China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 116 Successfully summited Mount Everest

Chapter 116 Successfully summited Mount Everest
Passed the first crevasse.

Zhao Fei put the telescopic ladder behind him again and continued to set off.

In front of them, they could see a dense forest of ice towers, like pyramid-shaped icicles, crystal clear.

There are also countless crevasses hidden under the snow, so you need to be extremely careful.

And this is within the scope of the Khumbu Glacier.

"You follow me and follow in my footsteps."

Zhao Fei pushed the ice tower forest next to him and found that it was still very strong, so it would not collapse under normal circumstances.

The most noteworthy thing is the crevasse traps hidden under the snow.


Zhao Maimai nodded. So far they have traveled nearly a kilometer and walked for more than three hours.

So even though Zhao Maimai drank a lot of healthy spring water, she still felt a little sore in her legs.

But the ice tower forest is obviously not a place to rest.

"Hold on, we'll rest after passing the serac forest and this place with many cracks."

"Don't worry, I can still hold on."

Because the ice tower forest is very dense, the two of them can only move forward through the gaps in the ice tower forest.

The most important thing is that the snow in these gaps is very deep. Sometimes when you step in, it can reach your knees.

However, Zhao Maimai felt a lot more relaxed as he followed Zhao Fei's footsteps.

At this moment, Zhao Maimai noticed that the rope tied to Zhao Fei tightened instantly. Looking up, he saw Zhao Fei leaning forward, obviously missing the step.

Zhao Maimai was anxious and reacted very quickly.

She knew that she couldn't pull Zhao Fei with her own strength, so she turned around, pretended to be running behind her, and used all the strength of her body to pull back.

At the same time, Zhao Fei also instantly felt his body losing balance.

No need to think about it, it’s either an ice pit or a crevasse below.

Therefore, Zhao Fei did not hesitate, and directly hit the ice tower next to him with the ice ax he had been holding tightly in his hand.

A click.

The front end of the ice pick sank deeply into the ice tower. Zhao Fei had a fulcrum and could control his forward leaning body, coupled with the pulling force of Zhao Maimai behind him.

He took advantage of the situation and retreated.

Zhao Maimai also plopped down on the snow due to inertia.

However, before Zhao Maimai could get up, he felt that he was directly lifted up by Zhao Fei, and he retreated more than two meters away in just one second.

Soon, the live broadcast room saw that Zhao Fei missed the spot just now.

There was a crackling sound of ice cracking.

Then the snow on it collapsed and fell instantly.

An ice crack more than two meters wide, dark and bottomless was revealed.

"I'll go, this is too dangerous."

"Yeah, fortunately, both of them reacted very quickly, as if they had a clear understanding of each other. Otherwise, I'm afraid Zhao Fei would have fallen."

"Didn't you notice that Mai Mai turned around very gracefully just now?"

"Huhu." Standing on the solid ice, Zhao Fei breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, stood up and patted the snow off Zhao Maimai's body, sighing.

"Fortunately, the ice crack has not continued to expand. Otherwise, we might have to go around it."

Zhao Maimai also took off the telescopic ladder from Zhao Fei's back and said happily: "As long as everything is fine, let's take our time."


Zhao Fei nodded, the two looked at each other and smiled, just like last time, they put the telescopic ladder on the ice crevice.

Step on it and pass without any danger.

And with experience, Zhao Maimai no longer needs to hold on to the rope, not to mention that the ice crack this time is not as wide as last time.

Next, Zhao Fei was obviously more careful.

Every time you take a step, be prepared to miss the mark.

So it wasn't until after one o'clock in the afternoon that the two of them finally walked out of the dangerous zone of Khumbu Glacier.


At the same time, after a morning of fermentation.

The promotion effect of Douyin has gradually come into play.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing rapidly.

The barrage is flying all over the sky.

"Holy crap, are you mistaken? With 500 million there such an awesome anchor in Douyin?"

"Brother, take a closer look, the number of people online in real time is even more exaggerated.

460 million people online, so perverted.

