China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 117 Number of people online in real time, 2?

Chapter 117 Number of people online in real time, 2000?

Mount Everest.

The altitude is 840 meters!

Under the sunlight, it stands tall and majestic.

The surrounding snow and bare rocks, as well as the cliffs on the east and west sides, all showed that they had reached the top.

Looking down, the countless lower peaks around Mount Everest are as continuous as guardians, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

The majestic Himalayas are like a huge white dragon lying on the ground.

The position where Zhao Fei and the others were was exactly where the dragon's head was raised high.

It seems that one day it will shoot straight into the sky.

The white clouds above their heads were quite close to them, as if they could reach out and catch them.

The spectacle in front of you is extremely shocking.

"Have we really reached the summit?"

Zhao Maimai still couldn't believe it, because her body had not reached its limit, and she thought she would have to walk for a long time.

No one knows when the unexpected will happen.

The same goes for surprises.

Maimai was not given any time to prepare, and it came so suddenly, leaving her confused and at a loss.

Zhao Fei took off his oxygen mask and took a deep breath: "Yes, we have reached the top."

Looking around, Zhao Fei suddenly felt heroic.

This is on top of the world.


Starting from Chengdu, it took him 24 days to complete his original vow.

Approach it step by step, admire it, until you conquer it.

At this moment, Zhao Fei felt that his soul had been sublimated like never before. What fan value, money, and honor were compared to the feeling he had at this moment.

Totally worthless.

Zhao Maimai also followed Zhao Fei's example and took off the oxygen mask.

She took a deep breath of the air at the top of Mount Everest. Because the oxygen content was extremely low, it instantly gave her a feeling of suffocation, but she still persisted.

Yes, they have successfully reached the summit.

If she hadn’t met Zhao Fei before, someone had told her that she would one day climb Mount Everest.

Zhao Maimai wouldn't believe it even if he beat him to death.

Because this is something she can't even think about.
But at this moment, she really reached the top.

This made her eyes turn red instantly, and tears fell down.

"Don't cry, or your tears will freeze on your face."

Zhao Fei reached out and wiped the tears on Mai Mai's face, and took out a small package that had been prepared from behind: "We still have things to do."

"Yeah, yeah, I, I just can't help it!"

Zhao Maimai put the oxygen mask on her face and took two breaths, feeling much better.

The two opened the package.

A five-star red flag came into view.

Hang the red flag on the flagpole, and then the two of them work together to insert the red flag into the rock crevice at the peak.

For a time, the high five-star red flag fluttered in the wind.

Zhao Maimai burst into tears again. She threw herself on Zhao Fei and kissed him uncontrollably. The cold touch gave her a wonderful experience she had never had before.

Seeing this scene in the live broadcast room, they went completely crazy.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains, a pair of wall figures hug each other.

On the side of the white clouds, the five-star red flag flutters in the wind.

Proud, moved... all kinds of emotions rolled in their hearts, making countless people in front of the live broadcast room have sore noses and red eyes.

"Ah ah ah, it's so sweet, what should I do if I want to cry?"

“I finally reached the top. Along the way, I watched the anchor encounter many crises, including packs of wolves, wild leopards, and sandstorms, which made me terrified.

I also saw countless beautiful scenery, which made me happy.

It can be said that I cried and laughed, but the anchor never gave up.

This persistence and hard work is so rare and valuable.

I now somewhat believe what Ye Zhuan said, this is a real-life open class.

Thank you anchor for making my life more colorful. "

"The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind, and the song of victory is so loud, singing that our dear motherland will become prosperous and strong from now on..."

"Congratulations to the host, you successfully reached the top."

"At this moment, I just want to say one thing...Anchor Niu B."

"Haha, my Mai Mai is also very good, right?"

Countless barrages flashed across the live broadcast room.

Countless people bought gifts to celebrate, and took screenshots and recorded the screen.

The real-time number of people online in the live broadcast room also reached its peak at this moment.

600 million!

700 million!

800 million!

It was not until the number of real-time online users stabilized between 920 million and 960 million that the increase slowly stopped.

When Li Hai, who was backstage at Douyin, saw this number.

I just felt that my heart was beating harder than ever before, like a volcano about to explode.

960 million!


It can be said that nearly one-fifty of the people in the entire Dragon Kingdom are in the live broadcast room.

This means that one in fifty people will watch the live broadcast in real time.

This is an achievement created by him.

