climbs Mount Everest this time. Next time Zhao Fei broadcasts his travel live broadcast, they will try their best to let Zhao Fei choose their local province.

Taicheng Mosque is not far from the Potala Palace.

However, this time Zhao Fei and the others did not pass through the square at the back. Instead, they came to the front and drove directly into the Potala Palace without passing any security checks or searches.

When we got off the car, the first thing we saw was an open courtyard.

There is a small door on the side wall of the courtyard, with a sign hanging on it, 'Potala Palace Treasure Room'. '

It's the off-season for tourism, and there aren't many people inside.

Most of the items displayed in the courtyard are porcelain and Book of Songs.

It has great commemorative significance.

But Zhao Maimai was obviously not very interested. He took Zhao Fei's hand and left in a hurry. He walked up the high stairs and swept down. Everything in the world was in full view.

Looking up, the tall White House stands in front of you.

"Brothers, although the White House in front of us is also called the White House, it is different from the one in a certain country. The two have completely different meanings.

The entire Potala Palace was built on Maburi Mountain, integrating the art and essence of ancient architecture. It was built in the seventh century by Songtsen Gampo for Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty who married far away.

At that time, there were nearly a thousand houses covering an area of ​​40 square meters.

Therefore, if you want to marry a princess, you must at least have a house and give her a home, otherwise you won't even be qualified to find a partner. "

Liu Wei, who was about five or six meters behind the two of them, smiled when he heard Zhao Fei's introduction.

I am more and more convinced that the leader’s decision is correct.

Zhao Fei's introduction is obviously more immersive and interesting.

Enter the White House Palace.

Tall wooden frames support the entire house, and various Buddha-like patterns are printed on the hanging curtains. You can also faintly hear the melodious sounds of banging and singing.

"What is this sound?" Zhao Maimai was a little curious.

"This is a unique way for Tibetan people to repair their houses. It is commonly known as 'Daga'. Generally, a petite and light-weight woman climbs onto the roof and slowly repairs it by beating it with a wooden ram."

Zhao Fei explained and pointed to the drawing on the wall: "Did you see it? This is the King of Guangmu in the West, the King of Hearing in the North, the King of Growth in the South... and many other Buddhist protectors.

No matter how ferocious they look, they may be riding mythical beasts or have dragons wrapped around their waists.

In fact, they are guarding all directions to prevent evil spirits and heretics. "

Zhao Maimai nodded, followed Zhao Fei out of the White House, and stepped into a corridor. The corridor was filled with carved beams and murals. This time, Zhao Maimai could see it without Zhao Fei's introduction.

"Is this the picture of Princess Wencheng entering Tibet?"

"That's right." Zhao Fei nodded and pointed to the other side: "These are some pictures of reincarnation and folklore. Legend has it that a lama sat cross-legged in front of the picture of reincarnation, practiced Buddhism for three days, and ascended to heaven on the seventh..."

After passing through the porch, the two came to the largest hall of the White House, the East Yuji Perfection Hall. There were many columns standing in the hall, and the space was as big as a basketball court.

There are many exquisite patterns carved on the beams, pillars and brackets.

On the throne in the center of the hall, there is also a plaque given by Emperor Tongzhi.

There are four characters written on it: "Zhenxi Suijiang".

The entire hall is splendid and made of gold and red. It looks awe-inspiring and makes people addicted to it at a glance.

It was as if there was a magical power in the hall, taking the two of them through time and space, back to ancient times.

From the depths of my heart, I heard the earth pulsing. With the sweat of countless Tibetans, stone steps were knocked out of the mountains, and they were built bit by bit into what they see now.

After leaving the White House, next to it is the Red Palace.

The Red Palace is located in the center of the entire Potala Palace. It is the location of the Buddhist hall and the Lama Pagoda Hall of the past dynasties. It is also the winter palace of the lamas. The overall color is red.

The altitude here is the highest, so as soon as you step into it, you will feel a coolness that is different from the outside, which makes people feel refreshed instantly.

Among them, the Mandala Hall is one of the most famous Red Palace Halls, and it was also the first hall the two entered.

What you can see is that the Golden Palace and Silver Palace are inlaid with various gems, stacked layer by layer, complex and delicate, and there are various model castle statues plated with copper.

