Chapter 114 What is the end of love?
The fresh lamb, freshly killed and roasted, has the most authentic taste.

The golden skin is shiny and shiny.

One bite, the meat is tender and juicy, the taste is mellow, and you will have endless aftertaste.

After Zhao Fei came back, in front of the live broadcast room, the two of them ate meat and drank heavily without caring about their eating manners.

What he showed was a free and easy and generous person.

"The east wind blows and the war drums beat. Who is afraid of who is drinking today... Cheers."

Zhao Maimai raised his glass and touched it with Zhao Fei, then drank it all in one gulp. Zhao Fei laughed, and also raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Haha, the tortoise is afraid of the hammer, whoever brags is afraid of, cheers."

The atmosphere in the RV was electric.

But Zhao Maimai ate a leg of lamb and that was enough, and drank a lot of red wine.

Zhao Fei did not waste the remaining mutton. In ancient times, the old man Lian Po could still eat three kilograms of wine and ten kilograms of meat. Zhao Fei was not short of anything, and swept away the remaining roast mutton.

Everyone in the live broadcast room who watched it was also eye-opening.

Everyone went out with their mobile phones in hand. It was hot in the summer, so why not have a little barbecue?

"It feels like my weight loss plan is going to be postponed again."

"Anchor, eat slowly and wait for me to order takeout."

"Haha, do you have any friends nearby, let's meet up for a beer on the hour, preferably a girl. I have been single for so many years, and I feel like today is the best chance for me to get out of singles."


The moon and stars were sparse, and the entire DJ County was plunged into darkness.

Zhao Maimai, who was full of wine and food, lay down on the bed after eating.

Zhao Fei was quite helpless when he saw this scene after cleaning up the mess. It was typical of this girl that she obviously didn't drink well, but she still wanted to have a drink.

"Raise your arms and I'll help you take off your clothes!"

"Oh... okay." Zhao Maimai murmured without opening her eyes: "Come here quickly, I want to hold you to sleep."

Then Zhao Fei wiped her face again before getting into the quilt.

Zhao Maimai also moved over and lay on Zhao Fei's chest, her breathing gradually calmed down and she fell asleep.

It has been almost three days since the last draw.

Zhao Fei raised his hand and glanced at the countdown.

[Countdown to death: 10 years and 77 days]

[Remaining fan value: 3355200 (+1, +1, +1)]

[Inventory: three bottles of physical potion, one bottle of health spring water, four halos of bad luck, five growth fruits, and one trial version of the acting and directing skill books. 】

After the last draw, there were more than 20 fan points left.

The stamina potion and health spring water have been consumed relatively quickly in the past two days.

The most important thing is that even though we have experienced a lot in the past two days, the increase in fan base is not particularly exaggerated.

It can be seen that his new additions have begun to show a gentle trend now, and most of the people active in the live broadcast room are old fans. After all, one person can only contribute a little fan value.

From Chengdu to now, 20 days.

In total, he probably gained more than 1000 million fan points.

In other words, he now has more than 1000 million loyal fans, which is not lower than some celebrities.

Give Mai Mai another bottle of health spring water tomorrow morning, and the inventory will be reduced to zero.

So he planned to add it today.

However, Zhao Fei is still a little hesitant about whether to try advanced lottery cards.

However, you can draw once with 100 million fan points, which is too expensive.

The remaining fan points are only enough to draw three times. He is a little reluctant to do so. After all, he has finally saved up.

If you don’t smoke, you’re still a little curious.

What if a skill book worth 5000 million is published?
What if the skill book is the acting skill book he needs most?
No matter what, just use a fraction of the remaining fan points on intermediate lottery cards to try your luck.

If there were a few more healthy springs, it would mean she was lucky.

After all, having nephrite in my arms at this moment should relatively increase my luck.

Then Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and bought twenty intermediate lottery cards and a piece of lucky bread.

[Remaining fan value: 3005211. 】

Eat the lucky bread.

Zhao Fei quickly clicked on the intermediate lottery wheel.