His goal was 1000 million. Unexpectedly, he underestimated Zhao Fei in the end, and the final result directly doubled, so the preparation at this moment was somewhat inadequate.

A large number of fans poured in, causing the live broadcast room to be overwhelmed at the moment.

Just when Li Hai wanted to say, "Send the draft immediately."

The live broadcast room collapsed with a 'click'.

Direct black screen.

The words on his lips changed instantly.


Then Li Hai couldn't hold on any longer, his eyes darkened and he fainted.

"Quick, call 120!"

Everyone in the studio who was stunned by the numbers was in a state of confusion.

He carried Li Hai downstairs with all his hands and feet.

There are also some people who still remember their responsibilities and prepare drafts one by one, change the numbers and send them out.


Zhao Fei didn't know that the live broadcast room had collapsed at this time.

Seeing Zhao Maimai's face getting redder and redder, Zhao Fei did not dare to continue and quickly put the oxygen mask on her face: "Okay, okay, stop crying.

We are not absolutely safe yet.

Put on an oxygen mask quickly, otherwise you'll be in trouble if your altitude sickness becomes severe. "

"Hmm, I...huhu, I know."

Zhao Maimai gradually calmed down her excitement, but her red face and big watery eyes still proved that she was not at all calm at the moment.

Zhao Maimai didn't take out his camera until Uncle Tenzin and the others reached the summit safely.

Take a group photo.

Finally, everyone stayed at the peak for a while before going down the mountain together.The difficulty of going down the mountain is not low either.

But now that the goal has been achieved, everyone feels much more relaxed.

So nothing unexpected happened.


At the same time, although the live broadcast room collapsed, there was news that the two successfully climbed Mount Everest.

It also spread online.

And it instantly grabbed the headlines.

# Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai successfully climbed Mount Everest at 9:36 today#
#According to Douyin’s announcement, the moment Zhao Fei climbed to the top of Mount Everest, the highest number of real-time online users in the live broadcast room reached 960 million#
#When the five-star red flag flies on the top of Mount Everest, it means that our Dragon Kingdom has once again conquered Mount Everest#
Among them, the news of climbing Mount Everest directly occupied the No. 1 ranking of search volume for scarves.

The second and No. 3 below are also related to Zhao Fei.

One of them was a crash in the background of Douyin live broadcast room.

There is also a picture of Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei kissing at the top of Mount Everest. There are countless likes below.

This will undoubtedly increase the popularity of Zhao Fei and the two of them to a higher level.

And the initial production team is also very good at seizing opportunities.

Then an announcement was made.

#赵Maimai and Zhao Fei are about to collaborate again to film the web drama "The Beginning", everyone please stay tuned#
The filming of "Meng Hua Lu" has started, and announcements were made immediately.

#Zhao Fei will soon collaborate with Liu Yifei to play a role in "Meng Hua Lu", please wait and see. #
News released by the two TV series production teams.

Also riding on the popularity of Zhao Fei’s climb to Mount Everest, he directly climbed to No. 7 and No. 8 in the scarf search rankings.

It can be said that it is in the top ten of the scarf search rankings at the moment.

Almost all have something to do with Zhao Fei.

Originally, the director of "Meng Hua Lu" was a little unhappy because Liu Yifei had forced Zhao Fei into his role, but now the popularity is equivalent to millions of publicity efforts.

So the director feels it’s not too bad.

He couldn't help but have a better impression of Zhao Fei.

There is also the production team of "The Beginning". Although Zhao Fei is an investor, many people in the crew are secretly discussing how and how Zhao Fei will bring money to join the team!
After all, there is no shortage of envious people anywhere in the world.

The director didn't stop it, but rather encouraged it.

Because the director wants to make a good drama, he has planned to reduce Zhao Fei's appearance time while Zhao Fei doesn't know how to make TV dramas.

This is also taking into account Zhao Fei's acting skills.

But now that Zhao Fei has successfully climbed Mount Everest, these small action directors have stopped and do not dare to go too far.

After all, Zhao Fei is an investor.

And it was equivalent to returning to the North with a great victory, which had to impress the director.

It feels like Zhao Fei is more than just a rich second generation.

Of course, in this way, the news that Zhao Fei and his wife reached the summit of Mount Everest will be associated with the entertainment industry.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to dropping a bomb in the deep pool of the entertainment industry.

Because no one in the entertainment industry in the world has successfully climbed Mount Everest.

The two are not the same field at all.