You have to know the number of people who had Liu Dehua's live broadcast. The highest number of people online in real time seemed to be more than 300 million. "

"After the identification, the anchor is Douyin's biological son. This promotion intensity has even caught up with Xuebao's Double Eleven."

Newcomers poured into the live broadcast room one by one.

Before paying attention to the content, I was stunned by the exaggerated data.

At this time, old fans and video bloggers also stood up and began to educate newcomers like seniors.

So when the newcomer learned that the two people wrapped tightly in the picture were climbing Mount Everest.

He was stunned for a moment.

Especially when Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei were taking a break, the way Zhao Maimai took off his glasses and ate beef jerky surprised them even more.

"What's going on, the popular little girl wants to climb Mount Everest? With her little arms and legs, is she crazy?"

"This vast white scenery is quite beautiful. Please pay attention to it first."

“I came across the short videos of these two people some time ago, and I was quite interested at the time, but after searching around, I couldn’t find the live broadcast room.

I finally saw it today. "

Mount Everest is well known to everyone in the land of Dragon Kingdom.

It represents the highest peak, the most mysterious and dangerous existence on the earth's surface.

So most people are curious about Mount Everest.

Especially when they learned that Zhao Fei was terminally ill and Zhao Maimai was still a little girl.

While this made everyone interested, they also felt a sense of respect in their hearts.

Provided the two with a lot of fan value.


Zhao Fei's side.

After leaving the Khumbu Glacier, the two rested for about an hour.

After supplementing with strength medicine, Zhao Maimai's sore legs have been relieved a lot.

And the next road is relatively easy to walk.

During this period, Zhao Fei also took a look at the countdown.

Because several times just now, he felt his left arm was slightly hot, and it was obvious that the countdown was increasing rapidly.

Even though he was prepared, Zhao Fei was slightly surprised when he saw the specific numbers.

[Remaining fan value: 21384260 (+1, +1, +1)]

[No. 19283680 Bond Card Zhao Maimai Fan Value: 1 (+1, +1., -[-])]

If I remember correctly, the remaining fan value last time was more than 830 million.

In other words, Zhao Maimai increased his fans by 90, and Zhao Fei himself increased his fan value by 200 million.

Because of the bond, Zhao Fei gained a total of 300 million fans.

You must know that it took Zhao Fei several days to accumulate a fan value of 300 million in the past, but now he can achieve such an increase in just one morning.

If I hadn't been climbing Mount Everest now, I would have been afraid of causing an avalanche.

Zhao Fei insisted on laughing three times.

However, he was also a little curious as to what happened in the outside world to bring him such a large amount of growth.

According to his estimate, the growth rate should not be so exaggerated just by climbing Mount Everest.

So after we came across a more suitable campsite, we saw that it was getting dark.

Zhao Fei stopped.

I couldn’t wait to put the drone down.

In an instant, I saw that the real-time number of people online in the live broadcast room at this moment officially jumped the 500 million mark.

reached 560 million.

"This, so many people?"


"Haha, the anchor was surprised by the number of people in his live broadcast room, but that's okay."

"Don't the anchors know that Douyin is doing its best to promote You today?"

"Okay, this anchor is quite handsome."

After learning the specific situation, Zhao Fei was very grateful and smiled in the live broadcast room: "Thank you, thank you for your attention.

Also grateful to Douyin and Li Hai for his strong support...

When the live broadcast of this trip is over, I will treat you to dinner and discuss future live broadcasts. "

Li Hai pays attention to the live broadcast room every day.

So naturally I heard Zhao Fei's words and heard Zhao Fei's subtext.

There will be more travel live broadcasts in the future.

And it was to cooperate with him. Judging from Zhao Fei's intention, it seemed that he wanted to go further, otherwise he wouldn't have said the word "discuss".

This moved Li Hai very much.

Feeling that his promotion today was not in vain, he posted a barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Roger that!"

I saw Li Hai’s exclusive golden barrage flying by.

Zhao Fei felt that Li Hai was quite naughty for making such an obvious barrage for him.

However, Zhao Fei couldn't think too much about it now.

We need to set up the tent quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble when it gets dark soon.

