China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 120 If you dare to say more, I will beat you

Chapter 120 If you dare to say more, I will beat you
Base camp at the foot of Mount Everest.

It was already dark now, and the RV was driven away by a Sherpa.

They planned to listen to Uncle Tenzin and evacuate 2000 meters back and wait in a safe place.

Sitting in the RV, Zhao Maimai felt much better instantly when she learned that Zhao Fei was safe and sound.

But still a little worried.

After all, Zhao Fei hasn't come back yet, and it's going to be dark soon.

The most important thing is that now even the people at the Everest Base Camp have to evacuate, so what exactly happened on the mountain?
If an avalanche does occur.


Zhao Maimai couldn't imagine it!
"Zhao Maimai, could you please open the car door? I'm a reporter from the TV station and I want to conduct an interview with you."

"Excuse me Zhao Maimai, if Zhao Fei is buried on Mount Everest, may I ask you..."

"Zhao Maimai, do you believe that Zhao Fei will return safely? Do you support or oppose his action of saving people?"

At the moment, there are not only Sherpas at the Everest base camp, but also Douyin operations staff, and many reporters.

At this moment, I am just waiting for Zhao Fei to come down for an interview.

After all, such a big thing has spread on the Internet.

The base camp at the foot of Mount Everest is generally not dangerous, so this group of reporters swarmed in like fish that smelled blood.

Everyone wanted to get the first report about Zhao Fei after he came down from Mount Everest.

I waited and waited, but Zhao Fei didn't show up. Zhao Maimai came down.

So the same goes for interviewing Zhao Maimai.

But Zhao Maimai was not in the mood to be interviewed at this time, so he hid in the RV and never came out.

So these reporters can only shout outside.

However, seeing that the base camp was about to be evacuated, Zhao Maimai refused to open the door, and these reporters were not idle either.

Learn from Zhao Fei directly and start live broadcast reporting.

"Hello everyone, I am Liu Zecheng, a reporter from Phoenix TV. It is now 32:[-] pm, and you can see that it is getting dark.

Zhao Fei still has not returned, and the base camp has to be evacuated.

At the same time, I could feel at the foot of Mount Everest that the wind around me was getting stronger and stronger.

I heard there might be an avalanche.

Obviously, the chances of Zhao Fei returning safely are unlikely.

As everyone knows, there are three people trapped in the mountain now. In addition to Zhao Fei, there are also Garza and Uncle Tenzin.

So I would like to ask everyone to think about a question.

If all three people were killed in the end, was Zhao Fei's act of rescuing people a big mistake?

Because Uncle Tenzin was absolutely against saving people at first.

But because Zhao Fei had to stay.

So, Uncle Tenzin is because of Zhao Fei...

Hey... why are you grabbing my microphone?

Don't do it, don't do it, our cameras are very expensive. "

"If you dare to say one more word, I'll beat you up."

All the Sherpa men surrounded the reporter and photographer, with fierce looks in their eyes.

After they returned from Maimai, they heard in detail what happened on the mountain.

Among the Sherpas in these base camps, there is also Garza’s second uncle.

Others also like Galza, a kind and simple young man, and the last thing they want is to see something happen to Galza.

Of course, they didn't blame Uncle Tenzin.

Because similar things have happened many times while climbing Mount Everest.

Uncle Tenzin's approach was the wisest.

The safest.

Even if it looks cold-blooded.

Similarly, these Sherpa men did not blame Zhao Fei, but were sincerely grateful to Zhao Fei.

To put it bluntly, why do they Sherpas work as porters and lead people to climb Mount Everest?
It's not about making money.

But this money is earned with life.

Therefore, they deserve hundreds of thousands. Even if they die on Mount Everest, they will not blame others.

Because that's their job.

So they never take their lives as important.

Zhao Fei is their patron.

He is a second-generation rich man with money that they will never make in their lifetime, and he is someone who has been specifically told by the big shots to protect him with all his strength.

He is such a person. If it were not for Mount Everest, he would not have any interactions with them.

Therefore, these Sherpa men had very complicated feelings towards Zhao Fei at first.

Envy, awe, jealousy...etc.

But at this moment, they knew that even though Zhao Fei was a big shot and had a lot of money, he couldn't feel any jealousy at all.

Because they felt respect from Zhao Fei.

Respect for life.

Respect for the Sherpa people.

This showed them how they couldn't bear it when reporters spoke ill of Zhao Fei.

"Let me tell you, your behavior is illegal. I am a reporter...and have absolute personal rights. Damn dare to hit me.

You savages.

Soon I will let you know how expensive your punch is..."

The Sherpas, who had long been filled with anger at being scolded as barbarians, could no longer bear it.

They were swarmed, punched and kicked.

"I, fuck, don't, don't fight...Help, help, kill someone!"


The door of the RV was pushed open, and Zhao Maimai stood at the door.

The reporter's voice and image just now had been broadcast by the RV's live broadcast room, so Zhao Maimai could see it clearly.

She didn't speak at the moment, while moving forward.

Each Sherpa also stopped and made way for her.

Seeing this, the reporter immediately stood up and pointed at Zhao Maimai with a bruised nose and face: "Zhao Maimai, let me tell you, you don't need to apologize for them.

I will never forgive this group of people.

I will personally send them all in and make them regret it.

And you, as an insider, you should know the consequences of offending our reporters. "

"Who said I wanted to apologize for them?" Zhao Maimai sneered, opened the steel thermos cup and took a sip of hot water.

