China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 113 Who can stand this cute little look?

Chapter 113 Who can stand this cute little look?

Millions of people in the live broadcast room are looking at the gray mobile phones in front of them.

Some are students who are still in school, some are migrant workers who have entered the workplace, and some are middle-aged people who are already fathers and mothers.

But no matter who they are, they are shouting and praying in their hearts at this moment.

Pray that Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei are safe and sound.

I pray that the screen in the live broadcast room will not go completely black and that it will return to normal quickly.

Light up quickly.

Because the small screen in front of you represents two young lives.

At this moment, it seemed that even God heard their cries.

Although the picture in the live broadcast room was still gray, the sound of howling ghosts and howling winds was gradually covered by the roar of cars.

It instantly lifted everyone's spirits.

Because as long as you hear the roar of the RV, it proves that the RV is still moving forward and has not stalled.

Until minutes passed, the picture in the live broadcast room became clearer and clearer.

Everyone saw that the RV was still driving on the Gobi Desert, and the huge black tornado was roaring farther and farther away from them.

The danger has passed.

The two were safe and sound.

Cheers instantly sounded throughout the land of Dragon Kingdom.

Li Hai also took advantage of the situation and opened the barrage.


"Damn, I was scared to death just now. It's okay."

"No, I can't. I have to go to the toilet quickly. I'm suffocated."

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

God knows how nervous he was just now, and he didn't dare to be distracted at all.

Especially during the 2 minutes when he was covered by the edge of the tornado, he couldn't see anything clearly.

We can only rely on the rough routes we have seen before and slowly explore based on intuition.

No different than a black blind man.

Fortunately, he finally drove the RV out, so he was quite happy at the moment: "Haha, it's safe."

Hearing Zhao Fei's laughter, Zhao Maimai slowly opened his eyes.

Nothing was said after that.

He immediately unbuckled his seat belt and threw himself into Zhao Fei's arms.

In her ear, he said in a voice that only Zhao Fei could hear: "Do you know what I was thinking when I closed my eyes just now?

I thought it would be okay if we died like this.

If the wind blows it up into the sky, the RV's sturdiness shouldn't be shattered, so we're kind of in the same boat.

There's no telling where the tornado will take us.

Maybe it’s the ends of the earth that no one has ever explored.

Maybe it was on Mount Everest, where we were covered in ice and frozen after no one discovered us. We stayed together for thousands of years until we were dug out.

They might say... This is a young couple who died while traveling, but they don't know how they drove their car to Mount Everest.

After that, we become a mystery for the ages.

Ha ha……

So after I closed my eyes, I didn't feel nervous at all, because as long as you are by my side, I am not afraid of anything! "

"Yes, we will be together forever."

Zhao Fei patted her back and was also very touched by her words.

However, he was still in the Gobi Desert deep in the highway, and he also needed to drive carefully, so he comforted him: "Okay, okay... hurry back to your seat, everyone in the live broadcast room is still watching.

What's the matter, let's talk about it tonight. "

"Well, I want to hug you enough tonight." After gently kissing Zhao Fei's ear, Zhao Maimai returned to the co-pilot position.

Zhao Fei was also itched by the hot breath exhaled by the other party.

But the most important thing for them now is to get back to the road quickly. It's not a problem in the Gobi Desert.

After choosing the route, Zhao Fei made a big turn.

This time he was not driving very fast. He just wanted to ensure safety as much as possible and not let the RV get stuck.

However, it is easy for them to come down, but it is difficult to go up again.

After all, the road is much higher than the ground and has a steep slope.

The RV is not an off-road vehicle and is difficult to climb into.

In the end, Zhao Fei could only choose a place with a relatively small slope to park, took out his shovel, dug the soil, and filled in the slope until the RV could return to the road.

Zhao Maimai is not idle either. Even though she is not very good at cooking, she can still cook noodles.

Their location is now at a very high altitude.

So it takes a long time to boil water, and you need to use a pressure cooker, so it's not easy to have a hot bite.

