China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 112 We are doing business, Mai Mai, why do you still hiccup?

Chapter 112 We are doing business, Mai Mai, why do you still hiccup?

Zhao Fei's claws were numb.

Zhao Maimai was also at a loss.

I felt that things were out of control, and I even secretly regretted it.

It's all her own fault. If she hadn't been unable to control her emotions for a moment and burst into tears, things wouldn't be like this.

But when she thought that Zhao Fei would leave her forever, she couldn't help it.

So at this moment, I felt aggrieved and helpless, my eyes turned red instantly, and the tears that had stopped began to flow out again silently.

His pitiful little appearance makes people feel so distressed.

"Hiccup...Brother Meng, I...hiccup...I didn't mean it."

"Why are you still hiccupping?" Zhao Fei reached out and patted Zhao Maimai's back, and said warmly: "Okay, okay, didn't we just agree to control it?"

"Hiccup... I, I know, but... hiccup... ooohhh!"

He shook his head helplessly. No matter what, Zhao Fei still planned to tell the fans in the live broadcast room this cruel fact, no matter whether they could bear it or not.

Even in this short period of time, his fan base has increased by nearly 100 million.

And it is still growing at a double-digit rate per second.

Zhao Fei cannot deceive these sincere fans.

Otherwise he would feel uneasy.

But if you think about it carefully, fans may not necessarily believe him even if he says it. After all, you can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. Some people will never look back until they hit the wall.

But no matter what, Zhao Fei had to say it.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry just now. In fact, I am not sick and I don't have any incurable disease. You can rest assured.

Mai Mai's crying just now was just a script we had discussed.

So your worries are completely unnecessary. I take care of you and wish you good health and a happy life.

You can rest assured that I will always accompany you forward. You have not given up on me, so how could I leave you! "


"Well, I actually had a premonition when the anchor said this. After all, he is not doing live broadcasts for fame or profit. He just wants to be crazy in his last life.

Don't leave any regrets.

If it were other anchors, I'm afraid they would use this to publicize it, which would have a greater impact.

But the anchor didn’t.

Did you see, this is Zhao Fei, this is our piece of shit!
Just so that we don't have to worry, I am willing to bear everything alone.

Endure the pain and keep moving forward.

It can be said that he has a strong sense of responsibility and responsibility, dares to take risks, and is willing to contribute. He is the driving force of social progress and an example for us to learn from. "

"Anchor, stop talking. We all understand. Look at what happened to Mai Mai. If this was discussed in advance, why are you crying now?
Those who tell the story are going to graves and burning newspapers to fool the ghosts.

We are not ghosts, let alone stupid. "

"I can actually understand the anchor's mood. The reason why he said this is because he doesn't want us to worry about him and is afraid that we will be sad.

A waste of publicity resources in society.

Look, look... what a good young man, why doesn't God open his eyes?

Why should illness befall him?

Is it because he is excellent?
This is too unfair. "


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, burp, oh my god, ahh!"

Seeing these barrages, Zhao Maimai collapsed completely.

Not crying sadly, but feeling aggrieved, helpless, and upset.

Especially when they think about the fact that they later learned that Zhao Fei was safe and sound, and that they were deceived at that time, don't go crazy. Killing them would be easy.

Zhao Fei will also become a big liar who deceives the world and steals his reputation.

She is an accessory and cannot escape punishment either.

So she quickly stopped her tears and spoke with choked sobs: "Brother Meng, stop talking, Zhao Fei... hiccup, Zhao Fei is really not sick.

We didn't lie to you, all of this... hiccup, all of this is really just a script. "

Wiping away tears with the back of her hand, Zhao Maimai hiccupped as she spoke.

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, even Zhao Fei couldn't help but feel suspicious when he saw it.

After all, the way you acted, it was obvious that you were extremely sad and had to tell a white lie against your will, but you felt aggrieved and couldn't help crying.

Zhao Maimai is also aware of his situation.

She was in pain, even though she had been persuaded by Zhao Fei to come back just now, she knew that Zhao Fei's life was not in danger.

But the mood swings today were too intense.

He also lost his usual calmness and wisdom.