Rewards also popped up one after another.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a bottle of healthy spring water. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have gained health for one year (automatically added to the countdown.)]

Not bad.

Three mid-level draws, only one thank you for your patronage.

Take your time and move on.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a development fruit. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a bottle of healthy spring water. 】

Sure enough, Mai Mai still has some effect.

Zhao Fei couldn't help but kiss her head and continued to click on the lottery.

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a bottle of healthy spring water. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

Here’s another bottle of healthy spring water.

You don’t need skill books, just a few bottles of healthy spring water.

There are not many lottery cards left.

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a bottle of healthy spring water. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a bottle of physical strength potion. 】


Taking a long breath, Zhao Fei felt pretty good and got a total of four bottles of the health spring water he wanted most.

Another four days of food rations were saved for Mai Mai.

With these four bottles of healthy spring water, it is estimated that Mai Mai's physical fitness will increase to the point where he will not be tired when climbing Mount Everest, and the risk will be greatly reduced by then.

And Zhao Fei felt that the effect of nephrite in his arms was really good.

Taking advantage of the fact that the lucky bread time was not over yet, Zhao Fei felt cruel and directly purchased three high-end lottery cards.

Before the lucky bread time ends, click the draw three times in succession.

Then he closed his eyes, hugged Mai Mai hard, and prayed secretly in his heart: "Maimai, this is worth 300 million fans.

It’s up to you whether you can get something good.

This is our future happiness. "

"Hmm, please be gentle." Zhao Maimai murmured in a daze.

Zhao Fei also opened his eyes again, not daring to exert any more force.

The first result of the advanced lottery card comes into view.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

This is uncomfortable.

Is the value of 100 million followers just gone?

Zhao Fei felt a little worried. If he used this on an intermediate lottery card, he felt that he could get at least five more bottles of healthy spring water.

It is very possible to even produce a low-level skill book.

calm down.

There is a second result.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

No way?
If he hadn't been holding Zhao Maimai in his arms, the livid Zhao Fei would have jumped out of bed when he saw this result.

What the hell, is the high-level lottery so deceptive?

Will everything be lost?

Zhao Fei looked at the third result.

[Congratulations to the host: you got a bond card! 】

Bond card?
What does it mean.

Zhao Fei was slightly nervous and quickly went to the exchange mall to check.

After all, it was drawn from a high-end lottery card, so it shouldn’t be too bad, right?

[Bond Card: Redeem for 3000 million fan points (exclusively used for people other than the host. After use, the host can share the other party’s fan points. The real data shall prevail.)]

This... seems to be even better than the skill book!
Zhao Fei's livid expression softened, but he still had many questions in his mind.

That is, after using this bond card, will all the other party's existing fan points be shared, or the new fan points added after sharing?
The conceptual gap between the two is huge.

If it is all the existing fan value, then if you choose Jackie Chan, wouldn't it directly increase the fan value by hundreds of millions!
But Zhao Fei felt that things were not that simple.

And this is a bond card worth 2000 million fan points, and he doesn't dare to try it.

What if what is shared is the new fan value added in the future?

Brother Jackie Chan is not young anymore. If he suddenly quits the industry, he won't even cry.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is best to choose someone who is younger and has potential for advancement.

In this way, no matter whether the existing fan points are shared or new ones added after sharing, it feels like there will be no loss, after all, Zhao Fei can be there to help him.

As long as the other party has new fans, Zhao Fei will naturally benefit.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei looked at Mai Mai, who was sleeping soundly.

She is undoubtedly the most suitable.

"Maimai, this is worth 2000 million, don't let me down."

Zhao Fei took a deep breath, then no longer hesitated and directly slapped the bond card on the opponent.

The bond card flashed with green light and disappeared.

Zhao Maimai felt a little itchy on her back, wrinkled the tip of her nose, stretched out her hand, grabbed Zhao Fei's hand, put it in the right position, and murmured.

"Don't move. I'm so sleepy. Go to sleep quickly."

Zhao Fei didn't feel any changes.

