China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 118 Mai Mai: I feel this is very exciting

Chapter 118 Mai Mai: I feel this is very exciting
Night gradually falls on Mount Everest.

Zhao Fei and Zhao briefly replenished their energy and then got into the tent.

Even though he had returned to a safe spot, Zhao Maimai was still in a very excited mood at this moment.

Holding Zhao Fei in his arms, he said shyly: "Zhao Fei, I, I suddenly thought about it?"

"Ah." Zhao Fei's eyes widened in surprise: "Don't make trouble, even if it is safer, the altitude is close to 8000 meters. Go to bed quickly, we will go down the mountain tomorrow."

"No... I just thought about it because this is Mount Everest and it's 8000 meters above sea level. Don't you find it exciting?"

Before using the bond card, Zhao Maimai had his heart set on Zhao Fei.

Now that she has the bond card, she has identified Zhao Fei for the rest of her life.

Don't want anything to change.

And after this kind of thing happens once, it will become natural from now on.

They've been gone for three days.

No wonder Zhao Maimai thought.

"Isn't there still a little oxygen left in the oxygen bottle? Is it supposed to be okay?"

Not to mention, Zhao Fei was a little itchy after being teased like this by Zhao Maimai.

Then he nodded and said softly: "Please keep your voice down for a while, so that no one can hear you."


Zhao Maimai nodded happily and turned his back to Zhao Fei.

Although she wanted to look at Zhao Fei, conditions did not allow it.

Can only improvise.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I can't breathe, give me some oxygen."

"Huhuhu, okay, okay."

"It's a bit cold, please finish quickly."

after an hour.

Zhao Fei took a long breath.

Zhao Maimai also got into the sleeping bag again, relaxed her frowning eyebrows, and slowly closed her eyes.

Quickly fall asleep.

Zhao Fei didn't know the situation on the Internet.

At the moment, his focus is mainly on fan value.

He stretched out his left arm and took a look.

[Remaining fan value: 42682200 (+1, +1, +1)]

[No. 26283680 Bond Card Zhao Maimai Fan Value: 1 (+1, +1., +[-])]

three days.

Zhao Fei’s fan value does not count the original accumulation of fans that bound Zhao Maimai.

A total increase of more than 400 million.

An average of 800 million per day. This increase is already quite amazing compared to before, but Zhao Fei is still a little dissatisfied.

Because it’s not 5000 million.

What he wants most now is an acting skills book,

If he didn't have an acting skill book, he would still be doing shitty scenes.

Even if it still takes a day or two to get down the mountain, the number of followers will increase to a certain extent, but the highest dividend of climbing Mount Everest has been almost exhausted.

It is conceivable that this growth rate will not be very high.

It would be great to have Zhao Fei with 200 or [-] million in one day, or even only a few hundred thousand.

So I want to accumulate fan points to 5000 million.

There must be other ways.

Otherwise, you can only try your luck through lottery.

But what if you don’t get the acting skill book?
Then all Zhao Fei's future plans will have to be scrapped and started all over again.

This is the most uncomfortable.

Now we can only take one step at a time, and if that doesn't work, we can only use our trump card.

Maybe the final price is a little higher.

After all, Zhao Fei is not the original owner, so he can take the money and spend it improperly.

When there is no threat to his life, Zhao Fei still hopes to have as much money as possible, after all, he will have to raise children in the future.


Travel No.20 for five days.

It was also the third day after Zhao Fei and his wife climbed Mount Everest.

After two days of going down the mountain, they had returned to the safe spot of Langtouguai for camping.

Just as Zhao Fei expected, yesterday's live broadcast only increased his fan count by more than 50.

On the contrary, Zhao Maimai has strong stamina because of his status as an actor.

He gained 80 followers in one day.

But even so, according to this trend, it is basically impossible to reach 5000 million by the end of the live broadcast.

So Zhao Fei had no choice but to find another way.

In the morning, everyone got up one after another.

Zhao Fei was still the first to get up and make breakfast, and by the way, he also brought out Uncle Tenzin's breakfast for three people.

After tasting Zhao Fei's craftsmanship, Uncle Tenzin and the other three were full of praise.

Especially Garza, I drank two big bowls of vegetable soup.