I want to cry when I feel wronged.

I couldn't stop the tears.

I finally understand why everyone says that women are made of water, and it’s really hard to stop crying.

"Maimai, stop talking. We all understand. It's really hard for you."

"Yes, Mai Mai is still a child."

"Okay, okay, Mai Mai, don't cry. We all believe you. It's all a script. Zhao Fei doesn't have an incurable disease... ugh!"


The audience in the live broadcast room clearly didn't believe it.

Zhao Fei was helpless and could only speak again, with an extremely serious expression: "Everyone, Mai Mai is not crying because she is sad, but because you don't believe her.

I felt quite aggrieved and anxious, so I cried.

I really don’t have an incurable disease.

This is all a misunderstanding

If you don’t believe it, there’s nothing I can do about it.

But I still want to declare that I, Zhao Fei, am not sick and will not die young.

I also hope that you will stop spreading nonsense, and stop making nonsense comments.

I'm really not sick.

Those bullshit driving forces of society and role models for learning are not me. "

Zhao Fei raised three fingers and looked like he was swearing seriously.

A small number of people in the live broadcast room also became suspicious.

What is going on?

They were also confused whether Zhao Fei was sick or not.

But at this moment, a hundred consecutive gifts flew up in the live broadcast room.

The person who read the name of the gift was obviously an official of Douyin.

The most important thing is that this gift is new and exclusive to Zhao Fei. It is not available in other live broadcast rooms.

Worth 1 yuan, the name is: I wish Zhao Fei a speedy recovery!

The picture displayed on the gift is also a white wreath, blooming in the center of the screen, getting bigger and bigger, until it flies away and disappears.

Just like Zhao Fei's life.

As gorgeous as a summer flower, it blooms...shows its most beautiful appearance, and then disappears.

"I am Nima!"

Seeing this, Zhao Fei was so angry that he wanted to curse, but he knew it was Li Hai's fault without even thinking about it. Zhao Fei took out his phone and wanted to call Li Hai.

Tell him to stop causing trouble here.

He has almost convinced the live broadcast room audience, what do you mean by doing this again?
Take the opportunity to make a fortune?
Just watch the excitement and don’t be afraid of big trouble!

However, Zhao Fei didn't wait for the call to be dialed.

One by one, the extremely conspicuous barrages with large gilded characters floated across the center of the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone in the live broadcast room, I am Li Hai, the operator of Douyin Backstage, and this is the first time I know about Zhao Fei.

For a moment, I felt like my whole world had collapsed. There was darkness all around me, and I felt so stuffed that I couldn't breathe.

So I immediately asked the company to create this gift.

Some may suspect that we are taking advantage of this last opportunity to waste money.

But you guessed wrong.

This 100 million is my private money.

Moreover, regarding the gift of "Wish Zhao Fei a speedy recovery", the company promised not to take any commission from all the proceeds, and all of them belong to Zhao Fei.

I only hope that in this last time.

Zhao Fei can live happily and happily, that's all.

This is also my last hope for him as his brother. "

As soon as this barrage came out, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely excited.

Each 'white wreath' bloomed in the center of the screen, and the gifts flew up without stopping at all.

Yang Xiaohu: "I wish Zhao Fei a speedy recovery X100."

Little boss: "I wish Zhao Fei a speedy recovery X100."

Wang Jinghua: "I wish Zhao Fei a speedy recovery X100."

Douyin Mr. Chen: "I wish Zhao Fei a speedy recovery X100."

The company is preparing to go public: "I wish Zhao Fei a speedy recovery X100."

In less than 10 minutes, Zhao Fei estimated that he had already earned tens of millions.

But he wasn't happy at all.

"What the hell is this? Even if I am sick, I am not dead yet. What does it mean to send wreaths to everyone? There are also Yang Xiaohu and Wang Jinghua.

Why are you here to join in the fun?
And this Mr. Chen, are we familiar with him?
The little boss should just go about his business honestly, why should he be taken advantage of?

And this one is about to go on sale. Do you really want to leave yourself no room for escape? "Zhao Fei's face was ashen. If Li Hai were by his side now, he could strangle him to death with one hand.