But when he looked at the remaining fan points, he instantly brightened up.

[Remaining fan value: 18384260 (+1, +1, +1)]

Below his remaining fan value, there is an additional line of text.

[No. 18383640 Bond Card Zhao Maimai Fan Value: 1 (+1, +1., -[-])]

Zhao Fei had already used all his fan points just now.

So the more than 800 million now should all be shared with Mai Mai's existing fans.

Check out Zhao Maimai’s scarf fans.

It turns out that there are only 400 million, so those who like Maimai may not necessarily pay attention to her scarf.

It is also possible that after watching the live broadcast, or watching the TV series or movies starring Mai Mai, you identify with Mai Mai and fall in love with Mai Mai, thus providing fan value.

Therefore, the fan value shared by the bond card is slightly higher than the number of fans in the scarf.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei also discovered a very critical problem, that is, Zhao Maimai's fan value is still (-1).

This has never happened to him.

Does that mean that as long as Zhao Maimai loses fans, he will also lose them?
Therefore, the bond card is a true sharing of honor and disgrace.

It's not just the benefits.

If the person he was bound to collapsed one day, Zhao Fei would also suffer.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

I am even more glad that I was calm just now and did not use the bond card on other unfamiliar but famous people.

Otherwise, the fan value gained through the bond will not be practical to use.

Just like a credit card, you have to pay it back sooner or later.

Instead, it is safer to use it on people close to you.

Even though relatively speaking, Zhao Maimai has not been in the entertainment industry for a long time and does not have many fans, but he has great potential.

As long as Zhao Maimai becomes more and more famous, his fan base will naturally increase.

And now we are live streaming with him.

This is equivalent to Zhao Fei's fan value growth rate doubling to some extent.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei lowered his head again and kissed the little girl in his arms.

It feels like Mai Mai is becoming more and more likable.

Looking at the 800 million fans, Zhao Fei became happier and happier.

This is the first time his remaining fans are worth over [-] million.

However, now there is a new problem.

That means should we continue the lottery now?

Zhao Fei pondered and took a deep look at the advanced lottery card.

Even though the high-level lottery drew a 2000 million bond card, he still felt that the lottery card was a bit expensive.

And it’s too frightening.

He almost couldn't help but curse at the two consecutive thank yous for your patronage just now.

So let’s wait and see.

When the time comes to climb Mount Everest, it is estimated that his fan base will surge, and including Mai Mai’s double, it should increase a lot.

So don't worry for now.

Save first.

After all, what he needs most now is an actor skills book.

If he didn't get the actor skill book from the eighteen high-level lottery cards, then he would be a little bit blind.

It would be best if you can accumulate 5000 million fan points and purchase the actor skill book directly.

Although this may seem like a loss, it is safe.

However, now he doesn't know if he will be able to accumulate 5000 million fan points when he is filming. He can only work hard and see the specific situation when the time comes.

After all, with Zhao Maimai's bond, it is not impossible to accumulate 5000 million fans.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei put down his left arm and hugged Zhao Maimai gently.

Take one last look at inventory.

[Countdown to life: 11 years and 77 days]

[Inventory: four bottles of stamina potions, five bottles of health spring water, four bad luck haloes, six growth fruits, and one trial version of the acting and directing skill books. 】

The fruit development limit is almost reached.

Don't worry, we'll talk about it when we reach the upper limit.


Travel No. 20 days.

Zhao Maimai went to bed early and felt more at ease in Zhao Fei's arms.

So she was the first to wake up today.

But when she looked at Zhao Fei next to her, she felt a little different from how she usually did when she woke up in the morning.

It happened that Zhao Fei also noticed the movement next to him, woke up slowly, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong, why are you looking at me like this?"

"do not know."

Zhao Maimai frowned and hesitated slightly; "I feel like you have changed, as if there is a blood relationship between us?"

Zhao Maimai couldn't explain this inexplicable feeling.

In the past, Zhao Fei made her feel handsome and mature, which made her addicted and like him.