Fortunately, the RV is fully equipped.

Although the descent was very bumpy and some things inside the RV fell out, the damage caused was not significant and there were no major problems with the overall structure of the RV.

It can be seen that you get what you pay for.

The 8000 million spent by the original owner was not unjust at all.

By the time night fell, Zhao Fei had almost smoothed the slope, enough for the RV to get back on the road, and Zhao Maimai had also cooked the noodles.

Watching the two of them eating a bowl of instant noodles each, there was no sign of impatience in the live broadcast room.

Life is like this, it can't always be smooth sailing, and it's impossible for everything to be perfect.

Where there is happiness, there will be distress.

Where there are setbacks, there will be gains.

Just like now, the dark clouds in the sky have dispersed.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the two of them sat on the ground, leaning against the RV, their backs stretched very long.

Zhao Fei's face still had some splashes of mud from the digging.

Zhao Maimai's white sweater also accidentally got some oil stains on it when she was cooking noodles.

But neither of them paid attention to this.

Smoking and slurping away at the not-so-delicious instant noodles, the wind blew slowly, and the withered grass in the Gobi Desert rolled and ran into the distance.

One after another, gray and fluffy prairie dogs emerged from their holes cautiously, stretching their heads to look in the direction of the RV.

Then he looked in the direction where the tornado was going.

He lowered his head with peace of mind, scratched hard with his little paws, and carefully searched for the tender grass roots hidden under the sand and rocks.

The rescue team that had just arrived nearby stood looking at the two people next to the RV from a distance.

Smiles appeared on their faces.

Then they did not disturb the two of them, but chose to turn around and leave.

It was as if it had never been here before.

"Seeing them like this, it feels so peaceful. It seems like there was no tornado at all and there was no danger."

"Yeah, seeing it makes me want to cook a bowl of instant noodles."

"Actually, as long as Zhao Fei and Mai Mai are fine, I like whatever they do live, even if they just sit quietly."


The setting sun sheds its last remaining light on the earth.

Night is gradually falling.

Although Zhao Fei has a strong physique, driving takes a lot of energy, let alone competing with a tornado.

So after turning off the live broadcast, the two of them took a shower and lay on the bed without doing anything.

Just stick together quietly.

"You said that if Western medicine has risks, can Chinese medicine cure you?"

"Did you forget the nourishing soup in the morning?" Zhao Fei shook his head, caressed Zhao Maimai's smooth back, and said, "I know Chinese medicine myself.

Do you really think that my master knows Tai Chi? "

Zhao Fei found that fabricating such an old Taoist priest would also be of certain benefit to him.

In the future, if there is any skill that cannot be explained clearly, just blame it on him. Anyway, this person does not exist at all, and there is no place to investigate even if it is investigated.

"Bragging, you know how to do Chinese medicine by making a nourishing soup?"

Zhao Maimai wrinkled her little nose, with a face full of disbelief, and stretched out her hand: "Then you can take my pulse to see if I have any stubborn diseases?"


Zhao Fei put his fingers on the other person's wrist.

After obtaining the Chinese medicine skill book, this was the first time that Zhao Fei took someone's pulse, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But soon Zhao Fei noticed that this girl's heartbeat was a little fast.

Liver Qi stagnation, lung deficiency and shortness of breath.

But this is not a big problem. It is obvious that he was still frightened to a certain extent today. Even if it has passed, it is still a life and death crisis after all.

In addition, this is a plateau area, so shortness of breath is normal.

So Zhao Fei didn't bring it up, and instead smiled and said: "After my preliminary diagnosis, you have strong blood and good health, and you are guaranteed to live 99%.

I have no disasters in my life, I have two sons, and I live a happy life..."

"You know nonsense."

Zhao Maimai took out his hand angrily and slapped Zhao Fei: "How can you still pull out the pulse and come out without any trouble?"

"Of course, I'm here... No matter what difficulties you encounter, I can take you there and make sure you are safe."


Zhao Mai Mai rubbed her delicate body upwards and happily pecked Zhao Fei's cheek: "I believe you."