Without hesitation at all.

So irritating.

"Wow wow wow, it's over... burp... it's over."

Looking at the wreath blooming in the live broadcast room, Zhao Maimai was slightly stunned, and then cried in despair.

She knew that nothing they could say would be of any use this time.

It has become an established fact that Zhao Fei is suffering from an incurable disease and cannot be denied by anyone.


"Look, look at it... Mai Mai and the anchor have real feelings for each other. How sad and sad they cry."

"This guy named Li Hai really regards Zhao Fei as a brother. He just offered 100 million. Douyin did a good job this time, and the pattern is great."

"And Zhao Fei, look at that livid face, don't you think you are okay? Don't you just want to come quietly, wave your sleeves, and not take away a single cloud?

We all understand, but we are not clouds.

It is the farewell Shengxiao, vibrating only for you.

It's the green banana swaying under the water, willing to see you off.

I am the summer insect that keeps whining for you. I wish you a safe journey. "

Zhao Fei was completely speechless.

What the hell are these words?The summer insects are still whining. Will your summer insects be whining?

Chinese is taught by physical education teachers in primary schools, right?
You want to send me away!

Even if I'm not sick, I'm almost going to get sick because of your anger!


On the other side, Liu Yifei looked at the wreaths in the live broadcast room.

Feel the same.

Tears couldn't stop flowing down her face. She regretted it. She shouldn't have hated Zhao Fei in her heart.

Aren't they just some photos? See what's going on?
Isn't it just using honey to write and draw on her body with a brush? Apart from being a little itchy, what's the matter?
Even if Zhao Fei is willing and has this requirement, Liu Yifei feels that it is not impossible. Who can argue with a person who is not going to die soon?

What's more, he is still Zhao Fei.

The bad guy who haunts and disturbs people.

So Liu Yifei felt even more uncomfortable at the moment. He couldn't stop crying as he watched the wreaths floating in the live broadcast room.

There was no paper around, so I picked up Hui Hui and rubbed it.

Especially seeing that Yang Xiaohu had painted a wreath, she was fine.

Come directly to two hundred rounds.

She, Liu Yifei, never lags behind others in doing things, let alone Yang Xiaohu.

He even had the idea of ​​going to see Zhao Fei in his mind.

After all, I don’t know when, heaven and man were separated.

But at this moment, Liu Xiaoli, who was also feeling very uncomfortable, came over, took her mobile phone and said: "Yifei, look, that Ye Zhuan family has spoken again.

It also seemed to clarify Zhao Fei's condition.

It's reasonable and well-founded, it's quite similar. "


At this critical moment, the Ye Zhuan family will definitely not be absent.

However, he was very cautious this time. The previous times he praised Zhao Fei, especially the Tai Chi last time, had already made netizens a little disgusted with him.

Of course, there is also resistance from some Tai Chi inheritors.

If these people hadn't taken the lead in the charge, no netizen would be as knowledgeable as him.

Therefore, in order to restore their reputation, the Ye Zhuan family planned to make some big revelations this time, which would surprise everyone.

Let netizens see what is the true level of his Ye Zhuan family!
In this way, a well-planned article was promoted on the Internet.

Title: Zhao Fei seems to be a martial artist, but in fact he is a dreamer.

Text: Everyone may be unfamiliar with martial artists, but everyone should be familiar with dreamers.

Dreams are like an oasis in the desert, which can bring life to despair. They are also a beacon that will never go out and illuminate the journey of life, guiding us all the way forward.

When we were children, we also thought about what we would do when we grow up.

This is all a dream.

According to my investigation, there is a very rare disease in the world called 'diffuse leptoglial neuronal tumor', which is commonly known as brain cancer.

This cancer is very rare, with an incidence of one in tens of millions.

Although it can be surgically removed, it is difficult to cure with modern medical methods, and accidents are very easy to occur during the operation, causing brain damage.

This kind of damage is irreversible. If you die on the spot, there is a high chance that you will become a vegetative state even if you succeed.

In the end, it is possible to relapse and die slowly in bed.

The early symptoms of this type of brain cancer are headaches, and in severe cases, vomiting, lack of energy, etc.

