China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 119 You will not be alone, because i will not live alone

Chapter 119 You will not be alone, because i will not live alone

Originally, there were not many people in today's live broadcast room, only a few million people.

But soon the news of Zhao Fei's distress spread.

A large number of fans rushed into the live broadcast room instantly. They saw that Zhao Fei had disappeared, and only the lonely Zhao Maimai and a Sherpa were left in the live broadcast room.

Instant uproar.

"What happened? Something happened to Zhao Fei?"

"Isn't it going down the mountain? Isn't it possible to encounter danger when going down the mountain?"

"Brother, sometimes going down Mount Everest is more dangerous than going up."

As the old fans in the live broadcast room explained, everyone finally understood what exactly happened.

Everyone was stunned.

"Are you kidding? Zhao Fei dares to go down to rescue people in an ice crevice that is six meters wide and one hundred meters deep. Should we say he is brave, or is he looking for death?
There are so many corpses on Mount Everest, why is no one cleaning them up?
It's not because I'm powerless.

Besides, that Garza’s legs were broken, so even if he was rescued and couldn’t walk, he wouldn’t have to wait for death.

Although Uncle Tenzin's approach seemed cold-blooded, it was the wisest. "

"Fart, I don't believe that when your mother fell into a crevice in the ice, you would turn away and just stand here talking without pain in your back.

You must really be able to do such a desperate thing.

That bull B. "

"Haha, I'm sorry, my mother will never climb Mount Everest in her life, and I don't want to be stubborn with you."

"Stop arguing, from a humanitarian point of view, no one can ignore death, not to mention that Garza is not dead yet, just a broken leg.

Zhao Fei was able to climb Mount Everest carrying a [-] kilogram oxygen bottle.

Just like that, he can carry Galza back home safely.

So this matter has nothing to do with right or wrong. Doesn’t Uncle Tenzin want to save Garza?
He also thought that he was just looking at it from a team perspective, so he gave up on Garza and saved everyone.

Zhao Fei decided to bring Galza out out of confidence in his own strength.

Since he believes in himself.

We also have to believe in Zhao Fei. He has created many miracles, including this one. "

"Yes, I also believe in the anchor, he can definitely do it."

Although the live broadcast room was taken away by Mai Mai, they could not see the specific situation of Zhao Fei.

But the people who flooded into the live broadcast room again did not leave.

They were also very worried about Zhao Fei's situation at the moment, and they were talking a lot because of Zhao Fei's behavior.

Most of them thought that Zhao Fei's saving behavior was worthy of praise.

But it’s not optimistic either.

Anyone who knows a little bit about Mount Everest knows that if you try to save people in a place like this, the chance of success is too low, and you will most likely get yourself involved.

But to say that they turn a blind eye, fans cannot accept it for a while.

So the fans in the live broadcast room were very confused at the moment, so they simply didn't think much about it and comforted Mai Mai, who was obviously in a very depressed mood.

"Maimai's pitiful little appearance is so heartbreaking."

"Yes, Mai Mai, don't be sad. We know you are worried about Zhao Fei, but we should also believe in him. He will be fine."

"That's right, Mai Mai, cheer up. As long as you go down the mountain safely, Zhao Fei can save people without any worries."

Zhao Maimai also noticed the situation in the live broadcast room.

But she didn't want to talk at the moment.

The safety rope that had been connected to her since she climbed Mount Everest disappeared.

Being alone, she felt more uncomfortable than anyone else at this moment.

But just as fans said, she still has to cheer up.

She is also someone who once stood at the top of Mount Everest. She is no longer the weak Zhao Maimai she once was.

He wants to believe Zhao Fei.

He will succeed in the end.

Of course, if something happens to Zhao Fei, then...

Zhao Maimai looked back at the majestic snow-capped Mount Everest, a flash of determination flashed in her beautiful eyes, and said to her heart: "Then I will accompany you.