Although these feelings are still there now, they are deeper and more dependent.

It even gave her the idea that no matter what Zhao Fei did, she would forgive him and never leave him, even if it touched her bottom line.

It was as if there was a thread between the two, binding them tightly together.

They will never be separated for eternity.

Although Zhao Maimai felt this change and was still very happy, it was still a little strange.

Could it be the aftereffects of drinking too much last night?
Zhao Fei was also slightly startled at this time. It was not obvious when he saw Zhao Maimai sleeping soundly last night.

Now he found that the feeling Zhao Maimai gave him was a little different from usual.

If it was love before, then it is love now.

Deep love to the core.

It's just that maybe it's because of the different personalities of men and women. Zhao Fei feels like he's not as strong as the other person.

Because now Zhao Maimai looked at him with watery beautiful eyes, full of dependence and affection, and even seemed to regard him as his faith and obey him unconditionally.

This made Zhao Fei instantly think of the bond card and thought to himself.

"It is indeed a bond card worth 2000 million fan points. The effect is too abnormal."

At the same time, he was also scared, and he was thankful for his decision at that time, if he would use the bond card on a certain male star.

Damn, I can’t imagine it…

The most important thing is that the changes between the two of them are in a good direction, so Zhao Fei is also happy with this.

Then he smiled and said: "I feel the same way. This should be the family affection after love!"

"Yes, yes, it's family affection!"

Zhao Maimai patted his thigh and felt that Zhao Fei's statement was accurate.

Then he seemed to think of something and jumped on Zhao Fei with a voice like a mosquito: "Is it because it happened too many times?"

"Probably." Zhao Fei nodded and said, "Have you not seen some old couples becoming relatives in the end?"

"Yeah, I feel the same, but now...oh, oh, oh, I still want it."

"Me too."

Zhao Fei chuckled, turned over and wanted to take the initiative.

However, Zhao Maimai held his chest and said a little shyly: "No, can you let me be on top this time and let me feel it.

This seems to be a particularly fulfilling feeling. "

"It's up to you, as long as you don't beg for mercy for a while."

"Hmph, I won't."

Then, the RV began to shake.

It was already an hour later when the two appeared in front of the live broadcast room.

In the end, Zhao Fei was naturally the better one.

Even during this period of time, Zhao Maimai drank a lot of healthy spring water, but it was still far behind.

Zhao Fei also gave Mai Mai a bottle of healthy spring water this morning.

It’s time to climb Mount Everest.

The stronger Mai Mai's physical fitness, the smaller the chance of danger.

Zhao Fei naturally would not be too proud of himself.


"Good morning, brothers."

After the live broadcast started, Zhao Maimai said hello as usual.

Zhao Fei also started the RV and drove out of DJ County, saying: "Viewers in the live broadcast room, good morning.

A new day has begun.

Did you sleep well last night?
Have you really found the one that suits you? "

"Good morning, anchor. I was getting ready to go out for breakfast. I woke up a little late... so I had to pack it up and go to the company to make do with it. I hope I won't be discovered by the supervisor, otherwise I will get scolded again."

"I'm envious. You still eat breakfast. I usually don't eat when I get up late. I stay up until noon and eat lunch directly."

"Good morning, shit. I slept very well last night... I didn't expect that a young lady near my house was actually asked out by me. Please inform me that I am now single.

Unexpectedly, my girlfriend can actually eat and drink it.hey-hey.

Why are you hitting me? They don’t know who you are?
Okay, okay, I'm going to buy breakfast now... Don't be angry, you know, I will definitely be responsible for you..."

"Damn, what are you showing off? It's like no one has a girlfriend...I don't know what happened to the express delivery recently. It's been three days and it hasn't arrived yet."

"Haha, you are awesome upstairs. If you don't obey anyone, I will obey you."


Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei also smiled happily and continued: "If nothing happens today, we will be able to reach the Everest base camp in the evening.