Fortunately, this type of brain cancer won't get worse as long as you stay calm, relaxed and don't stress yourself out.

According to the World Health Organization report.

For people suffering from this kind of brain cancer, some people persisted for 18 years from diagnosis to death. At the age of 52, the brain cancer completely worsened and died.

It is said that the secret of this person's victory over the disease is to constantly tell himself in his heart: I am not sick, there is no disease at all!
But there are also some who died in less than a year from diagnosis to death.

The gap between the two is astonishingly large.

Everyone in the live broadcast room can see that Zhao Fei is in good health.

So I agree with Zhao Fei's words. He is not sick and has no incurable disease. He is very healthy, healthier than anyone else and cannot be questioned by anyone.

I believe everyone should understand what I mean after seeing this.

So you are all wrong, Zhao Fei is indeed not sick.

So, please don’t be sad or cry anymore. You still have to have dreams, just in case they come true.

And as long as we work together, we will definitely achieve it.


After reading it.

Liu Yifei felt enlightened.

Yes, Zhao Fei is in such good health that he keeps saying in the live broadcast room that he is not sick.

It turned out that I wanted to learn from the patient who persisted for 18 years, deceive myself from the spiritual level, comfort myself psychologically, and keep my mood comfortable.

Only in this way can brain cancer be completely defeated.

Now Liu Yifei also gave up the idea of ​​visiting Zhao Fei.

We can't put pressure on Zhao Fei.

Don't make him feel sick, otherwise he will definitely be quite depressed and sad.

When you feel sad, your condition will worsen.

Wouldn't that be counterproductive?

Not just Liu Yifei, but many netizens.

Including Li Hai, Yang Xiaohu, Wang Jinghua and others who were backstage at Douyin all suddenly understood at this moment.

A thought came to mind.

As expected of a brick master, he only wants to be on a higher level than ordinary people.

The gift of wishing you a speedy recovery was instantly removed from the shelves by Li Hai.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also changed their style drastically, as if what just happened never happened.

"Fuck, that's what happened, ah...ahem, there are a lot of people in the live broadcast room today. By the way, I just came here, where is the anchor now?"

"Haha, who were you talking about just now... Yes, yes, the anchor sings beautifully. Can you sing another song that is more cheerful?"

"Yeah, the weather is nice today, I should play some cheerful songs."


Look at the changes in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei were also a little surprised. Zhao Maimai immediately took out his mobile phone to check the situation in the fan group, and soon found the article by Ye Zhuan's family.

After reading it, she was surprised and couldn't help but sigh: "This Ye Zhuan family is really talented. He actually helped them use this method to cleverly resolve the problem of not trusting Zhao Fei in the live broadcast room."

Zhao Fei's expression was also very strange.

He didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky.

Call him lucky, the live broadcast room doesn't believe that his problem has been solved, and no one will mention any incurable disease.

Fans even want to coax and support him.

I'm afraid that he'll die if he's unhappy.

Being treated like this, Zhao Fei subconsciously wanted to laugh. After all, it would be much easier to do many things in the future, and he would not need to explain.

But unfortunately, from now on he is probably going to be labeled as a 'brain cancer'.

I can't take it off even if I want to.

If he lives to 99...

Even as long as his fan base continues to grow, he can count down to a hundred years or a thousand years... In this way, these fans should be gone by then, right?
Eh... so amazing!

Especially after being highlighted by Ye Zhuan's article, even if he swears to God now and cries and shouts that he is not sick, no one will believe him.

So Zhao Fei loves and hates the Ye Zhuan family.

My heart felt like I had knocked over the five-flavor bottle, all the five flavors were mixed.


Zhao Maimai is the only insider, so he naturally understands Zhao Fei's current mood.

She felt that this was good, although secretly Zhao Fei might receive strange looks, and everyone would think that he was a weakling who needed pity.

But precisely because of this, Zhao Fei will receive more care and will not be attacked or embarrassed in the slightest.

Especially when Zhao Fei enters the entertainment industry, no matter how willful or unbridled he is, others will be patient and say in their hearts: Hey, why bother with a patient!
Isn't this equivalent to wrapping Zhao Fei in an invincible golden body?