“Brothers, if you have the opportunity to climb a snow-capped mountain like this in the future, even if it is not Mount Everest, then when choosing a campsite, be sure not to get close to the mountain.

Otherwise, it is easy to be hit by falling ice from the snow-capped mountains.

Even when you wake up the next morning, you will find that you have been buried in snow.

Therefore, for our campsite, it is best to find a place that is a certain distance from the main mountain and can withstand the wind.

Look at where I'm standing now, with my back against a big rock. It can block the ice and snow rolling down the mountain, and it can also block the wind. It's very suitable. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Fei glanced at Mai Mai who was leaning on the stone, stepped forward and asked, "How do you feel? Do you feel it's hard to breathe?"

"It's not bad." Zhao Maimai shook his head and stretched his legs: "I just feel a little sore in my legs."

"Then I'll set up the tent in a minute and press it for you. You drink some water first, as long as it's not high-reflective."

"Let me help you." Zhao Maimai wanted to stand up, but Zhao Fei pushed him back down again.

"No, you take a break and drink some water...or you just chat with the live broadcast room for a while, I'll be done soon."


Zhao Maimai was so moved that he leaned against the big stone and took off his windproof glasses and looked at the live broadcast room.

Zhao Maimai has a bond card on her body.

So every time she gains one more fan, Zhao Fei will also have more fans.

Nowadays, there are many new people in the live broadcast room, which just allows her to show her face more and gain more fans.

After all, Zhao Fei had just added 200 million fans, while Zhao Maimai only had more than 90.

The main reason should be that Zhao Maimai didn't show up.

Now is just an opportunity.

“As you can see, our current location is about halfway up Mount Everest.

In one day, we had climbed half of the total distance, and the speed was relatively fast.

But the road ahead will become increasingly difficult.

To be honest, I don't know if I can persist to the end, but as long as I, Zhao Maimai, have the last bit of strength, I will definitely follow Zhao Fei. "

Mai Mai took off his windproof glasses.

You can see her face is slightly red and she is panting.

There is also a circle around the eye socket, which is a mark left by wearing windproof glasses for too long.

It doesn't look very good.

But no one in the live broadcast room laughed at her at this moment.

They all gave thumbs up.

"Brave Mai Mai, not afraid of difficulties, come on."

"To be honest, my impression of Maimai is the same as that of other popular little girls. She has good acting skills and good looks, but compared to some popular actresses.

There are still some gaps.

But based on what you just said, I will be your fan from now on. "

"What does it mean to be a woman without giving way to men? My Mai Mai is like that. Come on Mai Mai, I believe in you too."

"Thank you everyone." Looking at the live broadcast room full of voices supporting him, Zhao Maimai also raised a flower-like smile.

But as she got closer to the live broadcast room, she vaguely saw her appearance clearly through the reflection of the screen.He immediately covered his face: "Oh my god, why am I so ugly!"

"Haha, who said it's ugly? Mai Mai, you are the prettiest right now."

"Yes, the way you cover your face is quite cute."

"I'm a fan, I'm a fan. From now on, I will be a fan of Mai Mai."


On the other side, Zhao Fei set up the tent and felt his left arm starting to feel slightly hot again.

He rolled up his sleeves and glanced at the countdown.

[Remaining fan value: 24665841 (+1, +1, +1)]

[No. 21283680 Bond Card Zhao Maimai Fan Value: 1 (+1, +1., +[-])]

More than 300 million fans have been added.

Maimai provided 200 million of this.

It can be seen that his idea is right and very effective.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly, thinking: "The bond card is so powerful!"


At this moment, Uncle Tenzin's voice came from the intercom: "Ah Fei, Ah's going to be dark soon, have you found the campsite?

If you don't find it, go back.

Not far from the left side of the mountain, there is a safe spot where we often stop. "

"Received, received...Uncle Tenzin, please don't worry, I have found a campsite, next to a big rock that looks like a hammer, how are you doing now?
Is everyone safe? "


"Ah... I know the big rock you are talking about. We all call it Langtouguai. After Langtouguai, you will reach the upper part of Mount Everest.

You guys are walking pretty fast.