"Well, I believe in myself, too."

"Smelly." Zhao Maimai glared at Zhao Fei and continued: "I called Sister Hua just now when I was cooking and told her about your investment."

"Is it Wang Jinghua? What did she say?"

"She discussed it with the director. Although she took into account the issue of your first acting, but because of our relationship, especially since live broadcasts are so popular now.

It can also boost the popularity of the TV series we collaborate on, so I agreed without much thought.

With an investment of 1000 million, you can enjoy a 20.00% share.

Your salary is 100 million. "

"How much is the total investment?" Zhao Fei thought about it for a moment. He was doing it for Mai Mai's sake, and during the period when the live broadcast was vacant, he didn't want to be idle.

It’s also good to film a movie and earn some fan points.

But we also have to consider that we can't let people take him for granted. He is not his original self.

"Including you, the total seems to be about 4000 million. This is an online drama called "The Beginning".

The main scene in the play is the bus.

It's similar to the kind of infinite reincarnation, so the props and stuff don't cost much.

They are mainly actors' remuneration and director's remuneration. "

"I understand, then you are the most famous actor?"

"Of course not. Although I am the protagonist, there are Liu Yijun, Liu Tao... Even if they are supporting roles, they are all seniors in the industry, which is equivalent to supporting me."

Liu Yijun and Zhao Fei have the impression that they have played roles in The Pretender and The Age of Orange, and they are definitely experienced actors.

Liu Tao has also been in the industry for many years. He has made several movies of the classic Ode to Joy. Although Zhao Fei has not seen it, he knows that this actor has great influence and his acting skills are not bad either.

Just looking at the cast and excluding him, I feel like this show shouldn't be losing money.

This inevitably makes Zhao Fei a little anxious. Not to mention his acting skills, he can't catch up with Zhao Maimai, but at least he can't hold him back.

The best thing is to get an acting card, and then all problems will be solved.

Unfortunately, the acting card is worth 5000 million fan points, and he can't afford it now.

"When will the filming start?"

"About a month later." Zhao Maimai thought for a while and continued: "So after our live broadcast trip is over, I will go back to school for half a month to take classes before filming "The Beginning"."

"Okay, then wait a month and I will go back to school with you and then go filming."

"No need." Zhao Maimai remembered another thing Wang Jinghua told her during the day, and continued: "Actually, other TV drama crews also contacted Sister Hua the day before yesterday.

It's a costume drama, and they want you to play a villain, and the salary is very high.

As soon as our live broadcast trip is over, you can join the team immediately. It will only take half a month until you finish filming the villain. "

"Is there still this?"

Zhao Fei was a little curious, and his first impression was that it was unreliable.

After all, he has never acted before, and the only reason he was invited was because of his popularity, so Zhao Fei was also very curious and said with a smile: "How much is the high price?"

"Five million!" Zhao Maimai stretched out five fingers and said with a hint of envy: "As the protagonist of a major online drama, I have only earned 500 million after being around for so many years.

You are just a supporting character, but you are still a villain... Tsk tsk"

"It's quite high, but let's forget it. This crew is not a serious crew at first glance. They just want to take advantage of my popularity."

Zhao Maimai shook his head and said: "I thought so at the beginning, but Sister Hua said that she invested nearly [-] million in this drama, and the director is a national first-class director.

The actors are also old people in the entertainment industry.

There are almost no new people.

Of course, if you go, you will be considered a newcomer.

The most important thing is the heroine, guess who she is? "


Hearing what Mai Mai said, Zhao Fei also became a little interested.

He doesn't know the director, but it doesn't seem like a joke to invest [-] million in a TV series.

"Liu Yifei."

"She, doesn't she only make movies and not TV series?" Zhao Fei was a little surprised.

"Yes." Zhao Maimai nodded lightly and continued: "So, this is Liu Yifei's first TV series returning from the big screen to the small screen.

How could it not be serious?

According to Sister Hua, this drama is likely to be a big hit.