You will not be alone, and neither will I. "


Originally, the news that Zhao Fei had climbed Mount Everest has become less popular.

But as soon as the rescue incident occurred today, the enthusiasm among netizens was even more exaggerated than when Zhao Fei climbed to the top of Mount Everest.

Some say it should be saved, and some say it shouldn't be saved. Each has its own reasons.

At this moment Li Hai also woke up from his coma.

When he found himself in the hospital, Li Hai smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that he would actually faint from excitement.

But now he couldn't think too much.

He immediately took out his cell phone to check Zhao Fei's situation.

When we saw that the highest number of people online in real time was 960 million.

His other hand for dripping was instantly clenched into a fist, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I couldn't help but laugh like a goose.

"Haha... Goose goose, 960 million, who else, who else."

However, Li Hai was not happy for long when he saw the news that Zhao Fei was in danger to save people, especially some vicious comments, which made his veins jump again.

Heart aches.

"Do I have the potential to be a prophet? I just said a few days ago that this flying thing is the best destination to stay on Mount Everest, and this has actually come true.

This is amazing! "

"Haha, this kid still wants to be an actor, but he said you can't grasp it, so what else do you have to do now... let alone the entertainment industry, you won't be able to go to the Bermuda Triangle this time."

"It doesn't matter if you die to save others, I will burn three sticks of incense for you during the Qingming Festival next year. Thank you for not coming to the entertainment industry.

He dared to steal the role of my Qiaoqiao (Xu Haiqiao).

This is retribution. "

Of course, Li Hai also saw more comments hoping that Zhao Fei would return safely and wishing them well.

This is also the most common comment.

But it seems to be a professional habit. Most of Li Hai's focus is on negative reviews and slander.

"This, what the hell..."

Li Hai often criticized Zhao Fei's live broadcasts and heard many unpleasant words, but he never expected that there were such vicious people in the world.

These fans in the entertainment industry are so disgusting.

Zhao Fei is saving people.

Do you all have a black heart? You just don’t want others to succeed, but you also expect them to die?
For a moment, Li Hai felt that the entire ward was spinning.

The anger was rising.

Blood pressure rises rapidly.

His eyes went dark again, and he murmured: "It's over, it's over... I'm going to faint again!"


at the same time.

Zhao Fei passed the safety rope and slowly descended in the ice crevice.

The ice wall was very slippery, so Zhao Fei did not dare to go too fast: "Galza, where are you?"

At this moment, there is a vast expanse of white under the ice wall, and it gets darker as you go down.

So Zhao Fei couldn't see Garza at all.

Fortunately, the depth of this crevasse is not as deep as imagined.

"Brother A"

Hearing Zhao Fei's voice, Galza's first thought was disbelief.

Zhao Fei actually came down to save him.

But soon he became impatient.

As a Sherpa who lives at the foot of Mount Everest all year round.

Garza knows better than anyone how dangerous this situation is.

Because ice cracks are sometimes not stable.

If the pressure is too high or the temperature changes, the ice and snow covering the surface of Mount Everest may flow down the river and form slope ice.

This caused the cracks in the ice to close, squeezing the people inside into meat pies.

Or the ice cracks may continue to spread, causing people inside to fall again, causing secondary injuries.

The body will not be found by then.

"Brother A Fei, don't come down... I can already hear the sound of ice cracking around me, and the ice cracks are likely to continue to spread.

Hurry up, I don't blame Uncle Tenzin, and I won't blame you either.

If you really want to help me, then hurry up and make a bowl of vegetable soup for my parents for this morning on my behalf, then..."

"Okay, Garza, stop talking."

Hearing Galza's words, Zhao Fei determined his approximate location and continued: "I'm going over now, you have to conserve your strength.

Did you bleed?

Apart from the broken leg, are there any other injuries? "

"Brother A Fei...I, I'm not bleeding, my leg should be broken, but..."

Before Galza could finish speaking, he heard the friction sound of the rope descending rapidly.