As for the strange look?Think he is a weakling...

Haha, Zhao Maimai laughed.She knows better than anyone how strong Zhao Fei is.

She was even a little envious of Zhao Fei. After all, the entertainment industry is not so easy to mess with, full of intrigues and intrigues.

Of course, it's good for her too.

Whenever someone bullies her in the future, she will push Zhao Fei out and stand in front of him.

Who dares to take action then, please lend me your courage!

Believe it or not, Zhao Fei was lying on the ground before you could take action?

Thinking of this, Zhao Maimai laughed out loud and cooperated with the audience in the live broadcast room to turn on the car music again.

I chose a high-pitched song and turned up the volume as loud as possible.

"Brother Meng, you are right... You should be happy in life. No matter what hardships or setbacks you encounter, you must stay optimistic.

Be brave and not afraid of difficulties. "


"Haha, Mai Mai said it well."

"Brave and awesome, not afraid of difficulties."

"Come on."


In an instant, the prelude of the high-pitched song sounded in the live broadcast room.

Listening to it makes people unable to help but sway along and feel happy.

"Mountain top, just come together, nothing can stop the future. Day and night, just the love between you and me, nothing can stop the future.

Yi yi yi you are not here, I am not here.

Yi yi yi who will still be here..."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room, driven by Zhao Maimai, gradually became more lively.

But Zhao Fei's interest was obviously not very high.

With a grimace on his face, he started the RV and continued heading west.

Originally, he planned to stay overnight in DJ County tonight, because DJ County is called the Miracle Kingdom, a small wetland town that grew out of the water.

80.00% of people who travel to Qinghai-Tibet don’t know DJ County.

But DJ County is a paradise on earth hidden further west of Sunshine City, with high altitude, cold and isolated scenery and beautiful scenery.

You can hardly find any record of it online.

It is precisely because of this that DJ County still maintains its original beauty, like a treasure hidden by the Creator.

But now it has been delayed for such a long time, and we have not even crossed the Hete Bridge. We will definitely not be able to reach DJ County after dark, so we can only drive as far as that.

Fortunately, there are plenty of supplies in the RV, so Zhao Fei doesn't have to worry about anything.

"Brothers, it's already past two o'clock in the afternoon. We can only find a place to camp in the Gobi Desert at night. Of course, it's best to be somewhere sheltered from the wind.

Because today's weather is not good to begin with, it's gloomy and it seems like it's going to rain, but it hasn't rained yet.

I'm afraid there will be a sandstorm.

So we didn’t stop to cook. We simply took a bite and waited until we found a sheltered place. "

"Okay, then I'll get the snacks and you concentrate on driving." Hearing what Zhao Fei said, Zhao Maimai's face became more serious. He turned down the volume of the music and turned towards the back of the RV.

After all, sandstorms are no joke.

After a while, Zhao Maimai reappeared in front of the live broadcast room with a lot of snacks.

These are what she likes to eat.

I just cried for so long.

Not mentioning Zhao Maimai, she didn't feel much. Now that she was holding the snack, she instantly felt that her throat was dry and her stomach was empty.

After returning to the passenger seat, he opened a bottle of yogurt, put a straw in it and brought it to Zhao Fei's mouth: "Nuo, drink slowly, I'll hold it for you."

"Yeah." Zhao Fei nodded, put the straw in his mouth, and when the sound of snoring came from the bottle, he said: "Your voice is hoarse, don't just focus on me."


Zhao Maimai smiled sweetly, opened a bottle of yogurt for himself, and took out some beef jerky.

Feed Zhao Fei a piece.

Eat a piece by yourself, be harmonious and friendly.

The audience watching the live broadcast was also very emotional at this moment.

"Maimai is so kind, beautiful and sensible. Anyone who can marry her will definitely be blessed in three lifetimes."

"Don't tell me, I'm over 40 this year, and Mai Mai is really a standard daughter-in-law in my eyes. It's a pity that my kid dropped out of school in his senior year of high school.

I didn’t even send him to a technical college. He just played games online at home every day. That’s bullshit.