On the way we will pass through Shigatse and pass the Gyatso La Pass, which is the Everest Base Camp. "

"I'm looking forward to it. It's been more than half a month. It's not easy to be a host."

"Yes, but anchors still have to be careful when climbing Mount Everest, and Mai Mai. If something cannot be done, safety comes first, and I believe no one will say anything."

"Yes, at first I really thought that the anchor was tricked by saying he wanted to climb Mount Everest, and I wanted to wait to see the anchor's joke, but now I see the live broadcast.

But I suddenly didn’t want to anchor climbing Mount Everest.

It’s good to just live-stream like this every day and take a look around. There’s no need to do such dangerous things. "

It’s not just Zhao Fei.

Looking at these barrages, Zhao Maimai was also very moved.

"Brothers, don't worry, I believe we will be fine. You don't know, I feel a lot stronger during this time.

Since Zhao Fei said it at the beginning, we will not give up.

We just have to approach it step by step, admire it, and conquer it. "

"That's right." Zhao Fei also nodded and continued: "It still takes 81 or so difficulties to learn the scriptures from the Western Heaven. If you just shrink back when you encounter some difficulties, what's the point?

What's more, we are just one last trembling away.

How can you give up?

Now that we are here and you have seen it, it is time to conquer it. "


The RV speeds down the road.

The weather is fine today.

The blue sky is as clear as water, and the breeze blows, the grass lowers its head, and the branches hang down.

On the grassy wetland, large herds of cattle and sheep roamed.

Zhao Fei drove away from DJ County without saying goodbye because they were still on the road.

Shigatse is a prefecture-level city.

Also known as 'Huzang and Nianmai', it is located between the middle section of the Himalayas and the middle section of the Tanggula Mountains, with complex and diverse terrain.

Basically it consists of high mountains, wide valleys and lake basins.

Because the world's highest peak is located within Shigatse, Shigatse is also the second largest city in Qinghai-Tibet.

In Tibetan, Shigatse means 'the most beautiful manor'

It is conceivable that this city located in the southwest of Qinghai-Tibet also has its own special features, especially as a border transportation port, Shigatse is also very prosperous.

But before arriving in Shigatse.

The first thing Zhao Fei and his two men saw was Tashilhunpo Temple, known as the 'Auspicious Temple', which covers an area of ​​10,000+ square meters.

The cultural landscape here is no less than that of the Potala Palace.

In particular, the geographical location is in the south, at the foot of Niseri Mountain. The environment is more tranquil, suitable for monks to practice Buddhism here, and the power of faith is stronger.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei did not get out of the car.

Slow down when passing by and walk by them one at a time.

I have seen Tashilhunpo Temple over and over again. The red and white temples give people a different and unique experience.

Especially its main building.

The whole structure shows the structure of a pyramid. It can be said that there is a temple in the tower and a tower in the temple. The temple and tower are natural and perfectly integrated.

This is also a typical style of temple architecture in the Tibetan area in the [-]th century.

Continue walking southwest.

The closer we get to Shigatse, the temperature drops a lot even though there is still plenty of sunlight.

When Zhao Fei and his two men drove into Shigatse.

Mount Everest can be seen in the distance.

Zhao Maimai was lying on the car window. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel shocked. Mount Everest was really too high.

It is majestic and majestic.

The surrounding mountains were hazy, with only the faint outline of the peak showing.

Like a giant standing proudly in the white snow, not afraid of wind and rain, facing the sky. Against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds, people can't bear to look away at a glance.

It also made Mai Mai instantly feel her own insignificance.

I even doubt that such a mountain can really be climbed by humans?
"Believe in yourself, we can do it."

Zhao Fei naturally also saw Mount Everest. Although he was equally shocked, what was more intense was his desire to conquer, and even a sense of urgency.

I want to go there quickly, stand on the top of the mountain and overlook the entire land.

"Yeah." Zhao Maimai nodded, clenching his fists to cheer himself up.

As long as Zhao Fei is by her side, she is not afraid of anything: "Everest, wait, I, Zhao Maimai, am here!"


"It's so beautiful."