Then I saw a piece stuck in the middle of the ice wall collapsed due to vibration.

The falling white snow covered his face and poured into his open throat.It caused him to start coughing violently.

Garza's whole body was buried in the snow, and the oxygen around him was getting less and less.

Even though he was a Sherpa with two iron lungs, he felt a deep sense of suffocation at this time.

I don't know how much time passed, but Galza's eyes became heavier and heavier. He knew that he couldn't hold on any longer, and he couldn't help but shed tears.

But before it fell, it solidified into ice, freezing his eyelids.

"Brother Zhao Fei, Uncle Tenzin...yes, I'm sorry."

"Ga'erza, Ga'erza."

But at this moment, Garza felt that a beam of light suddenly shone in the dark world.

Zhao Fei's familiar voice was heard again in his ears.

"Galza, don't sleep, hold on."

Galza could no longer open his eyes. He raised his head blankly and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Is this a dream?"

"Galza, don't sleep, open your mouth...breathe, take a big breath."

Galza was unconscious at the moment due to lack of oxygen, but he still subconsciously followed Zhao Fei's words.

At this moment, Zhao Fei, who finally found Garza from the snowdrift, quickly bought a bottle of healthy spring water from the exchange mall without thinking too much.

He poured it directly into Galza.

"Ahem...Okay, so sweet. Brother Zhao Fei, is it really you?"

Zhao Fei grabbed Galza's hand, lifted him up with all his strength, and rubbed the frost off Galza's face with his hands.

"Galza, wake up...Galza."

After being dug out of the snowdrift by Zhao Fei, Galza felt that his breathing was much easier, but he still couldn't open his eyes.

Because of the hot breath and tears coming out of his mouth, a layer of ice had formed on his face.

"It's me, you're not dead...breathe, take a big breath!"

By the time he finished speaking, Zhao Fei had already heard the 'click, click' sound of the ice cracking that Garza had just said.

So Zhao Fei didn't hesitate at all at this moment.

He took out a small portable oxygen bottle from Garza's backpack and put it on Garza's mouth: "Breathe, take a big breath, I'll take you up now."

Later, Zhao Fei checked Galzha's fractured leg, treated it briefly, and tied Galzha behind his back.

At this moment, Garza was breathing oxygen again.

I also felt that my heart was beating again, and even my broken leg didn't seem to hurt that much anymore.

He had already given up hope and reawakened his desire for life.

One hand subconsciously held the portable oxygen bottle, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. The other hand hugged Zhao Fei tightly.

Because Galza could feel the warmth from Zhao Fei.

Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Garza behind him had already made some moves.

If you fall in this kind of ice crevice, because there is a lot of snow in it, it can play a certain buffering role.

Otherwise, Garza would have suffered more than just a broken bone.

I'm afraid he will faint directly.

So Garza is relatively lucky.

Being able to speak also allowed Zhao Fei to determine the location of the sound and find him.

Otherwise, there is nothing Zhao Fei can do.

Galza, whose brain gradually regained consciousness, also realized that it was Zhao Fei who saved him.

Even though his young face was livid from the cold, he still whispered in Zhao Fei's ear: "Brother Zhao Fei, thank you."

"Why are you so polite? You helped us carry the oxygen bottles we carried on our last climb to Mount Everest, so I should also thank you."

Sherpa people live at the foot of Mount Everest all year round.

Even if they are good at climbing, they are already accustomed to the climate around Mount Everest and have two iron lungs.

But every year, many Sherpas lose their lives while climbing Mount Everest.

It can be said that as long as you see someone on the news successfully climbing Mount Everest, there is basically the contribution of Sherpas behind them.

Sometimes these contributions are materials provided to climbers, and sometimes they are lives.

Therefore, the Sherpas are the real uncrowned kings of climbing Mount Everest.

"Brother Ah Fei..."

"Okay, save some energy, I'll carry you up."

Zhao Fei tied Galza behind him.

