Chapter 121 The Triumph Return
At the foot of Mount Everest.

The relocated base camp is brightly lit and people are coming and going.

Countless reporters and Sherpas shuttled through it.

Regarding Zhao Maimai's behavior just now, no one in the live broadcast room said that she was wrong, they all applauded.

Many people even thought that Zhao Maimai was beaten too lightly.

However, when Liu Zecheng appeared in front of the live broadcast room again, the fans who said he was lightly beaten also shut up.

Is this...Maimai so cruel?
I saw that Liu Zecheng had a bruised nose and swollen face, and his head was wrapped in thick gauze.

He limped to the RV.

Bow deeply.

“I’m sorry, my words were inappropriate just now and I sent the wrong message to the audience. Fortunately, friends from the Sherpa community and Mai Mai woke me up.

Here, I want to say thank you.

Of course, I also hope that the audience will not doubt that no one is threatening me.

Only when you really stand at the foot of Mount Everest can you realize how beautiful it is and how difficult it is to climb it.

I used to be too ignorant.

There is no reverence and no respect for people.

I'm sorry, I was wrong. I would like to apologize to everyone and promise..."

The 800 million fans in the live broadcast room laughed instantly when they saw this scene.

Zhao Maimai also looked surprised.

Are you kidding me?
Where was your pride just now?
Didn’t you just clamor to compensate you 200 million?
That's it……

"Isn't this kid knocked unconscious by Mai Mai's thermos cup?"

"It feels like this person is holding back his bad feelings."

"Should I say it or not, it's a pity that Liu Zecheng is a reporter. He should be talking about cross talk."

It wasn’t just the live broadcast room that was stunned.

The surrounding Sherpas and reporters also had strange expressions.

Want to laugh but dare not laugh.

After all, they are all colleagues.

Just now the Sherpas had beaten someone.

You are already saying thank you, but if you laugh out loud, it would be too disrespectful.

Liu Zecheng also noticed the looks of people around him.

I felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

I really want to shout the truth loudly.

But the sharp gaze of Uncle Garza behind him was like an arrow that was about to be fired at any time, making him dare not move lightly.

I can only endure it aggrievedly.

However, Liu Zecheng also secretly vowed in his heart: "I will endure the calm for a while, and take a step back to open up the world."

Today I admit defeat.

But I can get this place back sooner or later.

It would be best for Zhao Fei to die directly on the mountain, hum!

It seems that God is responding to Liu Zecheng's words.

Just listen to the distant direction of Mount Everest, and suddenly there is a loud "boom" sound.

Instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the base camp.

It was so dark that they couldn't see anything.

But I can feel the pressure coming towards me.

Liu Zecheng's eyes suddenly widened, and the surprise on his face was quickly covered by surprise. If there weren't so many people present, he would have laughed out loud at this moment.

Haha, there's an avalanche!

This time Zhao Fei decided not to come back.

The surrounding Sherpas slowly lowered their heads when they heard this movement.

Some even started wiping tears.

Some reporters who had longed for Zhao Fei were choked with tears at this moment.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was instantly empty.

They also heard a loud rumbling sound, and then saw Zhao Maimai's eyes turn red and tears welling up in his eyes.

The fans' hearts felt as if they were being grasped by a hand, feeling sore and painful.

"It's okay, Zhao Fei will be fine, Mai Mai, let's not cry, we have to believe in Zhao Fei... Wow, this shit, can people still watch the live broadcast?"

"Sigh, the survival rate under an avalanche is only 20.00%, to 30.00%, not to mention the avalanche on Mount Everest, which is more powerful.

I’m afraid Zhao Fei has…”

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Zhao Fei's physique is so strong that he can last for a whole day even if he is carrying someone on his back. There is absolutely no way anything will happen to him."

Not just fans in the live broadcast room.

Each reporter also faced the camera with sad expressions at this moment.

"Hello everyone, I am an intern reporter from Douyin. I guess everyone heard the sound just now. According to the feedback from the Sherpas, it should be the sound of an avalanche.


The Zhao Fei we have been waiting for may be killed.

However, I still firmly believe that he can come back alive.

Because Zhao Fei is the most powerful man in the world. He can tear apart a pack of wolves, race against sandstorms, and even avalanches...

Oh oh oh!
Sorry... A mere avalanche is nothing to Zhao Fei.

Let us pray together that Zhao Fei can be brought to peace...

Woo woo woo... Zhao Fei can be safe...

...No, someone, come here, get the oxygen bottle quickly, someone has fainted. "

The entire base camp was instantly in chaos.

Some people were still reporting at the scene, and some people fainted in disbelief.

Most of them turned around and drove away.

Even if the Sherpas say it, this place is relatively far away from Mount Everest and is a safe zone.

But it was an avalanche after all. Who knew whether it would rush directly here.

So it's better to stay away.

In the face of such a natural disaster, human power is too small.

At the same time, news about Zhao Fei's death also spread on the Internet.

No one believed that Zhao Fei could survive the avalanche.