She tried to push me in but failed.

Instead, I invited you.

So this opportunity is far more valuable than a 500 million salary.

Sister Hua also said that you can try the atmosphere of the crew first, experience the feeling of filming, and learn acting skills by the way, so that when we film together.

You won't be numb. "

"Sister Hua said, Sister Hua said...Why do you keep mentioning her? I want to hear your opinion."

Zhao Fei interrupted the other party and said jokingly: "Are you also worried that my performance will not be good, which will hinder the performance of "The Beginning"?"

"Hehe, a bit." Zhao Maimai nodded and said with a smile: "Don't be angry, the script at the beginning is really good, I feel that the investment will most likely not be a loss.

I really like the story in it.

And I don’t want you to be scolded by others after it airs.

Therefore, it is necessary to learn acting skills in advance. We call this risk transfer.

Anyway, Menghualu has tall guys like Liu Yifei standing in front of them, so you, a villain, won't get much attention.

But it was different at the beginning. You played the male lead.

The audience is very picky, and there are also two seniors, Teacher Liu Yijun and Teacher Liu Tao. Let alone you, I am under a lot of pressure.

If the acting is not good.

When the time comes to compare, it will have a great impact on your future acting career. "

"What you said makes sense." Zhao Fei gently stroked her smooth back with his big hand, and continued to ask: "So, you want me to go to Menghua Film and Television to play the supporting role of the villain?"

Zhao Maimai nodded: "When the time comes, you can learn acting skills from the teacher while filming. It will have some effect. It will definitely be much easier to start filming later."

"Then I'll listen to you. A villain will be a villain. I will also make money in the future. After all, I have one more person to support."

"Tch, I don't want you to raise her."

Zhao Maimai rubbed it up, saying she was dissatisfied, but feeling sweet in her heart.

After the two took a shower, they appeared in front of the live broadcast room neatly dressed.

Today, Zhao Fei also took out a bottle of healthy spring water, mixed it in the soup and asked Zhao Maimai to drink it.

So at this moment, she couldn't see the slightest bit of fatigue. Instead, she looked energetic and even more charming. The eyes of everyone who poured into the live broadcast room lit up.

"My MaiMai is getting more and more beautiful."

"Yes, the image of Mai Mai as a high school student wearing school uniform has gradually disappeared in my mind."

"My family has a grown-up girl who is pretty and charming. It's a pity that she got the advantage of this piece of shit like an anchor."

The audience in the live broadcast room is very forgetful.

Knowing that nothing would happen to Zhao Fei in a short time, he returned to his true nature.

He won't make Zhao Fei angry when it comes to big things, but he's not lenient at all when it comes to small things.

"Brothers, today we continue to head west. Not far ahead is Yamdrok Yongtso, one of the three holy lakes in Qinghai-Tibet.

After passing Yanghu Lake, we should be able to reach DJ County in the afternoon.

Let's go now. "

"Set off."

Zhao Maimai also clenched his small fist and waved forward.

Full of energy.

"Yamdrok Yongtso means Jasper Lake in Tibetan. Legend has it that as long as you are a destined person, you can see your past and present lives in the lake.

It is because of this legend that countless people travel thousands of miles to Yamdrok Yongcuo every year.

I just want to see if I can really get any enlightenment in Yamdrok Yongtso.

Of course, legend cannot be demonstrated or used as a basis.

Some people may be disappointed after coming and leave feeling lost.

Some people may think deeply and realize the true meaning.

We'll see what the outcome is when we get there. "


"If it's true, I just want to know if I can see my past and present lives in the live broadcast room later?"

"There are many legends about Yamdrok Yumcuo. I remember when I went there with a group, I heard from the tour guide that Yamdrok Yumcuo once had nine small lakes.

Yeshe Tsogyal, the dakini, was worried that the lake would dry up, so he connected the nine small beards together.

It became the current Yamdrok Lake. "

“Who is Dakini Yeshe Gyatso?”

Noticing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhao Fei explained: "If you understood Tantric Buddhism, you wouldn't ask this question.