I felt that the fatigue accumulated over the past few days was instantly wiped away. I excitedly shouted that I wanted to learn the craft from Zhao Fei and go home to make it for my parents.

Zhao Fei smiled and didn't say much.

Zhao Maimai had finished drinking the stamina potion in the past few days, leaving only a bottle of health spring water.

Although Uncle Tenzin seemed to have done nothing to help Zhao Fei and the others during this climb, Zhao Fei would not have let Zhao Maimai climb with him without them.

Therefore, Zhao Fei is very grateful for the insurance role played by Uncle Tenzin and the others.

Therefore, Zhao Fei mixed the last remaining bottle of health spring water into the soup.

If several people think about it one by one, it will have a certain effect.

I hope that when they lead others to climb Mount Everest in the future, it will be less dangerous.

After meeting each other, Zhao Fei didn't want to suddenly hear the bad news about them one day.

"Okay, Garza...seeing how energetic you are, you will be the one to open the way later."

"no problem."

In response to Uncle Tenzin's words, Garza nodded and did not think this was the most dangerous thing at all.

Rather happy.

He also knew that Uncle Tenzin was training him.

Because Uncle Tenzin is not young anymore, he can no longer climb Mount Everest a few times.

Now he is being groomed as his heir.

The pioneers who climb Mount Everest bear the greatest pressure and risk, but they are also the ones who gain the most, whether they are going down or down the mountain.

The most important thing is in the eyes of the Sherpas.

The trailblazer is also the leader of the entire climbing team.

Zhao Fei, who understood this, did not refuse and nodded: "Then I will follow Garza. Uncle Tenzin, you guys will take the rear and let Mai Mai be in the middle."

"Okay, let's do it like this."

Uncle Tenzin nodded and was very grateful to Zhao Fei.

After all, he will be broadcast live when he comes down the mountain, and the leader of the Garza team can also have a certain publicity effect on him.

In this way, when someone comes to climb Mount Everest in the future, Garza's business will definitely be very good.

However, things that are predicted often backfire.

Garza was very cautious in opening the road, almost always following the trails of several previous climbers.But when passing through the ice tower forest.

Everyone's footprints from a few days ago have basically been smoothed and covered by wind and snow.

As a result, the danger instantly increased a lot.

Noticing the situation ahead, Zhao Fei reminded: "Galza, be careful and walk slowly."

Garza was about to nod.

But at this moment, he instantly felt that his left foot was empty.

Loss of body balance.

Galza was different from Zhao Fei in that there was no safety rope connected to him.

Because although the safety rope can protect one person's safety, it may also harm others.

So under normal circumstances, Everest climbing teammates will not be connected with ropes.

At this moment, Garza's reaction was very quick.

With experience, he did not retreat like Zhao Fei did at the beginning, and his unbalanced body did not support him in doing so.

So he advanced instead of retreating, kicked his right leg hard, and rushed forward.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the hidden ice crack is no more than three meters, he can grab the opposite ice wall.

It won't fall down then.

"Galza!" When Zhao Fei saw Garza's body was unbalanced, he exclaimed and reached out to catch him.

But he happened to be dodged by Galza's vigorous leap.

Then Zhao Fei saw the hanging Garza falling into the ice crevices instantly along with the thick white snow.

Zhao Fei was stunned.

Uncle Tenzin also stepped forward in exclamation.

Looking at the ice crack that was nearly six meters wide, he lay on the edge of the ice crack and shouted: "Galza, Galza... you stinky boy."

"Ga'erza, Ga'erza."

Zhao Maimai's eyes turned red when he saw this. He tugged on Zhao Fei's sleeve and cast an inquiring look.

Zhao Fei knew what Mai Mai wanted to ask, but at this moment Zhao Fei couldn't bear to answer.

Because the depth of some ice crevices is proportional to their width.

Wider crevasses mean deeper ones.

However, Zhao Fei didn't want to give up. He took off his backpack and said, "I'll go down and take a look."

"No." Uncle Tenzin, whose eyes were red, grabbed Zhao Fei's arm and shook his head: "This is Garza's fate, we don't have much supplies.

You must return to base camp before dark.


"Uncle Tenzin, you don't need to say anything. I know how dangerous this is, but I promise that if I can't find Garza within half an hour, I will definitely come up.