It makes people greedy.

Especially the viewers in the live broadcast room. They did not come to the scene in person and could not experience the grand and cool atmosphere. All they could see were the jewelry, gold and silver in the live broadcast room.

Just like some treasures in the movie, how can you not be jealous.

"Ahem, restraint, restraint." Seeing that the live broadcast room was going astray, Zhao Fei immediately reminded him: "It's okay to think about it, but don't be embarrassed.

Everything here is more than three years old and less than ten years old.

So...just take a look. "

"Haha." Zhao Maimai also laughed when he heard this and said to the live broadcast room: "Actually, if you were really there in person, you wouldn't have such thoughts at all.

On the contrary, I will be filled with awe and be glad that I am here.

It was an indescribable feeling, like, like..."

Zhao Maimai was also at a loss for words for a moment, scratching his head and unable to explain.

Zhao Fei answered: "It's like you saw a beautiful fairy, and in a moment of infatuation, you lowered your head in inferiority, because she was so unattainable.

You can only look up and don't dare to feel any blasphemy. "

"That's right." Zhao Maimai nodded sharply. Although it sounded a bit strange, he felt that Zhao Fei's metaphor was very appropriate.

"That's not necessarily true. Dong Yong and the Seven Fairies, Liu Yancheng and the Three Holy Mothers, Yang Tianyou and Yun Hua... these are all role models for our generation."

"Ahaha, I feel like Yang Jian is a bit miserable."

"Don't talk about Dong Yong and Yang Tianyou... Even being Ning Caichen is not bad. After all, that is Xiaoqian. Thinking about Wang Zuxian, it will definitely not be a loss."

Looking at the barrage, Zhao Fei almost burst out.

Helplessly shook his head.

Forget it, some diseases cannot be cured, not to mention that the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story" was indeed well made, especially Xiaoqian, who left a deep impression on people.

Even Zhao Fei couldn't refute.

Each Buddhist room in the Red Building can give people a different experience. The one that impressed Zhao Maimai the most was the longevity music hall, because it contains the sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso’s throne and his statue .

Tsangyang Gyatso's poems are also widely circulated on the Internet.

One sentence: 'Who holds my hand and restrains my madness for half my life.Who kissed my eyes and covered my half-life wandering? I don’t know how many people’s words have entered their hearts.

But in Zhao Fei's opinion, that's just it.

He was born a serf, but became the king of Qinghai and Tibet, which is the pursuit and envy of many people. However, he was tired of the monotonous and rigid life in the palace and yearned to be a member of all living beings.

Even if he lives in poverty and wanders around the world.

I still miss the colorful folk customs and miss my beautiful lover all the time.

As everyone knows, if you were not a king, how could you have so many lovers?
To put it bluntly, the food from your own family will never be as good as the food from other people’s homes.

In the deepest part of the first floor, the two also saw a blue and black pagoda, with gold bottles and jade in front of it, which were also inlaid with various gems.

Next to it, there was a thin woman pouring butter into the huge lampstand next to the tower, showing her loyalty to the Buddha in the simplest way.

Turning around and going upstairs, the two of them browsed...the Guru's Hall, the Holy Avalokitesvara Hall, the Amitayus Hall, etc.

By the time they walked out of the red building, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

Walking down the mountain road, you can see a deep pool behind the Potala Palace.

It is called Dragon King Pond. In fact, a long time ago, this place was a flat land with lush grass and verdant grass. However, the soil from this place was used by the Fifth Emperor to build the Potala Palace.

It was not obvious at first, but as time went by, the Potala Palace was built higher and higher, and more and more soil was used here, so it turned into a big pit.

Over the years, it is said that a golden spring finally emerged from the ground, and it became the current Dragon King Pond.

Moreover, this place used to be a park for princes and nobles and was not open to the common people. Now, everyone can come.

The two walked out of the Potala Palace.

This time Zhao Fei did not ask Liu Wei to send it off, because watching the Potala Palace from a distance would be equally impressive.

And he felt better outside than inside.

Looking at the gold, silver and jade in the palace, the first thing that Zhao Fei thought of was, 'The people are rich and the people are rich, and the wealth is as great as the enemy's. '

'The more beautiful and precious things are, sometimes the dirtier and more despicable they are, filled with slavery and oppression. '

On the contrary, the overall Potala Palace outside is beautifully decorated.