The word Dakini represents a female deity, the embodiment of wisdom and compassion.

Yeshe Tsogyal is her name.

Legend has it that she is the incarnation of Vajrayana, Tara and Budaroja Buddha.

So you may be a little confused.

All you need to know is that Yeshe Tsogyal was stunningly beautiful since he was a child. Similar to Niyang’s story, when he grew up, he became famous all over the world, and countless people came to propose marriage every day.Especially these proposers, there are also many heads of small countries.

Yeshe Tsogyal was born in an ordinary family and could not refuse, so he was forcibly taken away.

The leader of the small country at that time was very happy.

But it didn't take long for his small country to be destroyed. The reason was because of Yeshe Tsogyal's beauty.

However, not long after staying in the second small country, Yeshe Tsogyal was snatched away again...

In this way, Yeshe Tsogyal was robbed here and there, and the war spread across the entire land and lasted for many years.

Finally, the news spread to the ears of Songtsen Gampo, and he ordered the small countries to let them send Yeshe Tsogyal to the Potala Palace.

Maybe someone will ask at this time, why did you send it?

The answer is simple.

As mentioned before, Yeshe Tsogyal was a woman and as beautiful as a flower.

In addition, during the Tang Dynasty, if you think about the relationship between Li Shimin, Li Zhi, and Wu Zetian, they didn't care much about this kind of thing. "

"So Yeshe Tsogyal finally became one of Songtsen Gampo's concubines?" Zhao Maimai asked from the side.

"Uh, yes."

Zhao Fei nodded and said, "But the story still doesn't end here."

"Hahaha, the anchor continues, what happened next."

"Songtsen Gampo is also a role model for our generation."

"Bah, stinky men are all the same, my Zhao Fei is better."


"Ahem." Zhao Fei coughed twice. Seeing that the fans in the live broadcast room were very interested, he continued: "Small countries naturally dare not refuse Songtsen Gampo's order.

But he also wrote a letter saying that Yeshe Tsogyal was not feeling well and needed to recuperate, so he should not travel long distances.

So 'a few months' later, Yeshe Tsogyal was sent to the Potala Palace.

The most critical period has come.

You must know that Songtsen Gampo was a ruler who believed in Buddhism but did not practice Buddhism.

So 'Pamphlet Padmasambhava' appeared.

In order to save all sentient beings, the founder of Buddhism had eight transformations, also known as the eight transformations of the lotus.

One of them in disguise is called Sunlight Padmasambhava.

Don't be fooled.

Although this disguise is mainly for subduing demons, not everyone is qualified.

However, in the eyes of Rinpoche Rinpoche, Yeshe Gyatso was a scourge that deceived all sentient beings.

So Yeshe Gyatso was taken away again.

From then on, I started to practice Buddhism with Padmasambhava... and finally became Dakini Yeshe Gyatso.

Ahem, let’s stop here. You can probably guess the rest without me telling you, right? "


"Hahaha, I understand, I understand, anchors can do it."

"This angle is very sharp. I just want to say one thing, the anchor is awesome."

"Yeah, you talk about the incarnation of wisdom and compassion, this reincarnation, and that reincarnation. I am far less impressed than this story."

"So, when Yeshe Gyatso Dakini later merged nine small lakes into one, does it mean that she has experienced nine...ahem.

Damn, they can’t be typed together. "

"The brother upstairs is right, nine reincarnations will lead to one!"

"Why do I only think about the Nine Rotations of the Large Intestine?"



Zhao Maimai looked at the live broadcast room and snorted unhappily.

Zhao Fei also looked a little embarrassed and explained a few words: "Is it a legend? There is no way to verify it and there is no way to confirm it. Just listen to it and don't interpret it blindly.

I didn't say anything. "

Time passed slowly, and gradually they saw Yamdrok Yongcuo from a distance.

This also attracted Zhao Maimai's attention.

As one of the three holy lakes in Qinghai-Tibet, Yamdrok Lake is very large.