This caused the number of people in the live broadcast room to skyrocket.And it gave Zhao Fei a lot of fan value.

After all, Zhao Fei got himself involved in order to save talents. Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, his original intention is worthy of praise.

What's more, identifying with a hero who sacrificed his life to save others.

It provides far more fan value and faster than liking Zhao Fei.

In this way, two hours passed quickly.

Some fans in the live broadcast room have already begun to think about how to hold a memorial service for Zhao Fei.

Zhao Maimai also shed her tears and sat alone in the corner, paying no attention to anyone.

No one knew what she was thinking.

However, as if there was a connection, Zhao Maimai suddenly stood up and looked through the car window in the direction of Mount Everest.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a point of light flickering in the darkness in the distance.

"Zhao Fei is back, Zhao Fei is back... I knew he would be fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Maimai got out of the RV like crazy and ran straight towards Mount Everest.

Seeing this scene, the live broadcast room burst into tears again.

"It's over. Mai Mai couldn't be too sad, so his brain..."

"Oh, it's been two hours, it's impossible."

"Poor Mai Mai."

The Sherpas outside saw this and immediately stepped forward to stop him.

They were already feeling guilty when Zhao Fei got into trouble, so how could they let Zhao Maimai get into trouble again.

"Ms. Mai-Mai, it's still dangerous outside. You'd better go back and put the car away."

"Zhao Fei is fine. I saw him. He has already returned with Galza on his back."

Zhao Maimai explained, but these Sherpas didn't believe it at all.

Even the reporters around him who wanted to come forward but were a little embarrassed when they saw Zhao Maimai's appearance did not come forward to disturb him and sighed deeply.

"Everyone can see how big a blow Zhao Fei's death had on Mai Mai. It was pitch black in the direction of Mount Everest and there was nothing.

Although I also hope in my heart that Zhao Fei can return safely.

But so much time has passed.

An avalanche has just occurred on Mount Everest, and there are almost no conditions for search and rescue.

So... alas! "

"Haha, Zhao Fei is dead, Zhao Maimai is crazy... Haha, okay, great." Liu Zecheng, who was hiding in the corner of the crowd, couldn't be happier to see this scene.

It feels like the injuries on his face don't hurt that much anymore.

I am already planning in my mind how to use my own pen to take back all the humiliation I suffered today after I leave this base camp.

Hum, three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu, and one hundred and two Qin Passes will eventually belong to Chu.

I'm going to learn Goujian today!
Come and turn your hands to become clouds, and turn your hands to become rain.

When the time comes, let’s see who dares to underestimate me, Liu Zecheng.


If Liu Zecheng really understood Zhao Fei and the fans in the live broadcast room, he would not think so at all.

I really thought you were the only one who dared to eat shit.

There are many people who dare to take risks.

However, so far, no one has truly gained the upper hand after going against Zhao Fei.

It's the same at this moment.

In the chaos of the base camp, no one noticed that the gleam of light in the darkness in the direction of Mount Everest was getting closer and closer to the base camp.

Until Zhao Maimai smiled happily.

She was the first to see it.

Zhao Fei carried Galza on his back.

There was also Uncle Tenzin limping next to him, and the three of them were walking towards the base camp.

Not one is lacking, not one is lacking.

Most of their equipment was lost, and all three of them were in a very embarrassed state.

But they eventually came back alive.

Zhao Fei also saw Zhao Maimai not far away, with a slightly tired smile on his lips.

Even with his physical condition, it was a bit unbearable to endure such a long period of time.

My throat is dry and my legs are sore.

"I, we're back."

Zhao Fei's voice was very soft because he no longer had the strength to shout.

Zhao Maimai judged Zhao Fei's words through the shape of Zhao Fei's mouth, as if she had a tacit understanding, and nodded excitedly, no longer trying to rush out.

At the same time, everyone gradually discovered something strange about Zhao Maimai.

One by one, they followed her gaze and looked outside.

Zhao Fei, Garza, Uncle Tenzin.

The three people stood not far from them as if in a dream.

All the Sherpas rubbed their eyes, some of them couldn't believe this was true.

Some reporters' microphones fell to the ground, but they were at a loss, their eyes widened, staring straight at Zhao Fei.

At this moment, all the camera lenses were focused on Zhao Fei and the others.

Garza waved her hands shyly.

Uncle Tenzin still looked serious, but the joy and happiness in his tiger eyes could not be concealed at all.

Zhao Fei also smiled and was about to untie the rope tied to Galza.

But just then, the rope broke on its own.

It seems that it has completed its mission and now it can finally rest.

And this scene also made everyone present twitch their mouths.

It was obvious that Zhao Fei had tied Galzha to his body and ran all the way back, but now even the rope that tied him up was broken.

One can imagine how much sweat Zhao Fei put in.

"no no……"

At the same time, a heartbreaking roar woke everyone up.

Turned his head to look.

I saw Liu Zeche kneeling on the ground in pain, looking up to the sky, and spreading his hands: "Yue Jia is gone, Qin Guan is still there, I can't beat this person, I can't beat him...

too difficult! "

(End of this chapter)

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