All three of us are safe and have reached a safe point now.

How is Mai Mai? Does he need some oxygen? "

Hearing this, Zhao Fei glanced at Zhao Maimai.

Finding that she was still happily chatting with the live broadcast room, he said: "No need for now, if there is an emergency, I have a portable oxygen bottle in my backpack, which can last for a while.

I will contact you when needed. "

Uncle Tenzin put down the walkie-talkie.

He smiled bitterly at the two Galzas next to him and said, "You have all heard that we are almost 600 meters away from Ah Fei and the others.

So we rest early today and start early tomorrow.

Otherwise, if something happens, it will be too late for us to cross this distance.

And we have to catch up with them tomorrow night. After all, we will need oxygen bottles on the third day of climbing. We can’t wait for them to come back to pick them up tomorrow night, right? "

"That's right, Uncle Tenzin, I have good physical strength. I will go to the front tomorrow." Garza took a bite of the compressed biscuit with a firm expression.

"Okay, but you still have to pay attention to safety. Nothing will happen to Ah Fei and the others. In the end, we were in danger."


In the blink of an eye, time came to the third day of climbing for Zhao Fei and his wife.

It was also the No.20 three days of the trip.

Yesterday, when Zhao Fei and his two men advanced until nightfall, they were only a kilometer away from the top of Mount Everest.

That night they camped and rested with Uncle Tenzin and others.

And this last 1000 meters is also the most difficult.

It is worth mentioning that the increase in Zhao Fei’s fan base yesterday was still very gratifying.

[Remaining fan value: 30384260 (+1, +1, +1)]

In just two days, Zhao Fei's fan base increased by more than 1000 million.

Of course, Zhao Maimai also provided nearly half of this.

"It's the third day, come on, Mai Mai."

"Hold on for the last time, we will reach the top soon."

"Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, I just want to see what the entire Himalayas looks like from the top of Mount Everest. Don't let me down, anchor."

After two days of promotion.

The attention of Zhao Fei's live broadcast room has reached 500 million.

The highest number of people online in real time was 790 million last night.

So it's not just fans looking forward to the final summit at this moment.

Li Hai, who is behind Douyin, is also extremely looking forward to Zhao Fei's real-time online number of people reaching a new high when he reaches the top, breaking through 1000 million.

Li Hai has been engaged in the live broadcast industry for so many years.

He believed that as long as Zhao Fei could create this record, no one except Zhao Fei himself would be able to break the record in the next five years.

Then Zhao Fei will become a legend in the field of live broadcasting.

It was like he was standing on the top of Mount Everest.

He will also become the person with the highest standing in the live broadcast field.

When the time comes, Li Hai will naturally follow the rising tide.

“Brothers in the live broadcast room, the last day of climbing has begun, and now the first problem we face is an ice wall that is almost at a ninety-degree angle.

Everyone can see it.

The height of the ice wall is about six meters, which exceeds the longest distance of the telescopic ladder.

This is a great test of a person's physical fitness. "

After speaking to the live broadcast room, Zhao Fei put the telescopic ladder on the ice wall and climbed to the top step by step.

Counting his height, the distance between Zhao Fei and the top of the ice wall is only about half a meter.

But there is no place to borrow strength around.

Most people in the live broadcast room thought that Zhao Fei would use an ice pick to knock out a few small holes and slowly climb up.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fei squatted down slightly at this time, and then jumped hard.

The moment his body was suspended in the air, Zhao Fei pounced forward.

The upper body was instantly stuck on the edge of the ice wall.

The white snow fell one after another.

Then Zhao Fei used his hands and feet and quickly disappeared.

By the time everyone in the live broadcast room came to their senses, Zhao Fei had already thrown down three ropes and shouted to Mai Mai: "Tie the two ropes to the telescopic ladder so that it can be directly attached to the ice wall.

You grab another rope and climb up. "

"I'll go, the anchor is so brave, he dares to do this."

"Not only is he brave, but his physical fitness is also amazing."

"Yeah, I feel like the anchor doesn't look like a patient at all. Are you mistaken?"

Zhao Maimai was also worried about Zhao Fei just now.