Forget about Mai Mai, whether he can find a girlfriend in the future is a question.

Damn it, the more you talk, the angrier you get... Go home and beat your son! "

"Haha, brother upstairs, don't be soft-hearted when you get home. If you don't obey, you should be taught a lesson. A filial son will emerge from under the stick. It's absolutely true."

"Go away, don't watch the excitement here. Domestic violence is illegal."

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Fuck, I am his son... My current location is Qingfu Community in Pingcheng, Suzhou. Is there any friend nearby in the live broadcast room who can help me escape...

Ah, Dad, why are you back so quickly?
I'm not playing the game, I'm watching the live broadcast. "


"Ha ha."

Zhao Maimai looked at the barrage and smiled.

I don’t know if this is what really happened, or if the audience in the live broadcast room deliberately made it up to make Zhao Fei laugh.

But no matter what, the audience in the live broadcast room at this moment is very cute.

It feels very warm.

However, Zhao Fei's face was still a bit serious.

Even when Zhao Maimai raised his head, he gradually realized that something was wrong with the weather outside.

Opening the car window, I instantly felt a strong wind blowing in.

Shocked, she quickly closed the car window, her little face scrunched up and spit out the sand that blew into her mouth.

"It's so windy outside!"

"Yes." Zhao Fei nodded and said, "There are great plains around here, and there is no suitable place to park. I'm going to speed up, so sit tight."

The dark clouds have been gathering all day, and now they are getting thicker and thicker.

People watching in the dark felt panicked.

Especially when Zhao Maimai pointed the live camera towards the sky, the fans did not dare to joke anymore and felt a little heavy.

There were a lot less barrages in the entire live broadcast room.

Gradually, as time passed, the wind outside became stronger and stronger.

Sand and gravel slapped against the car body, making a constant 'plop, plop' sound.

Zhao Maimai took her mobile phone and checked the nearby weather forecast: "Cloudy, moderate to heavy rain, southwesterly wind level [-]... Will there really be a sandstorm?"

"not sure."

Zhao Fei shook his head and continued: "But it doesn't matter even if there is a sandstorm, the tonnage of our RV is here, unless there is a tornado.

So to be on the safe side, we still have to find a sheltered place. "

"Yeah." Zhao Maimai was obviously a little nervous and tightened the seat belt on his chest.

"Don't be afraid. There are so many people in the live broadcast room accompanying us. It will be fine." Zhao Fei comforted him, then turned on the car lights and improved his health a little to speed up.

At the same time, he paid full attention to the front.

That’s the thing about self-driving travel, you never know when the unexpected will come.

But the more critical the moment, the less panic is possible.

Deal with it calmly and believe in yourself.

However, two hours later, Zhao Fei still didn't see any suitable parking place.

I couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Moreover, the wind was stronger now, and the dust stirred up made it difficult for Zhao Fei to see very far away.

The dense collision sound of sand hitting the car body is even more disturbing.

Zhao Fei didn't dare to drive too fast, otherwise it would be too easy to cause a car accident.

So now Zhao Fei is in a dilemma.

"Hey, the wind and sand here seem to be much smaller, and the surroundings are clearly visible." Zhao Maimai pointed to the left front of the RV through the car window.

He said happily, "Has the wind calmed down and there are no more sandstorms?"

"No." Zhao Fei's expression was still serious, and his voice was deeper than before: "It's not that the wind and sand have become smaller, but that a tornado has formed not far away.

It sweeps away the nearby wind and sand, so you can see your surroundings more clearly.

Otherwise, the wind and sand would not have disappeared so quickly. "

"Ah, you, you mean, the tornado is near us?" Zhao Maimai's face turned pale.

Zhao Fei was silent.

The maximum wind force of a tornado can reach level [-] or above, and it is also accompanied by thunder and lightning. Not to mention how sturdy his RV is.

Even if the tanks come, it will be in vain.

However, it is now confirmed that a tornado is forming, and its wind power will not reach its peak in an instant, but will grow slowly.

At the same time, it will sweep away the surrounding sand and dust.

In this way, the gray situation around them will be alleviated.