There are a group of white birds flying on the sparkling lake. The lake is so clear that it looks like a bright mirror.

It looks very mysterious and clean, without a trace of dust or worldliness.

The surrounding deep and magnificent snow-capped mountains and the transparent lake complement each other, like a wordless poem, a beautiful picture, and the most beautiful note of a song.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

It makes people seem to see the silence of the universe, which is refreshing.

After getting out of the car, Zhao Maimai took out his camera.

She was in a good mood at first, but after listening to Zhao Fei's story, she found that she could no longer look directly at Yamdrok Yongcuo, and her eyes were very complicated.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei wanted to say something.

In fact, it is said that Tsangyang Gyatso also stood in their position and wrote a poem for Yamdrok Yongtso, which is 'That day...that month...that year...'

Of course, this cannot be verified.

After all, it was so long ago that Zhao Fei didn't know what was going on.

Looking around, there are many wild animals living around Yamdrok Yongcuo.

Such as snow leopard, blue sheep, otter...etc.

So there is a certain danger here.

Zhao Fei and he took a few photos, then returned to the RV and continued westward.

On the way they also saw the Karola Glacier.

Different from Midui Glacier, Karola Glacier is like a woman quietly dressing up, leaning on the Vajrasan Peak and looking at the entire Himalayas.

Because it is very close to the road, the mist-shrouded mountain tops extend to only a few hundred meters away from the road.

Even in the RV, the two of them felt a little cool.

It feels very strange.

This time the two did not get out of the car, but Zhao Fei drove the RV very slowly and passed by like a tourist, which also amazed the audience in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Maimai also took photos frequently.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the scenery on both sides of the road began to change.

It is no longer the vast Gobi Desert, but gradually we can see a lot of greenery.

It means that they are approaching DJ County.

As a border county, DJ County borders 'Asan Kingdom' to the east.

You can also enter Nepal through Nyalam Port, which is a transportation node extending in all directions.

But there are not many people living here because it is too remote.

However, it is precisely because of this that DJ County still retains its original natural beauty, like a treasure hidden by the Creator.

It has never been known to the world.

And this is also related to the geographical location of DJ County.

Surrounded by mountains, DJ County a long time ago was just like the Jokhang Temple, also a lake.

Later, after crustal movement, the mountains collided and collapsed, forming a piece of land in the shallow lake. Later, it underwent arduous development by the Tibetan people.

That’s how DJ County became.

So it is also called a small city growing from the bottom of the water.

At the same time, because it is surrounded by mountains, it is a rare wetland in alpine areas. It is surrounded by large areas of wetlands and lush pastures.

There are many wild animals living in it.

"Look, there seems to be a tent on the grass by the lake!" Zhao Maimai was lying on the car window, pointing outside, as if he had discovered something good.

Zhao Fei turned around and took a look and explained: "That is Dobzatso Lake, which is also the second largest lake in the Mount Everest region. Let's release the drone.

Aerial photography from a high altitude, you will find a very magical scenery. "

"Then I'll try."

When Zhao Maimai saw Zhao Fei's car speeding down, he operated the drone to fly out of the car window.

At the same time, Zhao Fei explained again: "The tents by the lake should be built by Tibetans who come out to graze, if we arrive here at night.

You might even see a large herd of cattle and sheep coming back. "

"The drone has flown over Dobuzhacuo!" Zhao Maimai looked at the aerial footage and vaguely seemed to have discovered something, but he was not sure.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also observing carefully.

The barrages passed across the center of the screen one by one.

It wasn't until minutes later that Zhao Maimai suddenly realized it and shouted towards the live broadcast room: "Have you noticed that this Dobuzatso Lake looks a bit like a sheep lying in the grass?"


Zhao Fei nodded and explained: "Actually, this is easy to understand, because Dobuzacuo means sheep lying in the grass.

And did you see a huge stone on the green wetland in the distance?

That is the ruins of the former Dingjie Castle.