Hearing Zhao Fei's voice at this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief. He ignored the live broadcast room and tied the telescopic ladder to the rope according to Zhao Fei's instructions.

She pulled on the rope and stepped on the ladder.

The climb was much easier.

When Zhao Maimai came up, Zhao Fei did not move the telescopic ladder.

Because it won’t be used next, it’s better to leave it to Uncle Tenzin behind.

Use the intercom to notify Uncle Tenzin.

Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and continued moving forward.

Even though the steepness of Mount Everest will increase exponentially, I still think about it and I will reach the top soon.

Both felt more motivated.

At the same time, the live broadcast room also discovered that the familiar large backpack behind Zhao Fei was gone, replaced by an oversized oxygen bottle that could supply enough oxygen for the two of them.

Zhao Maimai also had a small backpack on his back.

It contained some simple food and water.

This means that Zhao Fei and the others must climb Mount Everest before noon.

Before dark in the afternoon, return to the safe camping spot that was not dismantled before.

Otherwise, they would have to spend the night in the ice and snow.

The results are self-evident.

"Visual inspection of the oxygen tank behind the anchor shows that it is at least fifty kilograms, which is equivalent to carrying a hundred kilograms of weight. Climbing Mount Everest under these conditions.

I have to say that the anchor is really strong. "

"Yes, there are many things about anchors that people can envy, such as being rich, handsome, and having Mai Mai by his side.

But what I envy most is his physical strength.

I felt light and airy for an hour or two, not tired at all.

If I had this body type, I wouldn't have to be looked down upon by others every day. "

"I feel the same way. When people reach middle age, they will always have power to do what they want, so now I hide whenever I can.

The old man upstairs, let’s make an appointment to go fishing together when you have time!
60 yuan, 24 hours? "


Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei could not see the barrage in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the two of them lowered their heads, leaned forward, and moved forward step by step.

Although the slope has become steeper, the snow in the remaining 1000 meters is relatively not that deep.

So it can't be said to be more laborious.

Time passed slowly in the company of millions of fans in the live broadcast room.

The two of them were getting closer and closer to the peak.

900 meters!
800 meters!
700 meters!
at the same time.

The number of people online in real time in the live broadcast room is also increasing.

Li Hai, who was backstage at Douyin, stared at the data in the live broadcast room and clenched his fists.

His goal is to have more than 1000 million people online in real time.

Not even 99 million.

The difference between the two is a seven-digit number and an eight-digit number, and they represent completely different meanings.

"Eight million, Mr. Li...has exceeded yesterday's highest record."

"Don't worry, we want 1000 million."

Li Hai took a deep breath, stared at the constantly beating real-time data, and counted in his mind.

"820 million!"

"860 million!"

"910 million!"

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

At the same time, Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei were only 100 meters away from the final summit.

Even the drone hovering above their heads had already spotted Uncle Tenzin and the three of them not far behind them.

The real-time number of people online in the live broadcast room also exceeded 1000 million at this moment.

Li Hai jumped up from his chair, clenched his fist and waved it hard.

All the staff also cheered at this moment.

But soon, careful staff discovered that the number of people in the live broadcast room was still rising rapidly, and it was getting crazier.

I couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Li, look at the live broadcast room, now... now it seems to be 100 million.

No, no, no, 230 million. "

Li Hai's blushing face turned serious, and he quickly stepped forward, pushed aside the staff, and looked at the real-time data.

I saw that the real-time data at this moment was beating rapidly.

Faster than ever before.

300 million!

400 million!

520 million!

Li Hai's blood pressure rose rapidly. He opened his mouth and pointed at the assistant next to him. He wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Uh, Mr. Li... what's wrong with you? Do you want to call 120?"


At the same time, Zhao Fei moved forward with his head lowered.

Suddenly, I realized that the road ahead seemed to be going downhill!

Footsteps paused slightly.

As a result, Zhao Maimai bumped into Zhao Fei and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"It seems, there seems to be no way."

"how is this possible?"

The two looked up and looked around, and instantly realized that there was no way out.

But they have successfully summited Mount Everest.

(End of this chapter)

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