"Yes, but the beautiful Mount Everest also contains great dangers. I hope the two anchors will be safe in the end."

"Definitely, they both will be fine."

The live broadcast room also knew that climbing Mount Everest was a foregone conclusion. Even if they didn't care, if Zhao Fei turned around and walked back now, countless people on the Internet would attack him.

It's useless even if you have a golden body.

After all, no one will like someone who doesn't keep his word.

So fans are helpless at this moment and can only pray secretly that the two of them will be safe.

“Brothers, we have arrived in Shigatse now. Let’s have lunch and replenish the water and food in the RV before we continue our journey.

Regarding Mount Everest itself, I believe you know it even if I don’t tell you.

But I still want to warn you that climbing is risky and you need to be cautious.

Especially Mount Everest.

Of course, if you are a boarding enthusiast and have confidence in yourself, you can also try it and buy an admission ticket worth about 30 yuan.

Plus some top-notch mountaineering gear worth a fortune.

Find someone to take you up.

After years of development, there are many professional mountaineering teams in the local area.

Especially the local Sherpa people.

They live at the foot of Mount Everest all year round. They are familiar with the environment and have strong mountaineering skills. The risk of being brought by them will be greatly reduced. "

Zhao Fei said as he held Zhao Maimai's hand and walked into a restaurant.

Handed the menu to Zhao Maimai.

Zhao Fei continued: "The best time to normally climb Mount Everest is from April to May, but because of this we came seven or eight days early.

Because there were too many people at that time.

You may have seen the news about the overcrowding caused by too many people climbing Mount Everest.

So we have to avoid the peak season, otherwise it will be very inconvenient.

Of course, after so many years of development, Mount Everest is now much easier than before, so climbing Mount Everest is dangerous.

But for professionals, the risk factor can also be minimized.

This minimum does not mean that there is no danger at all.

Even those who have climbed Mount Everest dozens of times cannot guarantee that they will return safely.

So there is a rule before climbing Mount Everest, which is to write a suicide note in advance. "

When it comes to the word suicide note.

Zhao Fei could clearly feel that Zhao Maimai's delicate body trembled.

But she quickly handed the menu to the waiter, shook her head and said, "I don't have to, because I believe we will be fine."

In front of the live broadcast room, Zhao Maimai didn't say a word.

That means she doesn't regret it even if something happens.

As long as Zhao Fei is by her side, she is not afraid of anything.

"I believe it too." Zhao Fei also nodded solemnly. The bond card not only allowed the two to share fandom, but also linked their destiny together.

At this moment, Zhao Fei was fearless and even had the confidence to carry Zhao Maimai on his back.

He can also climb to the top.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Fei has the skills of traditional Chinese medicine, and he can also draw prizes at critical moments.

So no matter what accident happens, he has enough confidence to deal with it.

Otherwise, how would he let Zhao Maimai take risks with him.


"Be brave Mai Mai, don't be afraid of difficulties, come on."

"You will be fine, come on."

"To be honest, after listening to the anchor's introduction, it seems that climbing Mount Everest is not very dangerous. If you have time, you can really try it.

So is there any big guy who can lend me 30 first? "

Watch the live room.

Zhao Fei and Zhao looked at each other, smiled and said nothing more.

After eating, Zhao Fei refueled the RV and bought some equipment.

Although the previous one can be used, the grade is still a bit low, so you definitely can’t save money.

Watching the two of them in the live broadcast room, they spent nearly a million in the blink of an eye.

It was also jaw-dropping.

"Ahem, the number was lower just now, not 30, but 100 million... Of course, I don't mind if it's more.

Even if no boss is willing to lend it to me.

Our live broadcast room currently has 250 million online users.

It’s enough for each person to give me one piece of crowdfunding.

Hey...does this count as me discovering the password to wealth? "

"Brother, one dollar is really not much, but do you really dare to go if I dare to give it to you?"

"Believe me, as long as the money is there, I will eat shit if you don't go?"