I looked up and saw that it was about 70 meters, not very high.

If you climb slowly, you will be able to climb up sooner or later.

But just now he heard the sound of cracking ice, so it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Then, Zhao Fei was seen holding the rope with both hands and stepping on the ice wall with his feet as a fulcrum.

Every time a foot landed, the crampons would leave traces on the ice wall, and ice particles would fly everywhere.

At the same time, Zhao Fei's strong hands were also grabbing the rope and climbing up.

Incredibly fast.

Even Garza felt that if he hadn't been tied to Zhao Fei, he might not have been able to catch him.

Uncle Tenzin above saw that more than two hours had passed and Zhao Fei still hadn't come up.

Then he lay down on the edge of the ice wall and wanted to shout.

But at this moment, he also instantly noticed that the wind was rising around him, and the sound of ice cracking could be heard on the ice under his feet.

This made his face change suddenly.

Not daring to speak loudly at all, he took out the walkie-talkie: "A Fei, A Fei... don't look for Ga'erzha, come up quickly, this place is going to collapse.

And the wind above is getting stronger and stronger, we must leave here immediately.

Ah Fei, Ah Fei, please reply when you receive it.

Please reply if received.


After calling for a long time, Zhao Fei didn't respond.

Uncle Tenzin's eyes gradually filled with tears.

Gritting his teeth, he tied a safety rope on himself and prepared to go down to rescue people like Zhao Fei.

Although Uncle Tenzin already had a premonition that things would eventually turn out like this.

One after another, countless lives were lost because of one victim, but in the end the victim was still not rescued.

But Uncle Tenzin still had no hesitation.

Zhao Fei got into trouble because of the Sherpas, so he couldn't just watch.

Even if you die, you have to give it a try.

But at this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly came from the walkie-talkie on his waist, and then he heard it.

“Tenzin, Mai Mai and I have returned to the base camp, everything is safe, and the team going up the mountain is ready.

It will take about three hours to reach your location. "

Uncle Tenzin, who thought it was Zhao Fei's news, was slightly disappointed, but after looking at the increasing wind around him, he was silent for three seconds before giving instructions.

"Don't let them go up the mountain, we...we are safe and sound and are heading down the mountain.

However, the current airflow changes on Mount Everest are very abnormal and may cause avalanches. If an avalanche occurs, the base camp will not be safe.

You should pack your things immediately and evacuate 2000 meters back. "

Uncle Tenzin knew very well.

The window period of Mount Everest, that is, the period suitable for climbing, is only five or six days at most.

They were now on their sixth day.

Originally, they had returned to the base camp and their climb to Mount Everest had been successfully completed, but they did not expect an accident.

So he no longer thinks he can go back.

But just as he was about to descend into the crevasse, a familiar voice sounded on the intercom again.

"Uncle Tenzin, I have found Garza and am now climbing up."

In an instant, Uncle Tenzin stopped and picked up the walkie-talkie in surprise and joy: "Great, A Fei... Mai Mai has returned to the base camp.

Now I drag you up. The wind above is getting stronger and stronger. We must get out of here quickly. "

Hearing this, Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Mai Mai is safe.

Although it didn't take long after he got into the crevasse, in fact, three or four hours had passed.

It was true that Galza was buried too deep, and the crevasse was very narrow. It took Zhao Fei a long time just to dig him out.

It will get dark soon
It will be more dangerous to go down the mountain by then.

So he has to be faster.

"Uncle Tenzin, I am very fast. If you pull the rope, it will disrupt my rhythm. You should be prepared on top first and set up the telescopic ladder.

Wait for us to go up and leave immediately. "

"Okay, then I'll wait for you up there."

Uncle Tenzin didn't say much. He stood up and immediately re-stabilized the telescopic ladder that Mai Mai and the others passed just now.

Pack your supplies quickly and put food and water in your backpack.

As for the tents and stuff, just stay here.

It's too late to clean up.

The most important thing is to evacuate quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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