Appreciation is enough.

History is left to future generations to comment on.

Especially after a long time, you will find that no matter where you stand, whether it is early morning or evening, looking up or overlooking, you will find that the entire nearby terrain and the Potala Palace are integrated.

That kind of natural momentum is clear and strong, which is very moving.

It seems that the entire Potala Palace is filled with an infectious energy that can touch the soul, affecting everyone around you, making it easy for you to ignore other things and immerse yourself in it.

"Come on, let's go back to the hotel."

After taking a few panoramic pictures, Zhao Fei and the two returned to the RV.

The hotel Zhao Maimai booked this time is also very famous in the local area.

The Honggang health-themed hotel is not only luxuriously decorated inside, but the most important thing is the nectar secret medicinal bath therapy, and there are separate rooms for couples.

Tibetan health spas, etc. use aromatherapy to promote metabolism, relieve stress and make people feel physically and mentally happy in all aspects, and never want to leave.

So Zhao Fei also became excited for a while.

To be honest, he had never had this kind of experience in his previous life.

And still with Zhao Maimai.

Zhao Maimai didn't think too much about it. She chose this hotel firstly because it was clean and beautiful, and secondly because it had been out there for more than half a month and was exposed to wind and sun.

Thinking of taking good care of yourself at night.

After all, if you want to find this kind of place for the rest of your trip, you won’t be able to find it at all.

She didn't want her skin to get worse, even though under the influence of the healthy spring water, she was no different from before she started traveling except that she was a little fatter.

But I am also worried that my skin will become rough and ugly afterwards.

By then it will be too late to save it.

After parking the RV, the two of them walked into the hotel with their suitcases. Most of the waiters were enthusiastic Tibetans and spoke fluent Mandarin.

But even so, the hotel's rule of not being able to broadcast live made the two of them a little unhappy. The live broadcast room was even more noisy, saying that they would never come to this hotel when they go to Sunshine City in the future.
However, there is a certain reason why the hotel does not allow live broadcast. After all, this kind of water bath hotel is relatively private, so Zhao Fei did not force it.

First, I apologized to the live broadcast room, and then turned off the live broadcast.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room is quite temperamental. Even if Zhao Fei forcibly shuts down the broadcast, you are bullying me in a hotel. You really think we are easy to bully, right?

There are people in the group talking about giving bad reviews.

There is also talk of exposing vloggers.

But at this moment, a long comment appeared in various fan groups.

“It is normal for a hotel to make certain regulations because of customer privacy, and it is protecting the interests of customers.

No need to go online.

It's just that everyone was a little confused because of the pick-up and drop-off by the travel agency today. They thought that even the Potala Palace was allowed to be broadcast live. You are just a hotel. Why?
In fact, the properties represented by the two are different.

What's more, the hotel asked Zhao Fei to turn off the live broadcast, which was also their loss. After all, the live broadcast itself is a kind of publicity.

So please stay sensible and don't be impulsive.

Don't cause trouble for Zhao Fei.

This is also what Zhao Fei means. I hope everyone can help me spread it to various groups. I also attached Zhao Fei’s out-of-print upper body photos, which can satisfy all your fantasies. "

"What are you doing, still playing with your phone?" Zhao Fei looked at Zhao Maimai who started playing with his phone as soon as he entered the room, and took the initiative to pick up his secret weapon and check the room, including the spa room that he was going to go to later.

But after Zhao Fei came back, Zhao Maimai was still playing with his mobile phone.

Zhao Fei couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"No, I'll send you a message." Zhao Maimai put away her phone, rubbed her stomach, and continued: "I'm hungry, let's go eat first!"

"Okay, let's go to the spa together after dinner!"

"Yes." Zhao Maimai nodded shyly, then jumped on Zhao Fei's back and said, "My legs are so sore after climbing the stairs for a long time. Now you are carrying me the whole way."

"Whatever, if you're not afraid of embarrassment, just stay there."

"Why am I afraid of being embarrassed? Anyway, the hotel doesn't allow live broadcasts, or even taking pictures. It's so private, and it won't be spread, so don't worry.

As for letting people in the hotel see it, let them be envious.

Hey hey hey! "

(End of this chapter)

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