"I also want to crowdfund, and if I don't go, I will eat shit... Damn, isn't it just eating shit? As long as the money is in place, I can really eat it."

"I'm a little moved by what you said. Brother, just tell me how much money you have, right?
He was willing to cut himself to pieces, and dared to pull the emperor off his horse.

I am 21 this year. In order to live a happy life in the future, I will work hard to earn tens of millions a year. It is worth it! "

"Hahaha, looking at it this way, it seems that eating shit is not unacceptable."

I saw that the building of the live broadcast room was getting more and more crooked.

Zhao Fei couldn't help but ridicule: "The human body is yellow, bitter in taste, and cold in nature... It has the effects of curing heat diseases due to the movement of heaven, removing sores and detoxification, clearing phlegm and eliminating food accumulation."

Of course, this requires modulation.

Warm ones don't have this effect. "

"From what the anchor means, you actually know Chinese medicine?"

"Understand a little." Zhao Fei nodded, and returned to the RV with Zhao Maimai, without saying anything more.

Drive out of Shigatse.

Now they are only a hundred kilometers away from the base camp at the foot of Mount Everest.

So don't worry.

When at Gyatso La Pass, Zhao Fei stopped for a moment.

Because this is the best place to view Mount Everest.

You can see that the mud signs on both sides of the road are covered with colorful prayer flags. The upper part of the prayer flags is pure tile blue, and the lower part of the prayer flags is grayish yellow.

It is inaccessible and there are basically no villages around.

There are almost no traces of life.

But it is precisely because of this that countless Tibetans passing by pulled up prayer flags here, forming a strong contrast with the delicate and soft blue sky.

If you want to go to Mount Everest, Gyatso La Pass is the only way to go.

If Mount Everest is a symphony of long luck, then the Gyatso La Pass is the gateway to the symphony. It may seem inconspicuous, but it is an indispensable part of the symphony.

Therefore, the colorful prayer flags here are also regarded as a kind of blessing by those who want to climb Mount Everest.

May luck always be with you.

Looking further into the distance is their goal, Mount Everest.

If you look carefully, you can find that next to it, there are three peaks with an altitude of more than 8000 meters.

It’s equally daunting.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei stood on the side of the road for a long time before getting in the car again.

The closer we get to Mount Everest, the cooler and cooler the temperature becomes.

Through the car window, you can see the vast Gobi desert on both sides of the road. You can vaguely see the white snow that has mostly melted. It is so desolate that there is no trace of life.

It indicates that Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei have entered the restricted area of ​​life.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was also slightly tense.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the base camp, Zhao Fei also took out his mobile phone and called Liu Feng, asking Zhao Maimai to take it and turn on the loudspeaker.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, hello."

"Hello, I want you to ask if you can let my RV drive directly into the base camp at the foot of Mount Everest?"

"no problem."

Liu Feng agreed without thinking.

In fact, he had already made arrangements before Zhao Fei made this call.

Moreover, many Sherpas were found to receive them several days in advance. Regardless of whether Zhao Fei or the others needed them or not, the first priority was to ensure Zhao Fei's safety.

The road leading to the base camp was even briefly repaired, for fear that Zhao Fei's RV would get stuck on the road.

"Thank you, then the admission ticket..."

"Mr. Zhao, you have done us a great favor by coming to our live broadcast in Qinghai-Tibet. Just consider the admission ticket as a gift from our travel agency."

What Liu Feng said was not an exaggeration at all.

As Zhao Fei's travel live broadcast becomes more and more popular, it gradually attracts the attention of higher-ups beyond travel agencies.

So what Zhao Fei brought was not just the booming development of tourism.

Even in Midui Village, where Zhao Fei once visited, road construction has begun, and there is a group of soldiers specifically searching for the remaining packs of wolves on the grassland.

Including left-behind children in Xinduqiao, etc.

Many of the problems Zhao Fei encountered have now been properly resolved.

It's just that it wasn't reported.

"Thank you then." Seeing this, Zhao Fei was not polite.