It was once called Dingjie Village and has a history of more than 300 years. Not far from the ruins is DJ County. We will go there now and find a place to park. "

Hearing this, Zhao Maimai immediately took the drone back.

Zhao Fei also stepped on the accelerator lightly.

But I can’t drive fast, because the roads here have been in disrepair for a long time, and many of them have turned into washboard roads with lots of potholes. When you drive fast, the front of the car will jump easily.

After half an hour.

DJ County comes into view.

The county town is not big, and the tallest building only has two floors. The entire county town surrounds a huge hill, facing green wetlands and some clear and clean lakes.

It looks very peculiar.

We found a place to park not far from the county seat.

The two of them traveled lightly and set foot on this paradise on earth with their mobile phones in hand.

In contrast, the temperature here has warmed up and the air is moist.

The clouds are so low that you can reach them with your hand.

The vast sea of ​​grass is full of green, and flocks of white birds fly over it from time to time.

The sparkling lake surface ripples in the breeze, and there are many wild animals roaming around.

River valleys, plains, mountain pastures... constitute a beautiful wetland landscape.

Not far from them were the ruins of the ancient castle they had just seen.

The two climbed up the somewhat dilapidated stone steps, and could see that there were traces of fire and ax carvings on the one-meter-thick stone wall in some places.

Some of them are well preserved, and some vague murals can still be seen vaguely.

Witness the vicissitudes of history.

Standing on the top of the castle and looking into the distance, you can find a canyon next to it.

This canyon is hidden under the ground and cannot be discovered unless you get closer.

And it looks very weird.

Because the canyon is constantly washed by flowing water, there are strange stone pillars standing there. These stone pillars are endless and endless as far as the eye can see.

It's like an ancient army arrayed in the canyon.

A large-scale statue group was formed.

One has to sigh that time and flowing water are the two greatest magicians in the world.

They jointly created this wonder with uncanny craftsmanship and unbridled imagination.

Unfortunately, this canyon still does not have an accurate name.

Because the canyon is next to the castle, people in DJ County call it the Castle Grand Canyon.

"that's amazing."

Zhao Maimai couldn't help but marvel when she looked at the Grand Canyon. It even reminded her of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

It's just that the terracotta warriors and horses are man-made, and what you see in front of you is naturally formed.

The meanings represented are different.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the next place." Zhao Fei held Zhao Maimai's hand, walked down from the castle, and continued: "The most historic thing in DJ County is actually the Qiangmu Grottoes.

When talking about grottoes, we have to mention their similar characteristics.

First of all, most of the grottoes are relics where some monks once stayed, and they have dual attributes of life and practice.

However, due to its age and the fact that many herdsmen in later generations used the grottoes as shelters to protect themselves from wind and rain, some relics such as murals were inadvertently destroyed.

So until now, there are basically no well-preserved grottoes.

But Qiangmu Grottoes is different.

Because they are located in a remote location and most of them are on the mountainside, they are relatively well preserved.

It was also discovered in recent times. "

Arrive at Qiangmu Grottoes.

The most eye-catching thing is the mural.

Some are a group of people kneeling on the ground, with their arms crossed and lying on their chests, their heads lowered, and their faces cannot be seen clearly, giving people a very strange feeling.

Others show the prosperous scene of the streets. Their clothing patterns are typical Central Asian flower patterns, which are a bit like the large lapels of the Tubo period.

Some people also have the style of Asanguopolo art.

It can be concluded that people could cross the Himalayas many years ago.

Otherwise, there would not be such a fusion version of painting art.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei only looked around the outside of the grotto and did not enter the grotto to avoid any accidents.

"Brothers, DJ County actually has more than just these beautiful scenery. To the south of DJ County, there is also Chentang Town, which is known as 'the last piece of land in the world'.

However, Chentang Town is not open to traffic and can only be reached by walking over mountains and ridges for more than 100 kilometers.

And most of the roads are filled with cliffs.

One of the cable suspension bridges is the only link between Chentang Town and the outside world.

That is true isolation and paradise.