"There is less and less wind and sand around!" Zhao Maimai looked at the situation around the RV and was no longer happy at all. Her face was pale and pale.

"Don't be afraid, we will be fine." Zhao Fei gritted his teeth and saw the tornado gradually forming in the distance.

My heart trembles slightly,

Shout out bad luck.

The tornado is like a black twisting sky pillar that is thin in the middle and thick at the ends, rotating crazily connecting the dark clouds in the sky and the earth.

The electric light flashed and there was a roaring sound.

It was as if the gods were angry.

Even though it was still far away from them, the size of the tornado was gradually getting bigger.

The most important thing is that the tornado is approaching them quickly along the road, flying sand and rocks along the way, and the big trees are uprooted and smashed into pieces the moment they are rolled into the sky.

The dead grass and leaves are flying all over the sky.


"Oh my god, this, this is too scary!"

"The anchor is very unlucky. It feels like the tornado is targeting them."

"What the hell, the anchor should turn around and run back."

The wind and sand around the RV gradually subsided, and the live broadcast room could see the surrounding situation clearly.

The tornado is like a giant dragon emerging from the dark clouds.

Roaring towards the earth, destroying everything in its path.

Now it was too late for Zhao Fei to turn around, because the speed of the tornado could reach up to 200 meters per second.

And the width of the road didn't allow him to turn around.

So he has only one option now.

That means running down the road and out of the way of the tornado.

However, the road itself has a certain slope from the ground, and underneath the road is the Gobi Desert. Most places are full of rocks and cannot be opened to traffic at all.

What is open to traffic is densely covered with weeds, and the roots of these weeds are faintly visible. It is obvious that the land at that location is very wet.

The tonnage of the RV is too heavy and it will get stuck if you are not careful.

By then, Zhao Fei and the others won't be able to run away even if they want to.

So at this moment, Zhao Fei carefully looked around, looking for a feasible route, and stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed of the car, ready to rush off the road at any time.

"Hold on tight, we'll rush over in a moment."

"Well, I believe you." Zhao Maimai grabbed the armrest of the passenger seat with one hand and the seat belt with the other. She closed her eyes in fear without making any comments.

Completely leave everything to Zhao Fei.

Because she believed in Zhao Fei, they would be fine.

But the live broadcast room was different. Zhao Fei was about to rush over.

All of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Anchor, are you crazy? It was a tornado. It rushed over and you were already in the sky halfway through."

"Well, the anchor is not going to die on his own initiative. After all, he is not going to die soon, but you holding Mai Mai is a bit..."

"Shut up for the fuck, what a bastard... If I don't scold you, you'll be scratched all over, right? Do you dare to report your position now? I'll go over now.

If you don't beat me until you call me grandpa, I will take your last name.

You idiot, you've been watching the live broadcast for so long and you still don't know who the anchor is?
Talk, what the hell are you talking about...

Sign up for a spot and make an appointment in real life. "

"Ahem, please calm down this fan. This person has been banned by me and cannot speak." Li Hai's barrage of gold-plated characters floated across the live broadcast room.

He was afraid that if he didn't stand up, this person would curse him endlessly.

"Everyone in the live broadcast room, please stop posting barrages. Zhao Fei is here and he knows how to handle this situation better than any of us.

Everyone, please calm down and don't disturb Zhao Fei. "

"Yeah, yeah, don't even send barrages."

"Shut up about your grandma, what the hell you said to me..."

"My Nima..."

"Holy shit, can you please stop for a moment? The anchor's life and death are at stake, why are you talking nonsense!"

Everyone watching the live broadcast is very angry at this moment.

The language was so vulgar that even eighteen generations of their ancestors could use it, but this was the only way for them to vent their depression, otherwise they would probably suffocate to death.

Moreover, there are millions of people in the live broadcast room, and it is impossible to control them.

In the end, Li Hai directly turned on the screen clearing, prohibiting anyone from posting comments, and the screen in the live broadcast room was instantly empty.

Everyone also became quiet.

Listening to the howling of the strong wind and watching the huge tornado getting closer and closer, the hearts of each fan seemed to be clenched in a fist.