You know, under normal circumstances, cars are not allowed to drive directly into the base camp at the foot of Mount Everest.

Only those traveling in a group or in the cars of base camp guards can enter.

"Young Master Zhao, you are very polite. Since you called me today, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words.

I hope you will act according to your ability.

Because now it’s not just the millions of people in the live broadcast room who are following you.

If you are in trouble, please call me immediately.

Don't, don't let anything happen. "

Hearing this, Zhao Fei frowned, slightly confused.

But now it’s not easy to ask questions in front of the live broadcast room. He smiled and said: “Thank you, we are almost at the base camp now. Don’t worry, we will return safely.”

"OK, bye."


hang up the phone.

Every audience in the live broadcast room also felt proud.

After all, that is 30 yuan, which is several years of total income for an ordinary family.

Now a phone call says I don’t want it anymore.

It can be seen that Zhao Fei's influence in Qinghai and Tibet is already considerable.

Of course, many people heard the metaphor in Liu Feng's phone call. It seemed that a big shot had noticed Zhao Fei and valued him very much.

Otherwise, even if Zhao Fei is beneficial to the travel agency.

Nor is it so.

But these people didn't think much about it, because Zhao Fei had already arrived at the Everest base camp.

Not far away is the tallest and most majestic mountain range in the world, Mount Everest, the top of the earth. Its entire mountain is still covered with snow.

Coming here feels like entering an ancient and mysterious world.

The perfect triangular top of the peak is as sharp as a knife, and the snow-covered mountain seems to grow from the center of the earth, soaring straight into the sky.

To their left, there was a patch of flat land where the white snow had melted, revealing the dark ground.

There are also lonely tents on it, arranged in an orderly manner.

Hearing the sound of the RV, Tibetans walked out of the tent and came to greet them.

Their skin color is relatively dark, and it seems that most of them are Sherpas.

"Come on, let's get out of the car and say hello to them."


Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei got out of the car hand in hand, and one of the burly Sherpas stepped forward and said with a smile: "You must be Mr. Zhao and Miss Mai Mai, right?

My name is Tenzin, hello. "

Sherpas have a very lovable label, that is, they have a smile on their faces every day.

For them, nothing seems to be more important than being happy.

Especially living at the foot of Mount Everest, the cheerful and kind-hearted nature of the Sherpa people has always been widely praised in the mountaineering community, so Zhao Fei was also very polite and shook hands with the other party.

"Hello, I'm sorry to bother you this time."

Zhao Fei saw the oxen carrying a lot of supplies in the distance. It was obvious that Tenzin and the others had just arrived, and they had most likely been notified by Liu Feng.

So it's mainly because of them.

"Haha, it's okay... I just came two days early, and it's almost the climbing season."

"Hey, look, what is that? It's so beautiful!" At this moment, Zhao Maimai seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the top of Mount Everest above his head and shouting.

Everyone's attention was attracted and they looked in the direction of Zhao Maimai's finger.

I saw that at the top of Mount Everest, there was a white cloud belt flying in the wind.

Like a white flag fluttering in the wind, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

But this strange scene lasted for less than 1 minute and then disappeared.

However, all the Sherpas still shouted and were obviously very excited.

Especially Tenzin, he put one hand on his chest and bent down to Zhao Maimai: "You are a person of great auspiciousness and great blessing. If it weren't for you, we would definitely miss the light of Buddha.

Thank you. "

Zhao Maimai waved her hand. She was a little embarrassed to be treated so respectfully: "No, I happened to see it."

"No no no."

At this time, Zhao Fei also shook his head and held Zhao Maimai's hand: "What you just saw was Qiyun. This kind of spectacle is very rare on Mount Everest.

Qiyun is not only the tallest and largest weather vane in the world, but also has a special meaning.

Legend has it that anyone who can see it will have great auspiciousness and great luck.

Qiyun in turn represents luck, so luck is best when you are around.

It can be seen that I will need to borrow your light this time to climb Mount Everest, so don’t stay too far away from me then. "

(End of this chapter)

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