Now, two people suddenly appeared, and one of them was the popular little girl Zhao Maimai.

How could this not shock the entertainment industry?

For fans of Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei, this is naturally a celebration of the Chinese New Year.

But some people are not optimistic.

"Isn't Zhao Fei just an anchor? Are you sure he can act?"

"These production teams are really shameless and will do anything for the sake of popularity, right?"

"Yes, I admire you for your success in climbing Mount Everest, but since you are the anchor, you should live broadcast properly. What kind of scenes are you filming? I really thought filming was that simple."

"Okay, don't think about it, he's just another little guy who only knows how to sell his butt."

On the Internet, there are all kinds of boycotts and blackmail against Zhao Fei's scarf for filming.

A large number of them are fans of Xu Haiqiao, because the previous program team of "Meng Hua Lu" originally scheduled him to play Ouyang Xu.

Although he is a villain, he is working with Liu Yifei.

I would like to ask which male star in the entertainment industry does not want to cooperate with Liu Yifei.

After all, Liu Yifei's character attributes are so attractive.

He is good-looking and has an extraordinary temperament.

As long as he can conquer her, it would be a great sense of achievement for any man.

Now that the filming of the drama has begun, the program team has not given him any news, so although Xu Haiqiao is a little regretful, he gradually gives up, thinking that there should be someone more famous and more suitable to replace him.

But now the program team has announced it.

He discovered that he was actually a little-known anchor who had never acted before.

Who can stand this.

So I released a highly targeted scarf.

#No matter how good your acting skills are, they can’t compare to someone’s wealth! #
Upon seeing this, Xu Haiqiao's fans were naturally unhappy and attacked Zhao Fei desperately.

"A rich second generation who is seriously ill and is not being honest and living at home will have nothing to gain from coming out."

"It's a pity... maybe dying on Mount Everest is the best ending for you, but you still have to film a movie, stick your face out and let others beat you, and calling you a bitch is just a compliment!"

"What's this called flying... I advise you to just live broadcast honestly and don't come to the entertainment industry. The water here is too deep and you can't control it.

After climbing Mount Everest, you can continue your live broadcast somewhere else.

What a Bermuda Triangle.

Guava Valley, Nisia.

Or Atlantic Cemetery.

They are all dead anyway. If you die early, you will be reborn early, so you won’t have to bury them when the time comes. "

Vicious comments appeared under Zhao Fei's scarf one after another.

Originally, Zhao Fei's live broadcast room collapsed.

Nearly 2000 million people have nowhere to go and are cursing Li Hai in the live broadcast room with a black screen.

Now I suddenly learned about this situation.

Everyone who was excited to climb Mount Everest immediately flocked to the scarf, especially when they saw the vicious comments that cursed Zhao Fei to die immediately.

It exploded in an instant.

What the hell is the Bermuda Triangle and a bullshit cemetery?

These are forbidden places, places of death.

Let alone Zhao Fei, a host, even the power of the country would not dare to go.

Doesn't this make it clear that Zhao Fei should die quickly?
His vicious thoughts make people hate him so much.

"Damn it, why can't Zhao Fei enter the entertainment industry? The songs he sings are better than ordinary singers. Why do you think he can't act?"

"If you don't understand it, just make rash comments. What's the difference between you guys and the barking of dogs!"

"Zhao Fei can go wherever he wants. What does it have to do with you? If you die alone under this vicious curse, won't your conscience hurt?"

Relatively speaking, Zhao Fei's fans are relatively high-quality.

And although there are many of them, many of them are worried that Zhao Fei will not perform well when the time comes.

Therefore, even if they are so angry that their teeth hurt, most people will not end up engaging in verbal disputes with these people.

But with some old fans’ understanding of Zhao Fei.

It is clear that Zhao Fei is not someone who fights unprepared battles. Since he has chosen to enter the entertainment industry, they will respect his choice.

And bless him as he goes further and further.

Who told Zhao Fei to be sick? He could only coax and hold him up, for fear that Zhao Fei would die if he was unhappy.

Of course, these fans who have no fate are also looking forward to Zhao Fei using his strength and acting skills to slap these people in the face.

Just like they didn't believe that Zhao Fei could successfully climb Mount Everest.

Along the way, Zhao Fei has created many impossibilities and miracles.

Fans believe that Zhao Fei will definitely create miracles again this time. Since he can sing so well, his acting skills shouldn't be too bad either.

(End of this chapter)

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