Very nervous.

Human beings are really powerless in the face of this huge natural disaster.

There is nothing to do but wait to die.

In particular, the tornado and the RV are opposite each other, which makes them close quickly.
There is about a thousand meters between the two.

Everyone was in despair, and some female fans even cried.

They looked at Zhao Fei who gritted his teeth and had a resolute look on his face, and Zhao Maimai who had her eyes closed tightly and her face was pale, and they felt extremely heartbroken.

They are still so young.

Are we going to leave them forever?

no, do not want.

Get away, get away.

At this moment, Zhao Fei seemed to hear the shouts of countless fans in the air, suddenly turned the steering wheel and roared: "Sit tight!"

The RV then drifted off the road.

In an instant, everyone only heard a "bang" sound.

The RV jolted violently.

Because the slope was so steep, the bumper of the RV directly hit a small crater in the ground.

But it is precisely because the speed is fast enough.

Under the huge inertial momentum of the front of the car, the entire body tilted and slowly lifted up, stirring up little bits of dirt.

Then one of the tires fell to the ground, and Zhao Fei stepped on the accelerator.

The entire car body suddenly jumped forward amidst the roar.

The tilted car body also fell back in an instant, landed safely on the ground, and rushed deep into the grassland driven by Zhao Fei.

Now fans understand that Zhao Fei wanted to go around. The reason why the car was so fast just now was because Zhao Fei was looking for a passable route.

Moreover, the width of the road does not allow for U-turns.

Especially as the RV moved forward, they also discovered that most of the places the RV passed were relatively flat sand and gravel without any weeds.

And among some strange rocks, there is enough room for a RV to pass through them.

Of course, sometimes a trap such as a big pit will suddenly appear ahead.

Therefore, the RV can only avoid boulders and pits, and move forward as fast as possible amidst the bumps.

At the same time, because of the weight of the RV, even some sand and gravel.

Wherever the road is, the tires will also sink deeply into it, leaving two deep marks.

In this way, there is no need to worry about rolling over.

It can be said that Zhao Fei has considered all situations.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was in admiration. This technique is so superb.

However, the crisis has not been eliminated at this moment.

Because the tornado was right behind them, it covered a wide area, not just the highway.

So they must stay as far away from the road as possible and keep a safe enough distance from the tornado.

As a result, the deeper you go into the Gobi Desert, the greater the chance that your RV will break down.

But now Zhao Fei can't control that much. As long as he avoids the tornado, it doesn't matter even if the RV breaks down. After all, his life is the most important.

The tornado was still roaring.

Even though Zhao Fei and the others were already far away, the RV was still covered by wind and sand in an instant.

The audience in the live broadcast room only felt that the picture in front of them went dark and they could no longer see anything. Only the sound of wind like ghosts crying and wolf howling kept ringing in their ears.

"It's okay, they'll be fine."

"Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva... all the great immortals and gods, please protect Zhao Fei and others and they will be safe and sound."

"Don't be dark... please light up the live broadcast room for me, light it up!"

five seconds.

ten seconds,
1 minutes.

Just like that, the live broadcast room was completely unclear.

It was gray.

But no one in the audience left.

They all prayed in their hearts that the two of them would be safe.

At the same time, Sunlight City's rescue team has begun to set off.

The leader of the travel agency was on the phone frantically, sweating all over his head. If something happened to Zhao Fei, who would dare to travel to Qinghai-Tibet in the future?

By then his career will be affected.

Li Hai, who was backstage at Douyin, had red eyes, like a wild beast, staring at the live broadcast room, his clenched fists trembling slightly because of too much exertion.

Yelled in the office.

"Brother, today I hung up on several big bosses because of you, including my direct boss and the top leaders of the travel agency.

No matter what my status is, I will not turn off the broadcast for you.

Because only you can turn off your live broadcast room, and neither can I.

But you must be safe and sound, otherwise... woo woo woo. "

Li Hai kicked the door of the office, like an angry lion: "Everyone is eavesdropping, I tell you, if I die, you can't even think about it.
Now, call 120 for me and ask them to wait downstairs.

I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a while. "

(End of this chapter)

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