"If you want to lose money, don't even think about talking about it without 200 million."

"Okay, I'll give you 300 million." Zhao Maimai nodded, put the lid on the steel thermos cup and tightened it.

The reporter laughed as soon as he said this and felt that his body didn't hurt that much anymore. The Sherpa men around him were also anxious.

They all wanted to come forward and say a few words.

But before they could say anything, Zhao Maimai rushed out and kicked Liu Zecheng out with a flying kick.

The Sherpas were filled with anger, and so was Zhao Maimai.

At this moment, she doesn't want to care about anything, not the influence, the entertainment industry, whatever.

I want to hit someone right now.

Zhao Maimai drank too many bottles of healthy spring water.

His current physical fitness has long surpassed that of some ordinary people.

Much stronger.

With one kick, Liu Zecheng almost didn't come up in one breath.

Then Mai Mai picked up the steel thermos cup and slashed the opponent's head.

"I let you have a crow's mouth, I let you say..."

In an instant, everyone around him was stunned.

It was completely unexpected that Zhao Maimai, who seemed like such a weak little girl, would suddenly have such explosive power.

The other reporters around him twitched their mouths and did not dare to say any more nonsense.

The Sherpas' eyes were also shining at this moment.

But when they saw Liu Zecheng, their screams became louder and louder, and their faces were gradually stained red with scarlet blood.

Fearing that things would get serious, he quickly stepped forward and pulled Mai Mai up.

"Miss Mai Mai, you'd better get in the RV first. We still have to listen to Uncle Tenzin and evacuate as soon as possible. I'll handle the rest."

After feeling nauseated, Zhao Maimai felt a lot more relieved.

Seeing that the reporters hiding aside seemed to be surrounding them again, they did not dare to stay longer.

Turned around and returned to the car.

Garza's second uncle ordered the Sherpas to carry Liu Zecheng down for treatment.

During this time, the boy was still cursing.

Zhao Maimai must go bankrupt and so on.

Hearing this, Uncle Garza narrowed his eyes.

As a Sherpa, he doesn't have any bad intentions, but it's not that he doesn't understand it, but he doesn't bother to use it.

At this moment, he thought about it, got into the vehicle treating Liu Zecheng, and let the other Sherpas get off.

He whispered to Liu Zecheng.

"You are a reporter and a big shot outside. We cannot afford to offend you, but... do you know how many people die at the foot of Mount Everest every year?

Some of them are my brothers, my nephews, and some of my neighbors.

They are all Sherpas.

But there are also many big shots like you who can't even find their bodies in the end. "

Liu Zecheng's body trembled as he lay on the stretcher.

Just now when Uncle Garza asked the other Sherpas to go out, he felt something was wrong.

At this moment, he fell into deep fear, and his pupils shrank.

Shaking his head repeatedly; "Brother, I was wrong... I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Then your injuries?"

"I fell myself and it has nothing to do with Zhao Maimai. I won't let her pay for it. Absolutely not. It's really, really... everything is my fault."

"There is no basis for what you say. I know there is a live broadcast on the RV. You will go to the live broadcast room in a moment and say what you just said again.'s very cold at night at the foot of Mount Everest.

You can freeze to death even in a tent. "

Liu Zecheng could not have imagined that going out to do on-the-spot reporting might end up costing his life. He was so frightened that he almost peed.

Then you dare to argue and pay for it.

It's completely up to him to do whatever the other person says.

"I understand, I understand. I will listen to you in everything. Don't worry, I promise to satisfy you."


at the same time.

Zhao Fei's side has made unremitting efforts.

He finally climbed out of the ice crevasse with Galha on his back.

It was completely dark now.

Then the three of them didn't dare to hesitate at all, turned around and ran along the footprints made by Zhao Maimai and others.

Because the sound of the ice cracking is getting louder and louder.

The howling wind made people's cheeks hurt.

However, not long after the three of them got into the ice tower forest, they heard a loud bang behind them.

Looking back, the three of them saw nothing.

But he could feel the ice beneath his feet shaking again and slowly sliding down.

Zhao Fei and Uncle Tenzin looked at each other, and a word suddenly came to their minds.

Drift ice.

This is what we often call an 'avalanche'.

However, the avalanche at the foot of Mount Everest is different from other snow-capped mountains. It also carries a large amount of ice, especially here in the Seraca Forest.

Pulled by gravity, it will slide downward.

Landslides caused by ice and snow cause extremely terrible disasters.

It's simply not something that humans can contend with.

So at this moment, the two of them couldn't care less about the danger at their feet and ran away.

Garza had also woken up at this moment, and naturally realized the danger, and struggled to get off Zhao Fei's back: "Brother A Fei, please let me down.

You can't run far if you carry me on your back. "

"Shut up." Zhao Fei's footsteps did not stop at all, and he followed Uncle Tenzin in front of him.

Uncle Tenzin also advised at this moment: "A Fei, I still have the strength, leave Garza to me, and I will carry him."

"Uncle Tenzin, believe me... we will be safe and sound, nothing can happen to anyone."

If Zhao Fei first chose to rescue Garza, he was still a little hesitant.

Now that Garza has been brought up from the ice crevasse, Zhao Fei will never give up on him.

Even if an avalanche comes down, it won't matter, it's still far away from them.

As long as they are fast, even the God of Death can't catch up.

 I feel that two chapters are more comfortable to read. From now on, I will stick to two chapters a day. The number of words may range from [-] to [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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