We can definitely get back to base camp before dark. "

"That's not OK."

Uncle Tenzin shook his head firmly. No one knew better than him how dangerous it was to rescue people on Mount Everest.

He also wanted to save Garza.

But those who have this idea basically stay on Mount Everest with the rescued people forever.

This is the same even when carrying the body of the deceased down the mountain.

This seems to be a curse from the Virgin.

Now that you're here, you either have to go on alive, or you can die and stay here.

There is no second option.

Seeing that Zhao Fei and Uncle Tenzin were about to quarrel, Zhao Maimai stepped forward to try to persuade them.

But at this moment, Garza's voice suddenly came from under the ice crack: "No, please stop arguing, my leg is broken, so...Uncle Tenzin, please go back and tell my parents.

Garza did not embarrass them.

And Brother A Fei, thank you, but it’s very deep here, don’t come down. "

In an instant, Zhao Fei's face lit up, and he became even more anxious to save people.

Uncle Tenzin also shed tears in his eyes.

He lay on the edge of the ice wall and shouted, "Galza, Uncle Tenzin is sorry for you, don't blame me...A Fei, what are you going to do?"

Uncle Tenzin discovered that Zhao Fei had set up a safe point.

He tied the rope to his safety belt and stood on the edge of the ice crevice.

He immediately felt anxious and stepped forward to stop him.

"Uncle Tenzin, I am not a Sherpa, and I don't believe in any curses. Garza is not dead yet, so we must rescue him."

Seeing that Zhao Fei was about to descend, Uncle Tenzin did not dare to step forward at this moment.

I was afraid that Zhao Fei would really jump.

So he raised his hand and said: "Okay, okay, we can save Garza... but please let me do it. I have more experience than you. I..."

"Uncle Tenzin, you don't need to say anything."

Zhao Fei interrupted Uncle Tenzin's words, looked at Mai Mai, and said in a slightly complicated tone: "In a moment, you... listen to Uncle Tenzin."

Zhao Maimai covered her mouth, her eyes were red, and she neither agreed nor refused.

She was afraid that she would say something to tell Zhao Fei not to go.

Even though she admired the young man Galza very much, she didn't want to put Zhao Fei in danger.

So when she saw Zhao Fei passing through the safety rope, lowering little by little and disappearing in front of her eyes, Zhao Maimai burst into tears and collapsed on the ground, at a loss.

Uncle Tenzin's face was also extremely ugly.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted towards the base camp: "There is a problem. You should bring some supplies immediately and set off towards our position."

After speaking, Uncle Tenzin gave instructions to another Sherpa.

"You take Mai Mai down the mountain now. I'm waiting for Ah Fei here. I don't care what you encounter. Mai Mai must return to the base camp safely."

"Understand, even if I am buried in the Virgin's arms, I must ensure her safety."

This Sherpa is about the same age as Uncle Tenzin. He is also one of Uncle Tenzin’s mountaineering team members and has rich experience.

Just because I can't learn Mandarin, I rarely speak.

It was clear what Uncle Tenzin's words meant.

Stop loss in time.

First, ensure Mai Mai's safety and give him a chance to escape.

Because going down the mountain is far safer than staying on Mount Everest.

Now is not the best time to climb.

The window period has been several days.

This is their luck and misfortune, because there is a high probability that the weather on Mount Everest will become even worse.

So I stayed here and waited for Zhao Fei.There is a high probability that there will be no hope of survival.

"No, I want to wait for Zhao Fei here." Zhao Maimai didn't know what they were talking about, but he also understood that they wanted to take him down the mountain.

He shook his head and refused, refusing to move even if he lived or died.

"Maimai, be obedient... A Fei just told you to listen to me." Uncle Tenzin stepped forward and persuaded with red eyes.

"He knew that I would ask you to come down the mountain immediately, so he made you obedient. This is what A Fei meant. Don't worry, we will return safely."


Zhao Maimai wiped his tears.

Under Uncle Tenzin's persuasion, we finally followed him down the mountain.

Seeing the two figures walking further and further away.

Uncle Tenzin also breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to set up the tent on the spot.

He didn't know how long it would take for Zhao Fei to come up, or whether Zhao Fei could come up, but he decided to wait here forever.

(End of this chapter)

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