If you are interested, you can go and take a look if you have time.

Let's forget it, it's already past four o'clock, and we haven't eaten much in the past two days.

It's time to prepare a feast to enjoy. "

Zhao Maimai pursed her lips and said, "Yes, I'm hungry now, and besides, I want to eat roasted whole lamb."

In fact, when she approached DJ County just now, she saw many groups of lambs.

My first thought was not to go up and touch its horns.

Instead, he recalled the time in Midui Village.

My mouth was full of excitement for a while, but I didn't have the nerve to say it.

Now that Zhao Fei had taken the initiative to bring it up, she didn't want to endure it anymore.

"Haha, okay... let's go find the herdsman and buy one now." Zhao Fei was also a little excited when he mentioned the roasted whole sheep.

After his physical fitness became stronger, his food intake also increased greatly.

However, after coming out of Sunlight City, I didn't have a good meal.

I also encountered a nasty tornado on the way, so I should make up for it.

Seeing the two people's high spirits, many people in the live broadcast room laughed, and no one said, "Why would you eat a lamb if the lamb is so cute?"

"Haha, give me one, I must give you one."

"One is enough. If you ask me, just buy two more. The host and the others are already very close to Mount Everest, and there is basically no chance of roasting a whole lamb on the rest of the way.

Simply buy two more and put them in the refrigerator. "

"Q: How many steps does it take to put a lamb in the refrigerator?"

"Q: How many steps does it take to roast a lamb?"

Zhao Fei looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and found that what they said made sense.

So Zhao Fei actually brought two lambs back in the end. Each one weighed about thirty or forty pounds, which was not too small at all.

After removing the wool, bones and the like, there will be about twenty kilograms of clean meat left.

Let alone two people, even if we add a few people, we can't finish the meal.

Zhao Fei plans to bake one and put one in the refrigerator.

At the same time, the herdsmen here are also very enthusiastic when buying sheep.

When they learned that Zhao Fei was going to make a roasted whole lamb, he gave them a lot of green onions, ginger and aniseed, and even lent them a barbecue grill.

Although the RV had all these things, Zhao Fei did not refuse.

When he returned to the RV, he asked Zhao Maimai to boil water first.

He cut the green onion and ginger into sections, prepared various seasonings, and at the same time cooked the two lambs and took out their internal organs.

At this time, the hot water is almost ready.

Sprinkle it on the lamb, scrape and wash the leg hair while it's hot.

Then use a knife to cut a few small openings in the abdominal cavity of the sheep and the thick meat on the inside of the hind legs, and rub them with refined salt to taste.

At the same time, put the onions, ginger, garlic, and peppercorns into the belly of the lamb.

Brush some soy sauce and sesame oil on the surface of the lamb...and finally put it in the oven and wait.

Because it is a lamb, not an adult sheep, there is no need to wait long.

Almost an hour.

The moment Zhao Fei opened the oven, Zhao Maimai smelled a strong fragrance.

Take it out and have a look.

The lamb was golden and shiny on the outside. Zhao Fei first removed the two thighs and placed them on two large plates.

Zhao Maimai was not afraid of burning it, so he picked up a piece with his fingers and tasted it. After one bite, the outside was browned and crispy, while the inside was soft and tender.

Not only is it not bad at all.

On the contrary, there is still a bit of milky fragrance.

Zhao Maimai suddenly had a thought: "Is this little lamb not weaned yet?"

This...have another bite.

good to eat!

good to eat!

"Eat slowly, be careful not to burn it." Zhao Fei smiled helplessly, divided the remaining roasted whole lamb into pieces, held a large piece of roasted lamb ribs, and continued.

"You eat first, and I'll send some to the Tibetan family who lent us the oven just now."

"Yeah, come back quickly."

Zhao Maimai nodded and didn't take it seriously. He ran to the RV and skillfully took out a bottle of red wine.

It opened with a bang.

Take out two more goblets and fill them up respectively.

Then he shouted into the live broadcast room: "Brothers, cheers!"

(End of this chapter)

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